Annex 1A Dogger Bank H1110 typical species reported as bycatch in demersal seining 1. Dead man’s finger 2. Helmeted crab 3. Swimming crab 4. Common Hermit Crab 5. Common starfish 6. Common brittle star 7. Serpent star 8. Sea urchins 9. Grey gurnard 10. Atlantic cod 11. Dab 12. Whiting 13. Lemon sole 14. Plaice 15. Thornback ray 16. Prickly cockle 17. Ocean quahog 18. Common whelk (spawning) 19. Red whelk 20. Common dragonet 21. Scaldfish 22. Solenette 23. Sandstar 24. Sea mouse 1 Number Species latin name Species common name Species Picture credit group 1 Alconium digitatum Dead man’s finger anthozoan Wouter Lengkeek / Bureau Waardenburg 2. Corystes cassivelaunus Helmeted crab crustacean Steve Trewhella 3. Liocarcinus holsatus Swimming crab crustacean Gordon Lang 4. Pagarus bernhardus Common hermit crab crustacean Keith Hiscock 5. Asterias rubens Common star fish echinoderm Sue Scott 6. Ophiothrix fragilis Common brittlestar echinoderm Keith Hiscock 7. Ophiura ophiura Serpent star echinoderm Keith Hiscock 8. Psammechinus sp. Sea urchins echinoderm Sue Daly 9. Eutriglia gurnardus Grey gurnard fish Kare telnes 10. Gadus morhua Atlantic cod fish AP Images/European Union – EP 11. Limanda limanda Dab fish Alex Mustard 2020vision naturepl.com 12. Merlangius merlangus Whiting fish Pat Morris 13. Microstomus kitt Lemon sole fish Fiona Crouch 14. Pleuronectes platessa Plaice fish Keith Hiscock 15. Raja clavata Thornback ray fish Mark Thomas 16. Acanthocardia echinata Prickly cockle mollusc Kare Telnes 17. Arctica islandica Ocean quahog mollusc Paul Kay 18. Buccinum undatum Common whelk mollusc Gordon Lang 19. Neptunea antiqua Red whelk mollusc Scottish Natural Heritage 20 . Callionymus lyra Common dragonet fish Biopix JC Schou 21. Arnoglossus laterna Scaldfish fish Jjphoto.dk 22. Buglossidium luteum Solenette fish Aphotomarine 23. Astropecten irregularis Sandstar echinoderm Wilfried Bay-Nouailhat 24. Aphrodita aculeata Seamouse Annelid Udo van Dongen worm Sources reporting bycatch of these Doggerbank H1110 listed typical species: 1. Verkempynck R, van der Reijden K (2015) Overview Flyshoot data. In: UR IW, editor. Wageningen: Kenniskring Flyshoot. pp. 16. 2. Van der Reijden, K.J., Verkempynck, R., Nijman, R.R., Uhlmann, S.S., van Helmond, A.T.M., Coers, A. 2014. Discard self-sampling of Dutch bottom-trawl and seine fisheries in 2013. CVO report 14.007, IJmuiden, CVO. 74 p. 3. Verschueren B (2015) Kenniskring Flyshoot - ILVO@UK153. In: (ILVO) IvLeV, editor. Oostende: ILVO. 4. Noack T, Eggers F, Frandsen RP, Krag LA, Madsen NAH (2016) - Danish seine - An Environmental Friendly Fishing Method? In: Aqua D, editor. Poster session presented at ICES Symposium 2014, Tromsø, Norway. Hirthals, Denmark. 5. Noack, T. 2017. Danish seine – Ecosystem effects of fishing. Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources. Sources 1-4 were analysed in Impact of demersal seine fisheries in the Natura 2000 area Dogger Bank, A review of literature and available data; Report nr 16-224, Bureau Waardenburg, March 2017. Available at https://www.buwa.nl/demersal-seining-doggersbank.html After publication of this report, source 5 was published and thus was added to this overview. 2 Annex 1B Dogger Bank H1110 listed typical species considered sensitive to bottom disturbance 25. Sea chervil 26. Sand mason worm 27. Beanlike tellin 28. Pelican foot 29. Sword razor shell 30. Common necklace shell 31. Faroe sunset shell 32. Rayed trough shell Species latin Species Species group Picture credit name common name 25. Alcyonidium Sea chervil Bryozoa Keith Hiscock diaphanum 26. Lanice conchilega Sand mason Annelid worm Sue Scott worm 27. Angulus fabula Beanlike tellin Mollusc Rien Pronk 28. Aporrhais Pelican foot Mollusc Keith Hiscock pespelecani 3 29. Ensis ensis Sword razor Mollusc Paul Newland shell 30. Euspira pulchella Common Mollusc Wilfried Bay- necklace shell Nouailhat 31. Gari fervensis Faroe sunset Mollusc Kare Telnes shell 32. Mactra stultorum Rayed trough Mollusc Jessica M Winder shell N.b. species that also fall within this category is Sandstar (Astropecten irregularis), but this species is already included in Annex 1A. Sources reporting these Dogger Bank H1110 listed typical species as being considered sensitive to bottom disturbance: 1. Van Moorsel, G.W.N.M. (2011), ‘Species and habitats of the international Dogger Bank’, Ecosub, Doorn, p. 21. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259802329_Species_and_habitats_of_the_international_Dogger_ Bank 2. Rijnsdorp AD, Bos OG, Slijkerman D (2015) Impact Assessment of the Flyshoot fishery in Natura 2000 and MSFD areas on the Dutch continental shelf. Wageningen: IMARES Wageningen UR. C162/15 C162/15 3. Wijnhoven S, Duineveld G, Lavaleye M, Craeymeersch J, Troost K, et al. (2013) Naar een uitgebalanceerde selectie van indicator soorten ter evaluatie van habitats en gebieden en scenario’s hoe die te monitoren. Den Hoorn & Yerseke: NIOZ. 108 p. 4. Impact of demersal seine fisheries in the Natura 2000 area Dogger Bank, A review of literature and available data; Report nr 16-224, Bureau Waardenburg, March 2017. Available at https://www.buwa.nl/demersal- seining-doggersbank.html 4 Annex 1C Vulnerable, near threatened, threatened, endangered and critically endangered species known to occur or to have occurred on Dogger Bank (not listed as H1110 typical species by the Member States) and observed as (by)catch in demersal seining 33. Starry ray (vulnerable) 34. Spiny Dogfish 35. Common skate (critically endangered) 36. Atlantic halibut (endangered) 37. Horse mussel beds (threatened 38. Haddock (vulnerable) and/or declining) Species latin Species Species group Picture credit name common name 33. Amblyraja radiata Starry ray Fish Andy Murch 34. Squalus acanthias Spiny dogfish Fish Lill Haugen 35. Dipturus batis Common skate Fish Paul Kay 36. Hippoglossus Atlantic halibut Fish Lundgren hippoglossus 37. Modiolus Horse mussel Mollusc Anon modiolus beds 38 Melanogrammus Haddock Fish WWF-Canon aeglefinus Erling Svensen Nb species that also fall within this category are Atlantic cod (vulnerable) and thornback ray (near threatened), but these species have already been included in Annex 1A Sources reporting species’ occurrence on the Dogger Bank and status as vulnerable, near threatened, (critically) endangered fish species and reported as catch in demersal seining: 5 1. Impact of demersal seine fisheries in the Natura 2000 area Dogger Bank, A review of literature and available data; Report nr 16-224, Bureau Waardenburg, March 2017. Available at https://www.buwa.nl/demersal- seining-doggersbank.html 2. Starry Ray IUCN redlist status https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/161542/5447511 3. Spiny Dogfish IUCN redlist status: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/91209505/2898271 4. Common skate IUCN redlist status https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/39397/10198950 5. Atlantic halibut IUCN redlist status https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/10097/3162182 6. Horse mussel beds OSPAR list of threatened and/or declining species and habitats https://www.ospar.org/documents?d=7193 7. Haddock IUCN redlist status: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/13045/3406968 8. Noack T, Eggers F, Frandsen RP, Krag LA, Madsen NAH (2016) - Danish seine - An Environmental Friendly Fishing Method? In: Aqua D, editor. Poster session presented at ICES Symposium 2014, Tromsø, Norway. Hirthals, Denmark. 9. Noack, T. 2017. Danish seine – Ecosystem effects of fishing. Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources. 10. Walker, P. A., Howlett, G., and Millner, R. 1997. Distribution, movement and stock structure of three ray species in the North Sea and eastern English Channel. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54: 797–808. 11. Van Moorsel, G.W.N.M. (2011), ‘Species and habitats of the international Dogger Bank’, Ecosub, Doorn, p. 21. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259802329_Species_and_habitats_of_the_international_Dogger_ Bank 12. Plumeridge,A.A & Roberts,C.M. 2017. Conservation targets in marine protected area management suffer from shifting baseline syndrome: A case study on the Dogger Bank, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol.116, Iss. 1–2, 2017, pp. 395-404, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025326X17300115 13. Sguotti, Camilla & Lynam, Christopher & García-Carreras, Bernardo & Ellis, Jim & Engelhard, Georg. (2016). Distribution of skates and sharks in the North Sea: 112 years of change. Global Change Biology. 22. 10.1111/gcb.13316. 6 Annex 1D Dogger Bank species known to be typically occurring on the Dogger Bank (however not listed as H1110 typical species by the Member States) and reported as catch 39. Sponges 40. Queen Scallop 41 Turbot 42. Lesser spotted dogfish 43. Pogge / Hooknose 44. Mackerel 45. European common squid 46. Sandeel 47. Atlantic wolf fish 48. Monkfish 49. Cuckoo ray 7 Species Latin Species Species group Picture credit name common name 39 Porifera sponges Porifera Keith Hiscock 40. Aequipecten Queen scallop Mollusc Gordon Lang opercularis 41. Scophthalmus Turbot Fish Wijnand Vlierhuis maximus 42. Scyliorhinus Lesser-spotted Fish Peter Verhoog canicula dogfish 43. Agonus Pogge / Fish Johan Bolckmans cataphractus Hooknose 44. Scomber Mackerel Fish Erling Svensen scombrus 45. Allotheutis European Mollusc Floor Driessen subulata common squid 46. Ammodytes sp. Sandeel Fish Mark Thomas 47. Anarhichas lupus Atlantic wolffish Fish Fiona Crouch 48. Lophius piscatorus Monkfish Fish WWF Canon / Erling Svensen 49. Leucoraja naevus Cuckoo ray Fish Jim Greenfield Sources reporting these
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