March 6, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 5 6657 since the January 2007 flood toward devel- earmarks, I am submitting the following infor- Requesting Member: Congresswoman JEAN oping flood damage reduction plans; the feasi- mation regarding earmarks I received as part SCHMIDT bility study is on schedule for completion in of H.R. 1105, ‘‘Omnibus Appropriations Act, Bill Number: H.R. 1105 2010. 2009.’’ Project Name: Rankin House State Memo- I certify that neither I nor my spouse has Requesting Member: Congresswoman JEAN rial any financial interest in this project. SCHMIDT Account: National Park Service, Save Amer- f Bill Number: H.R. 1105 ica’s Treasures Project Name: Ohio Riverfront, Cincinnati, Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘Ohio HONORING THE GOOD DEEDS OF Ohio Historical Society’’ BEVERLY YOUNG Account: Army Corps of Engineers, Con- Address of Requesting Entity: 1982 Velma struction General Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211 HON. JOHN P. MURTHA Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘The City Description of Request: Provide an earmark OF PENNSYLVANIA of Cincinnati’’ of $150,000 to preserve and restore the Address of Requesting Entity: 950 Eden IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rankin House. Funds will be used for exterior Park Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio trim and brick repair ($28,000); restoration of Friday, March 6, 2009 Description of Request: Provide an earmark dining room and bedroom woodwork Mr. MURTHA. Madam Speaker, I rise today of $2,871,000 to begin construction of Phase ($43,000); conserve parlor mural ($50,000); in- to recognize the valor of someone who is no I of the project, including a flood-tolerant, sta- terior painting ($30,000); new HVAC system stranger to good deeds and heroic actions. bilized river bank that will become a riverfront ($25,000); upgrade electrical system For those of us who have the pleasure of park linking central riverfront attractions to ($12,000); plumbing repair ($3,000); security knowing her, Beverly Young is an activist at Downtown Cincinnati. This request is con- system upgrades ($9,000); relocate utilities to heart, and a go-getter by reputation. sistent with the intended and authorized pur- house underground ($30,000); reproduction Beverly, wife of our good friend and col- pose of the Army Corps of Engineers, Con- floor coverings, wallpapers, drapes, bed cov- league BILL YOUNG, has never backed down struction account [PL 110–114, Section 5116 erings ($75,000); and conservation of furniture from an obstacle or challenge standing in her (WRDA 2007)]. The City of Cincinnati will and painting ($60,000). This request is con- way. She is universally recognized for getting match this funding 50–50 and has thus far sistent with the authorized purpose of the things done. provided $11.97 million toward this project. Save America’s Treasures account. On a US Airways flight from Tampa, FL to The State of Ohio has also appropriated $1.75 Requesting Member: Congresswoman JEAN Washington, DC this week, an elderly woman million for the project. SCHMIDT collapsed in the airplane lavatory and lost con- Requesting Member: Congresswoman JEAN Bill Number: H.R. 1105 sciousness. When no one with medical train- SCHMIDT Project Name: Metropolitan Sewer District of ing stepped forward to help, Beverly, a former Bill Number: H.R. 1105 Greater Cincinnati, Eastern/Delta Sewer Sepa- Project Name: Metropolitan Region of Cin- firefighter and medic, rushed to her side. ration Project cinnati, Duck Creek, Ohio Using her skills in CPR, Beverly revived the Account: STAG Water and Wastewater In- Account: Army Corps of Engineers, Con- woman and remained with her to make sure frastructure Project struction General Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘Metro- she kept awake and alert. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘The City politan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati’’ Others on the flight that day probably of Cincinnati’’ and ‘‘Village of Fairfax’’ thought that this was just the one-time act of Address of Requesting Entity: 950 Eden Address of Requesting Entity: 1600 Gest a Good Samaritan. But for those of us who Park Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio and 5903 Haw- Street, Cincinnati, OH 45204 know her, her quick action to help someone in thorne Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio Description of Request: Provide an earmark need was far from ordinary. Description of Request: Provide an earmark of $500,000 to separate sanitary sewage from Madam Speaker, since the beginning of the of $3,828,000 to continue construction of 100- storm water flows in order to reduce the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Beverly Young year level of flood protection to existing com- amount of combined sewer overflow (CSO) has been a fixture in the halls of our nation’s mercial, industrial, and residential areas along volume discharged to the Ohio River. $1 mil- military medical centers. She’s not there to re- Duck Creek. This request is consistent with lion authorization in the Water Resources De- ceive fanfare or to seek recognition; she’s the authority provided by WRDA 2000 (PL velopment Act (WRDA) of 2007. This is part of there to support the thousands of our nation’s 106–541) and the intended and authorized MSD’s Wet Weather Improvement Plan best and brightest who have been injured purpose of the Army Corps of Engineers, Con- (WWIP) to comply with the federally-mandated serving our great country. struction account. consent decree for combined sewer overflows Beverly is not an occasional visitor; she is Requesting Member: Congresswoman JEAN (CSO) and sanitary sewer overflows (SSO). there constantly for these young men and SCHMIDT The agreement between MSD and various women and their families, becoming as famil- Bill Number: H.R. 1105 regulatory authorities, including the United iar to them as anyone else they encounter Project Name: Ohio Environmental Infra- States Environmental Protection Agency, was during their recovery. She listens to each and structure, OH: Village of St. Martin, Ohio codified into two Consent Decrees entered in every one of them, and she makes sure that Account: Army Corps of Engineers, Con- the United States District Court for the South- they get what they need, whether it’s food or struction, Section 594, Ohio Environmental In- ern District of Ohio on June 9, 2004. The total supplies or fighting the Washington bureauc- frastructure cost of the WWIP is estimated to be nearly racy on their behalf. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘Village $2.0B (in 2006 dollars) and has been funded Madam Speaker, our country is a better of St. Martin’’ thus far by the MSD rate payers. Implementa- place because of people like Beverly Young. Address of Requesting Entity: P.O. Box 213, tion of this project would reduce the volume of Her selfless service has earned her the re- Fayetteville, Ohio 45118 untreated combined sewage entering the Ohio spect and gratitude of all those she has Description of Request: Provide an earmark River by 13 million gallons per year. This re- helped, and all those who have witnessed her of $200,000 to replace the wastewater treat- quest is consistent with the authorized pur- good deeds in action. ment plant serving the Brown County Ursuline pose of the STAG Water and Wastewater In- f School for Girls, Chatfield College and 27 frastructure account. neighboring residences. The treatment plant is Requesting Member: Congresswoman JEAN EARMARK DECLARATION mandated by the EPA to be replaced by June SCHMIDT 1, 2010. This request is consistent with the Bill Number: H.R. 1105 HON. JEAN SCHMIDT authorized purpose of the Ohio Environmental Project Name: Shawnee State University for OF OHIO Infrastructure account (Section 594). The Vil- an Immersive Technology and Arts Center IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lage is prepared to provide 50 percent of the Account: Small Business Administration total project cost. Funds will be used for engi- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘Shaw- Friday, March 6, 2009 neering ($48,000); preliminary engineering nee State University’’ Mrs. SCHMIDT. Madam Speaker, pursuant ($5,000); design ($22,500); and construction Address of Requesting Entity: 940 Second to the Republican Leadership standards on ($326,000). Street, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:33 Jun 29, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E06MR9.000 E06MR9 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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