Index Abhyanker, Jayant 144 Arasaratnam, S. 40, 53 Abra River 163, 168 Argentina 199 Acapulco 36 Ari Sigit 344 Aceh 39 Aristotle 198 Aden 31 Aru (Islands) 53, 106, 111-3, 115, 116, Afghanistan 31 118 Africa 142 Association of Southeast Asian Nations Agno River 166 (ASEAN) 146 Air Batu 254 Ashmore Reef 115 Air Gajah 253 Asia Minor 31 Air Malet 254 Asian Development Bank 270 Air Manis 254 Aung-Thwin, Michael 229 Alang Batu 254 Australia 29, 72-4, 87, 89, 96-7, 105, 116, Alaska 145 125, 145, 237 Albay 133, 155, 160, 174-5 Australian Economic Zone 115, 118 Alexandria 31 Australian National University 51 Algeria 199 Ava 40 Alimodian 168 Ayutthaya 40, 46 Alor 113 Alps 204 Babuyan Islands 163 Ambon 77, 85, 98, 267 Badan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) 338 Ammwertawnu 88, 92 Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) 336 Amoy (Xiamen) 38, 158 Badan Pengendalian Dampak Andaman Gulf 30 Linkungan (Bapedal) 328, 332 Andaya, Barbara 39, 128 Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Andaya, Leonard Y. 46, 55, 128 Nasional (Bappenas) 336 Andes 204 Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) 271 Andhra Pradesh 193 Badung 301 Andik Hardiyanto 330 Bakrie Brothers 342-3 Angkor 16, 46, 227 Balai Teknik Kesehatan Linkungan Ankarpi 254 (BTKL) 322, 331, 333, 335-6, 340 Antipolo 173 Balanoc River 168 Anuradhapura 189 Balaoan 168 Arabia 38 Bali 3, 18, 202, 214, 220-2, 230, 236-40, Arabian Sea 31, 38, 53, 55 242-5, 250, 253-5, 301 Arafura Sea 115 Bambang Trihatmodjo 342, 344 Arakan 40 Banda 31 Peter Boomgaard - 9789004254015 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 08:34:25AM via free access 358 Index Banda Sea 55, 77 Bolivia 199 Bangka 43 Bombon, Lake 172 Bangkok 44 Bondowoso 346 Bangladesh 144, 153, 265 Bonerate 113 Bangsal, River 248 Borneo 6, 17, 30, 36, 47, 128, 133, 141, Bangued 168 236-7, 283 see also Kalimantan Bank of America 342 Borobudur 239-40 Banka 134 Bosscher, C. 112 Bankcroft, captain 173 Bowring, Arthur 140 Bankoff, Greg 6 Braadbaart, Okke 14 Banten 11, 36, 39-40 Brahmaputra valley 235 Banuampu 260-1 Brantas 215, 238, 240-1, 243-4, 247-8, Bañuwka 253 321, 329, 330 Barisan 219 Braudel, Fernand 28, 44, 51 Barnate 168 Brigidi 253 Barnes, Robert H. 135 Britain see Great Britain Barraud, Cécile 71, 79, 85 British Columbia 119 Barthes, Roland 85 British Traders Insurance Company 176 Baru 253 Bromo Consortium 342-3 Basofi Sudirman 332-3, 341, 343-4 Brooke, James 130 Batak highlands 219 Brown, Ian 54 Batam 138, 145-6 Brunei 36, 43, 132, 283 Batanes 159, 163 Bruns, Bryan R. 196 Batangas 168, 171 Buaran 298 Batavia see Jakarta Bukit Tinggi 260-1 Battaglia, Debbora 83 Bulusan 178 Batugoyang 113, 116-8 Bumbungan River 168 Batur, Lake 254 Bunut 253 Baturan 253 Burit Tabar 253 Bay of Bengal 30, 38, 41, 53, 55 Burma 28, 30-1, 40, 43, 46, 52, 211, 217, Bay of Illana 142 224, 228 Beatle Corporation 343 Burwan 253-4 Belawan 143 Busang 344 Beltubur 116 Butcher, John 104 Benda, Harry 46 Buton 53, 134-5 Benda-Beckmann, Franz von 10, 195-6 Buyung Hyang 254 Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von 195-6 Bender, Barbara 75 Cagayan 163 Bengal 30, 133 Caibiran 168 Benowo 339 Calagi 253 Bevoise, Ken de 178 California 194, 201-2 Bicol 155, 171, 179 Camalig 174 Billiton 134 Camarines 160, 167-8 Bimantara 342-3 Cambay 38 Bimantara Siti Wisesa (BSW) 342 Cambodia 17, 28, 30, 211, 227 Bintara Pembina Desa (Babinsa) 340 Cambridge 193 Bird’s Head 131 Camiguin 178 Black Sea 29 Canada 105, 145 Bodindo Abadi 346 Canberra 51 Peter Boomgaard - 9789004254015 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 08:34:25AM via free access Index 359 Candung Kota Lawas 263 Damer 77-8 Cane 248 Daniel, E.V. 89 Canlaon 155, 178 Dapet 254 Cantanduanes 133 Daraga 174 Canton 37-8, 176 Darma Wanita 339 Caoayan 168 Darwin 77, 115-6 Caribbean 7 Das Gupta, Ashin 41 Carter, Paul 74-5 Daśapangkah 248 Cavite 175, 179 Davao 154 Cebu 135, 159, 165, 169, 175-6 Dawa 253 Celebes see Sulawesi Delsman, H.C. 109 Celebes Sea 55, 133, 141, 155, 172 Den Rumah 254 Central Asia 29, 189 Denpasar 301 Central Java 46, 220-1, 230 Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) 326 Centre for Research on the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Epidemiology of Disasters 153 (DPRD) 323, 325, 329, 338, 347 Certeau, Michel de 73 Dick, Howard 43 Champa 46 Dili 85 Chao Phraya 30, 47, 214 Djati, Arief 13 Chiengmai 44, 225-6 Dobo 111-4 Chile 199 Doeppers, Daniel F. 135 Chin River 227 Donna 79 China 1, 9, 19, 29-31, 37-8, 41-4, 48-50, Donna Hayuri 81 53, 55, 107, 109, 111, 125-6, 128-32, 134, Dumangas 168 136, 138, 144-8, 153, 158, 193, 199, 224, Durkheim, Émile 90, 96 236 Dutch East India Company 27, 39, China Sea 143, 162, 222 41 see also Verenigde Oost-Indische Chittagong 144, 146 Compagnie (VOC) Christie, Jan Wisseman 16, 47-8, 53, Dutch East Indies 43 220-1, 223 Ciputra Group 343-4 East African coast 29 Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada 343 East India Company 42, 53, 55, 134 Colombia 199 East Jakarta 301 Colorado 202 East Java 46, 214, 220-1, 230, 321-5, Conklin, Harold 219 327-35, 337, 340, 342, 344-7 Corbin, Alain 85 East Malaysia 283, 288 Cordell, John 82 East Timor 78 Cordillera 175, 219, 222 Echols, John M. 89 Cornell University 51 École des Hautes Études en Sciences Coromandel coast 30, 52 Sociales (EHESS) 51 Cotabato 131-2, 154, 172 Ecuador 199 Coustin and Mowlem 342 Egypt 37, 189 Croker Island 72 Eka Tjipta Widjaja 326, 343, 346 CV Sinar Mas 326 England 3, 134 Enrile, Pascual 173 Dadap 253 Enu 114-6 Dahyang 253 Er Bidik 253 Daland, William 172 Er Kupa 253 Damei 172 Er Rara 253 Peter Boomgaard - 9789004254015 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 08:34:25AM via free access 360 Index Er Tĕngah 253 Gulf of Carpentaria 73 Escobar, Arturo 180 Gulf of Oman 31 Ethiopia 38 Gulf of Persia 31 Europe 17, 27, 31, 37, 74, 108, 134 Gulf of Siam see Gulf of Thailand Gulf of Thailand 30, 55, 126, 137, Fa-hien 158 141-2, 144, 146 Falvo, Daniel J. 222 Gulf of Tonkin 55 Faud Amsari 338 Gunung Lumtuni 77 Faura, Federico 157 Gunung Singgalang 260, 262 Federated Malay States 284, 287 Fidelity and Surety Company of the Habibie, B.J. 138, 146, 269 Philippines 176 Hadhramaut 52 Florida 105 Hague, The 271 Flores 113, 132, 135 Haiphong 44 Food and Agriculture Organization Hall, Kenneth 31, 37 (FAO) 103 Hang River 287 Foong Kin 13 Hanoi 44 Fort de Kock 260 Hantoro Soemarjo 333 Fox, James J. 72, 112, 116 Hanunang 253 France 193, 203, 338 Harwin Wasisto 327 Fresno 202 Heersink, Christiaan 135 Friedman, Thomas 138 Hemudu 235 Fu-Nan 37, 46 Hernani 170 Fujian 41, 51 Himalayas 204, 214, 230 Hoesodo 341 Gadjah Mada University 325 Hoëvell, W.R. van 111 Galagah 253 Honduras 147 Galapagos Islands 3 Hong Kong 106, 136, 139, 145, 176 Galumpang 253 Hong Kong Shipowners’ Association Garuda Dipta Semesta 301, 303, 310 140 Geertz, Clifford 85, 89, 222 Hoskins, Janet 87 George, Kenneth 86, 90 Hujung Galuh 249 Germany 338 Hunt, Robert C. 18, 193, 196, 211 Gianyar 254 Hutomo Mandala Putera 343 Goa 52 Hu’ulagain 88 Goa Gajah 253 Hviding, Edward 89 Goa-Tallo 27, 52 Gobi desert 31 Ibn Battuta 38, 158 Goddess of the South Sea 4-5, 12 see also Ifugao 219 Ratu Lara Kidul Ihlura Watunhora 91-2 Golkar 270, 326 Ikatan Persaudaraan Haji Indonesia Great Britain 129, 134, 136, 203, 205 Propinsi Jawa Timur 326 Greenblatt, Stephen 97 Illana Bay 130-1 Gresik 39, 328 Ilocos 18, 159, 171, 220, 222-3 Griswold, captain 173 Ilocos Norte 163, 167-8, 223, 230-1 Guangdong 41 Ilocos Sur 163, 168 Guinobatan 174 Iloilo 168 Gujerat 40 Imam Utomo 347 Gulf of Cambay 38 Imperial Valley Irrigation District 202 Peter Boomgaard - 9789004254015 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 08:34:25AM via free access Index 361 India 1, 19, 29-30, 36-9, 41, 44, 50, 55, Java 16-7, 31, 37, 109-10, 137, 230, 125, 147, 153, 158, 193, 199, 203, 217, 236-47, 250, 255, 266-7, 283 235 Java Sea 36, 55, 135, 220 Indian Ocean 29-31, 37-9, 49, 53, 55, Jeruk 253 142-3 Johor 39-40 Indo-China 43, 141, 154, 170 Johore Baru 145 Indonesia 40, 71-4, 77, 89-90, 97-8, 106, Jolo 128 108, 110, 112-3, 131, 134, 136-9, 142-3, Juhet 253 145, 148, 199, 259, 261-3, 265, 268, 300, Jumpari 253 316, 326, 332, 342 Indonesian Archipelago 5, 19, 31, 220 Kacicang 253 Indonesian Centre for Environmetal Kadandan 253 Law (ICEL) 327 Kahulunan 248 International Chamber of Commerce Kaida, Yoshihiro 215 142 Kala 254 International Law Association 268 Kaleburan 253 International Maritime Bureau (IMB) Kali Mas 321 136-9, 143-4 Kali Rejoso 347 International Maritime Organisation Kalimantan 17, 36 (IMO) 140 Kamalagyan 248-9 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 316 Kampinis 254 International Union for Conservation Kapuri 79 of Nature and Natural Resources Karang 114 (IUCN) 103 Karang Pilang 336, 344 International Water Management Karimun 116 Institute (IWMI) 199, 270 Kawi, Mount 247 Iran 31, 147, 189, 199 Kdisan 254 Iraq 31, 37, 199, 203 Kedah 39-40, 43, 134, 283-4 Irian Jaya 110, 330 Kediri 329 Irrawaddy 30, 47, 214, 227-9, 235 Kedungombo 265 Irrawaddy Flotilla Company 43 Kei (Islands) 71, 78, 85, 116 Irrigation Communities 18 Kekarpola Airindo 301, 303-4, 310 Isabela 163, 171 Kelanten 43, 284 Isabela de Basilan 171 Kelly, William 192, 211, 226 Ishii, Yoneo 224-5 King’s River 202 Islam 28 Kisar 78-9 Island of Damer 73 Klang 287 Isthmus of Kra 30 Kling 253 Kodi 87 Jacobs, Els M.
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