.!1· . H \.:-3.:r~ l • '"'"'~ in THE JE,,~f~~,~~~t' NEWSPAPER OF HODE E n tered flS Sc-oond-Cla..,og Matt.er, N ov. 7, 1929, a.t the Post Of. fiec at Providcnee, R. l ., U nder the Act of Jr1 &.rch S, 1879 PROVIDENCE, R I., FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1933 5 Cents the Copy WORLD OPINION FORCES NAZIS BETH ISRAEL WOMEN SEAT TO LET UP ON ANTI-SEMITISM '33 OFFICERS Visit of American Special Ambassador May Have Al\TNOUNCE-111ENT Mrs. Leo Weiner Inducted I ln keeping ,-;•ith its 1>olicy of Had Effect ext.ending and bettering its as President for service t o its thousands of read­ Silent Boycott Prevails ers t hroughout t he State of Third Term Rhode Island and southeastern :Although pr essure from the our­ Massachusetts. the Je"·ish B er­ YEAR"S RECORD REVTEW"EO side wor ld is causing t.he Hitler gov­ a.ld today makes its appcaranc-e em.ment to new with 80me concern on "·hit.e book paper. instead of tlte devast atin g effects of its per­ on newsprint stock. Mrs. Leo Wc:i ner was installed as aecution. matters hJ"~e progressed roo president of t he Sisterhood of Tem­ far and Kazi followers are aroused Q H C p ple Bet.h lsrael for the t hird eonse<"­ to too high a pitch of fa naticism. for I • • • aSSOVer utive tl'r m .at the a nnual induction any real w"ilhdrawal. There seems to cerf'monies VVednesdav even.in g. Al­ Ll""-E "BOYS" ORSER.YANCE be more inclina tion to obtain re­ bert Lisker. president" of t he 1t1en's snits mor e gradually and to pad D ance Tuesday Club w.as I.he installin g official. Ac.cl aimed as o-ne of th.e ""Tnnst PNJ­ l n his ad.dress. Mr. Lisker , om­ gressive s teps in -rect-nt JewiS'h his­ with bo~ing gloves tlie brass-knuckle t.ory, t he Ba-,. :Mi tzv.a.h ce.-relnO"JlY for da~~ods rhat have beE>n used ro The Passover holiday ~;11 come mended the !':isterhood on t he fi ne work aec.om.plishNI for t he benefit of ![irJs will be introduced i11 Rhode l land by Rabbi lsrael M. GoldlllJIJl .at For ex,tmple, there is the ordin- to a close for the younger folks at the Tf'mple and t he community at Temple Emanu-El, April 22. ance which exempts from the un:iver- ihP 12th annuA..l dance of the Or der lar,:re. .a.nd enc-onragcd th em for greater f' ffort~. Reports of th e vari­ The cel"emC\ny, a sta..rt;Jing innova-­ ss.l unemployment order those Jew- of Hebraic Comradeship "hich takes tion for conservative .co'Ilgl'"egation:s, ish 1s"W"yers who fought a.t the front place n~"1: Tuesday eYening at the ous cha.irmrn of s tandin Jr committees. sho"·c-d gra.tifying r esults during t he­ corresponds to the boys' ba:r mitz- or ha,e near relati,es who fought A rcadiA ballroom. vah, ofTeTlng to the youn -gil-1 sitn­ past ye-a r .. Mrs. \\1 eine.r read a r e­ th~ as well 11..s the postponement . ilAr incentive to pursue_ .a life o1. u~t:il Sept. mber of the J>.doption of Present md,cations show that s ume of last vrar's work which was 1 mos, enrhusiaStic--R Tly received by the­ Jewish idealism n..~ i~ pl"e..1::.ented t.o p,µ-manent .regulations :ior practice Jru·ge delegations will attend from the Je"ish youni,: ma:n a.t the age of in. the cou'(ts rui~ in st,tate hospitals. j \Yoonsocket, Pnll Rh·er, ~e'W'J)ort. Tnf'Mbers. J 2. Several gjrls will rake J)a:rt in There ~ also indication that .the Worcester -,rnd nei ghboring Rhode Donations to the BMk of Life the fil'$t has mit.zv:ah ceremo'l1y .a were made by the follow:in ir: the ~ycott_ al JeVt"l.5-h merchants, con- j 1~lan 1 cities. The event wh.ic"h is week from tomon-ow mo-rnin.g --at "the tinued m a.t.tenuated measure after ~ ' . Farnilv 1>f the late Harris Kenner, Morris Avenue Temple. its actu.sl revoca.tion, is losing for ce Iheld yearly on the last mght of in meinon- of Harris ,Kenner; Mrs. To become eligible, a canrudate and that less stress has been placed Passover brings together thouSJ1nds Abraham Bachman in m emorv of her must be J 2 years .of age, :-:.how .ade­ on !fle immedia~e ~placeme~t of of young folks from these cities. l ate husban d; Mrs. Samuel 'Fl. Ern­ quate knowledge of Jewish rel.igfon I ~t.of, in memory of her late husban d. ,md the Jewish home, be prepa:red to J e'Wl~ employes m pr1v.a.te huSJn ess. Tickets may be procured from any Mrs. Abraliam White, th e Slmcha ­ W1thout a doub~ the mess caused member of the committee or at t h e rea,l .,,_ selection of the Uiw cand n,­ chairman, read the n ames of th e do­ cite the required "berochos." by upsetting of German bu!>iness is ballroom on the evening of the nors inscribed in th e Book last year. becommg apparent _m Germany, and dance. Al Raisner and Samuel Ka­ R..\BBI JSR.A.EL M. GOLl>MAN Explains New Rite The names of all donors to t h e Sim­ ·~e .are to introduce in our oon- further. world opm1on has shm.\"Tl n o Ig,rn hea.d the committee assisted by cha an d Mortgage funds will be in­ 1,VhQ is inaugurating Bas Mitzvah grega.tion .a -new reli,gions cereno1157 sign of. yielding either to Nazi Edmund Wexler;, Al Rosenberg, scribed in th e Book of Lif e, for a for girls here known a.s the Bas M.it:zv,,Ji ceremony blno.georung or ~ az, p ropaganda. amuel Markowit z Charles Kr etman perman ent recor d. The object is t,0 H owever, even the Nazi leaders and George Labush, the Ja.tter b eing for girls," Rabbi Goldman explamed. r aise mon ey for the Tern-ple m ort­ " Th first Bas M; tzv'1.h celebration themsehTes would find it practically the n ewly elected educational direc­ ~age which h as b een taken over by impossible to stem the tide n ow , for tor. will be h eld in <>ur Temple on Sat­ oonsta.nt pressure is being put upon the SisterhONI. Rev. A. Solotist, urday monli.11§, ~ ril 22. .This :Bas them f rom below to fulfi II to the Besides Mrs. W einer, the follow­ Mltzv'1h ceremony has been l:ntn>­ Jetter the promises upon which they Hadassah Meets at ing officers were installed: Cantor and Mohel duced in many of the )eadltlg IIJld obtained office. Miss H enrietta Goldstein, h onor­ progre..<ssing Conservative eo-ngrega­ tions in the country and was o~ Visit of '"'Special ..\ mbassador" Temple Emanu-el; ary J)resident; Mrs. Benjamin N. Makes Home Here Kane, h on orary presidents; Mrs. inally started by Prof-essor Morde- Although Norman H . Davis, spe­ Donors' Report Given Samu el N . Deutch, h onora ry vice cial ambassador of the United president; Mrs. Lyon A. Marcus, Rev. A. Solotist, well-known can- cru.,:; iif;:'·tha.t. .J.udaism in oroor States to Berlin, bore no special t.or f rom Brooklyn, N. Y., has com e to live must be creative. It ·must ~ The Providence Cb apter of Fl a­ Mrs. Jonas Goldenberg, vice presi­ message to the German rulers from dents; Mrs. Jacob Licht, treasurer; to Providence and will malce bis ate new ceremonies in keepit1g wtth high American sources on the sub­ dassah h eld " regular m eeting in the hom e at 238 Oakland Avenue. Rev. ancient tradition which a.nswer ~ ,·estry of Temple Emanu-El, Thurs­ Mrs. Abraliam Edelston recor ding ject of the r ecent Nazi performan­ secretary, Mrs. Theodore 'Max, finan­ Solotist wh o specializes in circnm- needs of our modem day. ~ ces, there is every reason for be­ day afternoon with Mrs. J. D. Gross­ cisio11 eases also perlorms ·marriages th e modern Jewish wom an bolds man presiding. cial secretary and Mrs. Ch11rles J. lieving tha.t the visit to Berlin of Sentler, correspon ding secretary. and engagement ceremonies, be they suc:h an imJ)-Ortant a.nd vit.a.l 1>la<>e .iri the American Ambassador-at-large A cultural p eriod preceded the that A social hour followed the bu si­ in the Synagogue or at h ome. Whlle m odem Jewish life, we feel a was not wasted, apart from the col­ bu siness meeting with Mrs. A. A . in N ew York, h e received a certifi- cere1nony i to stimulate and to m­ lection of information re~ing Fain, chairman of Current Events ness session. eation a.s Hospital Moh el, from the tensity Jewi~ religious e,.1n·essfon Gennany's attitude .toward msa.rm­ in charge of the r eading and discus­ M.ilali Board of the Kehillah of New runong the girls. ament and economic conferences, sion of domestic and foreign affairs. York City. "Besides having the abil- Lists Requirements which was the announced object of Mrs. Geor ge Gerber , vice-president Jewish War Vets ity to officiate at all ld11ds of sen"- ''The following BT'; the r,,quin,- his visit.
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