State ofCalifomia- The Resources Agency ~l'i!naryl#: D$PARTMENT OF PAJU{S AND RECREATION HRII#; ~ IO·~V~'I'f PRIMARY RECORD Triaomial: ·NR.BP· Stal:ll• Cl!d~ 5Sl Other .tJstjJlg,: 0 Vpdate o., supplemj!ltt Review C~Jdt: Revkwer: Date: . Sept. 15, 1999 Page 1 of 4 'ROs..._N.t.,.oi'Niuahor(Aulgnolllil'll<cOnkt'): George H. PruddenHouse P). Otbet- Iolondfior. Parker. H. J.ackson House ~ L- fl!lNotto;,~0UIIf!OIIr!elod •o. ~ *1>.. USGS 1.5' Qoadt Dale< ;T .;R ll of lhi'S.... !liM. <. Add.... : 5159 1\!arfbor'OUIJh Or. City: san Diego Zip: 92116 d. :IJTM:(<;Iftmore .•<lup.....,w.llaeu~).r-' ;POINT A: mEl IDN POJNT B: 1IIEI mNPOINT C: mEl IIIN. POINf 0, mEl IDN cr l.ti'M Coot<titmtes delmllinod ,.;lit Gloi>ofPooitioning $yso,m <. Other L-U..ta (o.g.,,..,....ll, .n...:u-te .._oimotlolf,-. •~>oa·•pp.... rille): APN; 440o180'1500: .Lot 1, f!ll< 8, Kensington Heights.Unil1, MaP·1875 The George H. Prudden Ho..,_- Ma<lborough Or; on the West, With a 30' laWn 1rorltag$·~ <:Oncrete si<lewalk and 7' grass parkway. In aac:litiQn toe. house.sits 4' above the a1reet grade, The light red tinted <;ui'Vlng $1~1k & steps from. the street to the front.door """original. The brick pattern on th$ --stDop iS .a Requa 'tl'edemlilrk'. The patto and .South fScade face Middlesex Or. A hadge & ced• bOard fence separates It frOm the property onth$1110!jh, A small patio & fountain sits on the NIW corner cf the house. Jtand the North CC>UI1)'aA:l hElve r.a;saton brief< pmring. 'the gerega $11&. on the NIE comer of the lot, ilancl the driveway run the sntil'8 ler>glh of theEaat prope<~y Une, The.~ & 98f!098 are sin{lle-atory; stucco over frame construction. The. bulk of the windows ..... muUlon C8$er!1etJt, with acme pfi¥eglass & a mullion rac:liW> window overlooking 1he pallO. Ninety-five percent of the p~tet~ed rOof area Is oo~ 'Wflh. ,extra 1- henc:l-mada Mlssionlll<oa, laid In a·randam pattern &bonded. with cement The uneven ~I tllee ..... lrltenliQnet!ypert cf the dealgn ooplaa by the An:hllect frOm a rOot on the Alhem~ in Spain. The ~~et roomhes a flat rOof withe plain stucco ~l A false chlmtley on tt>e North pitcl'> ........,.. as th$ vent fOrthe.jiftk>· . The til'8pface chimneY Is; round at the top With desp erchea supporting a terra COtta tlle.cover.. The wall< flar8$ gri!QE>fully .0<4 lind \'~~~den$ at the ground level. The lnltorior fireplace wall folk>ws the oama ou!Werd. conloUI'$. The only a118t1111on· to the axtenor ....,.the replacing of a set of~ windows with Frenc:hdoots in the NIE !ledrqOrn $1d 1t1e alldittoo¢'a wooden gsn:ten windoW in the kitchen. In 197& it was \<O$tue¢0<1d; 111& plumbing &. elec:frk:aJ I>IOught. up to eo<;~e; a new lawn sprioklar system; end """"'"1¥ system lll$lalle<l, lo 1983-&4 the kilcl1enlservlce porch ...,... was opened to the Loggia, It Iff .In excellent condition throughoUt. It retains aU 1he char&«er ahct .cl'latm; thliOt the An:hltacte<)Yisioned for it 7,. YGEI<S .ego. ·~lt. Raoo...,o Anri-(LI&tA-am!Cod:.. )t HP2-HP·2.-!llltgl" Family Prl)perty 'N. Res......,..l'menr. !EI.BUildllia• b.Sitv.<:nm! 0 Obj<d 0 Site 0 .Dt.tric< Cl Er...-tofl>ktri4 Cl Otho.r ~·""! 1',51>. Domiprioa or fl!l.,.,... t:i Dnwlng (Vlew,do&e,........,ll)l Vti.St Elevations Photo# t 11.2 •Pii. ~c~~•"'""$otu«eo «#1 Front [West] Elevation 0 Prollllilltde llll Hblo>rio Clllolht 1926 Faetlllll: Orlgnaf. Plan circa.t930 & Newspaper.Accounts •P1. o....w-~' ParkorH•. Jacluion 5159 Marlborou9h Dr. San DJ~go. (;A92116 "1'&. ~11111'1_.......,_)< Parki!J' H, Jap~~on .5'159 Marfborl)uglt J)t; Front [West] Elevation #2» San Diego, CA921t~ Sept. 1 , 1999 •l't•. ~ £&I ~· Oupdated: January 16, 1927 •l'iO.TJ!POotS~~)~ Lt>C!il R~glst<;r Non!lnaj!oo "''lL i!epor! at-lion (CitO ,....."1 ...pott ....t othoi' ...,....., ..,. eoter • ......,~): J~WJ<.!;on, Par~er fl. G~rge H. Prudden Hcuse; Historic Site Desigation Rep<!fl .San Dt!>llo, !l•pt 15,1999. *-"""""'-it< 0 l'l® t8l r.- Mop £l!l Sketdt Map fl!l C-lkm SbooiJ fl!l!W~~~ng, -·-.! o-.1;;.,. J!o<o>rd· Q ~rF•iunlloeo<d !J ~lt.......t !JDtalrlctR-nl OMUiiall--..1 O&.i<Art'R....a 0A<tll'M~a-.<l !J Pholognopb a-rl)c 0 .Oibor (Lull< · CPR 523A (1/95) Stnte of Cnllfornia - Tho Re50UI'U:I. Ag~~<:r Primary#: DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECRE,'\TION HRI#: BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECTRECORD Page 2 of 4 •NRHP Slatus Code: 5Sl •Resource Nome or Number (/.olgned by Retonler): George H. Prudden House Bl. Hlstcrl¢ Name;. George H. f'ruciden House 112. Common Name:. Parl<er H. Jack$on House B3. Original Use: RO$Identlal• Single Family Reslclen<:l> 114• Prt:sent Use: Re$idenUal· Single Ruiden<:l> •BS. Artbllertural Style: Southern CatHomla ArchHe<ture •:S6. C01111truct1on History (Construction dale, alteratioiiJI, and date o( oherntlons):. •B7. Moved? ~No. tJ y.. Q. Unknown [laO>: Originai Locution: •:as. Related F~tures: 1-story; 2 <:ar garaae on N/E comer oflol. Landsoap.ed on the Wes1.[front}, North Courtylml, and East along the driveway, The driveway baa brick paving. ·Three pergota.s. .,over the m.aln portiOn .of the driveway. Tile South patio is enclosed. B9a. Arcbilloct: RichardS. Requa, AlA B9b. Builder: 'B10. Significance: l'hcme: Architecture & Owner Areo: festlvldlous Suburban· Archflectu111in San Dlega In the 1920's. Porio.<l ofSlgninconce 1926•1929 Property Type Oomestic...Singie Family HQme App!lable Crlterln· AlBIC ~ fml)urt:am;~b~ tmru ofhistoricaltW anJtl.t:eettU'llh·ootext.·us·-'defllred- ~Y· theme •. p~od,lllld gtOgn~pbic !itUpe. ..U:.o-add.reu integrity~) This historically signif1C811t home was design8(! by Rlchar'9 S. Requa, AIAat a time when his firm, Requa & Jackson was setting the standards for Mediterranean style Architecture. The caliber. of his clients indicates h& was tne popular 'architect of choice' during this period. The Monolith Portland Cement Co., twice sponsored his Mediterranean photographic trips and published the resulting books. Atc:hltecti.Jral featuru photographed in $pain ware used on the home that is the subject of this report. Not only was it the Mod&l Home for an upscale fast San Diego S~iVision, it served at. an example of his COJ1Ciipt of ' Southern Cialifomia .Afchitecture' for him .and the real estate Qev&lopm«rt community as a whole. Photos. of it were consistently used in both Architecturel.and Real. Estate articles in newspapers and industry publications. In addition, Its first owner, George H.. Prudden was a pioneer in the field of aviation, both locally and nationally; He was the aeronautical engineer for the Chamber of Commerce., and active In all Civic .affairs. The company he founded, Pruddan~ Diego. Airplane Co. is now Solar Turbines International, fne, The survey and site report he was requested to prepare fOr the City, placed Lil'ldbergh Field were it Ia today. LiSted in 'Who's Who in Aviation', his Hst of 1$t in the field of aviation is impressive, · · BU. A.dciltlonul Re•oum.Attributes (List uttributeo ~nd <~~<leo).: Kensington Heighls •Bl2. References: D.\•fJA«'t;·'"'"' ...... __ _ (:ft:·son_1 Parker H. ·'"'..;:;"".;.;:-:;;.~ ~.: George H. Pl'lldchm House Historic Site Destgnafi<m Repo San Diego, Sept..15, 1999 813. .Remarks: Zoning: ResidEI!ntial--1 Thr-eats; None •B14 •.Evaluator: Parker H. Jacks<>n 'Pate of :Evaluation: SepL 15. 1999 PI'RSZ!B (1 /!15) State of Cal!fomlu • The Resources Agency Primary 1#: DEPAR.TM:ENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRJil LOCATION MAP Trlaomlal: Page 3 of 4 •Resource Name or Number (Assigned by rea~r®r): George H. Prudden House •Map N•m•: Kensington Heights, Unit 1 Scale: *Date orMa.p: 1926 ' I.IIIIIT .N" I fMVIS··It~£1\'' CJI --..-... ~ ... ~~"""' ,.e,... George H. Prudden House Unit 1 Subdivision Map 1926 Davis-Baker .Co. Promotional Brochure OPR 523J (1illS} State of California • The Resources Agency Primary#: DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND REClUtATION HRIII SKETCH MAP T rlnomial: Page 4 of 4 •Resource Nome "r Number (Assigued by recorder): George H. Prudden House 'Map Name: Original1926 Floorplan *Stale: •Dale oC Mop: 1926 Map Based on 1926 Newspaper Article Room Designations Added. by Evaluator DPR 523~ (1/95) • Required information Slate ofCalltomia • TheRa- Agency D!n'Aal"MENTOFPAJU<SA.NDRECR.EATION fiimaryf!.: CONTINUATION SHEET mtl#lrtiltomial: PaF 1.. .of 28 . ·~utce l'Wite ill' NIP• ~Assigned by .recQrder): Geor!Je H. Prudden House •Reeorlled b)': Parl\e.r H, Ja~kson "Dale: Sept. 15, 1999 IJI Coatin~1l tJ{jpdate Richards. R.equa, AlA on the Kensington Heights Site for the Model Home. · The firm of Requa & Jackson were the 'Archltectura!Review Board' for the Subdivision. Circa Feb. 1926 <<<< v Below • Circa (Jet. 1926 l§ . v The Tract Office atthe SIE comer ofMarlborough Dr. &. Hilldale Rd. In the distance is the Model Home. In the foreground is the unique Electrolier Street Lanp. State ofCalil'ornia • The Raoureet Agmcy DEPART?dENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION J>rimarrik CONTINUATION SHEET HRWrrinomlal: Page 2 of 28 •Jtesour« Name <>r Nluilw (AIIigned h:r teetmier): George H. Prudden House •!toocorded by: Parker H. Ja~>kson *Daie: Sept. 15,1999 l810mw.u..&a QUpdate Comparison of Architectural Features 5159 Marlborough Dr .• 1.999 Shed Roof Feature· 1999 'Architectural Details Spain and the Mediterranean' Section I • Plate 102 Ronda, Spain Richard S.
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