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Count Count . 04 o m niet om Trom 0 102 103 104 105 0 102 103 104 105 Comp -PE - A Comp - PE - A Antibody 2D3 Antibody 1803 FIG . 5A FIG . 5B Count 0 - cm Trimmisi 102 103 104 105 Comp - PE - A Control lg FIG . 5C atent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 6 of 20 US 10, 316 ,092 B2 nebene Ctig in B7 - H71g Anti- human CD3 (ug /ml ) FIG . 6 IL - 2 IFN « y IL - 10 2002 um M Cti ig B7 -H7 lg Ctlig B7« H7 Wlg Ctl lg 37- H7 lg FIG . 7 atent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 7 of 20 US 10, 316 ,092 B2 15 , ** * * ** * * CPMX104 : w : 1 . 1. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1. 11111 FIG . 8 G + ???????????????? + iiiii W + IFN(pg/ml) + + + 20000 + iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! +:. control 203 control 203 FIG . 9 atent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 8 of 20 US 10 ,316 ,092 B2 Spleen %ofCD45RO+TCells wwwwww CD3 CD4 CD & Figure 10A PBL %ofCD45RO+TCells ??? CD4 ??? Figure 10B OPBS Anti- B7- H7 Antibody atent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 9 of 20 US 10, 316 ,092 B2 Spleen %ofCD45RO-TCells CD3 CD4 CD8 Figure 11A PBL www %ofCD45RO-TCells minn CD3 CD4 CD Figure 11B O PBS Anti -B7 - H7 Antibody U . S . Patent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 10 of 20 US 10 ,316 ,092 B2 Count Purified Anti -Human B7 -H7 Antibody 2D3 Oooppipomognethyggelige O 102 103 104 105 APC - A : : 2D3 + a -mlg FIG . 12A Count Recombinant Anti- Human B7 -H7 Chimeric Antibody O - run raportohet 1 Freiburg 2D3 (hlgG4 ) 102 103 104 105 PE - A :: 2D3 sup + a -hlg FIG . 12B Count Recombinant Anti- Human B7 -H7 Chimeric Antibody 0 - tama apa rati 18C3 (hlgG4 ) PE0 -102 A :: 18C3103 sup104 + a - hlg105 FIG . 120 atent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 11 of 20 US 10 ,316 ,092 B2 Counts Counts illHwwwww617701411Nhaniwimm shew 0 102 103 104 105 0 102 103 104 105 PE - A :: Control+ H7CR -Biotin + SA PE- A : 2D3+ H7CR -Biotin + SA Panel A Panel B Control Antibody 2D3 . I+* # ten SA -PE * * * H7CR -Biotin + SA -PE Counts *#IES .. Anti -B7 -H7 + H7CR - Biotin + SA - PE # * * 0 104 104 104 105 PE- A :: 18C3 + H7CR -Biotin + SA Panel C Antibody 18C3 FIG . 13 atent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 12 of 20 US 10 ,316 ,092 B2 B7H7 IgV only Absorbance450 0 . 00 2 $ 32 mAb concentration (ng /mL ) Antibody 2D3 FIG . 14A B7H7 IgV only 0 . 121 0 . 10 Absorbance450 0 .08 0 . 06 0 .04 0 2 § 32 mAb concentration (ng /mL ) Antibody 18C3 FIG . 14B CHO. H7CR . %ofMax . w w 0 1000 10000 1 x 105 B7 -H7 ( IgV only )- IgG + anti- lg PE FIG . 14C U . S . Patent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 13 of 20 US 10 ,316 ,092 B2 CHO .HB7 -H7 FL © 203 2D3MFI 18C3MFI ST www ity 0.001 0 .01 1001000 * (Ab ) (nM ) 008 11111FIG . 15 U . S . 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