Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF A LIVE AND GROWING TOWN ESTABLISHED 1914. — VOLUME XII. NO. •. WATERTOWN, CONNECTICUT. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1925. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS Near East Relief High School Operetta' May Be Next Senator Local Youth Situation Not "Well In Hand" and Both the matinee and evening TOWN TOPICS Congressman , Glynn Groomed for Exonerated Hklp Still Badly performances of the High School A daughter was born recently at Bridge is spending a few days In j McLean's Place. Hit-Much Coroner Samuel A. Herman of Needed Operetta, "Merry Milkmaids," given the Waterbury Hospital to Mr. andtown. 8upport Win sled conducted an Inquest re- in Community Theatre on Tuesday Mrs. Henry J. McGough of French Miss Anna Conkright of Bridge- Denying that the Greek' refugee Predictions are being made by pol- ^ardine the death of Francis One- situation la "well in hand," Bralnerd evening was very well attended and street. feio wni; *»a» «.i-..a•.iiy killed when was appreciated by all in attend- i itlcians from this end of the mil ov>-.- by a large Oil P. Salmon, now In tha United States Mrs. Fletcher Judson and Miss Alwuvu uniiucio, umicio iu wa*.u i ••• n ance. The operetta was presented Marlon Scovill are visiting friends to tu« Connecticut on a special mission from the Greek automobiles have opened up a sales I congressional district to the effect; ,rlM.k Government, declares that the "win- under the direction of Miss Irene in Savannah. Ga. room in Torrington. that Cong.-eledl James P. Glynn of » Oil Company in Win-ruin y. It will ter months are aggravating an The girls in the cast <were dress- Twin daughters were born on Miss Jennie McNulty, youngest Winsted will be the next. United'be recalled that i>- >mih was slld- sohooTs. emergency in Greece of which Amer- Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i States senator from Connecticut Va-' in« ?^\ •»'• *"'« *'" ">]* "^ Gray, director of Music In the local ! ville and fuilinf; io nuure the truck icans know practically nothing. Re- French street. ' v McNulty of Main streei is seriously! . " lief efforts among the 1,500,000 ed In yellow skirts, black jackets, ill at her home. reasons are advanced. By-th«jslld dIn.clly unUer ,hf. to*HVy rPar white waists, white stockings and William Russell of Boston, Mass, tlme homeless men, women, and children was 8 recent >.visitor in town. Mrs. Thomas Bates is entertain-'J Senator George P. McLean of! wheels. being killed instantly. crowded into Greece * from Asia black shoes and they presented a ing her sister, Mrs. Vaill; of Goshen.! Slmsbury is ready to abandon the j Frederick Hannnn Jr. of .Main Minor, who are now in desperate very pretty appearance. The jolly Miss Mary Farrell attended the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sectman of post In 1927, after serving since 1911, Tstreet was the dri\.-r of the truck Farmer Boys were dressed in Red Postal Clerks Convention and ban- h t straits, are hampered, he asserts, Hartford were recent visitors in;Cong. Glynn wlll "taw >come „!« **«»*«* J* by American Ignorance of the sit-trousers, blue coats and black boots quet which was held in Merlden on i town. f of ih<- acrii'etit until h»' felt the uation. and with their many various farm- Washington's Birthday. Mrs. Leslie Barlow and children j1"11 an educated legislator as Con- I truck KO OUT th<* child's body and The Near East Relief last week ing tools they added greatly to the Dr. Charles W. Jackson left Tues- have returned to their home in \ necUcut ever had. I sled. made an emergency appropriation pretty scene. The following took day on an extended, trip through the after a short stay with 1 Cong. Glynn will enter upon his ! A number of \vlin«'S!-fK to the ac- of $25,000 tor urgent Immediate part in the operetta. south. • ' , relatives in town. fourth term in the national House, fi(lent Wl'r" '•un.moi-I to appear .child.feeding In the refuge camps Janet, Sara Judson; Anita, Helen Postmaster J. V. Abbott spent | Watertown High School bas- -•_ ••.»•' .. .. »„ i bbeforf e thh " r-oiom-r iiiiil ilil « followinfllwig of Macedonia, where this organiza- Farrell; Dorothy, Enid Doolittle; Al- the week-end visiting Mrs. Alice ketball team will play the-Thomau-, of, Representative., , „ s o.n March 4. ,Hi si ex:imine.i-l hv Coionrr Ht-rman: tion, cooperating with the British ma, Lillian Summer; Clara, Arlene Snow in Washington. elliCtlo n ast Miss L. K. ton High School team In Thomaston i tne ! November proved that Con,tab,H T..., ,|ilIiy. Save-the-Chlldren Fund, has disHull- ; Captain, Del win Carter; Blan- • Mrs. Walter • Hodges of Cutler on Friday evening. A huge num- Peopl" e of" this district hav• e con-' Leslie, '.Ur>' \ Hoi Ikf Huin^l, tributed more than a million pieces che, Florence Waldron; Juanlta, street has accepted a position in ber from town are planning to make ; fldence In him. He had previously j E. C. Whit rev. f -•• ('in-, v. Mrs. Shirley Quick; Myrtle, Doris La- of refugee clothing this'Winter. the office of the' Anrerlcan Brass the trip over to the CloTSk town. j served three terms. The first time; Austin. Jiini' [',' -1 • • ri Flnni" Charles Slmopoulos, Greek Minis- Vlgne; Maude, Lydla Branson; Fay, Company In Waterbury. M. B. Gordon of the Middlebury! Kan and F-l »:!'••! •> l'i. A» the Eleanor Beach; Margery, Lorraine was elected congressman it conrlusMin ni" J'I II. •• .•> .iffk-ial ter to the United States, says that Callender Heminway of Brooklyn, road has purchased a Bulck Sedan.1 , , ,,.,,,, _ , .• -r — - Atkinson; Judge, Irving Dpnston; 0Ver t!ie lat i i. .iv {.'oroin.T 500,000 refugees how need aid. N. Y. spent the week-end visiting During the-past week the State \ « VVilliam Kennedy of /.„„,., w,. There ace 100,000 orphan children Edith, Alice Loque; two. jolly farm- friends In town. road gang has been sent from Nau- < Naugatuck who had served one Herman but •i !• iooil that ers, Earl Benson, Albert Wasausky; among the refugees, be sajd. Not Mrs. Maude Wilson of Scott av- gatuck to assist the Wai ertown j term. After that election, Cong.; yoiini; lliiJi'ii.' •I b- n only proper shelter, but often food commodore, John Anderson; beggar, enue is visiting In New Britain. from nil blsniu tind John Anderson; Doctor Hugh Me- KaiiK in putting the local stale roads! Glynn was reflected twice. He de- Cor- Itself, is needed. m• a condition HO that traveling over i-raatmi \f,«. i.4ii..*nwfi o«m»a. ,tmn nwould Quaker; peddler, Hugh McCusker; nolds motored to Torrington on! oner. Reports in America that the re-jFarmer Jim, Joseph Collins; Ruth ." . i leateu Atty. tuwaru beery, men a • fugee problem in Greece is "solved,"! Sunday. • I them would not be such a difficult ,, . „. - ,, ,_,' , Elizabeth Eustace; Farmer Joe, Clin- Marcel Roy who is employed in j time round him opposing Atty. Mar- DIRECTORS OF OAKVILLE CIVIC art- blamed for causing American \ proposition: During the past r«.' ident of Waterbury. ami his third- ton Ranslow; Monica, Agnes Cos- Torrington spent the week-end vis- j ami the Waterbury.'road IR n decidWPek-( tin8 L. Calne of. Naugatuck. ASSOCIATION MEET support .to drop to but a fraction they have done excellent work on Cong. grove; chorus of milkmaids, Flor- King at the home of his parents on < \ improvement over what it «was ' Glynn (H-ft-aU-d Atty. Caine. to what is was after the Smyrna ence Waldron, Alice Loque, Lydla Pl A »))' "tine 'if tn • '!'• ')1H. Of tllO disaster, although the emergency is j Echo Lake road. • two wfekH ago. In 1922. ufter servinR three terms Olikvill.' C'x.f A- i w.is held Bronson, Doris La Vigne, Lillian Irving Campbell has purchased i -.Ralph Pasho was a recent visitor as pressing now, it Is said, as- it'Sunnier, Ailene Hull, Eleanor Beach, in Connross, Cong. Glynn was de-in tin- As-.vi .!•';. I' .1! was then. Mr. Slmopoulos remark- j the H. J. Barnes property on Main i in T.itphfleld. feated by Atty. Patrick B. O'SulVi- School. T'"t! •. •• ••'•• Shirley Quick, Enid Doolittle, Lor- afreet. Steven Cantor was a. visitor In ed that, even now the Municipal! ajne Atkinson, Ruth Alford, Agnes van of Derby. At the last election, .isth. r.fcn..:.;. .win Theater of Athens Is filled with The Standard Bearers Soniety, a Simsbury on' Sunday making the ' Cong. Glynn reversed this. His suc-fiowiin foil- il t' i- in"- ' Paualultts, Elizabeth Daniels, Sara group of girls in the Methodist trip by automobile. • t homeless refugees. Judson, Charlotte Halloway, Helen cess at ."the recent bat tin at 'the and oiitliiu.'d s.11«- m < . "Twelve hundred refugees are church are busily rehearsing a play Joseph W. l'urdy has resigned- polls gives foundation to the state- new builtlip-' ' • '. -• Farrell, Florence Ericson, Josephine entitled "Sophronias Wedding" un: his position as toolmaker with the; crowded together In this theater," Hotchkiss, Helen Loque, Helen Lew- ments made:.during thu past week of ei^ttion. ..'!•' i. i 'said the Minister. "They -live,' eat der the supervision of Mrs. George WateVbury Manufacturing Company. by political Ieatlers in this section the ni'-otint; wii.- i.ii'1 , is, Elsie Budge, Virginia Beardslee, E. Tarrar. The play will be given Miss Anne. Barmoline of SHW and sleep in the building, ^which in Madeline Bruette, Ethel Wheeler, * j that he. is .the logical man to sue-pores: to d<-vi-'- ii" Wednesday evening, March 11th.
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