INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC) Conference on Applications of Engineering Techniques in Renewable Energy and Environment th (AETREE), Najaf, Iraq, 5 May 2019. Journal homepage: www.IJEE.IEEFoundation.org NORM in soil of some locations in Baghdad governorate, Iraq Ali Abid Abojassim and Leith Hani Rasheed Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq Abstract In this study, 238U, 232Th and 40K were measured in the soil samples for some locations in the Rasafa Side of Baghdad Governorate. The study was carried out using gamma ray spectroscopy NaI(Tl) with "3x3" crystal. Thirty eight regain were selected randomly from study area, from 1/11/2018 to 1/1/2019. The results showed that, the specific activity of 235U, 238U, 232Th and 40K were ranged from (0.456 to 1.510) Bq/kg, (9.89±0.61 to 32.77±0.39) Bq/kg, (5.79±0.23 to 14.46±0.37) Bq/kg, (204.16±2.38) to (529.48±3.83) Bq/kg respectively. After measured the specific activity, we found radiological hazard index the mean radium equivalent activity (Raeq), external hazard index (Hex), internal hazard index (Hin), representative level index (Iγr), alpha index (Iα) were (25.64 to 77.11) Bq/kg, (0.069 to 0.208), (0.111 to 0.232), (0.175 to 0.592), (0.049 to 0.164) respectively. In addition, the mean Exposure rate ( ), absorbed dose rate in air (Dr,), annual gonadal equivalent dose (AGED), annual effective dose equivalent indoor, outdoor and total(AEDEindoor, AEDEoutdoor, AEDEtotal) and excess lifetime cancer risk ( ELCR)) were )2.35 to 4.94)μR/h , (0.284 to 38.06)nGy/h , (143.10 to 301.52)mSv/y , (0.056 to 0.187) mSv/y, (0.014 to 0.047)mSv/y , (0.070 to 0.234)mSv/y , (0.246 to 0.817) respectively. The results indicate that across the area the effective dose from terrestrial gamma radiation is everywhere within the acceptable level according to UNSCEAR, OCDE and ICRP, so there is no risk of propels that life in area under study. Copyright © 2019 International Energy and Environment Foundation - All rights reserved. Keywords: Natural radioactivity; Radiological hazard index; Gamma ray spectroscopy; Soil; Baghdad governorate. 1. Introduction Human beings are exposed to ionizing radiation from natural sources throughout their lifetime, and sometime from man-made sources Therefore, the knowledge of radionuclide distribution and radiation levels in the environment are important for assessing the effects of radiation exposure due to both terrestrial and cosmologic sources. Terrestrial background radiation represents the main external source of irradiation of the human body. Human beings are exposed also naturally from sources outside their bodies; mainly cosmic rays and gamma ray emitters in soil, building materials, water, food and air [1]. The study of natural radioactivity is important because naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) can served as good biochemical and geochemical tracers in environment in case of geological events such as earthquakes and eruptions volcanic [2]. It is well known that even if a small amount of ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) ©2019 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved. 144 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 10, Issue 3, 2019, pp.143-156 these radionuclides due to the gamma ray exposure of the body and irradiation of lung tissues from inhalation of radon and its daughters the biological effects harmful is produce [3]. So is necessary to know the dose limits of exposure to measure the level of radiation provided by land, air, water, food, building and etc., to estimate exposure and protection of human and natural sources of radiation [4, 5]. Since soil is one of the main contributors to background radiation, it is very interest to know the radioactivity content of the soil over the world, natural radioactivity in the mainly soil comes from the 238U, 232Th series and 40K during creation the earth [5, 6]. According to the foregoing, the need has arisen to study the radiation effect, detection mechanisms and to know the extent of environment pollution. Therefore, several studies and research have been conducted, many techniques for calculating radioactive concentration, in soil, water, air, building materials, food and plants have been introduced too. Also, to determine the effect of radioactive substances existed in those above –mentioned materials on living beings [7]. The justification for this action is the following; Baghdad is the capital of Iraq as well as it is very densely populated, the absence of previous studies covering this number of residential areas, as well as no study covering the risk factors to this extent in previous studies, it was subjected to military bombardments as well as to many blast and absence of a radiation map for the province of Baghdad and there is no national number of levels allowed for Iraq, like the rest of the Arab world and the world. Measurements of the natural radiation levels due to 238U, 232Th and 40K in soil were investigated by several studies using different techniques like gamma spectroscopy. In this part of our study, it is review some of the previous studies that focused on gamma spectroscopy techniques in Iraq and other countries in the world [8-13]. Overall aim of this study is to measure the natural radioactivity in samples of soil for some locations in the Rasafa Side from Baghdad Governorate in Iraq using gamma-ray spectroscopy with NaI(Tl) "3×3" detector in low-background. Also, there are many objective can be found in the study such as determine specific activity of 238U, 232Th, 40K and 235U in soil samples under study, estimate ten radiological hazard parameters which include:(Radium Equivalent Activity(Raeq), Absorbed Gamma Dose Rate (Dγ), external hazard index(Hext), internal hazard index(Hint), Representative gamma index (Iγr),Annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE) which include indoor and outdoor effective dose rate, and ELCR ) in all samples under studies and the results have been compared with the limits of international recommended values of safety standards. 2. Material and method 2.1 Collection and preparation of samples The 38 soil samples were collected from different sites of Baghdad governorate (Rasafa side) during October and November 2018 at a depth of (10-15) cm from the ground surface in order to estimate the specific activity and radiological hazard index of 238U, 232Th families and 40K. The samples locations were determined of coordinates by "Global Positioning System." GPS is a satellite navigation system used to determine the ground position of an object. By: GARMIN, Model: 010-00779-00, Sku:ETREXLEGEND (2017). The sample codes, locations, and coordinates are shown in Table 1. The collected samples were transferred to labeled closed polyethylene bags and taken to the laboratory of radiation detection and measurement in the physics department, faculty of science, university of Kufa. The samples are prepared for analysis by drying, and keeping them moisture-free by putting them for 60 minute in an oven at 100˚C to ensure that moisture is completely removed. It was mechanically crushed using electric mill of micro soil grinded to reach a suitable homogeneity. Next, the samples were sieved through of 500μm pore size diameter sieve to get homogeneity. To remove the air completely from the sample the latter is pressed on by the light cap of the Marinelli beaker the respective net weights were measured and recorded with a high sensitive digital weighting balance with a percent of ±0.01%. After that about (1kg) of each sample was then packed in a standard Marinelli beaker, that was hermetically sealed and dry weighted to get homogeneity. Before use, the containers were washed with dilute hydrochloric acid and rinsed with water. All samples were stored for about one month before counting, to allow secular equilibrium to be attained between 222Rn and its parent 226Ra in uranium chain, each sample was placed in face to face geometry over the detector for a long time measurement. ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) ©2019 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved. International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 10, Issue 3, 2019, pp.143-156 145 Table 1. Locations of samples. No. Location name Sample code Coordinates 1 AL-Rassa S1 33 21 25.6 44 31 06.4 2 AL-Ubaidi S2 33 22 05.4 44 31 29.0 3 Maghreb S3 33 22 02.2 44 22 40.8 4 Tahrir Square S4 33 19 45.9 44 24 39.2 5 Tuwaitha (Ishtar) S5 33 11 32.9 44 31 57.2 6 AL-Husseinia S6 33 32 34.2 44 23 33.9 7 Al-Nasr S7 33 23 57.5 44 32 07.4 8 Al Baiueia S8 33 26 05.2 44 32 30.0 9 Algeria S9 33 25 20.2 44 23 15.2 10 Al Sa’adah S10 33 29 05.0 44 31 36.2 11 Al Tugaer S11 33 24 15.8 44 23 44.8 12 Qahira S12 33 22 27.9 44 23 20.9 13 Nahrawan S13 33 22 28.8 44 41 11.4 14 Pasmaya(Alf Dar) S14 33 10 01.2 44 36 53.3 15 Jadrayah S15 33 16 20.2 44 23 07.9 16 Falastin St S16 33 22 19.8 44 24 30.2 17 Talbiyah S17 33 23 15.4 44 24 47.7 18 Ur S18 33 24 32.8 44 25 11.8 19 End of Sadr City S19 33 24 40.7 44 26 31.5 20 Hamidiayh S20 33 25 53.3 44 28 21.0 21 First inside S21 33 21 37.1 44 26 18.7 22 Suleikh S22 33 23 25.8 44 22 42.8 23 Adamiyah S23 33 23 17.0 44 21 52.1 24 Ghereiat S24 33 23 37.7 44 20 50.2 25 Al-Kasrah S25 33 21 26.1 44 22 37.9 26 Fellah street S26 33 22 49.8 44 27 23.4 27 Khanas S27 33 21 07.2 44 27 56.2 28 7 Th Nisan S28 33 20 28.5 44 28 41.7 29 Amin S29 33 19 06.5 44 30 50.5 30 Tal Muhammad S30 33 18 38.8 44 28 06.0 31 AL-Zafraniya S31 33 15 32.8 44 30 30.2 32 Zayouna S32 33 19 16.6 44 27 09.1 33 Kamaliyah S33 33 20 52.0 44 31 03.4 34 AL-Shuhadaa S34 33 22 43.0 44 30 53.2 35 AL-wazireya S35 33 21 41.2 44 23 19.2 36 Andalus Sq.
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