TheThe ShuniahShuniah NewsNews Shuniah, Ontario A Superior Living Experience Volume Ten, Issue Six November 2020 The Elf group was the winner of the Brownie leaf collection game at the Bluffs: Hannah, Madison, Jaida and Sophie. Congratulations Girls! The Guides enjoying a sunset Internet Improvement - We together at Amethyst Harbour See pages 6 & 7 Need Your Help! by Mayor Wendy Landry We need all Shuniah residents to take the internet performance test. If you have a poor internet connection we need you to pass this information on to the Federal Government in the hopes of re- ceiving funding to improve con- nectivity within Shuniah. Taking the online Speed Test is a quick and easy way to test your internet connection and is intended to provide data to researchers to We recognize the importance of Little Lions better understand and improve this project to our community and See page 3 the Canadian internet. You can need to continue to address gaps also provide written comments in connectivity because of the im- and provide feedback on your pact on safety, quality of life, eco- service availability. nomic diversification and The Municipality of Shuniah sustainability. Accessibility to along with other neighbouring broadband infrastructure is a key rural municipalities are working foundation to community eco- with the Northwestern Ontario In- nomic development. novation Centre (NOIC) to re- Go to www.shuniah.org and fol- ceive funding to improve our low the links to the Universal internet services. Our application Broadband Fund website. No for funding has made it to the personal information will be re- second stage and it’s critical that tained, and all data is collected we collect as much data to sup- anonymously. port our application. McKenzie School See page 12 Public Works Department Adoption of New Official Plan Annual Winter Safety by Paul Greenwood, CAO Council passed By-law No. 3134- legal document that contains the Message 20 on October 13, 2020 adopting goals, objectives and policies to by Craig Baumann the proposed new Official Plan manage and direct land-use Manager of Operation for the Shuniah and administra- changes and their effects on the tion is just a little elated to say the cultural, social, economic and Obstructing the Roadways least. The journey to get to this natural environment within the point has been lengthy and chal- community. The proposed new Council passed By-law No. 2051- lenging but we could not be hap- Official Plan will replace the cur- 01, which states that, no person pier with the final document. rent Official Plan approved by shall obstruct or cause any ob- the Province in 1996 and provide struction to any highway, road- The Official Plan update to the the framework for directing way, public lane or bridge within 2014 draft was initiated in 2018 growth and change in Shuniah, the Municipality. This by-law also once the Water and Wastewater providing policies to aid munici- indicates that snow, dirt, rubbish Servicing Option Study was com- pal council, public agencies and or garbage of any kind cannot be pleted in 2017 and includes com- private interests in making local placed or plowed onto the road- munity, Provincial and Agency land use decisions for the next way and drainage ditches. consultation. The proposed 2020 25 years. Once approved by the Official Plan includes updates re- Province, all land use related Mailboxes & Snow sulting from the Provincial One zoning by-laws and all future de- Window draft review, legislation velopment must conform to the • Mailbox posts need to be and Provincial Policy updates, new Shuniah Official Plan. The sturdy enough to handle snow input from the Ad Hoc Planning Official Plan will implement poli- thrown by the snowplow. Frequently Asked Committee and Council-directed cies governing residential, com- If a mailbox is damaged by changes made prior to final adop- mercial, industrial, institutional plowed snow, repair or re- Questions tion. Shuniah will now have to and open space development in placement is the homeowner’s make application to the Ministry addition to policies regarding responsibility. • Why do plows push snow into of Municipal Affairs for final ap- septic, water, environmental pro- driveways? Why can’t the op- proval of which new legislation tection, roads, subdivisions, • Mailboxes that have been di- erator lift the blade in front of requires the Province to make a plans of condominium and land rectly hit by a snowplow blade my residence? decision within 120 days. severance. The Official Plan ap- will be repaired or replaced Answer - Snow must be plies to all lands within the by the Municipality with a stan- pushed to the side of the road The Shuniah Official Plan is a boundaries of Shuniah. dard mailbox. to clear the road for traffic; all plow trucks are set up to push Snow Removal Information: snow to the right. Sometimes it is necessary to make sev- The following information is pro- eral passes with the snow- vided to assist residents of Shu- plow during a storm. Other niah in understanding the instances may require the Municipalities program for winter banks to be pushed back to maintenance of roads. We hope allow room for more snow or that this information will also help to allow for drainage during people appreciate some of the the spring thaw. challenges in keeping the roads safe and open for travel. • Homes that are located near corners, intersections and cul- When a major snowstorm occurs, de-sacs may receive more all drivers throughout the Munici- snow deposit in driveway en- pality are faced with deteriorating trances than homes located driving conditions at the same on straight stretches of road, time. Without consideration to the of which is unfortunately un- limitations of a snow mainte- avoidable in most instances. nance operation and regardless of the weather, we understand • Why can’t the Municipality that drivers expect all roadways sand the sides of the road to be cleared and safe within the where I walk? shortest possible period of time. Answer - Roads are main- We agree that rapidly cleared tained for vehicles, not walk- roads are very important, both for ers. The sanders are safe travel, and to facilitate the designed with the applicator handling of emergencies by fire, on the driver’s side of the ve- ambulance and police opera- hicle in order to apply sand to tions. the center of the road. The plow operators are assigned a designated route, of which may Snowmobiling along the CNR contain several classes of roads. Rail Line and Municipal Class 3 roads are considered the Roadways major routes and class 5 roads are considered to be the lower Snowmobilers are reminded to volume lightly traveled roads. The adhere to the rules and regula- routes are designed to clear tions of the Ontario Highway roads in a systematic way that Traffic Act when enjoying off- generally gives priority to class 3 road vehicle activities. The for- roads and class 4 - 5 collector mer CNR rail bed is privately roads with steep hills and curves. owned property and should not This method also provides the best be used for motorized off-road COUNCIL CONTACT INFORMATION access for Emergency Services. vehicle useage. Issues and/or concerns regarding activities on Mayor Wendy Landry Councillor Don Smith The specific course of action (in- or along the CNR’s right-of-way 807 346-9330 807 621-1904 cluding salting and sanding) will are to be forwarded to CN Public [email protected] Enquiries @1-888-888- 5909. 807 626-6686 be determined by the Roads Su- [email protected] pervisor, depending on snow Councillor Meghan Chomut depth, type of snow, drifting, icy As always, the Public Works De- Councillor Donna Blunt 807 983-3399 conditions, etc. It is the Munici- partment welcomes your input [email protected] regarding transportation and en- 807 983-2129 pality’s objective to plow all roads [email protected] within 10 hours of a snowstorm’s vironmental service items that completion. In cases of heavy you feel require our attention. Councillor Ron Giardetti snowfalls, accidents, mechanical Please feel free to e-mail your 807 983-2051 breakdowns and / or other prob- comments, questions or con- 807 627-7115 lems, these objectives may not cerns to: be met. [email protected] . [email protected] page 2, The Shuniah News, November 2020 Little Lions Child and Family Centre- McKenzie Public School by Gail Goyen We are pleased to let everyone know that we are open. Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday 7:30-5:45. If you require childcare please register at thunderbay.onehsn.com or give us a call at 683-5624. Reprinted from the Fort William Times-Journal Wednesday December 31, 1969 Article Credit: Lon Patterson Before the old year bows out, ized new municipalities, always we’d like to turn a thought to Shu- taking with them a piece of Shu- niah. It seems likely now that this niah. Ambitious Prince Arthur’s municipality as finally shrunk to Landing set up housekeeping as its final form, comprised of two Port Arthur in 1884. McKellar small but promising municipali- township and a portion of Nee- ties, McGregor and McTavish. bing got married in 1895 and they Shuniah started big and by de- made off with another bit of Shu- grees became small. niah to establish a town called Shuniah which means silver in Fort William. Ojibway, was incorporated as the Paipoonge left home in 1904 to first municipality in the Northwest, set up as an independent munic- taking in all that vase, sparsely ipality. The remnants were drawn inhabited territory from Dorion to together and Shuniah re-orga- the United States boundary.
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