14 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurgday, June 5. 19M CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER SPORTS FOCUS Route 6 proposal Battling Rockets Marine band visit APARTIIIEIIT8 RnTV/8TERE0/ PETS AND [gj]giB8 MOTORCYCLES/ I MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS F m M N T l i S J a p p lia n c e s SUPPUES TAG SALES FOB S U E M0PED8 [a u t o m o t iv e AUTOMOTIVE mulled by Corps clobber Celtics poses challenge 4 Room Apartment. No Used Refrigerators, For sole - Team Murry 10 Ford 360 V8 engine from Pet*, country living, good Free to good homes - Cute 'Tag Sal6l22 Cambridge 74 Pontiac Ventura. Good . p a g e 3 ... piage 9 ... page 13 Washers, Ranges — St., Manchester. Satur­ Condition. Asking $435.00. speed moto cross bike. 1965 F-100 pick-up truck. Bed liner for S-10 Chevy for working couple. Se­ clean, guaranteed, parts playful kittens. -Call 649- Just rebuilt, like new $50.00 Call 649-4989 after 6 Pickup longbed used. No A curity, reference. 643- 6480 after 11am. day, June 7,10-4. Stroller, Coll 6461147 offer 4pm. and service. Low prices. car seat, baby walker, $50.00. 6461709 Greg.o pm.o holes $99. 742-8101.□ 7405. B.O. Pearl 8, Son, 645 Free Kittens. HI, we need toys boys clothes to size 4 1974 Ford Van. New paint Main Street, 643-2171. 8i mags. $2,000 firm. 872- Bench Seat with split 4 Goodyear flbreglas 6 room duplex. No heat, a home with lots of love some household and mls- belted tires 19!/7i: R-15 celleanous. Brand new 6215. 1975 Suzuki 185, MX, needs back. Red vinyl, fits full no pets. Coll 643-2898. and warmth. Please call some minor work. $60 or $25.00 a pair o49-0670.d Panasonic Upright Va­ 649-1280. Porta Crib. No Early size late model Ford cuum — With attach­ Birds Please. 1983 Dodge Chorger-4 best offer 6462831 after trucks. $150 Call 649-9982. Manchester 2 bedroom, 6pm. ments, bags 8i extra belt. 7 Free to good home. Tiger speed, front wheel drive, 2nd floor, heat and ap­ months old. $50. Good pliances. No pets, secur­ angora. Male cat, neu­ Tag Sale-Craft supplies- A om/tm cassette stereo, WANTED TO I WANTED TO condition. Call 6463245 tered. Needs tender lov­ cratters dream. Prices 37,000 miles, $3,500. Coll 1982 Yamaha Maxim 1100. ity, $575 a month. Call after 5pm. Bought In 86 as leftover. BUY/TRAOE BUY/TRAOE 646-3979. ing care. 649-7193. range from 30 to 90 per­ 6461152 or 644-0060. cent off ribbons, wood, Still under warranty Used refrigerators, 1972 Mercury Comet-Must $3,000 firm. Call 872-6215. 2Famllv Flot-lstfloor.4'/i Free kittens, tabbies 8, doll heads 8, parts, m>. washers, ranges-clean, double pawed. 742-5768. crame, cord, beads 8< sell, runs wqlj, 89,000 room apartment with guaranteed, partsand ser- lamp frames, pom poms, miles. Its yours Tor $150. mulmtn Manchester — A City of Village Charm bullt-ln range and oven, vloce. Low prices. B.O. fur, books. From 25 per­ Call 633-6975. / MISCELLANEOUS Hrral?) I laundry room, basement, Pearl 8< Sons, 649 Main St. IMISCELUNEOU^ cent ot 50 percent off. WANTED adults only, no pets, secur­ 643-2171._______________ AUTOMOTIVE ity, monthly $450.649-7885. I FOR SALE Final clearance on these Chevrolet Monte Carlo Items. June 5,6 8,7th 10:00 Landau 1981. Go d, V-8, TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR Refrigerator-General to 5:00. Kozv Kraft power steering 8, brakes, Friday, June 6,1986 Manchester 4 room apart­ Electric very good condi­ Slight Paint damage. For Sale Viva P195/75R15 YOUR CLEAN USED CAR 25 Cents Flashing arrow signs Korner, Rte 83, Vernan. tilt wheel, cruise, air, fm Radial tire on dodge 15 ment available July 1st. tion. $95.00 Coll 649-3387 8763135. stereo cassette. Florida $390 per month, security after 6:00pm.a $285! Lighted, non-arrow Inch rim. New with 2 15 OR TRUCK. $265. Unllghted $239. (free car. 38,000 miles. Mint Inch dodge rims $50.00 all. and references required. Condition. $6,000 643-8271. Call after 4pm 643-1482. Self Cleaning Range. Ex­ letters!) Few left. See 742-5050.O Contact: Tom Duff cellent condition. Large Locally. 1 (800) 423-0163, Automotive anytime. 1978 Chevette. Needs Manchester 3 bedroom 6 frost tree refrigerator work, body In excellent Parting out 1957 Chevy CARTER CHEVROLET CO., INC. Fire rips through Rockvilie house, kiiis 4 room 2nd floor apartment used 2 years, excellent condition. 4 very good Belair 4 door sedan. Front wall to wall carpet, refrig­ condition. 9 Cubic foot Used sliding glass patio 1229 Main St., Manclwstar 64641464 doors, thermal, $15 each. I CARS tires. Must go $250, 646- bumper $50. 6464298 after erator, stove and laundry chest freezer, good condi­ 5808. 6pm.□ hookups. $625 plus utili­ tion. Call 647-7547 otter Call 6462300. FOR SALE By John F. Kirch departments fought the blaze for ties. Available July 1. Call 6om. Herald Reporter more than two hours. Vernon Fire 646-8261 or 6466082. Levin King Koll Mattress. Chief Robert Kelly said. He said 17 7 J LAWN AND Spinal guard excellent VER N O N — Four people were the fire was mostly under control Rockville, 2 bedroom condition. $75. Please call killed early this moming when at about 7 a.m.. but he didn’t I'M g ar o en 649-9083.a opartments, remodeled. 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint they were trapped on the second declare it under control until after $395 and $450 plus utilities. condition. Only 12,000 Craftsman power lawn For sole-Goulds water BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY floor of a tw6family house on 8 a.m. 644-1882. miles. $9,800. 647-9764. mower. Excellent condi­ pump with tank $95. Cal! Village Street as a fire ripped Stodd said the fire was being after 5:00 6463663.a through the building. investigated by local police and tion, used two seasons. Firebird 1982,6 cylinder, 4 HOMES Call 647-7547 after 6pm. The blaze at 87-89 Village St., Vernon and slate fire officials. Blue pleated lined draper­ speed, Am/Fm stereo CARPENTRY/ t m e m m o m FOR RENT cassette, sun roof, power CHILD CARE RIMOflEUNS ELECm CM . ISERW GII which started at about 5:30 a.m. There was no information on the ies 84 Inchs X 125' Inches ID and burned for nnore than two condition of the victims’ bodies, I GOOD THINGS with brass traverse rod. steering, power brakes, the cause of death or how the fire Glastonbury 2 bedroom TO EAT Extends to 150 Inches. excellent condition. independent Construcr Dumas Bltetrlc Having Dellvwind clean farm hours, killed Thomas Miner. 38. his house with complete In­ $90., 6469892.0____________ $5,600. Call 6466802. tion Co. Qonorol Contrac­ Electrical Problems? ioamjS yards S7S (dua fox. wife. Deborah Miner. 35. and their started. law apartment, 521-5234. tors. custom home Need a torm or a somMI Also iMmd, iMono, m two daughters. Gina. 7. and Five firefighters were treated at Two wheel sulky for Will do babysitting In mv bu’idtng end remodeling, Repair? We Soodallzo In grovel. Coti- -- AJakJkUU Angela. 2. police said. The Miners’ Rockville General Hospital for gravely walk behind trac­ siding, excavation, etc. Residential Work. Josoeh third daughter. Michelle. 13. _ smoke inhalation and released, a tor. Air tires, steel seat Licensed Manchester 8T0RE AND home. (Verolancfc School 0^:14568165 or 456 7215. Oumot. Fully Licensed. Custom Rotoff.°nno. iftv* jumped from a second-story win- ‘ hospital spokeswoman said. Chaponis Brothers. Clark $45.00 643-4535.0 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix. OFFICE SPACE Street South Windsor. Area). Coll 646-3793. Free Estimates. 646S2S3. Troy BNt Rotetillir. Wilt dow and survived, witnesses said. Firefighters arrived at the scene Air condition, power travel. Oordons, toSMMt Pick your own strawber­ 10 speed bike with acces­ steering, power brakes, Cut boKIng time In hclf Michelle was taken to Rockville three minutes after receiving the New Colonial shopping ries. Containers fur­ sories. Like new $150 or new transmission, shocks flower bods, large or General Hospital, where she was alarni. Kelly said. village. Only 3 vacancies nished. Open from 8am- CARPBITRY/ next time you fix moot I ^ H E A T M R / small. Colt 643-im best otter 643-8857 even­ and rear springs. $2,000 or REMODEUNO loaf i>y baking In muffin Iw lP L U M B IM treated for a leg injury and “ We had a report immediately left. 2300 square feet - 2000 8pm or until picked out. ings;__________________ best offer. 6468787 or released early this moming. a there was a family trapped on the square feet - 1114 square No children under 14 ye­ tins rather than the con- 649-3467 after 6pm. vontlonol loaf. Sovot fuel hospital spokeswoman said today. second floor,” Kelly said. "Rescue . feet. Will rent, ready to ars of age allowed In field. Elegant off white 84 Inch Forrond Remodoltne — Fogarty Brothars — Ba­ move In. Columbia com­ Please call 528-5741 for sofa with custom made Cabinets, roofing, gut­ and mokes dttracNvo Indi­ throom romodtiina; in* Witnesses said Deborah Miner was our first attempt.” 1979 Vw Rabbit. Am/Fm vidual sorvlhgs. Use o was seven months pregnant, but He said the victims were found in mercial center Rte 66 lotest Picking slip cover. Oriental wall cassette. Good running ters, room additions, stoliotlon wotor hootsmi, 0 B Q Landscaolno. East. 4563314. Information. screen, studio couch, twin docks, oil typo* of romo- low-cost od In Clossifiod oorbogo dlspetais; foucof Sprtna Ctson Ues, Frw6.
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