School of Public and International Affairs Center for Public Administration and Policy Government and International Affairs Urban Affairs and Planning Report of Faculty Research & Scholarship 2014-2015 SPIA College of Architecture and Urban Studies tenured & tenure-track for research, scholarship, instruction, & outreach books or monographs authored, books edited, book chapters, articles, other publications papers presented at professional meetings & invited presentations School of Public and SPIA International Affairs a note from the director... In the 2014-2015 academic year, the es, a 247% increase in travel from Virginia Tech School of Public and 2011; students parti cipated in hands Internati onal Aff airs (VT SPIA) in the on studios focused on evidenced College of Architecture and Urban based decision making for tough Studies (CAUS) took steps to build urban challenges and planning for the capacity of the School to support cultural preservati on and enhance- student recruitment and success, to foster collaborati ve research, to develop new degrees focused on criti cal needs and to hone and strengthen existi ng degrees, to establish professional noncredit programming, to build a strong sys- tem of support and inspirati on and set strategic directi on with our new Advisory Board and Alumni Council, and to develop internati onal oppor- tuniti es and connecti ons. Faculty and students traveled across the nati on and the globe to present re- search at major research conferenc- Anne Khademian school of public & internati onal aff airs - report for 2014-2015 ment; and we have worked to sup- theory and practi ce, and to engage port the strategic vision of President with communiti es and organizati ons Tim Sands by focusing on the role across the region and the world to of VT SPIA in building the land grant work on questi ons of planning, pol- university of the future, in building icy, administrati on and governance, the two-campus binary star oppor- security, sustainability, collaborati on, tuniti es, and in building our commit- resilience, development, and more. ment to diversity and inclusion. VT SPIA has three strategic locati ons in the Blacksburg main campus, in VT SPIA strives to bring multi ple note from the director note Old Town Alexandria, and in the perspecti ves and disciplines together State Capital of Richmond. Some of to prepare students for careers of the highlights in this broad eff ort are professional service and scholarship, featured below, and summarized in to develop research that advances this report: 4 school of public & internati onal aff airs - report for 2014-2015 Highlights highlights from the director note • New Faculty and Staff: In January • SPIA Advisory Board: The first David Bieri joined Urban Affairs meeting of the VT SPIA Advisory and Planning (UAP) in SPIA as an Board was held on June 4th in associate professor and will lead the Virginia Tech Research Center. the financial resilience initiative in Board members include co- the Global Forum on Urban and director of the Global Forum on Regional Resilience; Steve Hankey Urban and Regional Resilience and and Sara Jordan completed their former Vice President and Ex- first year as faculty members in ecutive Director of Virginia Tech’s UAP and Center for Public Ad- National Capital Region, Dr. James ministration and Policy (CPAP) Bohland (Chair of the Board); the respectively, and Susan Sterett 15th President of Virginia Tech, Dr. completed her first year as a pro- Charles Steger; former director of fessor in CPAP and director of the the National Geospatial Agency, Metropolitan Institute (MI). Todd Leticia Long; United Nations Schenk and Tom Skuzinski will join Deputy High Commissioner for UAP in Fall 2015, and Elizabeth Refugees, Kelly Clements; Hol- Morton accepted a professor of lins University President, Nancy practice position to lead the new Gray; Vice Governor of the Korean Urban Design initiative in UAP. Province Gyeong Gi, Dr. Soo Young Andrea Morris is now leading the Park; and Virginia Senator Barbara Washington Semester and the new Favola, representing the 31st dis- certificate in Translational Public trict. Policy (living lab certificate). Han Le joins us as a new fiscal techni- • IPG celebrates 9th anniversary: cian and Leigh Bower joins us as This year the Virginia Tech Institute a graduate student coordinator for Policy and Governance (VTIPG) for UAP. And Georgeta Pourchot celebrated 9 years of building is now a full time member of the strategic relationships between SPIA team, taking on responsibili- the university and community by ties for recruitment and alumni linking academic research and initiatives. outreach efforts to address signifi- school of public & international affairs - report for 2014-2015 5 cant public policy issues on behalf Society; Sonia Hirt edits Journal of of disadvantaged and vulnerable Planning History; Susan Sterett will populations in Virginia and across co-edit Law and Society Review; the globe. This year’s highlights Ralph Buehler edits Transportation included exceeding the combined Research Record. 200th publication of Director Max Stephenson’s Soundings (189), a • Alumni Relations and SPIA Alumni weekly commentary, and Tidings Council: SPIA created the first (29), and the continued success of Alumni Council to build relations with alumni from all of the SPIA note from the director note the graduate student commentary programs, support student men- Reflections and Explorations; the engaging and insightful leader- toring and internship opportuni- ship lessons through Community ties, and to enhance student re- Voices; nearly $1.5 million award- cruitment. With the support of the ed for research and outreach in- alumni council, SPIA hosted two cluding the successful proposal to alumni gatherings in the national study military to civilian workforce capital region, a luncheon and transition for Virginia’s veterans; awards reception in Blacksburg, numerous scholar exchanges and and a new mentoring program is in lectures; the 25th individual affili- the works. ated with VTIPG complete their • Task Forces on Diversity and the PhD’s since the start; and the pub- Student Experience: SPIA con- lication of Max Stephenson Jr. and vened two vital task forces this A. Scott Tate, eds. Arts and Com- year, each composed of students, munity Change: Exploring Cultural faculty and staff. The Diversity Task Development Policies, Practices Force was charged broadly with and Dilemmas. Oxford, England: reviewing and researching diver- Routledge Publishers, 2015. sity and inclusion efforts (across • Editorial leadership: At the conclu- SPIA, the University and in other sion of this year, five faculty mem- public and international affairs bers with VT SPIA currently serve programs), and defining a way for- or will soon serve as Editors of five ward to strengthen diversity in our prominent journals. Tom Sanchez recruitment efforts, in our curricu- edits Housing Policy Debates; Bri- lum, and in the signature events an Cook edits Administration and that could enhance and institu- 6 school of public & international affairs - report for 2014-2015 tionalize our school commit- NCR. ment to diversity. The student experience task force focused on • Public Private Partnership (P3) enhancing the support and con- Program: The P3 Program high- from the director note nectivity of students in the School, lights the critical role of leader- from the initial inquiries about the ship in developing and executing program, through application, ad- successful public private partner- mission, enrollment, graduation, ships. This year SPIA hosted two and beyond. The “priority punch workshops that brought together list” developed by the Task force is practitioners from both the pri- guiding the work of recruitment, vate and public sectors to explore communications, advising and leadership challenges and identify more. best practices in building trust and culture, and in navigating multiple • MI and MI + SPIA: The Metropoli- sectors. SPIA Professor of Practice tan Institute had a terrific year un- Rob Stalzer leads the program. der the new leadership of Susan Sterett. In addition to 539,430.14 • New Certificates:The Local Gov- in research expenditures, MI ernment Management certificate continued to support SPIA wide is a non-degree certificate that research efforts including travel provides the next generation of support for 14 students to pres- local government managers with ent at academic conferences the tools to advance their careers across the country and interna- and provide exceptional leadership tionally, hosting a workshop on within the communities where Team Science, bringing together they work. In the past year CPAP over 40 researchers to discuss has worked to expand this certifi- the challenges and opportunities cate program into an on-line ver- of collaborate and interdisciplin- sion. Designed for both a national ary research, support for ongoing audience and for Virginia residents roundtable speaker series, and who are unable to take synchro- pre and post award support for all nous classes, the on-line certificate SPIA faculty. MI is a key collabora- has the same requirements, with tor in the ongoing development of course content and instructors a Global Innovation District in the school of public & international affairs - report for 2014-2015 7 from throughout the United cused on the role of social media States. Enrollment will begin in in community resilience, the other Fall 2015. on community resilience through a network
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