ANTIBES (France ) 20 - 25 JUNE, 1994 NUCLEAR AND NUCLEAR EXCITATION ENERGIES ' ~ 9£»г* Sponsored by : CNRS/IN2P3 cl Laboratoires CEA/DAM - CEA/DSM IUR1SYS MESURES Résumés des contributions Abstracts of contributed papers ;.%•• I tpîi^ I •3' ï^^rrfV-- ^^?sji;>4.ô <,!!•*• ANTIBES, France June 20-25,1994 NUCLEAR SHAPES AND NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AT LOW EXCITATION ENERGIES Abstracts of contributed papers Résumés des contributions Edited by F. DYKSTRA, D. GOUTTE, J. SAUVAGE and M. VERGNES Institut de Physique Nucléaire F-91406 ORSAY Cedex France This volume has been prepared by Miss C. Vogelaer Ce fascicule a été préparé par Mette C. Vogelaer International Committee Comité International M. ARNOULD (Bruxelles) J. AYSTO (Jyvâskylà) J. BAUCHE (Orsay) D. BES (Buenos Aires) P. BONCHE (Saclay) H. BORNER (Grenoble) R.F. CASTEN (Brookhaven) H. DOUBRE (Orsay) D. HABS (Heidelberg) I. HAMAMOTO (Lwid; K. HEYDE (Gent) R.V.F. JANSSENS (Argonne) B. JONSON (Gôteborg) W. NAZAREWICZ (ORNL/Warsaw) E.W. OTTEN (Mamzj P. RING (Garching) H. SERGOLLE (Огаг^ P. Von BRENTANO (Ко/и) M. WEISS (Livermore) Organizing Committee Comité d'Organisation G. BARREAU (Bordeaux) J.-F. BERGER (Bruyères-le-Châtel) A. GIZON (Grenoble) D. GOUTTE (Saclay) P.H. HEENEN (Bruxelles) J. LIBERT (Orsay) M. MEYER 6Ly0rt) J. PINARD (Orsay) P. QUENTIN (Bordeaux) B. ROUSSIERE (Orjoy) J. SAUVAGE (Orsay) N. SCHULZ (Strasbourg) M. VERGNES Conférence Secrétariat Secrétariat de la Conférence F. DYKSTRA (Orsay) 232 CONTENTS - On the existence of intrinsic reflection asymmetry in Z~62, N~90 region 1 A.V. Afanasjev. S. Mizutori, I. Ragnarsson - Symmetry breaking in simple one and two level models 2 P. Alexa. J. Kvasil, D. Nosek - Elastic proton scattering on neutron rich He isotopes in Glauber approach 3 G.D. Alkhazov. A.A. Lobodenko - The triaxial asymmetry of the ground states of even-even nuclei with A<192 4 W. Andrejtscheff. P. Petkov - Strongly enhanced El transitions in the 232U nucleus 5 G. Ardisson. M. Hussonnois, J.F. Le Du, D. Trubert, CM. Lederer - Analysis of the (n,e~) spectrum of 184W 6 N.f. Asseter. M.K. Harder, B. Krusche - Two proton high-spin excitations and oblate dipole bands in 192Hg 7 A. Astier. R. Béraud, R. Duffait, Y. Le Coz, M. Meyer, N. Redon, F. Hannachi, G. Bastin, I. Deloncle, B. Gall, M. Kaci, M.G. Porquet, C. Schuck, F. Azaiez, C. Bourgeois, J. Duprat, A. Korichi, N. Perrin, N. Poffé, H. Sergolle, J.F. Sharpey-Schafer, C.W. Beausang, S.J. Gale, MJ. Joyce, E.S. Paul, RM. Clark, K. Hauschild, R. Wadsworth, J. Simpson, M A. Bentley, G. Smith, H. Hubel, P. Willsau, G. De France, I. Ahmad, M. Carpenter, R. Henry, R.V.F. Janssens, T.L. Khoo, T. Lauritsen - Alpha-decay of 180T1 studied with the SARA/IGISOL facility 8 A. Astier. D. Barnéoud, R. Béraud, A. Emsallem, J. Genevey, A. Gizon, /JV. Izosimov, Yu.A. Lazarev, Y. Le Coz, L.V. Shirokovsky - Strong dependence of a nuclear lifetime on the ionic charge state 9 F. Attalah. M. Aïche, J.F. Chemin, J.P. Goudour, JN. Scheurer, P. Aguer, G. Boggaert, J. Kiener, A. Lefèvre, J.P. Thibaud, J.P. Grandin, C. Grunberg, W.E. Meyerhof - Low-energy band structures in light odd-A La and Pr isotopes 10 D. Barnéoud, J. Genevey, A. Gizon, B. Weiss, R. Béraud, D. Bucurescu, G. Cata-Danil, A. Emsallem, C. Foin, J. Inchaouh, C.F. Liang, P. Paris, I. Penev, A. Plochocki • Realistic effective interactions for shell-model calculations 1 1 B.R. Barrett. D.C. Zheng, J.P. Vary, RJ. McCarthy • Lifetimes from (n,n' y) reaction 12 T. Belgya. B. Fazekas, G. Molnâr, O.P. DiPrete, EL. Johnson, EM. Baum, D. Wang, S.W. Yates • The structure of exotic or highly rotating nuclei and the spin-isospin dependence 13 of LDM parameters K. Bencheikh, P. Quentin, J. Bartel, E. Chabanat, J. Meyer • Shape coexistence in neutron-deficient even-even Po isotopes, studied by P+/EC 14 decay N. Bijnens, M. Huyse, H.-Y. Hwang, G. Reusen, J. Schwarzenberg, P. Van Duppen, J. Wauters • Study of nuclear isomerism by heavy ion transfer reaction 15 J. Blons, D. Goutte, A. Leprêtre, R. Lucas, V. Meat, D. Paya, X.H. Phan, G. Barreau, T. P. Doan, G. Pedemay, Ph. Dessagne, Ch. Miehé, JA. Becker • Nuclear moments and charge radius of the high-spin isomer 178т2ш from laser 16 spectroscopy N. Boos. F. Le Blanc, M. Krieg, J. Pinard, G. Huber, M.D. Lunney, D. Le Du, R. Meunier, M. Hussonnois, О. Constantinescu, J.B. Kim, Ch. Briançon, J.E. Crawford, H.T. Duong, Y.P. Gangrski, T. Kiihl, B.N. Markov, Yu. Ts. Oganessian, P. Quentin, B. Roussière, J. Sauvage • g-factor of the low-lying SD band in 133Nd 17 F. Brandolini. N.H. Medina, D. Bazzacco, R. Burch, R. Menegazzo, P. Pavan, R.V. Ribas, C. Rossi- Alvarez, M. lonescu-Bujor, M. De Poli - Gamow-Teller beta decay near ^Sn 1 8 B.A. Brown, K. Rykaczewski - Laser spectroscopy of neutron deficient bismuth isotopes in a gas cell 19 P. Campbell. J. Behr, J. Billowes, G. Gwinner, G.D. Sprouse, F. Xu - Nuclear shapes and shape changes : magnetic dipole sum rules as a new signature 20 C. De Coster. K. Heyde - Mean field description of the I71 = 16+ isomer in 17^Hf 21 M. Girod, J.F. Berger, J.P. Delaroche - Self-consistent cranking HFB calculations with the Gogny force for 22 superdeformed bands in nuclei of the A=150 and 190 mass regions M. Girod, J.P. Delaroche. J.F. Berger, J. Libert - Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov and configuration mixing calculations of isotope 23 shifts for Кг, Sr, Zr and Hg isotopes J.P. Delaroche. M. Girod • Production of a pure 42Scm isomeric beam 24 J.L. Uzureau, P. Delbourgo-Salvador. T. Ethvignot, JE. Sauvestre, J. Trochon, B. Bonnereau, M. Szmigiel, R. Anne, D. Bazin, J.M. Corre, M. Lewitowicz, M.G. St Laurent, R. Bimbot, H. Keller, A.C. Mueller, О. Sorlin • A microscopic description of the deformation properties in even-A platinum 25 isotopes /. Deloncle. F. Ibrahim, F. Le Blanc, J. Libert, P. Quentin • Collective states and transitions in nuclei with quadrupole and octupole 26 deformations V. Yu. Denisov. A. Ya. Dzyublik • Simple model of giant isoscalar resonances in nucleus with neutron halo 27 V. Yu. Denisov • Search for shape isomeric states in even even nuclei with masses A<100 28 Ph. Dessagne. Ch. Miehé, M. Bernas, S. Portier, J.M. Maison, A. Leprêtre, R. Lucas, D. Paya, X.M. Phan • Shape coexistence in Z = 65 nuclei, evolution of the deformation along the 29 high spin states of146" M9Tb J.S. Dionisio. C. Schuck, Ch. Vieu, D.G. Popescu, Z. Méliani, N. Alioui, N. Amzal, N. Bendjaballah, G. Duchêne, J.C. Merdinger • Magnetic properties of superdeformed nuclei around 192Hg and their neutron 30 and proton single particle configurations J. Duprat. M. Aïche, A. Astier, F. Azaïez, G. Bastin, C.W. Beausang, C. Bourgeois, R.M. Clark, I. Deloncle, R. Duffait, B. Gall, F. Hannachi, I. Hibbert, M.J. Joyce, M. Kaci, W.H. Kelly, A. Korichi, Y. Le Coz, M. Meyzr, N. Perrin, N. Poffé, M.G. Porquet, N. Redon, C. Schuck, H. Sergolle, J.F. Sharpey-Schafer, J. Simpson, R. Wadsworth • High-spin yrast isomers in the odd-odd, N=85, 152Ho nucleus 31 C. Foin, S. André, D. Santos, D. Barnéoud, J. Genevey, Ch. Vieu, J.S. Dionisio, M. Pautrat, C. Schuck, Z. Meliani • Search for deformation effects in heavy nuclei, N<126, Z>82 32 S.J. Freeman. I.G. Bearden, DJ. Blumenthal, M.P. Carpenter, P. Chowdhury, B. Crowell, C.N. Davids, R.G. Henry, R.V.F. Janssens, T. Lauritsen, CJ. Lister, D. Nissius, H.T. Pentillà • Beta decay study of the very neutron-deficient 127Pr nucleus; systematics of 33 low-energy states of odd-A Ce /. Genevev. A. Gizon, J. Inchaouh, D. Barnéoud, R. Béraud, D. Bucurescu, G. Cata-Danil, A. Emsallem, T. Von Egidy, C. Foin, J. Gizon, C.F. Liang, P. Paris, I. Penev, A. Plochocki, E. Ruchowska, C. Ur, B. Weiss • Gamma-ray and electron spectroscopy of vibrational states in even-even cerium 34 isotopes A. Gizon. J. Inchaouh, A. Plochocki, I. Penev, D. Barnéoud, D. Bucurescu, G. Cata-Danil, J. Genevey, C.F. Liang, P. Paris - Status of high-spin isomer beam at RIKEN 35 Y. Gono, T. Morikawa, T. Kishida, E. Ideguch, K. Morita, A. Yoshida, A. Ferragut, H. Kumagai, Y.H. Zhang, T. Murakami, M. Oshima, M. Sugawar, H. Kusakari, M. Ogawa, M. Nakajima, S. Mitarai, A. Odahara, M. Kidera, M. Shibata, J.C. Kim, SJ. Chae 52 - The decays of the Tz=-1 nuclei ^V and Co 36 £. Hagberg. V.T. Koslowsky, G. Savard, J.C. Hardy, I.S. Towner - Projected mean field description of nuclear shapes, moments and complex 37 spectra £. Hammaren, A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, A. Faessler - Rotational bands in 77Rb at very high spins 38 A. Harder. M.K. Kabadiyski, K.P. Lieb, D. Rudolph, CJ. Gross, W. Nazarewicz, B. Cunningham, F. Hannachi, J. Simpson, D.D. Warner, HA. Roth, O. Skeppstedt, W. Gelletly, B.J. Varley - Anomaly in O(6) 196Pt 39 M.K. Harder. B. Krusche - Decay characteristics of mixed-symmetry states in 158Gd 40 M.K. Harder, K.T. Tang, A. Williams, S. Judge - "Shears bands" in Pb nuclei - a new nuclear structure effect 41 H. Hubel. G. Baldsiefen, S. Chmel, W. Korten, M. Neffgen, W. Pohler, U.J. Van Severen, P. Willsau, S. Frauendorf, H. Grawe, J. Heese, H. Kluge, H.J. Maier, R. Schubart, K. Spohr - Is a shape coexistence present in lf?4Au ? 42 F. Ibrahim. D. Barnéoud, R. Béraud, G. Cata-Danil, J.
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