J. Med. Microbiol. - Vol. 34 (1991), 1-5 01991 The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland A rapid method for identification of Mycobacterium species by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of soluble cell proteins A. DE JONG, A. H. HOENTJEN and A. G. M. VAN DER ZANDEN Regional Institute for Public Health, Or. H. G. Gooszenstraat I, 74 15 CL Deventer, The Netherlands Summary. The sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) profiles of an easily and rapidly prepared soluble protein fraction were used in conjunction with conventional techniques to identify different strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. bovis BCG, M. africanum, M. avium, M. kansasii, M. marinurn, M.gastri, M. simiae and M. malmoense. Complete concordance of results from both methods was obtained with all species except those of the M. tuberculosis complex. With the SDS-PAGE technique, all strains of the M. tuberculosis complex were recognised as belonging to one species. By visual analysis of the SDS-PAGE polypeptide profiles, only minor differences between strains of the same species were seen and each species showed a characteristic polypeptide profile. Quantitation of the data by calculation of the Dice coefficient of similarity of the band positions obtained by densitometry indicated that the similarity between different strains of one species was 90-100% and the similarity between the species was in the range 30-45%. The results indicate that SDS-PAGE is a simple and rapid method for identifying mycobacterial strains. Introduction scribes our results with SDS-PAGE of soluble polypep- tides of strains of the M. tuberculosis complex and of In a routine laboratory, the identification of slowly seven other mycobacterial species. growing mycobacterial strains on the basis of various biochemical reactions is very time consuming. lY2Only strains belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Material and methods complex are fairly easily recognised biochemically, or by hybridisation with a DNA-probe3 or by use of Bacterial isolates and culture conditions monoclonal antib~dies.~However, the number of strains isolated from clinical material and not belong- A total of 191 clinical isolates was studied, compris- ing to the M. tuberculosis complex is increasing.' In ing strains of M. tuberculosis (50 isolates), M. bovis our laboratory up to 40% of mycobacterial isolates do (16), M. africanum (12), M. bovis BCG (13), M. avium not belong to the M. tuberculosis complex; all these (50), M. kansasii (9), M. marinum (1 l), M. gastri (lo), isolates must be identified, because not all species that M. simiae (3), M. xenopi (7), M. malmoense (lo), do not come within the M. tuberculosis complex are together with the following reference strains- potentially pathogenic in man. Moreover, in the M. tuberculosis ATCC 35836, M. gastri ATCC 15754, clinical setting this needs to be done easily and rapidly. M. marinurn ATCC 927, M. simiae ATCC 25275 and Furthermore, the study of infectious diseases depends M. xenopi ATCC 19250. The reference strains were on accurate identification of isolates. obtained from the American Type Culture Collection, For all these reasons, we sought a suitable method Rockville, MD. All strains were identified at our for identifying all mycobacterial species. Several laboratory as described elsewhere. investigators have used sodium dodecyl sulphate- Mycobacterial strains were grown routinely on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of Coletsos slants (Diagnostics Pasteur, Marnes-la-Co- soluble bacterial polypeptides successfully as a taxon- quette, France)' or in Modified Dubos Broth (MDB : omic and others have shown that densitometric Middlebrook 7H9 Broth, Difco, 4.7 g ; Bactocasitone, analysis of stained gels provides data suitable for Difco, 0.5 g ;L-asparagine 4.0 g ; L-glutamic acid 1-0 g ; numerical taxonomy.899The aim of this study was to sodium pyruvate 1.6 g; yeast extract 1.0 g; biotin evaluate the usefulness of SDS-PAGE as a tool for 5-0 mg; glycerol 50 ml; distilled water 950 ml; pH 6.6 identifying mycobacterial isolates. This paper de- at 25°C; after sterilisation at 121°C for 15 min, 50 ml inactivated new born calf serum, Gibco, was added). Received 25 Oct. 1989; revised version accepted 16 May 1990. All chemicals were from Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA 1 2 A. DE JONG ET AL. unless otherwise stated. Acrylamide was from Serva analysis was performed with an LKB 2202 Ultroscan Feinbiochemica, Heidelberg, Germany. Laser Densitometer with Nelson software. Preparation of samples for SDS-PAGE Comparison of polypeptide projles Bacterial suspensions were prepared either by The average similarity between any two strains was scraping growth from Coletsos slants or by growing assessed by use of the coefficient of Dice14 whereby: the bacteria in 25-ml volumes of MDB at 35°C for 1- average percentage similarity (%S) = (number of 6 weeks and harvesting by centrifugation at 5000 g for matching bands x 2)/(total number of bands in both 15 min at 4°C. In both cases, the cell mass was washed strains). The calculation of similarity was based on a twice in 25 ml of 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.2 at visual comparison of the densitometric profiles and 4°C. The cell suspension was transferred to a 1-5-ml was done independently by two individuals. Extracts Eppendorf vessel and the wet weight of the cell mass of strains were run several times to confirm the results. was determined after centrifugation and removal of the supernate. Then, for each 1 mg of cell mass, 2 pl of buffer (5 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.3) was added and the Results bacterial cells were resuspended by sonication for 30 s at 60% pulse and 20% maximal power in an Ultrasonics The complexities of the polypeptide profiles ob- type W225 sonifier (Heat Systems-Ultrasonics Inc., tained by the method used were similar to those Farmingdale, NY, USA) equipped with a microtip. obtained after cell disruption by high energy sonication This procedure yielded a homogeneous suspension. (5 min, 50% pulse, 80% of a maximum power of The cell suspension in the Eppendorf vessel was 45 W)(data not shown). Furthermore, the size of the now quickly frozen in cold (- 70°C) ethanol and then sample of the soluble protein fraction did not affect thawed in water at 40°C. This freeze and thaw greatly the complexity of the electrophoretogram. For procedure was repeated three times to release mem- instance, if the size of the sample of the soluble protein brane proteins. The suspension was then centrifuged fraction of M. tuberculosis strains was increased from at 10 000 g for 10 min at 4°C and the clear supernate, 30pg to 250pg of protein, the number of protein called the soluble protein fraction, was used for bands in the electrophoretogram decreased from 43 to electrophoresis. The soluble protein fractions were stored at - 70°C. The soluble protein fraction was mixed in 3:l proportions with 0.2 M Tris-HC1 buffer, pH 6.8, con- taining SDS 8% w/v, sucrose 40% w/v, 2-mercaptoeth- anol 20% v/v and bromophenol blue 0.016% w/v. Before application to the gel, the samples were boiled for 10 min and centrifuged for 5 min at 10 000 g and the supernate was used for gel electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis SDS-PAGE analysis of the soluble protein fraction sample was performed by a modified version of the technique of Laemrnli.l3 A slab gel (160 x 120 x 1.0 mm), built up as a vertical 10-20% gradient (acrylamide: bisacrylamide, ratio 28: 1) in 0.375 M Tris-HC1, pH 8.8, SDS 0.1% w/v, was used. The 10- mm stacking gel was acrylamide : bis-acrylamide(ratio 29: 1 3% in 0.125 M Tris-HC1, pH 6.8, SDS 0.2% w/v. A sample (10 pl, containing 60-80 pg of protein estimated by quantitative densitometry) of the soluble protein fraction was applied to each well. The gel was run for 16 h at a constant current of 10 mA without cooling or for 4 h at a constant current of 40 mA with cooling (10°C) in a Biorad Protean I1 gel apparatus. The gel was removed and stained in Coomassie Fig. 1. Soluble protein fraction polypeptideprofiles of M.tuberculosis tub 1159 cultured on five different media. Track 1: mol. wt Brilliant Blue R-250 0.25% w/v in methanol : acetic markers-I. phosphorylase b (94 Kda); 11. bovine albumin acid : water (25 : 10 :65 v :v :v) and destained in the (67 Kda); 111. ovalbumin (43 Kda); IV. carbonic anhydrase same solvent mixture. Low mol. wt protein markers (30 Kda); V. trypsin inhibitor (20.1 Kda); VI. lactalbumin (14.4 Kda). 2-6: The profile obtained after culture (2) on 7H10 (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) were run in the same slants, (3) on Coletsos slants (bovine type), (4) on Coletsos slants gel to allow the estimation of mol. wts. Densitometric (human type), (5) in MDB, (6) on MDB with agar 1% w/v slants. SDS-PAGE OF MYCOBACTERIA 3 Fig. 2. Soluble protein fraction polypeptide profiles of species of the M. tuberculosis complex. Track 1: mol. wt markers (see fig. 1); 2-4: M. tuberculosis strains tub 1129, tub 1159 and tub 1013 respectively; 5-7: M. bovis strains bov 1225, bov 1250 and bov 980; 8-10: M. africunum strains afr 3001, afr 3055 and Myc 4470; 11 and 12: M. bovis-BCG strains BCG 1193 and BCG 1228 (strain BCG 1228 is the Dutch vaccine strain). Fig. 3. Soluble protein polypeptide profiles of eight mycobacterial species and Streptococcuspyogenes. Track 1: mol. wt markers (see fig. 1); 2: M. tuberculosis ATCC 35836; 3: M.
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