Page 1 of 30 Request Date Request ID Request Status Request Subject Request Summary Requested By 13/04/2021 OIR-21-028 Active water takes for commercial use 1. Details of all consents granted in last 2 years for water takes for commercial uses incl farming, Solicitor obo Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc horticulture, viticulture, water bottling in TANK catchments 2. Do consents incl a s128 review condition that enables Council to reduce takes following PC9 becoming operative 3. Does Council have a policy position on whether a review of all commercial water take consents in TANK catchments (s128(1)(b)) will be undertaken once PC9 is operative ? 7/04/2021 OIR-21-027 Active Stay of WDC Abatement Notice Stay of WDC abatement notices EAC 20483 & 20484 granted to 5 April 2021 - what has occurred Journalist since stay was granted? 7/04/2021 OIR-21-026 Active Council Legal Costs for 2018-19 and 2019-20 1. spend on exteral legal services, by provider 2. internal legal team Individual staffing 3. staff numbers 30/03/2021 OIR-21-025 Active Resource Consent Iwi Engagement What formal and/or informal processes/agreements does council have to provide opportunities Tonkin & Taylor Processes for iwi engagement in the resource consent process, incl for different consent types 30/03/2021 OIR-21-024 Completed HBRC LGOIMA policies and processes 1. Does HBRC have a policy or guidelines for charging requestors for supplying LGOIMA Massey University information? If yes, provide a copy. If no, what does HBRC charge (photocopying, scanning, hourly rate for staff time)? from 1 January to 31 December 2020 2. How many LGOIMA requests did HBRC receive? 3. Of these, how many were advised charges for supplying info? 4. How many of those paid the costs for supplying the info? 5. In total, how much did HBRC receive for supplying LGOIMA info? 6. 10 largest amounts paid by requestors 29/03/2021 OIR-21-023 Completed Climate Change Commission Submission HBRC made to Climate Change Commission and who prepared it NZ Taxpayers' Union Inc submission 19/03/2021 OIR-21-022 Active Tukituki Water Security 1. Tukituki Leaders Forum (TLF) - current status; documented purpose, aims, scope & Individual achievements; why TLF instead of Tukituki Taskforce; process of determining membership, members incl troups represented; protocols re conflicts of interest & CoI register; copies of agendas & minutes 2. questions about Water Holdings HB re TLF 3. questions about Water Security Initiatives (WSI) project & Catalyze 14/03/2021 OIR-21-021 Completed Waiomata Stream flows 1. Waiomata Stream flow records taken in each of the first 4 months of each year 2. volumes of Individual water being taken by AUTH-123464-01 Myoak Holdings Limited 25/03/2021 OIR-21-020 Active HB Mountain Bike Club at Eskdale Park 1. When did tHBRC first become aware of the HB Mountain Bike club (HBMBC) proposing a base Friends of Eskdale Park Inc at Waipunga Road Eskdale or Eskdale Park? 2. Date of first contact with HBRC re the Waipunga Rd or Eskdale Park site 3. Names of council officers (incl councillors) & HBMBC officials who initiated discussions. 4. How many meetings about the proposed hub have taken place (formal or informal) between council officers, councillors & HBMBC officials & when? 5. Copies of all communications & notes re discussions between HBRC & HBMBC about the proposal 6. Nature of any funds that HBRC proposed to draw from to assist the proposal 7. itemised list of any HBRC expenditure to assist the project 22/03/2021 OIR-21-019 Completed resource consents 1. Complete historical files relating to consents AUTH-118189-02; AUTH-119996-02; AUTH- Kanapu Holdings 120700-01; AUTH-120706-01; AUTH-121995-01 2. if a water consent issued for a specific land use on a specific block (or blocks) of land, if said land and/or land use materially changed in terms of ownership and/or land use would the consent remain valid 3. If the water consent was for a land use option on a given land block and the block owner were to object against the consent (either prior to, during or after the consent is issued), what are the rights of the land block owner and the consent owner (assuming they are separate entities) 4. Are water consents notifiable? If so, to what extent? 13/03/2021 OIR-21-018 Active Whakaki Lake Freshwater Improvement 1. All Grant funding invoiced for incl details of the invoices and the payments. 2. Details of Individual Fund Project payments for contractual work. 3. Copies of all reports filed by the governance group & any other relevant group as required for Project Reporting 4. Audit reports & quarterly reports 19/03/2021 OIR-21-017 Completed February 2021 Unauthorised chemical All tests results incl water tests, surveys, assessments, notes (handwritten or typed), incident Barrister discharges report(s) & documents relating to: 1. 5 February 2021 acid spill at Galvanising HB Limited, 41 Thames Street, Napier 2. blocked sewage drain in Pandora's industrial zone on or about 4 February 2021 3. paint discharge to stormwater network on or about 5-7 February 2021 4. fire in a scrap metal yard on or about 5-7 February 2021 where the fire water drained from the site with much of it reaching the Ahuriri estuary. 16/03/2021 OIR-21-016 Completed NES for Plantation Forestry Regulations 1. the process of the alignment and implementation of stringency in HBRC plans and policies 2. Lincoln University student 2017 describe SoE monitoring (RMA s35) for sedimentation rates & environmental effects in freshwater & coastal environments, in relation to activities undertaken under the NES-PF 16/03/2021 OIR-21-015 Completed NZ Coastal Policy Statement Actions being taken or planned to implement the NZ Coastal Policy Statement 2010 (NZCPS) in Lincoln University student Implementation post-Motiti Court light of the ‘Motiti’ Court of Appeal decision decision 26/02/2021 OIR-21-014 Active RLTP alignment to Land Transport 1. what steps being taken to meet LTMA s14(a)(ii) 2. how will ensure RLTP consistent with all 4 MOVEMENT Management Act Government Policy Statement on Transport (GPS21) priorities & on track to meet GPS21 section 2 results requirements 3. How does HBRC RTC handle conflicting advice on specific examples of: a - emissions - NZTA vs GPS21 s2.5 b - will projects be assessed against GPS21 s2.6 progress indicators c - will HBRC exclude travel time savings from NZTA Cost-Benefit Appraisal to be consistent with GPS21 s52, 53, 76 & 89 5/03/2021 OIR-21-013 Active agricultural spray drift regulation 1. What, if any, weight is given to permitting activities known to endanger health adjacent to Individual vulnerable populations? 2. How does Council monitor changing practices on orchards that by their nature endanger the health of both their workers and others living adjacent to such changed activity? 3. What information is disseminated informing people of the health risks associated with agricultural sprays? 4. What signage is required as notification of these health risks? 5. What weight, if any, is given to OHS principles? 2/03/2021 OIR-21-012 Refused abatement notice a copy of the abatement notice issued to individual Journalist 26/02/2021 OIR-21-011 Active Ngaruroro Water Conservation Order A summary of HBRC's costs of involvement in the Ngaruroro River Water Conservation Order Forest & Bird proceedings (WCO) proceedings from the time of notification (Monday, 24 July 2017) until now, incl lodging submissions, preparing evidence & appearing at Hearings 22/02/2021 OIR-21-010 Completed Affco and Talleys resource consents 1. Copies of Affco/Talleys resource consents in HB 2. Has either company ever disputed RadioNZ waste/consent charges, and if so, detail each dispute & whether the charges were paid 3. how much these companies owe HBRC in unpaid charges 4. list of abatement notices issued to these companies 17/02/2021 OIR-21-009 Completed external consultants engaged by HBRC Details of all external consultancies engaged over the last 3 financial years (1 July 2017 to 30 Otago Business School student June 2020) costing in excess of $1k 15/02/2021 OIR-21-008 Completed offshore disposal consent breaches a list of companies that have breached their consents for offshore dumping / waste disposal in Newshub Journalist the Coastal Marine Area in the past five years, incl details of each breach 11/02/2021 OIR-21-007 Completed Rocket Lab resource consents consent & supporting documents HBRC issued to Rocket Lab North & South 1/02/2021 OIR-21-006 Completed Jobs 4 Nature Landowner Funding 1. Who has received funding incl who & location? 2. How is funding distributed & process/policy Journalist being followed 3. How will funds be accounted for? 4. How is it proven the funding is being used for the purposes of the programme? 2/02/2021 OIR-21-005 Completed Opoutama Community Wastewater copies of all submissions received on DP090687L Traverse Environmental Scheme submissions 28/01/2021 OIR-21-004 Completed Puketapu Road property Full copy of all official info relating to Puketapu Tractors' Puketapu Road property, incl all Lawson Robinson correspondence to/from Dr Bull, Mr Parsons & his representatives & agents, internal HBRC memoranda & reports 1/02/2021 OIR-21-003 Completed Whakaki freshwater project All comms re engagement through the Whakaki freshwater project & development process Individual engagement and development between HBRC & Richard Brooking (& any company he owns, is a director or employee of) & The Whakaki Lake Trust, the B2L2 Hereheretau Trust & the Whakaki Lake 2n Trust, incl details of any funding &/or proposed funding. 29/01/2021 OIR-21-002 Transferred public landfills Number and capacity of landfills in districts Journalist 3/01/2021 OIR-21-001 Completed Pest management and control 1.
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