A.1 2004 9/14/04 6:36 PM Page 1 Section A Population and Vital Statistics Information on New York State’s people — including population characteristics; births; deaths; marriage and divorce; and immigration. Highlights • New York State’s resident population was almost 19 million as of the 2000 Census. • In 2000, almost 13 million New Yorkers were white, over 3 million were black, almost 2.9 million were of Hispanic origin, and over 1 million were Asian. • There were over 7 million households in New York State as the 2000 Census. • There were almost 260,000 births in New York State in 2000. • There were almost 160,000 deaths in New York State in 2000. • There were about 133,500 marriages in New York State in 2000. • There were over 60,000 divorces in New York State in 2000. • Almost 115,000 immigrants settled in New York State in 2002. A-1 Resident Population, Rank, Land Area, Density and A-13 Older (60+) Population by Age Group, NYS by Change in Population, US by State: 2000 and 2002 County: 2000 A-2 Births: 2000 and 2001 and Deaths: 1999-2001, US by A-14 Older (60+) Population by Age Group, Totals and State Percentages, NYS by County: 2000 A-3 Marriages and Divorces, US by State: 1990, 1995 and A-15 Older (65+) Population by Living Arrangements and 2001 Older (65+) Householders, NYS by County: 2000 A-4 Resident Population, NYS by County: 1910-2000 A-16 Women Aged 60-Plus by Age Group, NYS by County: 2000 A-5 Resident Population, Rank, Land Area and Density, NYS by County: 2000 and 2002 A-17 Older (60+) Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, NYS by County: 2000 A-6 Resident Population by Land Area, NYS by Towns, Villages and Cities: 2000 and 2002 A-18 Number of Persons Below Poverty and Poverty Rates by Age, NYS by County: 2000 A-7 Resident Population, Total and Nonwhite, NYS by County: 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000 A-19 Civilian Non-Institutional Population (65 and Older) by Types of Disability, NYS by County: 2000 A-8 Resident Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, NYS by City: 1990 and 2000 A-20 Disability Status, NYS by County: 2000 A-9 Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, NYS by A-21 Disability Status by Sex, NYS: 2000 County: 2000 A-22 Disability Status of the Civilian Non-Institutional Population 65 Years and Older by Types of Disability, A-10 Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, NYS by NYS by County: 2000 Metropolitan Area: 1990 and 2000 A-23 Disability Status of the Civilian Non-Institutional A-11 Population by Age, NYS by County: 2000 Population 65 Years and Older by Poverty Status, A-12 Population by Age and Sex, NYS: 2000 and 2002 NYS by County: 2000 —1— A.1 2004 9/14/04 6:36 PM Page 2 A-24 Self-Care Disability for the Civilian Non-Institu- A-44 Cancer Incidence and Mortality by Age at Diagnosis tional Population 65 Years and Older by Age and and Gender, NYS: Average 1996-2000 Minority Status, NYS by County: 2000 A-45 Selected Birth and Infant Death Statistics for Cities A-25 Go-Outside-Home Disability for the Civilian Non- and Villages Over 10,000 Population, NYS: 2000 Institutional Population 65 Years and Older by Age A-46 AIDS Cases by County and City of Residence, NYS: and Minority Status, NYS by County: 2000 Cases Confirmed Through March 2000 A-26 Household Families and Persons in Group Quarters, A-47 Mortality of AIDS Patients, NYS: Cases Confirmed NYS by County: 2000 Through March 2000 A-27 Resident Live Births, Deaths and Infant Deaths, A-48 AIDS Incidence by Risk Factors and Year of Diagnosis Including Rates, NYS: 1946-2000 Among Adults, NYS: As of August 31, 1999 A-28 Resident Live Births by Plurality, NYS by County: A-49 Marriages and Dissolutions of Marriage, Including 2000 Rates, NYS, NYC and Rest of State: 1968-2000 A-29 Resident Live Births by Birth Order, NYS by County: A-50 Immigrants Admitted by State of Intended Residence, 2000 US by State: Federal Fiscal Years 1994-2002 A-30 Resident Live Births and Rates, NYS by County: A-51 Nonimmigrants Admitted by Selected Class of Admis- 1996-2000 sion and State of Destination, US by State: Federal A-31 Live Births by Mother’s Age, NYS by County of Fiscal Year 2002 Residence: 2000 A-52 Asylum Cases Filed with INS Asylum Officers by State A-32 Resident Deaths and Rates, NYS by County: 1996- of Residence, US by State: Federal Fiscal Year 2002 2000 Figures A-33 Resident Live Births by Mother’s Years of Education, A-1 Total Resident Population, NYS: 2000 NYS by County of Residence: 2000 A-2 Percent Change in Population, NYS: 1990-2000 A-34 Deaths and Death Rates from Selected Causes, NYS: 1997-2000 A-3 Resident Population, Percent Black, NYS: 2000 A-35 Induced Abortions by Resident County and Woman’s A-4 Resident Population, Percent Asian, NYS: 2000 Age, NYS: 2000 A-5 Resident Population, Percent White, NYS: 2000 A-36 Spontaneous Fetal Deaths (All Gestations) by Mother’s A-6 Resident Population, Percent Two or More Races, Age, NYS by Resident County: 2000 NYS: 2000 A-37 Cases of Selected Communicable Diseases, NYS: A-7 Resident Population, Percent Hispanic, NYS: 2000 1990-2001 A-8 Resident Population, Percent Over 65, NYS: 2000 A-38 Deaths by Resident County and Age at Death, NYS: 2000 A-9 Resident Population, Percent of Individuals 65 and Over in Poverty, NYS: 2000 A-39 Resident Induced Abortions by Years of Education, NYS by County: 2000 A-10 Resident Population, Percent Disabled, NYS: 2000 A-40 Cancer Incidence and Mortality by Gender, NYS by A-11 Mortality of AIDS Patients, NYS: Cases Confirmed County: Average 1996-2000 Through March 2000 A-41 Cancer Incidence and Mortality by Gender and Site A-12 Adult AIDS Cases by Risk Factor, NYS: As of August 31, 1999 of Cancer, NYS: Average 1996-2000 A-13 Cumulative Number of AIDS Incidence Rates per A-42 Cancer Incidence Cases in Males and Females by 100,000 Population, NYS by County: Confirmed Selected Sites of Cancer, NYS: Average 1976-2000 Cases Through March 2000 A-43 Cancer Mortality in Males and Females by Selected Sites of Cancer, NYS: Average 1976-2000 Glossary —2— A.1 2004 9/14/04 6:36 PM Page 3 TABLE A-1 Resident Population, Rank, Land Area, Density and Change in Population United States by State — 2000 and 2002 April 2, 2000 July 1, 2002 Percent Resident Land Area3 Resident Change in State Population1 Rank2 (square miles) Density3 Population1 Rank2 Density Population United States 281,421,906 X 3,537,439 79.6 288,368,698 X 81.5 2.47% Alabama 4,447,100 23 50,744 87.6 4,486,508 23 88.4 0.89 Alaska 626,932 48 571,951 1.1 643,786 47 1.1 2.69 Arizona 5,130,632 20 113,635 45.2 5,456,453 19 48.0 6.35 Arkansas 2,673,400 33 52,068 51.3 2,710,079 33 52.0 1.37 California 33,871,648 1 155,959 217.2 35,116,033 1 225.2 3.67 Colorado 4,301,261 24 103,718 41.5 4,506,542 22 43.5 4.77 Connecticut 3,405,565 29 4,845 702.9 3,460,503 29 714.3 1.61 Delaware 783,600 45 1,954 401.1 807,385 45 413.3 3.04 District of Columbia 572,059 50 61 9,316.9 570,898 50 9,298.0 -0.20 Florida 15,982,378 4 53,927 296.4 16,713,149 4 309.9 4.57 Georgia 8,186,453 10 57,906 141.4 8,560,310 10 147.8 4.57 Hawaii 1,211,537 42 6,423 188.6 1,244,898 42 193.8 2.75 Idaho 1,293,953 39 82,747 15.6 1,341,131 39 16.2 3.65 Illinois 12,419,293 5 55,584 223.4 12,600,620 5 226.7 1.46 Indiana 6,080,485 14 35,867 169.5 6,159,068 14 171.7 1.29 Iowa 2,926,324 30 55,869 52.4 2,936,760 30 52.6 0.36 Kansas 2,688,418 32 81,815 32.9 2,715,884 32 33.2 1.02 Kentucky 4,041,769 25 39,728 101.7 4,092,891 26 103.0 1.26 Louisiana 4,468,976 22 43,562 102.6 4,482,646 24 102.9 0.31 Maine 1,274,923 40 30,862 41.3 1,294,464 40 41.9 1.53 Maryland 5,296,486 19 9,774 541.9 5,458,137 18 558.4 3.05 Massachusetts 6,349,097 13 7,840 809.8 6,427,801 13 819.9 1.24 Michigan 9,938,444 8 56,804 175.0 10,050,446 8 176.9 1.13 Minnesota 4,919,479 21 79,610 61.8 5,019,720 21 63.1 2.04 Mississippi 2,844,658 31 46,907 60.6 2,871,782 31 61.2 0.95 Missouri 5,595,211 17 68,886 81.2 5,672,579 17 82.3 1.38 Montana 902,195 44 145,552 6.2 909,453 44 6.2 0.80 Nebraska 1,711,263 38 76,872 22.3 1,729,180 38 22.5 1.05 Nevada 1,998,257 35 109,826 18.2 2,173,491 35 19.8 8.77 New Hampshire 1,235,786 41 8,968 137.8 1,275,056 41 142.2 3.18 New Jersey 8,414,350 9 7,417 1,134.4 8,590,300 9 1,158.1 2.09 New Mexico 1,819,046 36 121,356 15.0 1,855,059 36 15.3 1.98 New York 18,976,457 3 47,214 401.9 19,157,532 3 405.8 0.95 North Carolina 8,049,313 11 48,711 165.2 8,320,146 11 170.8 3.36 North Dakota 642,200 47 68,976 9.3 634,110 48 9.2 -1.26 Ohio 11,353,140 7 40,948 277.3 11,421,267 7 278.9 0.60 Oklahoma 3,450,654 27 68,667 50.3 3,493,714 28 50.9 1.25 Oregon 3,421,399 28 95,997 35.6 3,521,515 27 36.7 2.93 Pennsylvania 12,281,054 6 44,817 274.0 12,335,091 6 275.2 0.44 Rhode Island 1,048,319 43 1,045 1,003.3 1,069,725 43 1,023.8 2.04 South Carolina 4,012,012 26 30,110 133.2 4,107,183 25 136.4 2.37 South Dakota 754,844 46 75,885 9.9 761,063 46 10.0 0.82 Tennessee 5,689,283 16 41,217 138.0 5,797,289 16 140.7 1.90 Texas 20,851,820 2 261,797 79.6 21,779,893 2 83.2 4.45 Utah 2,233,169 34 82,144 27.2 2,316,256 34 28.2 3.72 Vermont 608,827 49 9,250 65.8 616,592 49 66.7 1.28 Virginia 7,078,515 12 39,594 178.8 7,293,542 12 184.2 3.04 Washington 5,894,121 15 66,544 88.6 6,068,996 15 91.2 2.97 West Virginia 1,808,344 37 24,078 75.1 1,801,873 37 74.8 -0.36 Wisconsin 5,363,675 18 54,310 98.8 5,441,196 20 100.2 1.45 Wyoming 493,782 51 97,100 5.1 498,703 51 5.1 1.00 X Not applicable.
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