ICANN:ICANN: UpdateUpdate andand IssuesIssues PSOPSO GAGA SophiaSophia AntipolisAntipolis,, July,July, 20012001 HansHans KraajienbrinkKraajienbrink andand HelmutHelmut SchinkSchink ICANNICANN DirectorsDirectors ICANN:ICANN: TheThe BasicBasic BargainBargain ICANNICANN == InternationalizationInternationalization ofof PolicyPolicy FunctionsFunctions forfor DNSDNS andand IPIP AddressingAddressing systemssystems ++ PrivatePrivate SectorSector (non(non--governmental)governmental) ManagementManagement WhatWhat doesdoes ICANNICANN do?do? CoordinatesCoordinates policiespolicies relatingrelating toto thethe uniqueunique assignmentassignment of:of: •• InternetInternet DomainDomain NamesNames •• NumericalNumerical IPIP AddressesAddresses •• ProtocolProtocol PortPort andand ParameterParameter NumbersNumbers CoordinatesCoordinates thethe DNSDNS RootRoot ServerServer SystemSystem -- throughthrough RootRoot ServerServer SystemSystem AdvisoryAdvisory CommitteeCommittee WhatWhat areare thethe IANAIANA functions?functions? ProtocolProtocol parameterparameter assignmentsassignments • Under March 1, 2000 IETF/IAB/ICANN MOU • Documented through IETF’s RFC series • Types of numbers range from unique port assignments to the registration of character sets. • List of IANA Protocol Numbers and Assignment services: <http://www.iana.org/numbers.html> IPIP AddressAddress AllocationsAllocations DNSDNS rootroot zonezone filefile managementmanagement ICANNICANN BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors President and CEO ASO Directors: M. Stuart Lynn Rob Blokzijl (Netherlands) At Large Directors: Ken Fockler (Canada) Karl Auerbach (USA) Sang-Hyon Kyong (South Ivan Moura Campos (Brazil) Korea) Frank Fitzsimmons (USA) DNSO Directors: Masanobu Katoh (Japan) Amadeu Abril i Abril Hans Kraaijenbrink (Spain) (Netherlands) Jonathan Cohen (Canada) Andy Mueller-Maguhn Alejandro Pisanty (Mexico) (Germany) PSO Directors: Jun Murai (Japan) Helmut Schink (Germany) Nii Quaynor (Ghana) Vint Cerf (USA) - Chairman Linda S. Wilson (USA) Vint Cerf (USA) - Chairman Phil Davidson (U.K.) DomainDomain namesnames && IPIP addressesaddresses Domain names are the familiar, easy-to-remember names for computers on the Internet e.g., amazon.com, icann.org, nic.or.kr Domain names correlate to Internet Protocol numbers (IP numbers) (e.g. that serve as routing addresses on the Internet The domain name system (DNS) translates domain names into IP numbers needed for routing packets of information over the Internet www.icann.org = TypesTypes ofof InternetInternet DomainsDomains • GenericGeneric TopTop LevelLevel DomainsDomains (gTLDs)(gTLDs) •• <.<.comcom>,>, <.<.netnet>,>, <.<.orgorg>> openopen toto allall personspersons andand entitiesentities onon aa globalglobal basisbasis •• <.<.intint>> forfor internationalinternational treatytreaty organizationsorganizations •• <.<.arpaarpa>> forfor InternetInternet InfrastructureInfrastructure purposespurposes •• <.<.govgov>,>, <.<.milmil>> forfor U.S.U.S. government,government, militarymilitary •• <.<.eduedu>> forfor USUS universitiesuniversities MoreMore TypesTypes ofof InternetInternet DomainsDomains • CountryCountry CodeCode TopTop LevelLevel DomainsDomains (ccTLDs)(ccTLDs) •• <.<.cncn>,>, <.<.hkhk>,<.>,<.jpjp>,>, <.<.ukuk>,>, <.<.caca>,>, <.<.brbr>,>, <.<.dede>,>, <.<.plpl>,>, <.<.cccc>> .. .. .. •• ImpreciseImprecise name:name: ccTLDccTLD includesincludes countriescountries andand geographicallygeographically distinctdistinct territoriesterritories •• DerivedDerived fromfrom ISOISO 31663166--11 listlist •• RegistrationRegistration requirementsrequirements varyvary byby domaindomain • Residency requirement • Price (or no charge) • Ability to transfer • Dispute resolution policy StructureStructure ofof DNSDNS MapMap ofof thethe RootRoot ServersServers RegionalRegional InternetInternet RegistriesRegistries (RIR)(RIR) ARINARIN APNICAPNIC • North America • Most of Asia • Latin America • Australia/New • Caribbean Islands Zealand • Sub-Saharan Africa • Pacific Islands RIPERIPE NCCNCC • Europe • Middle East • North Africa • Parts of Asia NewNew TopTop--LevelLevel DomainsDomains FirstFirst groupgroup chosenchosen inin NovemberNovember 20002000 • Global Open: <.info>, <.biz> • Individuals: <.name>, <.pro> • Specialized: <.museum>, <.aero>, <.coop> ProofProof ofof ConceptConcept -- LaunchLaunch withwith caution,caution, observeobserve carefully,carefully, learnlearn fromfrom experienceexperience IfIf successful,successful, therethere willwill bebe futurefuture roundsrounds BiggestBiggest challenge:challenge: LaunchLaunch phasephase • Intellectual Property & Cybersquatting fears • Opening day rush & Fairness to everyone Danger:Danger: SleazySleazy prepre--registrationregistration offersoffers ((seesee FTCFTC Warning)Warning) TopTop PolicyPolicy ObjectivesObjectives forfor YearYear 20012001 Successful introduction of New Top-Level Domains Completion of agreements with ccTLD registries, IP Address registries, root server operators At Large Study Restructuring of Domain Name Supporting Organization (DNSO) Review of Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), Whois database policy Support emerging Regional Internet Regristries: LACNIC and AfriNIC AtAt LargeLarge ElectionsElections 20002000 FreeFree andand openopen toto anyoneanyone withwith aa verifiableverifiable emailemail addressaddress andand physicalphysical addressaddress OverOver 158,000158,000 registeredregistered toto vote;vote; overover 70,00070,000 activatedactivated memberships;memberships; overover 34,00034,000 votedvoted 55 DirectorsDirectors electedelected fromfrom 55 differentdifferent regionsregions • North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia/Australia/Pacific Problems:Problems: ImbalanceImbalance inin distributiondistribution ofof membersmembers && votes;votes; nationalistnationalist patternspatterns inin voting;voting; capturecapture byby smallsmall groups;groups; outreach;outreach; fullfull participationparticipation byby nonnon--EnglishEnglish speakersspeakers AtAt LargeLarge StudyStudy NextNext steps:steps: StudyStudy thethe process,process, drawdraw lessons,lessons, redesignredesign forfor thethe futurefuture •• ChairChair ofof studystudy committee:committee: Hon.Hon. CarlCarl BildtBildt (Sweden)(Sweden) •• ViceVice--chairs:chairs: PindarPindar WongWong (Hong(Hong KongKong S.A.R.,S.A.R., China)China) andand CharlesCharles CostelloCostello (USA,(USA, CarterCarter Center)Center) <http://<http://www.atlargestudy.orgwww.atlargestudy.org>> MainMain resultsresults ofof JuneJune meetingmeeting http://www.icann.org/minutes/prelim-report-04jun01.htm Budget approved • http://www.icann.org/financials/proposed-budget-14may01.htm Revision of Registrar Application and Accreditation Fees Emerging Regional Internet Registries Referral of .org Issues to DNSO Process for Monitoring and Evaluation of New TLD Program initiated FurtherFurther hothot topicstopics Alternative routes Verisign deal (maintain .com in total, give .net and .org away in next years) Separate SO for ccTLDs Legal and political actions from various sources (e.g. .kids, .xxx) Policy on internationalised domain names Phasing-in of new TLDs Overseas office Poss.Poss. PSOPSO IssuesIssues inin ICANNICANN Basis principle: • stabilize ICANN • avoid alternative routes Protocols / Standards: • support of enum (numbering mapping of E.164 to DNS), avoid conflicts by ambigous names, if required enhance the UDRP • discuss amongst PSO members to develop open Registrar / Registry Protocol performance standards for all DNS elements PICS for new applicants interoperability tests between registrars and registries Poss.Poss. PSOPSO IssuesIssues inin ICANNICANN IP addresses: until now no action, but possibly: • introduction of IPv6: develop migration mechanisms and/or overall architecture • use of IANA for protocol numbering Domain names • internationalized domian names: standards are on the way in the IETF, do the other PSO members see a role? Independant Review Panel and New TLD monitoring and Evaluation • PSO members required PSO director to be appointed ForFor FurtherFurther Information:Information: HansHans KraaijenbrinkKraaijenbrink <<[email protected]@icann.org>> HelmutHelmut SchinkSchink <<[email protected]@icn.siemens.de>> http://www.icann.orghttp://www.icann.org.
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