Twin FaUs, Idah. 7 4 th v e aar;No.48 r 'ho S a tui r r t d a y , F e b ru a ry I'l1 7 ,1 9 7 9 J15" z ^ p 1 H o ui s e a i p p y s m p l €em er t o r i ^ BOISE (in>D - After twiitwice putting down allemplst£ loi _ which lhe bill finally passlassed. ho recognizcd1 llitlial some members havee a problem wllh. anticlpallcUon notes but, he said, '.‘they'll»y'll survive." ' — dcla)rcori&ldcratjon4 lhc.HoiE[ousc:overwhclmlngly{ipprovc oved -,7 - Besides implemenllnilUng the property tax lin-imitation-. a-riting"funtl!urllunar'-u.se buck Inlo tiic dcflnlflnltlon of markel Rep.'.GiGary Ingram, R-Coeur d’Alene,d’A attacked the 58-12— aiid sent to the Sehoehale Friday a blil to impiemeinent Initiative next ‘year thehe ibill freezes lo c a r budgetsLs ot 1978 value and lhal• fuifurther definitions are beingsig studied. - legislationon. on grounds If does notlot keep faith-the the - the 1 pcTwnt Initiative Jan..1,1980. 1, dollar figures for this5 ycyear and either al 1578 levc;vels or 1 But he said il wns\ "essen tial" to gel thishis bill moving so "people’ss Initiative."I He said it willI makemi 1979 and not 1978 Before the House acted1 onoi the measure both parlkriles percent of market value,uc, whichever.ls lower, nextycyear., ' the Legislaturere can come to* grips withh tlthe problem of a base yea:lar for Uie 1 percent limitation,lion., caucused. Then,, Rep. Lymii-man G. W inchester. R-Kun.una. II provides for apiapproval of bonds and speclM im'plcmentlng'iniI in^iiiliiuUve. " ------------------------ ------i^The-di-datei-6el©cto<r-6hould-bo--u’c- u ’clghtcd-tow ard-tho----------- __ moved to hold the bill on thethe calendar.untli Wonday,. HisII - fis.sessments.-.cilher asj9 pprovjded in tiie Constilutoilon or by - - -Rep.- Darwinin Young, R-Blackfoot. said;ald the bonding.^ taxpaycu’iir and not the faxing district,"::l,"In;^amsald. "Ifwe - i: motion, undebatablo at thatit orderofoi business. lost 33-3G.G....... —current lawT-It-fllso-allcallows ovcrfldu. levies approroved by , provisions wcroro written into Uie bill - V■ctroaclivc c tr lolaal. come dowrwn on the side of the taxing5 districtdis we've cot to go ' When the bill came up forir debated W inchester iried aga;Igain two-thirds of those votingLing ................................. Nov, 7 - lo protc•otect bond issues now under?racloud»)ecausc.. a back to thehedrawlngboard. 1’ to stall-action and, alter •aa 32-mlnute: debate, lost IHG. In addition, thtfmeasui3surc knocks out three sectionons of the of the initiative.e . ' --------- -------- -- Ingramn also argued that thee initiativeIr permitted ........... Next, he forced the b tllto be read in full before the Hoii‘ouse Initiative believed lo be}c uunconstltutonal. And it wrlti•Hes back Anolher spons)nsor of the m easure. Rep., HHarold Reid. D-- alternative[ve form s-of local taxes onI a vote\ of two-thirds of could consider It. Into law "functional”I” as well as "actual" useise as a Cralgmont, saidlid the bill is not w hat everylx)ylxHly w anted bul thepeople.le. This bill, he said, does hol.ol. Several legislators indicaticaled afler the hnal vole thatth; definition of m arket valuialue for real property, Is one that willII doc the job. He acknowledgedged that it moy Young: disagreed,d saying "I don’tin’t think the Initiative Winchester’s delaying tactic;:tlcs Increased the majorityy byt Tax Committee Chairrlirm an Sieve Antone. R-Rupc:pert, said ‘‘pinch hard"" on those cities that dependdc on lax does speakak to m andatin^ocal optionn taxes."ta Carter,; P o rti'Hlo i Doci:tors endanmiserabble r idemttify- - 3 3 2 summhItse^iem S a l t l i MEXICO CITV (UPI) -- PPresident Carter recelvelved a standing ovaffon ^ diseiiose -- Carter- and. President. Joselose Lopez__ atendofhls24.j24.minule.speechJIe.was______ *^r- - ROME (UPI) -— An International .......... — Portillo failedti three dayssbfsummlt- bf interrupted withwi applause-when he • team of doctors FrFriday blamed'the talks to solve the issues divldli»ldlngthcm said, “ I am1 deeplyd ond personally At>-4 baby-kUllng "darkrk dldisease” of Naples — Including U.S. purchase of 1Mexican determ ined to protect the human on poo'r prevcntlv<ntlve medicine and oil and gas — but agreedKl Itoday to riglilsof .allpecpeople wllhln the bo'rde'rs ' . recommended thathat virus detection - m eet again this sum m er In1 thoth United of my counlry,:ry, whether or nol they '■ centers be set upp throughoutth Italy to States to try again. are citizens of)flheUnltedSlales," I] avoid risk of a nationIlonal epidemic. C arter flew off t c Wa:Washington Lopez portm•tlllo, In an airport news ^ - - “The cases of)f resplrato'ryr vfrus leaving unsettled the prol)roblem of . conferene Qfleifler Carler took off for ; “ y apparently werere not limited to. trade, energy and the flowfj ofo lens of Washington,, saidsc tlial slatcmenl was j Naples," the reportport said. "Sporadic thousands 'o f. illegal Mexjc^1^0001:-... the. mostJmtinpoi:tnnt_result_of_lhe ____ I _________ :ascs_have^been.r<n.reported.ln_DUier____ , grants Into tEe”United Suitestes in some c a rle r trip. CarterCai said earlier he had c parts of Italy, IncludlJudlngRome." tough exchanges with Lopezpez Portillo agreed lo sencend former Florida gov- ' f ' v - i The leam , ihcluiicluding three U.S. that apparently did little to improve om or RubenI AskewA: lo Mexico Cily lo ................ ' , • - researchers, releasecased their findings sagging U.S.'-Mexlcan relatloitlons. study sonic of these Immigrant pro- v t after' a three-day-day inspection of C art^ said In a Spanishlh language1 blems. hospitals In Napleslies where.66 infants speech to the Mexican congi Both Carlurler and Lopez Portillo have died from respi:espirato'ry Infections. many major differences r ir that it mlph( hn yr.nrs ____ esya They said a strainaln of ^ c y t l i J v i m _________ — bctwerrthe Untted^tates-anc * nations and preparations j. ‘‘had played a keyjy role’rt In the N aples and and that they would hahave t o t e ed for U.S. purchase of.____! . epidemic, but notwltwi Ithat several other - resolved In laler lalks. - m d Has. r ' m ore obscure virusiiruses had ^so been “Your president ■ and milntlnc <slc) . detected among lhethe ^victim s.. soon again Carter referiferred In liis speech lo ; !■ have a g r e ^ to meet very soi Most.of the "darklark disease" victims a th a s lK c n congress to) '"signing" agreements I J to assess the progress that 1 t i • have been Infantsits betw^nI 4 and 6 :o on such issues as • I made and to add ourr ;personal' '*11' Mexico m onths old. laininf! pro- sclcntlfic andid tedmolbgy exchanges. I i f - f i l Influence In resolving rcm alr ■ IS ' The team, Invitevlted by the Italian and Water.; development____I - - b I e m 3 ,” '-Carter said. He!. sisal(l-thcy— “n — -govemmcntto sludj evelopmenlbulthey-were------ B ludy.thc disease, said: ii. iii:: — would se t up three w orkingIg egrooprto - »ntl urban dev( B fcw l preventive measuriisures were essential outstanding actually signc^ned al the airport- by I try lo settle the'principal out lo stopping the epldcpldemlc. SecreUiry off SState Cyrus Vance and I ..._ differences. • “ We think It isIs otof vital Im portance / 7: to Mexican Foreign Mlalslulster Saallago i^oel in a ' I ■ k I In an obvious reference lo th at doctors p ayy inintense atl^tlon to aged ceremony. I an g er over U.S. cancellatllation ol a hastily arraagi any signs of resp“esplratory problems rllilo told the news con- multi-million dollar natuiilu rn l gas P«rtU am ong Infants. SuciSuch Infants must be ago In nn lercnce lhatt tthe United Stales has ■■■ agreement two w years ago hospit^lzedlmmedlnedialely,” the report ■ter pledged enougli oil andnd gas lo handle domestic | . argument over p^es. Carter said. iitfvH needs for -theho-tlmc being arid that L — In-hls^Epeech-that thu-Unlte --------------------^c4hink-the«aacishould-bc-a-vlnis--------------- > ‘.‘will give us lime to ”1 would be a good custom err arand would future-talin clinic chjaled to;o check every child fair and well-balanced ^ t pav a fair and lust price for Mexican negotiate a ft viral problems. The --------------------- agrccomcnt'wl'Which wlllnet-hurt-elthcr------1 admitted with vlri oil. ■ ■ clinic could also) acact as a llaSOri"WlUl " n _ - county." ____ theconununily.’-lthellthedoctorssald.. ______ _______ Asked whyy hhe had not given C arter I ^ ' The team ree»mn)mmended antibiotics ( ^ ® ( o ) d l - an “embrazo,’^0,” or traditional Latin I V , _ as first-step mc(medication In the --------o -----------om braco-on-a absence of a syncytlcytlal vaccine._____________ _ Pl(^li saidhewouldad at tlie next meeting. J mventlonal flu shols ~ nnn_®iioii§Mg Carter rcceii:eived a standing ovation ■ ^ they said conve miBR'l W U5CflU;T5lI, but w6r<i genei*ally' atendofhls24-24-mlnule speecli. He was | £ - - too strong for useeon on infants. interrupted withwll applause during the . I p • - “ W hat Is m ostt ImportantIm is preven- ...... speech whenn heh said, “ I nm deeply I . Uon,” the report•ort said. “ Nallonal and personallyilly determined lo protect 1 centers must be)C sset up to monitor the human rl^• l^ ls of all people within diseases, to dlscoveMve'r and follow them ' the borders of5f Im y counlry, w hctheror d to infants with dre a s e ” at the community:ylevel." le , w l not they aree citizens( of the United ' H o sp ita l w o rk e rsrs In N a p le s a tte n d ] Ireaded “darkdisea; W I Slates." Sl U.SSv-Sovi€et relatiionstuim eold^ler over Iran Idaho w ildli l l i t e mes Service forfor m ilitary jnlervcntlon lo0 restore U nited Stales eaiearlier this monlh.
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