COMPLETE OVER 5.000 Coverage in N*w» and People in Springfield4 Circulation - — - Read . It in the Sun t Read HID Sun Each Week OFFICIAL NKWHPAMER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER VOL. XXIII, No. 51 BOROUGH Ot MOUNTAINSIDE SPRINGFIELD, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1948 ' TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFISLD 6c A COPY, $2.50 BY THE YEAR LIBRARY TEACHING Candidates'Night IMPORTANT AT H. S. Delay Action Library instruction has become LISTEN an important part of the curricu- Moderator Named lum at Reglonal^The~]lbrSry~a!T the center of educational life of On Morris Ave. the school,' provides excellent read- ing and reference facilities. Because freshmen are new to high school they are Introduced Republicans Charge Parking Law to the library by means of a week's Disintegrates As instruction under thedirectionof- Miss Barbara Dimmers, librarian. Merchants and Work Is done through the fresh- Civic Units to men English classes. Lessons con- Of Democratic Split sist of general information about the library, pewcy Decimal Sys- Keane Joins Revolt Meet with Board tem, Card Catalog, dictionaries, en- cyclopedias, and Reader's Guide, Effort to Gain Control Action on the recommen- In this way students learn how and Asserts Club Is Founded dation of Police, Chief Run- where to find material and how to FRIENDS!! Is Beardsley's Belief select and use the material effec- yon that an ordinance be 1 tively. This provides pupils with On Suspicion and Fear — Don't know which Is more Im- - 0harle3 Beardsley, chairman of the local Republican passed prohibiting rush hour a valuable—moans— of extending portant, the fact that Tim Shee- county committee,.today frowned on the "split" in Dem- parking i in the Morris ave- knowledge and developing desir- Springfield's Democratic organization appeared to be han has told the Democratic organ- ocratic ranks as a "political-trick to gain control of the nue business district was able leisure time habits— disintegrating here today following announcement by ization to "go to the devil," or the _township^s:goyernment,!l "delayed by the Township Township Committeeman Francis J. Keane that he had •story about the bullet which passed I would like to congratulate Committee last night- pend- resigned from the executive committee of the Democratic within a couple -of inches of this our opponents on their recent bit Sat. RlnhSeries O. O. Cool Callahan Attacks • —°~ Club and from the club itself •writer's hearl . withdue modesty, of strategy, but it Is unfortunatp The Citizens League announced ing a conference with rep- QUITS CLUB Keane'a withdrawal was pre- we relinquish top billing in favor for them, that no one believes oday that O. C. Cool, local resi- resentatives of the Chamber ;eded this week by tho announced of Candidate Shcehan. them.,. I refer to the so-called Planned by Scouts dent and director of the Labor oFCommerce and civic Brown's Ability •esignatlon of Mrs. Charles Hill- 'epllt' between their candidates. Paul Callahan, Democratic can- An air of skepticism prevailed A series of Saturday niornjng delations Institute in M. Y. C, groups. , ,The session* will be naye, vice-president of the Dem? "Thla maneuver has long, been didate for the three-year term on >cratio Club. In, so doing, she Is throughout our entire conversa- 1 f 111 act as moderator at its Can- expected, as several weeks ago | |>m programs for local children held October 28 in the town the Township Committee, today tion with Tim Shcehun when he ldates' Night meeting on-Octo- hall. Letters, asking vari- •eported to have said she would -one—of—the.'r—leaders—was—trying will be presented by the town- ier 22. lashed at his Republican oppo- mpport the election of Timothy J. announced '.cutting;-of--all ties to determine the reaction it would ous groups to send^delegates nent, Fred A. Brown, for lacking 3heehan, Independent Democratic with pprty leaders . initially ship Cub Scout committee, begin- Cool only recentljo moved to- to the meeting, will be sent cause when made public. ning October 23 In the James Cald-- ipringfield and is neither politl- sufficient overall knowledge to :andidato for the Township-Com- we ' suspected a typical political Could it bo they are afraid to ,, ~ , , today by Township Clerk warrant his continuance In officer trick, one that) would virtually ., .., ... - . .. ; well School gymnasium, ally Involved nor is he personal- ifatoe, who.'started the ball roll- tie both candidates to tho present • Treat. „ Collahan's statement follows:' guarantee a Democratic major- acquainted witli any of the four Ing last week when he said he minority members of the Town- -Showlngs will be each week "The voters of Springfield sure- ity on the Township Committee andldate's vicing for the two va-, Primary purpose of tho meeting, would continue in the rac\> on his ship Committee? "from 9:45 to 11:30 a.m. until next anciea that will exist on the ly realizc~that the office or • a next year . but Shaehan swore as described by Mayor Selander, wn from that point on. "Since the lust issue of. the May, according to Ben J7~Zeo)i, Cownship Committee. With the Township Committcomon has Keane said his resignation will by all that is holy, including; his will be the obtaining of several 1 -Cub_Scout commissioner. Admis- neeting in the hands of an eit- within ^ts scope duties other than iot Interfere with his support of wife's life, that the break, was Springfield Sun, I have_askcd_ views as to the best posslblo meth- sion wilr be 10 cents for Cub Mjrlenced conciliator, the League the. operation of the roads and ihcehan and Paul T- Callahan, the .authentic, justified and camo many pooplc who know the princi- od of eliminating the dally traffic pals, and^they are unanlmou« in Scouts and 15 cents for all other cols' those in attendance will get tleup. The session was recom- eewor departments. • Each Town- ther party candidate, for the about only as a result ot his own children. ship Committeeman is responsible- 'ownshlp Committee. He ex-, desire to wago a clean campaign saying they are convinced it is .clear picture of the differences mended_by_Committeemen Turk nothing more nor less than a Zeoll obtalnod use of the gym- n opinion and plans of prospec- and Marshall following an appeal for the overall operation of the iressed belief, howeverr. that Shoe- ... he makes no bonus about his municipal government. lan's withdrawal from the organi- dislike for Committccnmn George political trick, used in despera- nasium from the Board of Educa- ive committeemen. by R<iy Bell, as secretary of tho tion as a lost resort. tion Tucsduy on condition that the To avoid questions designed only Chamber of Commefce, to do "Much can be said against my ation probably will result In his. Turk, calls him every conceiv- opponent's -.record in the opera- ecuring a larger portion of the able low life, and sdyiTif he's~suc- •• "I ask the people—or~Spring- scout committee supervise conduct o embarasHiindividual candidates, everything possible to arrive- at field—do not be taken In by this at the gatherings. He said the ir to obscure issues, a committee (Continued on Page 2) tion of hie road department, but, ownship's independent vote. cessful lurk wouldn't stand u much more can be said on his Koano, who said resignation of Chinaman's chunce of getting his latest bit of. political hickory, but gym Is needed because expected ill screen written questions sub- tfee it for what it really is; a attendance of 150 to 200 children nittod by the audience. Bach obvious and admitted lack of "ax Assessor Frank. Cardinal, an- vote for mayor. ither Democratic leader, probably means by which they hope to will be too great for the smaller uestlon will be asked each can- knowledge in regard to business Fruncis ,1, Keune salvage one seat on the Town- American Legion Hall where the lldate in turn. Prior to the quee-- 300 Women Attend or municipal government. His forthcoming, declared he vainly Turk has this to say about Mr. lad attempted to reconcile two ship Committee and thereby gain films have beon shown in recent ion period, each candidate will acts of opposition on muny mat- Sheohan: "We can only assume he actions in the Democratic Club, has been misled into believing that control of the Springfield govern- years. uive an opportunity to make a ters beneficial to the taxpayers Is icneral platform—statement. Presbyterial Meet a matter of record. He has op- Sheehan's Action me represented by Township Com- such action will be advantageous ment- When you go to the polls Emphasfalngrrthat. Springfield nittceman George Turk and Har- Nearly 300 women of tho Eliza- posed the adoption of a new to his candidacy regardless of Its to vote for Dewey, Warren, Brown ho» no motion picture theater, >ld Kelly, club, president, and the effect Jipon the party he represents und Binder, please go early ns the Zeoll said the films help to fill that beth Presbyterial gathered In his- building code, to replace our ad- mittedly outmoded code. Treason, Says Turk ither by Shochan and his cam- . no other reason can bo as- voting win" be heavy..-Yon will entertainment gap. Programs will toric Flret, Presbyterian Church ialgn manager, Daniel Liicy. cribed to his treasonable conduot have the thanks of all election include animated cartoons, west- Victory for Brown last week fo*~ibs—twenty-seventh "At the Townehip meeting on Announcement last 'week by Timothy "j. Shochan of his con- . our past experience with ef- .officials." ...' *•• erne, and sorials as well as inw annual meeting. JHlghMghts were Wednesday evening, September In announcing his move, cCom- - forts t° divide our party can only structive films.
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