C O . h i s t o r i c * s s « ‘ * HOUSSOUTH fSESHQkDi ♦ This W e e k COVERING ’ TOWN8UIPS or HOLMDEL, MADISON •Two Sections MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND 30 Pages MATAWAN BOROUGH Metnbif . Membir 90th YEAR — 24th W EEK National Editorial AasocIaUom MATAWAN, N .J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11,1958 N«w J«r«iy Prou AiaoolaUon Single Copy Ten Cent* tanrenCTrHarljor Pastoi' Ho At Dinner M ataw anTow nshipFiindShortage Diplitlicria Diagnosis Of Cliffwood H T 1 Youth’s Illness Causes Concern R e p o r t e d A s $33,331.38By A u d i t o r Hospital Confirmed In Case By State; Short , Five months' of speculation by Matawan Township residents and intensive probing by Plans Program To Provide For Immunization the Matawan Township Auditor, Joseph J. Seaman, Perth Amboy, were culminated yes­ Plans for a community-wide pro­ terday'when Mr. Seaman told the Township Committee that shortages in municipal ac­ gram of immunization against counts uncovered July 3, amount to $33,331.38. - - . Radar Checks diphtheria wore announced yester­ j M r; Seaman reported the shortages were discovered in. the' collector-treasurer’s SUtc Police radar checkpoints day by ChurleH R. Short, Mutawan office wheii records of cash on hand will bo c’*tnblislu'd along connec­ Township Health Otflcer, uflcr u were brought up to date as of June ting roads in Monmouih County -slx-year-old'Cllflwood Bench boy 30. On July 3, former Collector D e c o ra tin g Confesf Wednesday und Thureduy, it wus waa admitted to Perth Audrey Gen-' and Treasurer Charles J. Kelly re­ Mull New Homes’ disclosed yesterday In -..thu Intost oral Hospital with the disease, ' signed and was charged formally Mrs. Charles. Rainaud, garden radar checkpoint aclu'dole. Routes Diphtheria Is an-Infectious and " W ith: embezzlement;. department chairman o f t h e 1 nnd 9 in Middlesex County will contuglmre dlseaso lit which ulr - Mr; Kelly, 61, Township Collector Woman’s Club of Malawan, Effect On Sewers be patrolled Wednesday through pnssnges become coated with a since, 1945, entered a plea of not has announced the time of judg­ Emmons Protests Friday," membrane, ■ The dlseuso attscki , guilty to Uie formal charge when ing for thc home decoration con­ lire throat and lungs, making it ' arraigned before Magistrate Luther test, jointly sponsored .by t h e New Garbage Pact Impossible In worst stages to eat, A. Foster in municipal court July MatawansRpljary Club and the Permission to connect with thc Deadlock Seen On drink or breathe. , 3. Represented by Edward F. Jus- Woman's Clufr. The boy, Arthur Sloyor, was ad. ka. Long Branch attorney, Mr. Kel­ Judging will take place Tues­ Matawan municipal .sewer system milled hi the hospital'Dec, 2 and ly is free on $5000 bond. ■ day, Decri|5ri^jjjlnnlng at 7 to clear the way for approval by Filling Vacancy Ids illness was dlagnused an tllph- ! Will Seek Payment p.m. AU sections'*©F thc borough the Planning Board of a 40-home Ihorlu. Hospital uuthorltloa aaltl Township Attorney Ezra W, Kar* will be covered. Judges will be development on the west side of New Committeeman yoaterduy tho boy Is "lit strict Iso- Kus was Instructed by the town- Miss Lillian Keney and Mrs. El­ Main St., just north of New Bruns­ In Marlboro Twp. lutlnn" and In goad Condition, Tha ship-committee to take whatever mer Bahrcnburg, of the Garden wick Av§., was denied Tuesday hospital diagnosis’ Ires -boon con­ Club.. RFD;. Magistrate James. Murlbom Township Connnlttco — action Is necessary-against the col- night by thc Matawan Borough Thc Rev. Waller M- Slnllery, pador at St. Lawrence's. Church, tJuironcc Harbor, was the guest ot firmed^-by-lho Stulo Doparlmunl lector-treasurer or surety f i r m’s Martin; Otto Wolke, president of Council. honor ot a Icsllmonlal dinner Sunday evening at Pctcrqon's Buttonwood ManOr, Mntnwnn. Tlio occasion will clioosu a successor nil the nf Health ullor a study ul ciilturcs . holding bonds on. the posts for the tho Matawan-Keyport Junior Edward W. Currie, Motawan at­ celebrated lhe 10th anniversary ol the Rev. Father Slaitcry'g.'paBtorshlp at thc church. Tho Rev. Tlmmas township committee tonight (or lire mndo an thu youlh, authorities ' collection .and payment of t h e Chamber. of Commerce; Mrs. torney representing the developer, O'Dea, pastor of SI. Bernadette's Churfh, Mndlson Township; was lonstranster. Into Leonard Nlvlson, Mayor su|d yeslordny. ’ / ’ shortages. ' Winston E. Schaffer, prize win- with option to' buy tho property, Shown above Is tho Rev, Father.Slattery receiving purso/ from_Raymond Foley, president ol llio Churlcs-McCiie conUimml . yester­ Cultures (rom Ida-eight hrolheri __^ Mayor_ John. Marz jr:-noted-the ner_of_ last _ year’s contest. said the homes would be construct­ Holy Name Society oi the church- ' - " - day. tyr..N lvlson, UJ- the.- tlineeol nnd slHtors, all living In quarunllns ' jawnship was ‘,fully;proiected'’.unv v. .Prices, of $10, first; $7.50, pcc- ed ;\vithin the provisions-of the-pro­ • - The Rev. Father Slallery oflglnMIy eume lrom .Galena, 111. Ilo..graduated from Baltlmoro - Seminary IPs dVlifli^'ia*t--t1ia‘hthi'Tind h year In a smith frame bungalow, .will itA airfs -oa <A«& <w0 po­ ond and $5, third'wlU l»c award- : posed revised zoning Ordinance and Fordhant University hnd-served 1st SI. Mary’s Church,'Gloucester;, St. John's Church, Dunollckl St. remaining of lho three-year term bo taken hy Mrs, Dorothy Pennetti; ; sitions. Mr. .Kelly was bonded by ed, plus 10 honorable mentions. now under study by the.Planning Theresa’s Church, Ruonoinede; St, Stephen's and St. Anjhony's, Trenton, and Holy Family, Union Bench. to which ho was elected In- 1350, Monmouih County Organization for the American. Surety Co., New First prize winner will be enter­ Board. Mr. Currie said his client He was appolnled to-St. Lnwrenao’s on Dec. IB, IBM, ______________ ■ - ~ The Inlprlni uppolntoo would servo Social _5orvlco Public lloulth York, for $37,000 as collector and ed by1 the Woman's Club In a • will pay all expenses involved in out-the unoxplrod term to Dec, 31, nurse,'us anon as awidm are re­ by tho Glens Falls Insurance Co. national contest, conducted by the sewer connection. 1950, ' ceived from lire,health department one ot thc < largest electrical for $5000 as treasurer. Mr, Currie protested when Bor­ M adison H igh School Layout It appears the appointment may In Trenton, Mr. Short repdrtetl. Mr. Karkus said yesterday t h e companies In thc country. ough Attorney John Givens odviscd be art Involved mailer ua two Re­ Olher Teals Apparently Negative matter is in the hands of Mon- Photographs of the w i n n i n g thc proposal to construct thc 40 publicans, Mayor McCue and Cultures of three more ol lire mputh’ County Prosecutor Vincent home will be taken by members ■homes should be studied by (lie Frank Ratcliffe, "untl two Demo­ children, mu.de at ■ Monmouih P. Kcupter. Mr. Seaman said a full of thc Camera Club of Matawan Planning Board, prior to the per­ Presents New Room Arrangem ent crats, Joseph A. Lanzaro and W. Medlcul Center, 'apparently proved copy of hts audit, covering the per­ for entry in thc coolest. Nation­ mit to connect with the sewer. Ho Lindsay LoMoIno sr„ remain on nogullvo but also were forwarded iod from Jan. 1, 1957 to July 3 of al winner and dub sponsor will said, it was "putting the cart be­ . .An analysis of tfic detail In plan* ptaccs for .clerical Itelp. Then, ap-. cat rooms. nurscs1 offices, phyal- (Ire-governing bodyrlf'tho vote oh to Trenloii earlier tills Vveok'W this year, has been forwarded to receivers cash award. All resi­ fore- thc horse” nnd added, the ning at this stngo of thc develop­ ponded again to tho tnaln building,- clanfl and gym teachera consulting un appointment iBT slrlclly along verlllcatlon.' Dr, Aram A. Cap! thc prosecutor's office." - dents arc urged to participate Planning Board will "want to know ment of the Madison Township as a structure'of Its own at tho offices und un auxiliary gym which parly lines, lho governing body tanlan,, townalilp. phyalclan, in the contest to beautify tho High School plant W Riven the rear, is thc gymnasium. Mr. Hick­ also can be mndo Into (wo parts could bo deadlocked^ If no appoint­ - aald, Accounts All Studied if we will have sewers." 06 ey said thc gym has a-dtvldlng by dropping a partition. ' yesterday that aa far aa Is known, In his report to Uie committee, community during the holiday Asks Couneir Assurance board and a group of citizens Old ment la mndo, it cnuld run into a lho tesla have proved negative, ^ season. co-ordinators last night by C. Ed­ partition (tint could.bo dropped to Then, thb architect pointed out; Jam~nt tlo votes on Issues where . Mr. Seaman said, "Our audit of Mr. Currie asked for council as­ ward Hlckcy, of tho.Mcrchunt firm give u separated boys and girls going toward the other end from tire two pnrtlos do not scu eye-to- Thu communlly-wldo Immuniza­ the collector's accounts disclosed surance that he would be per of architects, New Brunswick. The physical educatlomcourt. Tho par­ tho high school principal's offlcp, eye. ' tion plan wasriuggested-by- Dr. -­ he".reported cash on hand of $38,­ mittcd to connect with thc sewer. tition cun he IlflOfl so that one Geoffrey W, Esty, District Health 144.59 as or Dec. 31, 1957. This He said he then would prepare a board also deliberated on the es­ la a court, Ihe guidance ilopart- .There definitely appear* a likeli­ Officer, and will Include a cllnlr Matawan Vesper sentials of lay committee activity.
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