GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND Census of Population 1961 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY Printed and presented pursuant to 9 Eliz. 2, Chap. 8 BELFAST: HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE PRICE 17s. 6d. NET GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE Census of Population 1961 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY Printed and presented pursuant to 9 Eliz. 2, Chap. 8 BELFAST: HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1964 INTRODUCTION In accordance with the Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1960, a Census of the population was taken on the 23rd April, 196ly which was also the date of Censuses in the other parts of the United Kingdom. It was the fourth since the establisiixnent of the Government of Northern Ireland, previous Censuses having been taken in 1926, 1957 and 1951. The 1961 Census was much fuller,/as regards the number and scope of the questions, than any of its predeces£i<>rs. Compared with the 1951 enumeration, the basic questions were much the same /but enquiries about nationality, education, occupation and employment were sul9'6tantially modified. New questions asked for information concerning persons wi/th certain scientific and technological qualifica­ tions, the number of children of/women who were or had been married, the type of accommodation occupied by priva]tie households, whether such accommodation was owned or rented and the extent to which piped water, cooking and toilet facilities were available, i ' / In November, 1961, a Preliminary Report was published giving population figures for each county, county boro'ugh and administrative area, together with information on the ages and religious,denominations of the people by counties and county boroughs, and the numbers of private dwellings and households in each administrative area. A new Topographical Index, replacing the edition issued in the series of Reports on the 1926 Census, was published in January, 1963. This Report is the sixth of seven county volumes to be published on the 1961 Census. The statistics therein supersede those in the Preliminary Report and may be accepted as final. It is generally consistent in design and scope with the Reports already published for Belfast County Borough and Counties Antrim, Armagh, Downcmd Fermanagh, and the remaining county volume will be in similar form. Although details of population and habitable buildings in respect of townlands in rural districts are not given in the county volumes, the figures, for which a charge may be made depending on the extent of the information required, are available on application to the General Register Office. A General Report will follow the county volumes. It will siommarize for the whole country the information in the county volumes and, in some respects, deal vd th it in greater detail. The General Report will also contain certain additional information, Including that on persons with scientific and technological qualifica-- tions, which has not been analysed on a county basis. There will be a separate Report on the Fertility of Marriage. General Register Office, Fermanagh House, Ormeau Avenue, BELFAST, 2. March, 1964. Ill CONTENTS PART I - EXPLANATORY NOTES Page Area vii Population vii Administrative divisions vii Buildings for habitation vii Types of pi'rivate dwellings viii Tenure of private dwelling accorrjE^odation ix ix Households / ix Household arrangements / X Rooms / X Valuation / X Usual address / X Birthplace xi xi Nationality xi Religion / xi Terminal education age j xii Occupations and industries xiv Social class and sociq/economic groups xiv Convention as.to dot^'(,) and dashes (-) Completion and revision of Census information PART II STATISTICAL NOTES AREA XV POPULATION XV Natural increase XV Administrative areas Parliamentary constituencies XV i xvii PRIVATE DWELLINGS AND HOUSEHOLDS xvii Total dwellings xvii Inhabited dwellings xviii Type and tenure of inhabited dwellings XX Private households xxi Rooms and density of occupation xxii Household arrangements xxiv XXV Household socio-economic groups USUAL ADDRESS XXVI1 SEX, AGE AND MARITAL CONDITION xxvii Sex distribution xxviii Ages xxviii Marital condition xxviii BIRmPLACE AND NATIONALITY xxviii RELIGION xxix TERMINAL EDUCATION AGE XXX i OCCUPATIONS AND INDUSTRIES xxxiv Occupations XXX iv Social class and socio-economic groups XXXV Industries XXXV i PART III - TABLES Abbreviations: Co. = County; C,B. = County Borough; A,A. = Administrative Area, i.e. municipal borough, urban district, or rural district; C.E.D. = .County Electoral Division; D.E.D. * District Electoral Division of a rural district; Town = town, village or housing estate consisting of a separate and identifiable cluster of fifty or more dwellings but having no legally defined boundary; towns fonnlng continuous housing development from an administrative urban area are excluded. Most tables on an A. A. basis also deal with Wards of the County Borough. Area for Table which No. SUBJECT OF TABLE statistics Page are given 1 Area, Buildings for Habitation and Population, 1961 Co., C.B. 1 2 Population, 1881-1961 Co. and C.B. 1 Population, 1951 and 1961, and Intercensal Changes Co., C.B., A.A. 's 1 4 Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation, Co., C.B., A. A. 's, 2 Private Households and Valuation D.E.D.'s. Towns Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation, Co., C.E.D. »s Private Households and Valuation Private Dwellings: Inhabited Dwellings X)y Building Type, Co., C.B., A.A. 's 8 Tenure and Rooms Private Households: Size, Rooms Occupied, and Co., C.B., A.A. »s i4 Density of Room Occupation Private Households: Availability of Household Arrangements Co,, C.B., A.A.'s 18 by Tenure and Type of Accommodation Private Households: Households and Persons therein by Co., C.B. 21 Tenure of Accommodation, Rooms occupied and Socio-economic Group of Head of Household 10 Inhabited Buildings, etc., other than Private Dwellings: Co., C.B,, A.A. »s 23 Class, Number, Total Population and (for Institutions) Number of Inmates 11 Population, Parliamentary Electors and Members of Parliament Parliamentary 25 Constituencies 12 Adjustment of Enumerated Population to Co., C.B., A.A. 25 obtain Resident Population 13 Ages by Single Years, Sex and Marital Condition Co., C.B. 26 14 Ages by Quinquennial Groups, Sex and Marital Condition Co., C.B., A.A. »s 30 15 Birthplaces Co., C.B. 33 16 Birthplaces: Persons bom outside Northern Ireland by Co., C.B. 34 Religion and Place of Birth / 17 Nationality: Persons bom outside the British Isles /by Co. and C.B. 34 Nationality and Usual Address a year ^go 18 Religions / Co., C.B., A.A. »s 35 19 Rellgiais: Population under 22 years W Individual Years Co., C.B. 36 and 20 years and over by Qalnquenn^:kl Groups ZO Education: Terminal Education Ages of Person;^ 15 Years Co., C.B. 38 and over by Sex and Age Groups / . / Bl Education: Terminal Education Ages of Per^bns 15 Years Co.-, C.B. 40 and over by Sex, Age Group and' Occupation Order ZZ Occupations: Population aged 16 and over/i^y Occupation and Co., C.B. 44 Industrial Status E3 Occupations: Occupied Population agecj'lS and over by Co., C.B. 59 Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Group 24 Occupations: Population aged 15 arid over by Socio-economic Co., C.B. 83 Group, Social Class and Age Group 25 Industries: Working Population aged 15 and over by Industry Co., C.B. 85 (excluding persons out of work) yi PART I EXPLANATORY NOTES AND DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED m THE REPORT /AREA The acreages given are as measy:red by the Ordnance Survey and relate to the County, County Borough and other a^Jministrative and territorial divisions as constituted at the date of the 1961 Census. Foreshore is excluded. Acreages of areas covered by the larger rivers, lak!es and tideways are also excluded from the body of Tables 4 and 5, but the total i^ given in a footnote thereto. ' / POPULATION The 1961 Census population comprises all living persons, irrespective of their usual address or nationality/,' who spent Census night in the area of enumeration. Members of the Armed Force^s^ (including those of Commonwealth and foreign countries except personnel aboard foreign naval vessels) are included. Persons travelling on Census night were.^numerated with the population of the district in which they arrived the next day unless they had already been enumerated elsewhere. Persons on vessels at moorings or anchorage in Northern Ireland waters or aboard ships on coastwise voyage to Northern Ireland ports were counted as part of the population of the district containing the mooring, anchorage or arrival, port. Except where otherwise stated, figures quoted in respect of previous Censuses relate to areas as constituted at the respective Census dates. It should be noted that there were no changes, affecting Census statistics, in the constitution or boundaries of administrative areas in the County or of wards in the County Borough during the last intercensal period. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS The County is divided into seven administrative areas - one municipal borough, two urban districts and four rural districts. Not being divided into wards, the entire municipal borough and each urban district form the territorial units for local council elections. In rural districts, the units are the district electoral divisions of which there are 83. The County is also divided into nineteen county electoral divisions which are the units for county council election purposes. The County Borough comprises three wards, each of which is a unit for borough council elections. There are five parliamentary constituencies for elections to the Northern Ireland Parliament, three being wholly in the County and two partly in the County and partly in the County Borough. Excluding Magherafelt Rural District (which is combined with part of County Tyrone to form the Mid-Ulster constituency), the County and County Borough together form one constituency for elections to the United Kingdom Parliament.
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