: IWDmr-EIQHT THURSDAY, BIARCH 27, 1962 ■L'- ' 7 ’ ’ •?>ilrf.il..‘ ............ .......................... iUanrliPBtpr iEtiPtting ^mUi OMOrllGCPMBl A panel aponaored by the Ken Smith of IS Laurel' PI. The VPW Auxiliary will have The Weather Aboilt Town American Ottlaena Right TO entered Hartford Hospital to- a kitchen social tonight at 8 at CSear and oontfauod oold to­ Life committee will diacuaa the day. the Poet Home. night. Low in upper 2Qe to lew . Begr .SeoM Traop m of 8t legtU, methcal, and moral aa- 80s. Totnorraw totr, mildar be- -ButlHlOBMtr CkUNli wia oon- pecta of the aborilon problem JKattrlfpjstpr iEupttttw UpraUi coming doudy lato in togr. » P*pw drtvo Saturday tonight at 8 at St Bridget 15,535 HMh SO to flB. **'W® ® a.in. to S p.m. at th e School atiditorium. There will Menehmotor A CUy of Vtttmge Charm SPopolar Market parktnc lot off be a queation and answer pe­ B. MMdIe .Tpke. <nioae wiehlnf riod. LX X X V m , NO. 151 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1969 M have paper* picked 19 may — r o o o M> PRICE TEN CENTM oonlact Jeff Prithaea, M Blaie The Stinaet. Club will meet to­ D r.; pouglaa Hauschlld, BS Con- morrow at 12:80 p.m. at the ■tanee Dr.; Daniel Hare, 106 Senior dttcen’a Center. Mem­ Ooteman Rd.; and or Winiam ber* are reminded to bring Waterfleld, 44 Lawton Rd. sandwiches. Dessert end bev­ erages will be provided. There The Guard a u b of Myetlc will be a kUchen social after Review, North American Bene­ the meeting. fit Aaaociation, will meet, to­ morrow at 8 p.m. at the home o f Mra. Alice Newman, M Val­ Members of Gibbons Assem­ Gen. Eisenhow er Dead at bly, Catholic Ladies of Colum­ 78 ley St. bus, wiH meet jtonight at 7:45 at the John P. Tierney Fu­ VPW Auxiliary will aponaor a neral Home, 219 W. Center St., Six-Mill Increase Sought Seafood Night tomorrow atart- to recite the Rosary for the ing at e p.m. for membera and late Mrs. Frank Kinel, a mem­ gueata at the Poet Home. ber of the AaaemMy. Monday Declared Weiss Asks Record $14,097,276 Budget Day of Mouming By 84B. B. COHEN WASHINGTON (AP)—^Dwight D. Eisenhower, com­ TW n Mainlaxer Riobert Weibs is recommendinigr a rec' mander ita World Wtar II of the mightiest armed ftarce ord-hjgii $14,097,276 General Fund for next ever assembled and former president of the United y a y , up $1,986,077, or 15.9 per ce«t over the current States, died today. Dadgtet. The announcement of the general’s ‘death wtas inEide 2 AemI, be ’is recommending' a 48-mi'Q tax raite, also rec- ita a somber voilce by Brig. Got. Frederic Hughes Jr., “Charge It" with your onMdgb, and up 6 toMs, or 14.8 per cent, aibove the commanding general of Waiter Reed Aimy Hospital fILF-SIRVICi DEPT STORE C.A.P. or C.B.T. Mas­ current tax rate. -------------- ---------------------- ,k4- ■ ter Charge Card! who said that Eisei^bwer had “dited quietly :Mt 12:26 the Town Flre District, laned deportmenta bad requeat- , r ■ ■ pjn. EST after a long and heroic struggle,’’ and that 12.010,880 oiMl Wolra allowed he had died peacefully. b u ^ and a 4.8 nulls tax rate. |eoB,000. The |805,000ia otUIo "inra. Bhsenbower and mem- cans sought him aa their nomi­ Tweed ^ Seulptiired “ sSfLS*"* 1280.000 above the ebnent ap- bei* o f the immedlato famUy” nee for president b u ^ t up W .8B8 and the tax propriaOon in that ocoounL w e n nearby at toe Ume of As a Republican, be aarspt H ^up a half 1^ ^ ^ ^ death, Hughes ocatinued. into office and four years Istsr Enough to do your living room, dining room and hall up Tho iwtatnn^ed 48 mlto for , 4, 2^ ^ too school boom ra- He added Praakknt Nixon, won re-elecUcn to wbst ww 8 GRAND OPENING former Preoident Lonoden B. queat.Hooutlt»)inar*qua«t. then the greatest to 40 sq. yds. ^ DWrlot ea $8,068,814 to a recommend- Johnson and Biaeiihower’* two history. That made him toe orily of Big, Complotoly Stocked mia tytoOpmaia.Itmaritatoe ^ $8,100,684, stlU $1 .1 mUHoD A bntoeM had been notified. GOP president of this tienhay to Our 5 ?* ****** *“ **** *“*'**• hlatnry above the ourtent sdxxd budget Nixon meanwhile drove from win successive' Whtt* Ilonsi Installed with padding, lahor and door metals. tox rate The next loigrat cut, apprad- the White House to toe hospital. terms. BMgOBaoverBOaim matoly $06,000, ww In the hlgh- ■nie White House aaid he would Despite___ ^__ ___________ this To the overage pmporty own- way depaitmrat’s regusot, from have a statement, a measage to victoiy, Fhinhinrir er, with a home oaaeased at $080AM lequoatod to $071,762 h -i OongrasB and a proclamation always partBaii imllH’** * pcf. ROOM SIZE CARPETS $18A00, WaEoa recommended tax leoammendsd, otUl $00,000 votely mode no eecret of m CUo rotoo would add $87.10 to Ua above too cumnt budget The^year-old five-star gen- Hke ter poMthslana. annual t o bm. If t o Uvea with- Wolra out $«h000 from toe le - eral, known as Ike” through- <>j n ttn o in toe seneiai Oseo» ALL ENDS flNfSHED — TWBEDS — SCULPTilRED PUJSH ht toa Ihwn Vlra Qistriot; and qiMt for aUawolk lepoln. out tra worid. was hit by you ^ s^iT^ The raqueet woa for $110,000. toat I not ll2*>l|. NO PAD NEEDED ~ REINFORCED SPONGE BACKING “ ** which loylea ita Wolaa reommiHiidad $00,000, 16 and again last Monday while he told a m m fflUtPBiSHdP own tax for Are protection recuperaUng from an intestinal MUl $80,000 abova toe ourrent Welra' la recommending a appngiclatian. and pneumonia com- ^ to* ris. to S* $410,087 budget for toe Town 6 ' x r W .99 i r X 13V 2* W .99 12 ' X 18 ' ^ 114 .9 9 Water Deportment, up $7,880 Ha out $2,000 flram toe FeUoe With the rugged constitution over tola, year, and a $8Ni,2l7 Doportmant requeet — from o t a Kansas farm boy, ha al- ***** **“*“ • W i^ Wto H, ha 0 0 Lb B a g budget for toe Town Sower De- 1884,170 requaated to $882,172 ready had battled back ttom ^^JV^*****^® *^ *» *■*>** WHITE PICKET FENCE r X i r W .99 1 2 ' X 1 2 ' m 99 12 ' X 19 ' ♦119 .9 9 seven------- -- heart attacks. ------------------- before im- "thto damrahto tbbw of wer." While to the A n a j ; BUs m Ebst- onunonds no change next year dergotog ourgery for an totestt- Ha cut $500 from toe Fire De­ er said he wanted only to sas = |3 30 Inch Soctions l o v z ' X i r H 6.99 1 2 ' x l 6 ' * 101.99 1 2 ' X 2 0 ' ♦126.99 in water and sewer rates. nal obstruction Feb. 28. lim e For the Special Downtown portment raqueot Four days after undergoing “ people to m y prafasricn poT- Taxing Dletrtct Fund, Wetee to A pubNe bearing 00 Welto’ V. the high risk surgery, he con­ manently out o f a Job.” 4 4 c i r X i r ^76.99 1 2 ' X i r 9108.99 i r X 2 1 ' ♦134.99 recommending a $28,088 budget tracted pneumonia. Doctors suc­ Ha left office after Us ssooad 3 , - » I and a 6-mUlO-mUl tax nrate. te . The bud- ^**f** ^ ^ *---------- P-****!. **• ***• “ *“**• cessfully combatted the pneu- *«nn proudest that be kept tha get la up $8,028 over toe current * WbAWI monla with antibiotics. peace, but warning ogatost toe AHroetiv* white painted fencing in popuior Cape Cod typo But throughout the February STowtag Influence of a "milt- for gardon adgingi. 9x12 ARMSm ONG WHJAID budget The tax rote le the aame aa tola year’s. The Board of DEreotoia wUl trouble, It was Bhaenbower’ s t«Y-todustrial comptex.” Great Carpet Valued! In recommending hie $14.1 have unto MOy 7 to adopt toe heart which caused doctors Ike’s reassuring Image eased KITCHEN UNOLEUM million General Fund Budget, town budgeto and to set the tax their prime concern. troubled yeara. FldOl O oslio rates. Failure to do so by than INSTTAUJED Weiaa wound up cutting over $2 ™ Doctors made no mention of selsod Cuba, lad tt Into Oomnm- milUon from departmental Trill outomaacally n ^ WataW the ooncestlve heart failure nlam. The Sovlat XAiian lequeeto. budgeto and tax ratao toe of- Hareh 16 untB after BBseifoow- launched Sputnik 1. Tka US spy Over H.4 mlllkn of that cut ^ *“ ***•*• er*s wife, lEamle, said at a per- Plane was toot down over Baw 20-10-5 5- 10 -5 s y Q . o o wax in to. Oapttal Improvement October 18« rat tos gaasral had endured a •>* >n flaming oootroveray. RoMna FUG where toe 00m- (8ea Bagb Three) "parttoiSarly had” day. Bilaenbawer made good his S S ^ Reporters queattoned the bos- PTomiae to end the arsr la Ko- LAWN FOOD PLANT FOOD Prcfurntton Extra pttal and wei» told of the latest mdered federal troops Into A oraet of heart trouUe. k> enfotra Covers Covert BUsenbower hod been hospital- 'd i o o l desegregatton, and 9000 sc| ft 1 . 9 9 2 8 0 0 t q ft laed since tost AprU 28, when a *’*«’**** “P “ ■ •wswiMy «* 1 . 5 8 Suspect Captured heart attack felled fahn to Cah- *‘***’ J**® ®’*'**«^ Dunes, to the High nitrogan contanT for iong tomU after a round of goV.
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