DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. MARKET )lledical Officer & Public Voocin.ator, West Deeping PLACES OF WORSHIP; with times of services. District, Stamford Union,. North Division of Deeping Parish Church, Rev. Paul Ogilvis Ashby M.A. :rector; St. Nicholas District, Spal.ding Union & Deeping Dis­ u a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; daily 10 a.m trict, Boume Union & Certifying Factory Surgeon, Primitive Methodist (Peterborough ISt Circuit); 2,30 .a. Henry Thomas Benson L.R.C.P.Lond. Market place 6 p.m Wesleyan (Bourne Circuit); 2.30 & 6 p.m Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, South Diviilion of Deeping St. Nicholas District, Spalding Union, William PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Edwin Stanton B.A., L.S.A. Stamford road Endowed (boys), Church street, erected by the trusteee Relieving & Vaccrnation Officsr, Deeping District, Bourne in 1819; the school will hold 70 children; average Union, & School Attendance Officel' for Deeping Dis­ attendanoo, 54; Thmnas Robert K.ay, head teacher trict, Bourns Union, Mark Fred Penuington, High st Green (girls & infants),. built in IBSI, from funds be­ queathed by Mrs. Mary Wensor, daughter of George & Registrar of Births & Deaths, Deeping Sub-District. Sarah Allison, & endowed by Mrs. Elizabeth Molecey Bourne District, Mark Fred Pennington, High street in 1844, with £2oo Consol!Y, it will hold 100 children; Miss Matilda Waight, mistress Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals• Carrier.-Thomas Andrews, from Church street. to Acts" to Kesteven County Council, \Villiam Kellett Bourne, thurl!!. 8 a.m.; to Peterborough, wed. & sat. Townson M.R.C.V.S. Church street 8 a.m. ; oo Spalding, tues. 7 a.m. ; to Sta.mford, fri. 8 a.m NUVATE RESIDENTS . trict, Spalding union & Market Mews Robert, market gardnr.Halfieet .lllatt George Willows,Holland house, Deeping district, Bourne union & Mitchell Richard, farrier, High street Church street certifying factory surgn. Market pl N e&l Archer, farmer ~rcher Mrs. The Laurels, High street Bowman Ada (Mrs.), hair dresser & Newton_ Catherine'"'" (Mrs.), confec- .A.shby Rev. Prebendary Paul Ogilvie t{)bacconist, Market place tioner, Market place M.A., M.C. (rector,& rural dean of BrightmanRobt.cycle agt.Stamford rd Otter Frederick, plumber, High stree\ Ness), The Rectory, CJmrch street Cemetery (Richard Wade, clerk) Parker Hy. Eno, boot dlr. High a\ .A.shwell Adam Geo.Elm ho. Church st Coleman Thomas, boot repairer Payne Abrhm.& Co.grocers,Church st Benson Henry Thomas J.P. Market pl Darcy Edith C. (Mrs.), White Horse Pennington Mark Fred, relieTing & Cannon Stephen Edward, High street hotel vaccination officer,De~ping diatrict, Dexter William, High street Darnes Isaac Robt. bldr. Church st Bourne union & registrar of birthl Eli.U Alexander Edward, High street Day Thomas Alma, coal dealer & deaths for Deeping sub-district, Evans Mrs. Market place De~ter Charlotte (Mrs.), pork butchr. High street Flack Miss, Church street High street Pepp~r Henry B. New Inn hotel; Gilson Miss, Church street Dexter Wm. advertising agt. High st commercial & posting house, Hardwick Espin John, Church street Eastgate Vincent Bateman, tailor, Market place Kay Thomas R. Church street High street tPeTkins Percy Danl. farmr.Towngat& Kemp-Welch John Howard,Welby ho Electric l'icturedrome (A. Payen, t Pick Richard :Henry, farmer Linnell GeorgP., Market place proprietor) ' · Plowright John Thomas,stone mason, Loweth Mrs. Halfieet Franks George, butcher, High street Church street Medcalf John George; Church street French Lucy Ann (Mrs.), market gar- Plowright Joseph, painter, Towngate Medcalf William, Towngate dener, Church street Pridmpre Rohert, Bull htl. Market pl Paget Mrs. Stamford road Frost Ernest Alfd. carpntl'.Church st Priestley Ernest, !!hoeing amith, Perlr.ins Percy Daniel, Towngate Garratt Richard, draper,.. Market pl Church street Pick Richard Henry, Church street Gower Herbert, chemist, Market pl Reed Emma (Mrs.), dress m a. High at Robins on .T oseph, Market place Greenfield Geo.Arth.cycle dlr.High st Rudkin Edward, cowkeeper,'l'owngate Rogers William Arthur, Towngate Grecnfield "W"alter James, motor en- Sanderson Joseph, boot ma.Church st Searson Misses, Stamford road gineer, Halfieet Sharpe, Wade & Whittome, solicitors Sharpe Miss, Church street Hare Ernest F.rank, joiner, Market pl & commissioners for oaths, High at Shillaker Frank, Church street Hare Harriett. (Mrs.),aparts.Market pl Shuttlewood & Son,butchrs.Market pi Shillaker Miss, Church street Hare Thos. Midland railway carrier, Shuttlewood Joel, farmer, Market pl Smith William Henry, Hall farm Church street Smith Herbert, coal dealer, High Bt Stanger Mrs. Market place Harrison Samuel John, painter & Smith Joseph, poulterer, High street Stanton William Edwin B . .A.. Stam- plumber, High street Smith Philip, farmer, High street ford road Hawkins Wm.Hy.hair drssr.Church st Sneath Thomas, joiner, High street Stapleton Harvey, Church street Herb Farm & Distillery (August Social Club & Reading Room (Thoa. Thorpe John, Stamford road Payen, proprietor), essential uil R. Kay, oon. 8BC.), Market place Tryon Miss Mary, Market place distillers, Church street Stanger Mary Hepzibah (Miss), dres11 Vergette George Goodale, Towngate ho Holland Fredk.Ja.s. )lhopkpr.Towngate maker, Market place Wade Richard, The Park, High strjlet India & China Tea Co. (J !)Seph Bur­ Stanton Wm. Edwin B.A.,L.M.S.S.A. Wilderspin Frank R. Church street ton & ~ons Limited, proprietors ; (firm, Benson & Stanton), surgeon & Woolley Mrs. Church street Miss Evelyn Marshall,manageress), medical officer & public vaccinatol', COMMEUCIAL. grocers, High street 110uth division of Deeping St. Early closing day, Thursday. J osely"n Harold Arthur, cycle agent, Nicholas district, Spalding union, Marked thus t farm 150 acres or over. Market place St.amford road Algar Louisa (Miss), dress maker, Kisby Ruth (Mrs.), dress ma.High st Stevenson Geo.-beer ret. The Oommn High street Kisby Wm. picture framer, High st Strickson Henry, saddler & harnes& Archer Ernest James, artificial teeth Lawson Lewis, saddler & harness maker, Chureh street malq~r, High- street maker, Church street Thompson John, Wheatsheaf inn, Barclays Bank Limited (sub-branch) Lenton & Co. grocers, Market place Towngate (John Bayldon, manager), open London C1ty & Midland Banlr Limited Townson William Kellett, M.R.C1V.S. wed. 10.30 a.m.to 2.30 p.m.Market ( su li-office to Stamford) (R. J. veterinary surgeon, & .vetennary place ; draw on head office, 54 Lam­ German, manager) (open tues. n inspector under the " Contagion• bard street, London E C 3 a.m. to 1 p.m.; sat. 9.30 to 11.30 Diseases (Animals)· Act" to Kes­ Barsby George, Vine P.H. Church st a.m.), Market place; draw on head teven C"()unty Council, Church at Barsby Lucy Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, office, Threadneedle st.Lohdon EC2 True Betsy(Mis!>),dress ma.Chorch st High street Mackman Wm.W. beer ret.Church st tVergette George Goodale, farmer 31 Market Deeping Angling Association, • jp'3Zi!'l', Towngate house \ Belton Fred, baker, Chnrch 11treet Benson & Stanton, 1mrgns. Market pl High 11treet Wade Richard, solicitor, see Sharpt;,. Benson Henry Tbos. L.R.C.P.Lond., Market Deeping Gas Light & Coke Co. Wade & Whittome L. S.A.Lond. (firm, Bemmn & Stan­ Ltd. (Richard Wade, sec.), High st Whittome Artbur Frank, solicitor, see ton ), surgeon, medieal officer & Medcalf Fredk. Willders, auctioneer, Sharpe, Wade & Whittome public vacdinator, West Deeping collector of rates & taxes k clerk district, Stamfo"I"d union, No. 2 dis- to the ParishCouncil,Church street MARKET RASEN is a market town and parish. division and county court district, in the Louth division with a ~tation <Jn the Hull and Lincoln branch of the of the county, sonth division of the wapentake of Great Central railway, 15 mile!! north-east from Lin­ Walsbcroft, pa"I"ts of Lindsey, Caistor union, rural I coln, I5 west from Louth, .ao west from Gainsborough, dP.anery of We!!t Walshcroft, Stow archdeaconry -and 21 south-west from Grimsby, 9 south from Caistor and diocese of Lincoln. The town consists principally of I+fi from, London, i!nd ill head of a petty s~srona.l one long street, on the road leading f"I"om Louth to • .
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