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O'tHER THINGS EL MALCRIADO - BOX 1060 - Delano, Calif. 93215 Please send me order forms for EI Malcriado My Name _ Street Adress ---..:...- _ City---__ - State- Zip EL MALCRIADO:::page 3 • Editorial 0 c ...- .. THF FIGHT en en 0) LETTERS TO THE FOR t- EDITOR eL (pages 4-6) .HUMANITY t- O) FARM WORKERS I .:::t: STRUGGLE On Christmas Eve, Benny Montes of Hurley, t- (pages 7-9, 16, 17) New Mexico, wrote to EI Malcriado saying: O s: THE TEXAS STORY "I know the Struggle of the farm workers, not (pages 10, 11) that I have ever worked in the trade, but as a E t- union member here in Grant County. We have O SENORITA ALMA had the same trouble in the Empire Zinc Strike, lJ... (page 14) where the company gunman beat our wives and daughters with blackjacks and tear gas, and >. TO JOAN BAEZ then jailed them with their children. " .D (page 15) A week earlier, 200 Negro children from Watts r-- in Los Angeles had come to Delano, bearing toys W THE CAUSE OF THE ID PEOPLE for the strikers. Their picture appears elsewhere -- (page 20) in this paper. And at about the same time Joan Baez, the great ~ EDUCATION singer-, appeared in Los Angeles for the strike, £ (pages 22, 23) speaking about the evil of war and violence in ..0'- which innocent people are killed and maimed• t- THE HANDS THAT HAVE These three events show us one thing. They >. BUILT AMERICA show that the struggle of the farm worker in lonely 0.. (pages 24, 25) fog-shrouded towns like Delano or Rio Grande City 0 is not an isolated, insignificant thing. It is part of 0 THE "SWEET LIFE" a great struggle against the forces of. evil, which IN THE NORTH started soon after men began walking on the planet en (pages 26-29) It is a struggle which will probably never be over. ,.. ~ c Thus, the scorched Vietnamese mother and 0) HUELGA YEAR ,child, the bayonetted Watts teenager, and the thou­ ~ (page 30) sands and thousands of men who have fought in all C the strikes down through history, are linked by an 0 .unbreakable bond of suffering with the farm worker 0 "El Malcriado, "the Voice who pickets on the edge of the vineyard of a sub­ of the Farm Worker, is an .freezing January morning, and with the men who 0) independent publication, lie restlessly in the jails of Tulare County or Starr t- I ..- and is not the "official County. ~ newspaper" of any person When the future emerges from thE: noise and con­ C or group. The editors are fusion, it will be, because of this suffering now, a W solely responsible for all future in which it is possible for each person to . statements and views ex- live in peace and freedom, with a full chance to de­ pr~ssed here. ~. velop his human possibilities. I wish to purchase 8ubscription(s) for EL MALCRIADO at the rate of $2. 50 for each subscription for one year in SPANISH l SUBSCRIBE NOW!! ENGLISH Our list of subscribers has been (Circle one) growing very fast. More and more Name _ people are finding out that a subscrip- tion to EL MALCRIADO is the best Address _ way to keep up with the news of the farm worKers struggle. Don't be City. State, Zip Code _ left out! Send in this coupon today! Send to: Farm Worker Press Total amount enclosed $ Box 1060 I_----__--_----------------------------------~~~~~~ EL MALCRIADO:::Page 4 ....-------..................--~--_r From what I have seen I wish to state that your TO ALL type of organization is letters what is needed for the MEXICAN· rest of the Mexican­ Americans thru out the state of California and AMERICANS tothe where ever out of the state there are Mexican­ Americans. The Mexican-Ameri­ Editor can thru your newspaper could be educated in pub­ lic issues regarding their rights and to take interest in civic affairs. ~, is high time that all this should be called to their attention so as to show them how to be bet­ MfSSACf &POlM ter informed. I take it that most of the farm FROM workers lmow what the scene is, but what about SOLEDAD PRISON... the ones who are not farm workers. .I for one fipd many that don't lmow Dear Editor: what is going on any sub­ ject you talk about. Not I received your letter that I got anything a­ which contained the form gainst our Religion, but for shares of stock in the if our people would make EI Malcriado newspaper. 3 or 4 more efforts as I wish to say that I am in 'they do to go to church agreement with your we would be much better struggle as I once had to off. I am speaking not work in the fields to pick of the Delano striker as cotton .somewhere north­ I have met Mr. Gil Pa­ west of Fresno in the dilla here in Los Angeles 1930's. I wish to say and he gave us the low that enclosed is the a­ down on the strike cause. mount for one share and I am speaking of the rest that I am not sending it of the Mexican-Ameri­ because I want to be an cans especially those owner, but rather it here in and around Los­ gives me a great plea­ Angeles County. It may sure to help keep EI Mal­ be that they don't care or criado in circulation as that no communication .it brings the attention to Dear Editor: has been reached to them the public as to what is I lmow many who are in taking place and who it I am an avid reader of El Malcriado. Your a position to communi­ affects and by whom all cause is just. It is an inspiration for those of cate with the Mexican­ this is done. We Mexi­ us who are in Soledad Correctional Facility. American and say look can-Americans have our here, lets help our fel­ problems, make no mis­ I was reading in El Malcriado #50 how Joan low Chicano [Mexican], take, but much of it is Baez appeared in Santa Monica Auditorium on but no they already got it forced upon us by the big December 16th, and that she was giving the made and don't bother to goys as we say. I need money to the Delano farm workers. She is my help. not go into detail as you favorite singer and here I have written a little The only one that I do are more than familiar poem. If you like it you can publish it in El lmow that is and has with our probl;ems be it Malcriado. helped is Judge Sanchez, on the farm or elsewhere Happy New Year, many that have positions In all my experience I Leopoldo V. Meza more or less as the have not yet found such Soledad, Calif. Judge to my lmowledge an organization as the have not called to the one you people have. THE POEM APPEARS ON PAGE .S. Mexican-American to EL MALCRIADO:::Page 5 --------1letters to the Editor I help win the struggle for the farm worker to get ~:~p::~ a:;u~::=:::~ ~~~L~:t~~:~~S: his social justice and 'nasty? anyone who believes in strike appears elsewhere other things due them. organizing is a co=un- in this paper. And re- Johnny Gonzalez ist or anyone who does garding the Jack London Commerce, Calif. not knuckle down to them. article, we don't know. Dear Sir: Fraternally yours, Can one of our readers help us out? In Issue No. 51 of "El Al & Irene Plummer Malcriado", on page 3, Weiser, Idaho Dear Editor: you said that Ronald Rea­ gophers? gan has never shown him­ .... As your children self to be a friend of the farm worker. Perhaps Dear friends: grow older, they will understand and be proud this is true; but, conver­ to say: "My mom and sely, he has never shown himself to be an enemy haveA smallbeen workinggroup oftouspop- ? dad were Delano strik­ l d of the farm worker either ers".... ularize F.W.A. but it His platform, and his seems that the Spanish . on on • Jerry Charlton statements and actions workers are afraid of re- Oildale. Calif. so far, indicate that he taliation if they are Dear Editor: is more interested in the caught messing in such good of this state than in affairs. After spending last sum­ the benefits that he might The situation here is mer in California, I was reap from professional quite different than a­ exposed to the problems politicking.
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