Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1975-76 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 9-18-1975 The thI acan, 1975-09-18 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1975-76 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1975-09-18" (1975). The Ithacan, 1975-76. 4. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1975-76/4 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1975-76 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. .:. ' ·.,- : , .. •,. ··' : 'J • '• { :, .' •• '. •, ~ ·~: , • • ', ,, ' • ,,. , • - ',. '. '' •• • • • ,·.' -. ·,·· 'f . ,,' : September 18, 1975 Vol.49/N0.4 Ithaca College Ithaca , New York p°Liblishe9 independently by tne students of frhac·a College - - . "' ,. Bombers Ta·ke First Game; Rated First-In Division By Peter J. Talbut better than last years, barring tant Division III game of this injury to key personnel. Just to year. The Ithaca squad was Last Saturday's 30-6 win watch the enthusiasm of Ron ranked number one in the over St. Lawrence, here at South DiMaitino lets you know that the country in their College Dh·ision . .Hill Field, showed Football fans '75 Bombers are winners. The Great Danes came in at -·what they can expect_ to see this number six. .season. Divorcing Themselves The Bombers are a strong The Lambert Bowl is a long Albany State in its third team, offensively they ·have the way off, Albany is not. Ithaca year of varsity football have ·-two best receivers in the school's will have to take each game at a never los1. a home game. They history, with Bill Bryant and time and try to divorce them­ also have a 13 game winning Mike Battle. Defensively they selves from last year's glory. streak g·oing. boast a backfield that inter­ cepted five saint aerials. However this Saturday's Capacity Crowd Expected This year's squad has the game against the Albany Great The 1:30 starting time potential to be as good if not Danes could OP the most impor- should sec a capacity crowd, as Albany and Ithaca students and numerous pro and college scoi.: : flock to University Fit>ld. Stora~ka Returns For Highly Successful Lecture The Danes offensively are a strong running team, but Ithaca By Cindy ~hwartz their tactics don't work. For that and statistics were effective ance rate of 55% on the college is a strong defensive team, which reason, Storaska emphasizes the illustrations to keep his general and university lecture circuit. they proved against the hapless Dtie to the overwhelming need for. a woman to feel principles in mind. Even though By using humor as the basis for Saints. response to his - lecture on confident in herself. A woman the audience was presented with dissolving the primitive and The away game this Satur­ campus last September, Frederic -should know how to prevent a multitude of examples on how - often Victorian myths of how to day against Albany State is Storaska...i:eturned once more to assault before it gets to the to react effectively, Storaska has p'revent and deal with rape, anGther test for the Bombers. Ithacsi College last night to give fighting stages. According to his found in his many years of Storaska was able to discuss a Albany, who finished last season yet another dynamic· ''perform- . plan,Jf a-woman is able to diffuse lecturing that women often cme very sensitive subject quite with a perfect 9-0 record, is 1-0 "ance" To Be Or Not To Be the rapist's violence by assua- up. with their own creative, yet effectively. this season after defeating Al­ Raped!'; . w.hich. deals' with the ging his hate for _her ("rape is a often strange techniques of re- "I want you to go talk about this, fred University last Saturday. understari_ding and prevention or crime of hate, not a crime of acting in an intensely pressured .not just hear it.~· Storaska So, the defending Lambert rape and assault. passion..,) !!he will be in control of situation. "I want to plant the mentioned towards the end of his Bowl champion Ithaca Bombers ·-sioiaska·-.is-,..a,-· well-known · the·-situatim1:::;~in:."tb.e,...,<tonii- . see,ds--of.-ideas f9r __ you ...t.o ..use two and. one half hour lecture. ~re on the track again, contin­ writer, ·investigator, an~ lectu·r· dence and trust of the rapist, and . other approaches", Storaska im- And based on the .inierest shown uing "their.winning W:\)'S. .. er on the subject-of rape. He get him to perceive you as a pressed upon the audience. by the large turnout of several founded the National Organiza­ person and · not an object", Storaska is a captivating hundred students last evening, For more Bomber pictures and tion for the Prevention of Rape Storaska said. lecturer, well deserved of his many students who attended his stories, please turn to page 10. and Assault located at 777 Stor~ka's many examples unprecedented repeat perform- lecture last year did exactly that. ·United Nations Plaza, New York, (NOPRA) in 1972 and directs the ·activities of the organization with the assistance of volunteers. · After almost Rain Greets Die-hards As Commons,Open · eleven years of research on Last Thursday night, the 1 thousands of assault cases, m mths at a cost of nearly one who were involved with th(• ·pt•or,11• ")!;I'll ing- involvPd in dan­ ci1)1 and _downtown merchants Storaska recently published a million dollars. An indoor mall huilding- of the mall. and there l'ing-, ,-,p1•1·iallv t hos1• jiltl'rhug-­ irivit~d · the public to .celebrate book on his findings, called "How that will cost over two million wne many festivities. t'.in1-: to Llw jazz pla_vl'<l hy tlw .Jm• the official opening of the Ithaca dollars will also be built, near the . Three hands played al thP to Say No To A Rapist - And Commons. -,_, · ~Conm•II hand. · 8urvive!". sight of old Rothschild's depart­ mall entram·es. At lhe mall's The fthaca Commons is "th,:> ThPr1· was al~o a magil'ian, ment store. The actual Ithaca Past end, hy Rothschild's, the "Mi~ll·r Twisll•r" ,ia1·k Miller of Recapped Incidents heart and center of our urban Commons that is now finished Drifters sang country am! west­ I ;r,vd1·n who had raug-ht t h1• area, a place to be used and includes the permanent closing Prn tunes. In the middll' of thP In his lecture, · Storaska att.1•nt ion of many of tlw young-. enjoyed" Mayor Edward Conley off of two blocks of Stat.e·Street mall w:l'- the Joe M<·Conn1•ll hand recapped the incidents he wit­ _\ Pt al..,o g-ath1•rpd quit!• a rrowd told several. hundred people who to v('hicles to make a pedestrian fl'aturing the "big hand" sounds nessed in the early 1960's. that from I h1• 'lol -<.,o-.voung-. showed up for the dedication mall. of th1• forties. Down at th(• otht•r sparked his interest in the field In t.l.t> ~pirit of 1·l'h•hrat"io11, despite heavy rains. Although thP mall has been Pnd of th(? mall was the rol'k of rape, the discussion of which The Commons was con - downtown nwn·hanb r1·~111>nd1'd in us(• for several months now, group Truth. There was a large ii.v havint:" w1·Pkl'nd ,;alt",. Cil v was .then considered taboo. It structed as a means to revitalize with the shopping area nev('r assortmPnt of p(•ople watl'hing- hlN'~ ;d'-,O OJll'r'al I'd !or rr1•1• 0~ was about twelve years ago the downto~n area as a business dosed down <luring construction, . these various hand .... with man.v Th11r-;da,v, Friday, and Saturd.",y when he set forth to devote his and ci\'ic center for the town the downtown merchants billed complete resources and energies . residents. Although plans for this past wel'kend as the grand to und~rstanding and solving the c B J $ S the constructin of the mall have o~eni~g of ~he _mall to coincid~ Qngress u get 15,000 hort problems of assaults on men, . been formulated for over. ten with its ded11:at10n. women, and.child.ren •. ·years, actual-constructiQn of the Aside from Mayor .Gonley's S • s h l h • s d Storaska's lecture was more ·. Commons didn't begin until June dedication thne ·were short enzor C O ars zp tarte ·of a performance than a usual :_ 1974. The project that is speeehes and introductions from lecture~ . He employed' several completed now took fifteen · key·· me~l,ers of the community members of the audience to Monies allocated to student to Ot.is. explain his points, and also dorms, clubs and organizations· The Collepe, ,.s all husi:wss­ demonstrated many of the tech­ through Student Congress this Ps, must adhme t.o rules :mu niques himself. His program year will fall $15,000 short of last regulations set f<.,rth hy th1i confronts the problem . of rape year's $100,000 budget, it was American Assol'iat1on of C1isti­ •and assault directly by eliminat­ ~nouiiced at Student Congress fied Puhlie Accountants {At.C­ ing myths filld g«:ltting rid of fear. TuJsday evening. PA). If the hu·;iness does follow \ He stresses the importance of · ·Student body President the rules, they will reruive a dealing with the situation, and Rick Otis explained that from "cover letter" from the AA.CPA not avoiding it.
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