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This hypothesis suggests that In many species, spatial navigation is supported by a network of place cells that exhibit the same neural structures and computations that increased firing whenever an animal is in a certain region of an environment. Does this neural enable the learning of a spatial layout via place- representation of location form part of the spatiotemporal context into which episodic cell activity also facilitate the encoding of episodic memories are encoded? We recorded medial temporal lobe neuronal activity as epilepsy patients memories. However, according to a prominent performed a hybrid spatial and episodic memory task. We identified place-responsive cells alternative account, the spatial coding functions active during virtual navigation and then asked whether the same cells activated during the of the hippocampus are part of a context module subsequent recall of navigation-related memories without actual navigation. Place-responsive that operates independently of the computations cell activity was reinstated during episodic memory retrieval. Neuronal firing during the retrieval that encode the content of a memory (18, 19). of each memory was similar to the activity that represented the locations in the environment We designed a virtual-reality memory game where the memory was initially encoded. in which participants played the role of a delivery person, driving through a virtual town and deliv- hen one encounters an old friend and memory, these theories predict that the content of ering items to stores. Our participants were pa- remembers the time they last met, of- the experience becomes associated with the cur- tients with drug-resistant epilepsy who were Wten the place of meeting and surround- rent spatial and temporal context. When the mem- implanted with depth electrodes to localize the ing circumstances come to mind. This is the ory is retrieved, this prior context is partially focus of their seizures and to map cognitive func- hallmark of episodic memory: the capacity to reinstated, focusing one’s thoughts on the time tion in surrounding healthy tissue. In an initial store and later retrieve memories that are bound and place of the remembered episode. This rein- phase of the game, participants explored the town to a particular place and time (1). Theories of statement not only provides the phenomeno- using a computer controller to navigate from store episodic memory posit that the brain supports logical experience of remembering, but also helps to store as they attempted to learn the layout of this ability by continually maintaining an updated to cue other memories experienced within the the environment illustrated in Fig. 1A. After this representation of the current spatiotemporal con- same or related contexts. initial familiarization phase, during which partic- text, which is a neural representation of space, Although it is well established that the hip- ipants visited each store twice, a series of “deliv- time, and other aspects of one’scurrentcognitive pocampus and surrounding medial-temporal- ery days” began. On each delivery day, participants milieu (2). When the brain forms a new episodic lobe (MTL) structures play a central role in the were instructed to travel from store to store, vis- formation and retrieval ofcontext-mediatedmem- iting 13 randomly chosen stores (of the 16 total) 1Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 2Epilepsy Cen- ories (3–5), we know far less about how these in a randomly determined order. Upon their 3 ter, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany. University memory processes manifest in the activities of arrival at each store, participants were presented of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. individual MTL neurons. Much of what is known with an item [either visually for 2 s for par- *These authors contributed equally to this work. about the neural coding properties of hippocampal ticipants one to five or aurally for participants six †These authors contributed equally to this work. ‡Corresponding author. E-mail: andreas.schulze-bonhage@ and MTL neurons comes from studies of rodent and seven (20)]. Upon arrival at the final (13th) uniklinik-freiburg.de (A.S.-B.); [email protected] (M.J.K.) spatial navigation, where individual neurons re- store, no item was presented. Instead, the screen www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 342 29 NOVEMBER 2013 1111 REPORTS went black and participants were prompted to exhibit significant place fields when direction of tion and during item retrieval [see (20)andfig. vocally recall as many of the 12 delivered items traversal was not taken into account. This is sim- S1 for further details]. We partitioned the envi- as they could remember in any order (participants ilar to earlier findings of directionally oriented ronment into three regions for each recalled item: recalled 5.2 items, on average). After being given place cells in environments with clearly defined regions close to the delivery location, regions of 90 s for free recall, participants could advance to routes, in contrast to open environments, where intermediate distance, and regions that were far anewdeliveryday,inwhichtheywoulddelivera omnidirectional place cells are prevalent (8, 22). from the delivery location. We then asked whether distinct but randomly determined set of items to a These directionally oriented place cells were not the ensemble place-cell activity at the time of re- random sequence of 13 stores and then attempt to generally responsive to place-invariant view infor- trieval was more similar to navigational epochs that recall the new set of items. Consistent with earlier mation (see supplementary text). Figure 2B shows were closer to the delivery location. A high degree work (21), participants exhibited a significant (P = the firing rate of a place-responsive cell from the of similarity would indicatethereinstatementof 0.008) tendency to consecutively recall items de- entorhinal cortex, which activated at a location in the spatial context associated with the item. To livered to more spatially proximate locations (see the south part of the environment during east- protect against potential confounding between item supplementary text).
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