The Mount Vernon Car Manufacturing Co. Repair Shop, Capacity Per Annum: 500' x 150' 10,000 Freight Cars; Fully equipped with Cranes, Electric 150,000 Chilled Tread Riveters, etc., enabling Wheels; us to work in all kinds 20,000 Tons Forgings of weather BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS OF ALL KINDS MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS General American Tank Car Corp. General American Car Co. BUILDERS , 1 LESSORS Tank Cars Tank Cars Milk ~a;s Milk Cars Railroad Cars Refrigerator Cars L OFFICES : Continental Illinois Bank Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Chanin Bldg., 122 E. 42nd St., N. Y. City Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. Cosden Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Texas Richfield Bldg., Los ~ngeles,Cal. May, 1932 Page 1 -- BUFFALO BRAKE BEAM COMPANY 1 BRAKE BEAM AND BOTTOM ROD SUPPORTS - a A I DE BARDELEBENCOALS Sipsey -Empire - Carona -Carbon Hill -Hull FOR DOMESTIC, STEAM, GAS, BY-PRODUCT AND CERAMICS The South's Largest Producers and Marketers of HIGH GRADE COALS DeBardeleben Preparation Southern Railway Building Gives Added Value BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA A ALDERT RUSSELL T. R. SIMMONS CLEVELAND LUMBER COMPANY JASPER, ALABAMA Railroad Lumber ~11 Pine and Hardwood ~11 Two Million Feet Per Month on the Frisco in Alabama + ELDRIDGE i JASPER * g HOWARD Fully Equipped Plant Planing Mill, Car Decking % Planing Mill, Oak and and Retail Yard 5t and Short Dimension ? Pine Car Lumber Dependable Service : Quality Counts SYMINGTON Malleable Iron and Steel Journal Boxes for PASSENGER AND FREIGHT EQUIPMENT FARLOW DRAFT ATTACHMENTS THE SYMINGTON COMPAN' NEW YORK Works: ROCHESTER BALTIMORE CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO Page 2 ~Z,FEZWRPL o*s*/& The Center of A22 Social 5 and Civic Affairs lk 600 ROOMS 600 BATHS RATES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL JOHN D. MAYO, President TULSA, OKLAHOMA GRIDER COAL SALES AGENCY Mine Agents OVER 3,000.000 TONS ANNUALLY Sltel Them. Steel TlreQ Wheels Steel Arlee, (Iteel Bprinna, Rolled $tee1 BEST GRADES ALABAMA STEAM and DOMESTIC COALS Rlnm, Solld W r o U n h t Steel Wheels, Steel Forglngn Steel Crusher Roll* and ;hells, Rolled Steel Genr Blnnks. Steel Cestlngr, Steel Railroad Fuel a Specialfy Plpe Flangm Standard Steel Works Co. 1414-18 American Trwt Building BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Main Office and Works: Burnham. Pa. FRISCO ties, timbers and piling have their life greatly prolonged by preservative treatment at the SPRINGFIELD, MO., and HUGO, OKLA., PLANTS of the AMERICAN CREOSOTING COMPANY ' Incorporated LOUISVILLE o*J KENTUCKY May, 1932 Page 3 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 737-738 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS. Jr.. Edilor MARTHA C. MOORE. Aaab~ldeEd1101 WM. McMILLAN. Adwrllaba Manaaer Vol. X MAY, 1932 No. 5 Permission ie given to reprint with or without credit, in part or in full. any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Springfield Leads in Egg Canning .................. .. ............ .............................................................................. 4 J. E. Bradley Veteran Foreman Glad Good Old Days Are Gone............................ .. ..................5 Frisco Linemen Play Important Roles ........................................................................................................ 6 Girls Kilty Band at Oklahoma City Boosts Gov. Murray.................................................................... 7 News of the Frisco Clubs ........................................................................................................................ 8-12 Page of Praise from Frisco Friends .......................................................................................................... 13 Old St. Louis Rock House Will Be Preserved ...................................................................................... 14 Reasley Brothers Retired After Joint Service of 90 Years ........................ .... ....... ...........................15 Rail Earnings at Rate of 1.08 Per Cent First Twa Months ............................................................. 16 Frisco Employes' Hospitat Association's Quarterly Statement .......................................................... 18 A. J. McDowell Retires May 1.......................... .. ....... .... ........................................................................... 19 Section Men Discuss Track Problenls at Bolivar, Mo .........................................................................20 Oswald Sends A Valentine .......................................................................................................................... 21 The Pension Roll ............................................................................................................................................22 In Memoriam ..................................................................................................................................................23 The Twilight Hour........................................................................................................................................ 24 ' i., * Interesting Pictures of Frisco Children ..........,....... .. .........................................................................25 The Homemakers' Page................................................................................................................................ 26 Springtime Fashions for the Juniors ......................................................................................................... 27 Flashes of Merriment ............................ .. ......................................................................................................28 Frisco. Mechanic ........................., .............................................................................................................29-33 Frisco Family News ................................................................................................................................34-48 MEMBER THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frlsco Employes' Magazine 1s a monthly publication devoted prlmarlly to the interests of the actlve and retlred employes of the Rlsco Lines. It contalns stories, Items of cur- rent news, personal notes about employes and their famllles, artlcles deallng wlth varlous phases of rallroad work, poems, cartoons and notlces regardlng the servlce. Good clear phobgraphs sultable for reproduction are especially deslred. and wlll be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drowlnp must be In black lndla Ink. Employes are Invited to mite artlcles for the magazine. Contrlbutlons should be type- written, on one slde of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Edltor, Frlsco Bulldlng. st. LOuLB, Mo. Dlstributed free among Frlsco Employes. To others, price 15 cents a copy; subscript1011 SKELLOGG GROW rate, $1.50 a year. Advertising rate wlll be made known upon appllcatlon. SPRINGFIELD LEADS IN EGG CANNING ANNED eggs! Every single egg which goes You never heard of them? Producers Co. and A rmour in the egg-breaking room is given C Then this story of an in- a rigid test for freshness and dustry which has not yet reached will Ship 4,500,000 must b e free from all b ad its tenth birthday may prove in- flavors. The girls who smell teresting. Even at this time the Pounds This Year these eggs after they are broken produce houses which are canning are constantly on the lookout for them for consumption, talk of an egg that smells "musty" or an figures which run into millions. Then the empty cans are placed on "onion-flavored" egg. The speed with Springfield, Mo., the center of the a scale, a lever is touched and the can which they can break and smell the poultry industry of the Ozarks and is filled and autoniatically stops at eggs is surprising, and its importance one of the greatest shipping and re- thirty pounds. It is then taken off the is evident when it is known that one ceiving points in the country will scale, the top is placed on it and it "musty" egg in a thirty-pound can will send out to eastern and southeastern is taken to the freezing room where spoil the entire can. customers, approximately four and a the temperature is ten below zero and Each girl in the egg-breaking room half million pounds of canned eggs the eggs are frozen. Seventy-two is capable of breaking thirty cases, this year. Tliese canned eggs will hours are required to freeze the thirty- or 900 dozen eggs straight in a single come from the Pro- day and can separate ducers Produce Com- about eighteen cases pany and Armour & a day. Company, both lo- There are four pro- cated in that city. cesses of cann in g The Producers Pro- eggs. The first, when duce Company have egg s a re broken an order of 1,500,000 straight with whites pounds from Standard ancl yolks mixed and Brands, Inc., on which canned together; sec- they are morlting at ond and third pro- this time and Armour cesses, the whites ancl C Company, addition- yolks are separated al orders make the and canned separately adclitional millions of as plain whites and pounds. plain yo l k s, and There is a spotless- fourth, the yolks are ly clean room set canned with sugar. apart in each of these To pack sugar yolks, plants known as the a sugar solution is egg-breaking room. In added so that the eggs the Producers Pro- will already be snreet- duce Company's room, 7!1c pirlrrrc a6oz.v slrn7us tlr~egg-hreolrirrq roor~r oJ /he Prodrrccrs enecl when ready for fifty girls work at Protirtce Coir~Faltyat Sprirrgficld, Jlo., wlrere !he rygs nrc 6rolrrr1, riiisrd use. The yolks are high speed on some of cirrd placed it1 thirty-polrlrd carts ready for thr cold
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