TBB WBATSBR. Fair tonight. Fridny fair, paiilgr clondy and warmer. ^ . PRICE THREE CIENTS ■M MANCHESTEB, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1926. (TWELVE PAGES) ORANGE PEEL FATAL TO Pirate and His Captive F E M H K B L O C LEACH, NIAGARA SHOOTER TAKE IIALUN ’ 50 FT. HIGHWAY Christ Church, New Zealand, April 29— Bobby Leach, who Rome, April 29.— Douglas achieved fame when he went Fairbanks may perform all H G RrS MOVIE over Nlagari Falls in a barrel, R IM CHIEF IN sorts of stunts for the motion FOR KEENEY ST. died today of injuries received pictures but he dodges the in slipping on an orange peel. aeroplane, because no less than ^ Leach, who made the peril­ aCER^YDIG three palmists have told him CENSOR U W S ous journey over the falls with­ that if he flies he will be killed. | out receiving a scratch, broke This was discovered by Mary | his leg when he slipped on the Pickford today when Marquis j orange peel. Complications set de Pinedo, Italian aviator who Three Women Members of in following an amputation, MeSwiggm’s Death Now Be* is preparing for a world flight, Informal Hearing Brings Out ♦ causing death. little Boy, Lost in Furnace invited Douglas and Mary to make a flight with him. Congress Denounce Move lieved Incident to KQliiii “ I’ll go," said Mary, “ but not 24 Residents at Select­ Ventilator, Saved by Fire Douglas. Three palmists have of Members of Rival told him he’ll be killed if he to Put Films Under Fed­ VANDERBILT PAPERS flies.” men s Meeting — Woman Chief Coleman Who Goes _____ _____ ___________ eral Board’s Control. Bootleg FactioB. Into 18 Inch Shaft. Asks for Medical Aid. NEARING THE ROCKS WHITTEMORE GOES Washington, April 29.— Federal Ghicago, April 29— With the ar­ Residents from the wide, open censorship of motion pictures was rest today of Ralph Capone, A baby boy is lost. spaces out on Keeney street were strongly condemned today by the Yousg Publisher’s Family brother of “ Scarface Al” Capone, His little hat and toy wagon are the three-fold investigation into TO NEW YORK CITY before the Board of Selectmen George Grantham, star first baseman for the world champion Pitts­ three women comprising the “ femi­ found near an open ventilator the gang killing in Cicero Tues­ last night to give the Town Fathers burgh Pirates. Is going to be married very shortly. He's shown with the nine bloc" In Congress. shaft. Faint cries can be heard, Quits After FuruiskiBU day night of “ Billy” McSwlggln, their ideas on the street lines future Mrs. Grantham, Miss Ruby Gates, of Kingman, Arizona. From the home rather than and they come from the open shaft. chief aide to State’s Attorney Rob­ which should be established there. from the federal government must Now picture the mother who is Taken from Buffalo, by Four More Than MiHien. ert E. Crowe, started definitely on I Keeney street is one of the oldest come the moral standards which looking for her two year old. Try to I highways in Manchester— the lines its way. will assure a demand for clean see the hopelessness that faces the have been established at two dif­ MAD PHILADELPHIA WILKINS ARRIVES With McSwlggin were shot down Detectives— May Be Sent wholesome pictures, in the belief New York. April 29.— Gornelius James H. Doherty, challenger of woman knowing her baby boy has ferent times and then lost. It was with the purpose in view of re-es­ of Reps. Florence P. Kahn, (R., Vanderbilt, Jr., who at 28 Is presi­ the right of the Torrlo-Capone fallen down that pipe. There is Cal.), Mary T. Norton. (D., N. J.), to Maryland for Trial. tablishing the street lines so that AT POINT BARROW dent and director of the Vanderbilt combination to control the beer an accurate building line can be THUG KILLS WOMAN and Edith Rodgers, (R., Mass.) and gambling rights of Cicero and no help near. All were agreed that the individ­ Newspapers, Inc., has reached It Happened Here. later set that the Selectmen called Tom Duffy, politician. ual communities and states, rather crisis in his journalistic career. He The triple inquiry is taking the A baby boy did fall down an open Buffalo, N. y., April 2D.— the property owners into an in­ formal hearing last night. than the government, assisted by needs $300,000 to continue financ- following courses: • ill ventilator, and a mother did. face Manacled and guarded by detec­ Detroit Arctic Explorer, proper laws, were the proper such a tragedy here late yesterday Twenty-four different properties Adds Two Attacks to list of his patrimony of $1,500,000 willed Examination today by Crowe of afternoon. The youngster was tives, Richard Whlttomore, bandit, were represented and three quar­ sources from which censorship a score of gangland leaders among should originate. papers over the next six months. Billy Eggleston and the ventilator was speeding to New York today in ters of them favored the 50 feet 13 Days Missing in Air­ more than 200 now in jails In Chi­ highway width that the Board of Three Murders and R eip No Reason For Bills. Unless this money is forthcom­ cago and Cicero. shaft is part of the heating system a special compartment of a fast ex­ Rep. Kahn, a member of the ed­ at his home on Tolland Turnpike. Selectmen proposed. There were ing, and young Vanderbilt hopes it Efforts by both political ene­ press train. He left unexpectedly several who favored a 40 feet plane, Is Safe. ucation committee now considering will be, it may mean the retirement mies of Crowe and by disinterested The house sits on a wooded bill of Terror. two bills which would establish just west of the Oakland paper mill. this morning. width because the wider highway of the papers and" of Vanderbilt persons connected with the Chica­ It was once the mill superintend­ Whittemore, who this week es­ w'ould necessitate cutting into rigid federal censorship of all himself, according to an announce­ go Crime commission to obtain a caped the electric chair at Sing their front yards. films, said today there was “ abso­ ment made public today by the spe'-ial prosecutor and special ent’s home. Now Mr. and Mrs. New York. April 29— Capt. lutely no reason why either should Grant Eggleston and Mr. and Mrs. Sing when a jury in Buffalo, try­ Line Is Needed. Philadelphia. April 29.— With young publisher’s attorney, Dudley grand jury to go into all phases George H. Wilkins and his pilot, be enacted. Leon Gatlin occupy the house. ing him for the murder of two bank i Mavor Robert V. Treat explain- one woman hacked and clubbed to Field Malone. of gang killings which have taken Ben Eielson, missing in their plane “ They talk about how movies The Vanderbilt Newspapers, Inc., 29 lives in Chicago this year. Billy had been playing in the messengers in a pay-------- car hold-up, ' ed to the property owners that it death and another dying as the re­ yard»twVA yesterday___ _____afternoon when his disagreed and was discharged, will was not the desire of the town to for 13 days In Alaska, arrived are degrading modern youth,’’ said owns “ The Los Angeles Illustrated Business Men on Jury sult of a fiendish attack, police are Mrs. Kahn, “ and forget that par­ Daily News,’’ “ The San Francisco Coroner’s Inquest at 2 o’clock mother decided she would bring | be tried for robbery in New cut a 50 feet roadway through at safely today at Point Barrow, Alas­ seeking a maniacal murderer who ents, not the government, are re­ Illustrated Daily Herald,” “ the Mi­ this afternoon over the bodies of him in. He did not answer her i york city or be taken later to Iho_ ^___________present time. It is necessary to ka, the North American newspaper calls and she went out to find him. Baltimore to be tried there for tlic pstablish some highway lino so has terrorized North and West sponsible for their proper upbring­ ami Dally Tab,” a photograph syn­ MeSwiggin, Doherty and Duffy, He wasn't in sight. She soon found j n^rder of a guard in the Maryland jp, future, if necessary, a Philadelphia for months. aliance announced today. ing. It is the duty of parents to dicate service, and two magazines, the jury to be composed of busi­ his hat, and nearby his little wagon. | penitentiary. sufficiently wide road can be con­ The latest victim, Mrs. T. J. Capt. Wilkins, with the Detroit rear children with an appreciation “ The Vanderbilt Weekly,” and ness leaders of Chicago. The galvanized top of the shaft i Entrained Secretly structed at a minimum of trouble. Walsh, 48, was found in her home Arctic Expedition, had been ex­ of morality. If this were done and “ The Vanderbilt Farmer.” Ralph Capone and his wife, Peg­ had been pushed off, and when she entrainment of the bandit It was brought out that in sell­ with her throat slashed and her ploring the' Arctic coastal region. children were not permitted to run Crisis on Friday. gy, were taken in a raid on their peered down the hole she heard her and the four New York detectives building lots on Keeney street head crushed from a terrific blow. The aviator with his pilot set out loose as soon as they climb out of Young Vanderbilt’s financial af Cicero apartment. In the apart­ their cradles, there would be less ment police found three books of baby’s cries. who have him in custody was car­ owners must give deeds of land at Stuffed in the woman’s mouth from the expedition’s base almost fairs reached a serious point last Help Is Summoned.
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