Faculty of Humanites and Social Sciences Zagreb Ivana Lučića 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Department of Anthropology and Department of Pedagogy Mentors: doc.dr.sc.Caroline Hornstein Tomić and prof.dr.sc.Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš Youth entertainment in Croatia: Behind the scenes of summer music festivals (Master’s thesis) Tia Šimanović Zagreb, July 21, 2015 To my mom, who is always there for me and my sisters. Who always knows how to give us just the right amount of support and help, not to make us feel impotent and incapable; who showers us with love and tenderness in just a right amount not to make us spoiled; who knows when to get angry at us and make us regret for what we have or have not done; who can perfectly balance when to push us a little if we start to fall apart and when to leave us on our own, to make us learn to cope with situations this life has prepared for us. To my mom, who is always somewhere near us, but leaves us alone to learn from our mistakes on our own; who lets us fall but always picks us up; who supports us endlessly and makes us feel as we can conquer the world if we just try hard enough; who makes us feel indestructible. For you mom, who instilled in us feelings of pride, ability, and self-respect; who gives us the power to act. You let us lead our own battles, but in times of trouble and darkness you are there to guide us and hold our hands and we always know you are here for us to turn to. I love you mom! In addition, I would not be who I am and where I am right now without the immense support from my sisters, Dora and Maša. You always encouraged me to give my best, to fight for what I believe in and to, sometimes, slow down a little, forget about others and focus on myself. I am also thankful to other members of my family who supported me throughout my studies and during my life: especially my stepfather, who accepted me and raised me as one of his own children; my father who was there for me, although we live separately and my granny Goga, who greatly impacted my upbringing and the earliest years of my life. Youth entertainment in Croatia: Behind the scenes of summer music festivals“ Master's thesis Page - 1 - „ Content 1. Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... - 3 - 1.1. Sažetak ...................................................................................................................................... - 3 - 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. - 4 - 3. Classifiatio prole of the ter youth ................................................................................ - 7 - 3.1 Emerging adulthood and (Croatian) job market trends ............................................................ - 9 - 3.2. Withdrawal of youth into their private spheres ..................................................................... - 13 - 4. Youth as a threat to society ....................................................................................................... - 14 - 4.1. The Concept of Moral Panic .............................................................................................. - 16 - 4.2. Subcultures and countercultures ...................................................................................... - 19 - 4.2.1. Chicago and Birmingham school ............................................................................... - 19 - 4.2.2. Subcultures ................................................................................................................ - 21 - 4.2.3. Countercultures ......................................................................................................... - 25 - 5. Values and interests .................................................................................................................. - 26 - 6. Youth culture and free-time activities ....................................................................................... - 29 - 6.1. The problem of youth free-time ........................................................................................ - 32 - 7. Music festivals ........................................................................................................................... - 33 - 7.1. In general ........................................................................................................................... - 33 - 7.2. Ultra Music Festival Croatia 2014...................................................................................... - 35 - 7.3. My experience at music festivals in Croatia ...................................................................... - 37 - 7.4. One day at a festival .......................................................................................................... - 38 - 8. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. - 49 - 9. Literature ................................................................................................................................... - 51 - Youth entertainment in Croatia: Behind the scenes of summer music festivals“ Master's thesis Page - 2 - „ 1. Abstract Erving Goffman presented a sociological analysis of the relationship between a performance and life in his book The presentation of self in everyday life. I decided to link his view to Croatian youth, music they listen to and a phenomenon of music festivals. According to Goffman, performance refers to all the activity of an individual which occurs during a period marked by his continuous presence before a particular set of observers which has some influence on them (Goffman, 1959:22). Using this definition to try to anthropologically deconstruct a festival, clash the impression of a visitor with the one of an employee at such a venue and emphasize the importance of such phenomena among young people in Croatia, while relating it to a plethora of topics and issues adolescents face during their youth and growing up period, will be the main point of this thesis. Being liminal, neither here nor there, betwixt and between the positions assigned and arrayed by law, custom, convention and ceremonial (Turner, 1969:95) is the term that perfectly reflects both conditions: the maturation phase as well as working on a festival. On a more convoluted level, festivals reflect the individual’s state of mind and mirror the person’s internal struggles – similar to those every adolescent goes through during the period of transition from childhood into adulthood. Key words: youth, interests and values, music festivals, subcultures, free time 1.1. Sažetak Erving Goffman objavio je sociološku analizu odnosa između nastupa (performansa) i života u knjizi The presentation of self in everyday life. Odlučila sam povezati njegovu analizu sa životom mladih u Hrvatskoj, glazbom te fenomenom glazbenih festivala. Prema Goffmanu, izvedba se odnosi na sve aktivnosti pojedinca koje se događaju tijekom određenog razdoblja u kojem je on ispred određenog broja promatrača te na njih vrši određeni utjecaj (Goffman, 1959:22). Kroz ovaj rad koristit ću navedenu definiciju kako bih s antropološkog stajališta dekonstruirala festival, sukobila stajališta posjetitelja sa onima radnika na takvim mjestima te naglasila važnost ovog fenomena među mladim ljudima u Hrvatskoj, istovremeno ga povezujući sa brojnim problemima i poteškoćama kroz koje mladi prolaze tijekom odrastanja. Biti u sredini, niti ovdje niti ondje, između društvenih položaja definiranih zakonom, običajima, konvencijama i ceremonijama (Turner, 1969:95) sintagma je koja savršeno opisuje oba navedena stanja: fazu mladosti i sazrijevanja kao i rad na festivalima. Na Youth entertainment in Croatia: Behind the scenes of summer music festivals“ Master's thesis Page - 3 - „ nekoj višoj razini, glazbeni festivali odražavaju stanje uma pojedinca te zrcale unutarnje sukobe kroz koje svaki adolescent prolazi u procesu prijelaza iz djetinjstva u odraslost. Ključne riječi: mladi, interesi i vrijednosti, glazbeni festivali, subkulture, slobodno vrijeme 2. Introduction In this paper I would like to provide an insight into young people in Croatia and their ways of spending free-time and having fun, as well as elaborate what the broad term “youth” encompasses in traditional and modern societies. It is a subject social sciences have tackled for several decades without a tacit result and, in the best of times, the category “youth” gets articulated as an absent presence (Roman, 1996:1). Who are young people? How do they live? How much space and power do they have in influencing today’s policies for their world of tomorrow? Are their voices heard and counted for? (Spajić-Vrkaš, 2002:1) Are they an age- determined group and what does it take to be classified as “youth”? In the colloquial sense, to be a youth is to be distinguished from the remainder of the population. They enjoy a greater amount of social power than children, but less than adults; they are more likely to be unemployed, earn less or be engaged in study than adults; they consume cultural phenomena and assume styles of behavior and dress that are different from the habits of children and adults, which makes them recognizable, especially in Western cultures (Heaven, Tubridy, 2003:150). According to the United Nations Publication there are 1.8 billion young people worldwide (UNFPA, 2014:ii) making them a
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