Mission: To worship God and pro- claim Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and to embody - in word and action - God's reconciling love, justice, compassion and liberation - Diocese of Toronto through which knowledge of God's Anglican Church of Canada reign is extended. April 22, 1997 /l'Js, Mi-gs Eunice Streeter Fwiher to our telephone conversation of April 17, 1997 enclosed please find the baptism records of the three Stutt girls as requested. They were located in the early parish records 0[31. Peter's, Cobourg. Interestingly, AN. Bethune was the officiant at all three and I have included a couple ofbriefbiographicaJ notes about him for your information. Yours sincerely, t1Mj-~ Ak~JJs Mary-Anne Nicholls (Mrs.) ArchivistlRecords Officer THE INCORPORATED SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF 1QRQ.NTO 135 ADELAIDE ST. E .• TORONTO· ONTARIO· M5C 1L8 • (416) 363-6021 t 1-800-6_~.!.:3: .1(Fax) 363 7678 . / The Right Reverenc 1867-J anuary-N o\'ember- of Lord Bishop of If67-1879-Lord Bi~: 18bo--Born Thursdar, 28tl Educated at tile Gr: 18.+7-D.0. (honoris (flU, 1857-D.C.L. (honoris Cflll 1823-0rdained Deacon in hec (J. l\Iountain . August, at the Ca: 182.j.-Ordained Priest in tl (J. l\Iountain). Church of the H, 1823'1~27-lncumbent of I 1827-1867-Rector of Cob( 1830-1867-Cbplain to th 18.j.I· 18.j.6- President. Tht' 18.j.7-1P67-Arcl~deacon of' 1866-Elrcted Coadjutor H= and with right of i her. hy the Synod! Onto . 1867-Consecrated Bishop Right Reverend :i assisted by their ~ Ontario (J. T. Le and the Bishop of of the Conversion dral Church of St Residence-Beverle," Official signature---fl. 1867-Succeeded to the See~ John Strachan, D Residence- W ellin/,n Official signature-J 1879-Died l\Ionday, 3rd 1 the s6th of his m Buried' in St. Peter': The Right Reverend Alexander Neil Bethune, D.D., D.C.L. C~adjL:tor Bishop of Toronte (First), January-November, 1867, with title of Lord Bishop of Niag~ra Lord Bishop of Toronto (Second), 1867-1879 The Right Reverend Alexander Neil Bethune, D.D., D.C.L. 1867-January-November-Coadjutor Bishop of Toronto (First), with title of Lord Bishop of Niagara. I f67- I879-Lord Bishop of Toronto (Second). 18oo-Born Thursday, 28th August, at Charlottenburg, near Corn\\'all, ant. Educated at the Grammar School, Cornwall, Onto 18.j.7-0.0. (honoris causa), University and King's College, Aberdeen. 18S7-0.C.L. (honoris causa), University of Trinity College, Toronto. 1823-0rdained Deacon in the Church of God, by the Lord Bishop of QUl"- bee (J. ~lountain), on the Feast of St. Bartholomew, Sunday. 2.j.th August, at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Quehec. 182.j.-Ordained Priest in the Church of God, by the Lord Bishop of Quebec (J. Mountain), on Sunday, 26th Septemher, at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Quebec. 1823-IF27-Incumbent of Grimshy, Onto (Quebec.) 1827-1867-Rector of Cobourg, Onto (Quebec-Toronto.) 1839-1867-Cbplain to the Bishop of Toronto (J. Strachan). I 8.j.1- I846-President, Theological Seminary, Cohourg, Onto (Toronto.) 18.j.7-d?67-Arcl~deacon of York (Toronto). 1866-Elected Coadjutor Bishop of Toronto, with title of Bishop of r\iagara and with right of succession to the See of Toronto, on 2 fst Septem- ber, by the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto, in session at Toronto, ant. 1867-Consecrated Bishop in the Church of God. hy the Honourable and Right Reverend John Strachan, D.O., Lord Bishop of Toronto, assisted by their Lordships, the Bishops of Huron (R. Cronyn), Ontario (J. T. Lewis), the Bishop of l\Iichigan (S. A. ~IcCoskn'), and the Bishop of Western New York (A. C. Co Xl" ), on the Fl"ast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Frida\', 2'ith January, at the Catlle- dral Church of St. James, Toronto, Onto Residence-Beverle\' Street. Toronto, Ont. Official signature-A. N. Niagara. 1867-Succeeded to the See of Toronto, on the death of the Right Renrend John Strachan, D.O., on 1st N'"!vemher, Residence-vVellington Street, Toi-onto, Onto Official signature-A. N. Toronto. 1879-Died )\fonday, 3rd February, at Toronto, in the 79th year of his age, the 56th of his ministry, and the 13th of his Episcopate. Buried in St. Peter's Cemetery at Cobourg, ant. ·November, 1867. with title of 19;1ra . _,JJ /"-". _4- cf Cc<--?'\c>.dc<' a·..-(. and), 1867·1879 "i'~ /l","'tl~·c~'<.A.-, l,;rL~~~ 0 rJCN~ov--t:,l ' ~ O(,~~ fb);- (2c-vJ/~ COpy [ .j.9 ] t'Vl.uL~~c~ f;'~~~J ~f, Ang ;:;cmDiocese of Toronto iVl; I 1,,';(~. , W-<-? . t.\RCHIVES Ii- .({. .Nlo-tJ LJ r~ Co . L:tAdCV1' (1028' land, March 14, 1804. He was educated lege, Toronto. He also edited The at the Royal School nearby, and was a Church, and from 1847 to 1867 was arch. good classical and mathematical scholar. deacon of York. In January, 1867, he Late in 1826 he came to Quebec bearing was consecrated as coadjutor to the letters of recommendation to Bishop Bishop of Toronto, with the title of Stewart, as he wished to be a missionary. Bishop of Niagara, but he himself be- He taught school at Kingston, and came nishop of Toronto on Strachan's served as a catechist for a short time death in November of the same year. at the Gore on the Ottawa. He was He died February 3, 1879. He and his ordained deacon in 1832 and sent to wife Jane Eliza Crooks had ten children. St. Andrews as curate to the Reverend He published a Memoir of Bishop William Abbott. In 1833 he was priested Strachan, Lectures on the Liturgy, pam- and licensed to Chaleur Bay. He mar- phlets and sermons. ried Eliza Coulthorpe in the same year. (The Bethunes, by A. H. Young. Ontario He remained at Chaleur Bay until 1837, Historical Society, Papers and Records, spent a few months at Riviere du Loup 1931.) en Haut, and from 1838 to ~839 he was S.P.G. Missionary at Sheffo~ L.C. For BETflUNE, JOHN the following fifteen years he was in- (1791-1872) cumbent at Kingsey, and from 1864 to JOHN BETHUNE, brother 0\ A. N. 1868 at Nicolet. He retired in 1868, but Bethune, was born at Charlottenburg, served later for short periods at Lachine, U.C., January 6, 1791. He was educated Valcartier, Magog and Coati cook. He by John Strachan at Kingston and Corn- died at Montreal, February 13, 1891. He wall. On his ordination in July, 1814, had five daughters and three sons. One he was appointed to Elizabethtown and son served as a priest in the diocese of Augusta, opening the S.P.G. mission in Quebec, and a grandson served in the that region. In 1818 he became rector diocese of Algoma. A Sermon of of Montreal. From 1835 to 1846 he was Thanksgiving, preached by Andrew Bal- acting-principal of McGill College, and four on the cessation of the cholera from 1850 on, after the founding of the enid~mir.-. w;:;" .1Jrtl1ten. 1!'. Wrlunichi j" dive.:;:;\'; of Montcel11, lie was dean of tne 1834. Cathedral as well as rector. During his (C. W. Balfour, Ancestry 0/ the Bal/ours, tenure of office old Christ Church 1937.) burned, and the present Cathedral was built. He married Elizabeth Hallowell BETHUNE, ALEXANDER NEa of Montreal, by whom he had eleven (1800-1879) children, six of whom died in infancy. ALEXANDERNEIL BETHUNE, son of One of his sons, Strachan Bethune, K.C., Reverend John Bethune and of Veronica became chancellor of the diocese of Wadden his wife, was born at Charlot- Montreal. John Bethune died, August tenburg, U.C., August 28, 1800. He 22, 1872, after an incumbency of fifty- attended Dr. Strachan's school at Corn- four years. He published pamphlets wall, and was later educated by the and sermons. same master in theology. In 1823 he was ordained and licensed to Grimsby, (McGill News, Summer, 1943, has an article on The Very Reverend John Bethune, D.D. a mission with several out-stations. In LL.D.) 1827 he was appointed to succeed the Reverend William Macaulay at Co- BETTRIDGE, WILLIAM bourg, and he remained in that parish (1791-1879) for forty years. Here he helped to found WILLIAM BETTRIDGEwas borJ iln and direct the Diocesan Theological Warwickshire, August 30, 1791. He Institution, forerunner of Trinity Col- entered the British army, became Lieu·.
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