THE KDKET HERALD was as dry as a bone, and Gon­ Granddaughter Roberts, David Gladowskl, Geo. Sidney spent Sunday visiting Sidney. Mrs. Frank Lasse y is Chuck, Babe Vershoot, Dale Ro- 12 Tbonday. April t. list zales proceeded to lay out plans Lake. Coach Dick Bell was then with their daughters, Mrs. Ben teaching for her. saaen and Harold Carda. for installing a plastic foundation Of John Cundiffs called on for the annual averages Rogers and Mrs. Ray Holte and Those who attended the pan­ Mrs. Margaret Vaira and Mrs. Bob’s Movie News and filling it with water. As a report and talk. Mr. and Mrs. J. families. They attended church cake supper art Fairview Saturday Jean Hepler attended a school joke he told his co-workers. I’ll T. Pebrik then entertained with services at the CMA church in evening, put on by the Men’s meeting held In Sidney Friday. An unexpected highlight of bet we hit water here.” Research Assistant a vocal duet, “Among My Sou­ the morning and then they and Club of the Community church Mr. and Mrs. Antone Carda ' Mario Lanza’s new picture, “Sev- Not four feet down, the crew Jane Ottwell, Flathead County venirs.” A team member was call­ the Ben Rogers drove to the were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, and family moved into the Fras- en Hills of Rome,” starting Easter found water, and the hole you High School junior, has been ed upon for a short talk and Holte farm for a family pot luck Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobias, Mr. ca house Saturday morning. Help­ Sunday at the Centre Theatre, is will see in the film came miracu- chosen to work as a research as­ Ronald Pusrt, a senior, responded. dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Schilling and Mrs. Anton Klose and Mr. ing move and getting settled were his imitation of four popular lously to life. Whenever water is sistant during the summer at the Supt. Cecil Heath gave a brief just returned Saturday night from and Mrs. Frank Lassey. Lloyd Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. American crooners. discovered, a palm tree is plant- R. B. Jackson Memorial Labora­ talk and cheerleaders Marcia Bell, a few months’ vacation in Cali­ Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Odegaard Kenneth Klasna and Mr. and Mrs. In one scene he imitates Perry ed, and the place is given a name. tory at Bar Harbor, Me. and Lynn Salsbury with Marilyn fornia. both consulted a doctor in Wil- Joe Frasca. The Carda family ; Como, Frankie Laine, Dean Mar- ! T^1S ncw water hole at Ghadames “She is among only 28 college Rogers and Adele Roberts making Mrs. Marvin Schultz came home liston Friday. motored to Sidney in the after­ > tin and — hold onto your hats, will be called Gonzales, the first students and only a few high up the fourth members sang from the Sidney hospital Friday Mrs. John Dunbar was a dinner noon. Lanza fans—Louis Armstrong! itime * PJ°P man has been f™* school students chosen for this "Forever and Ever” as a double and returned there again on Sun­ guest at the John Goldsmith home Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sheehan Here’s a switch from the usual I‘ mortahzcd. work. Richard Mattson, FCHS duet. Coach Dale Johnson of Cul­ day as complications accurred. in Sidney Thursday. and family visited at the Antohe reason of employing a “stand-in.” i • * • guidance director, said. bertson was guest speaker for the She will be a patient there for Carda home Saturday after the Fearing the battle between i Gag of. thefüiP Week: Two8 ,,old la- Aims of the program in which the evening and was called on at another week or ten days. Butka sale. That evening Mr. and Mario Lanza and Carlo Giuffre |dies arrived at a baseball game Miss Ottwell will work are to this point in the program and Mrs. Emil Diede and baby son Prosperous Mrs. Leslie Candce and family might turn out to be too authentic, as baiter hit a home run. give students an understanding gave ta very inspiring talk. A Donnie arrived ' home from the were visitors. Director Roy Rowland insisted a They sat watchmg the game in and experience in biological re­ brass quartet composed of Ron Sidney hospital Sunday of last Valley double take Lanza’s place be­ i silence until — several innings search in action. Participants are Pust, Roger Williams, Robert Pet- week. The baby was born on cause he was afraid Mario might j later — the same batter came up chosen on the basis of outstanding rik and Rodney Rogers concluded March 19, and a sister of Mrs. By Mrs. Antone Carda CARD OF THANKS injure his opponent. to bat and he hit another home ability in science, seriousness of the program. Diede’s from North Dakota stay­ We wish to express our sincere run. One of the ladies tapped the Mrs. Lottie Carter spent a day Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frasca of thanks to our many friends who “Mario has done a lot of spar­ purpose, mature behavior and the ed at the Diede home and cared Sidney motored to their farm other on the shoulder and said, ability to work and liv£ happily in Sidney last week visiting with for the other children during their expressed their sympathy and ring with professional boxers, in­ “Let’s go. This is where we came her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gerald home Monday morning and were those who sent cards, flowers and cluding Rocky Marciano,” he ex­ with fellow students. mother’s confinement. also callers at the Antone Carda in.” The research period for students Canter, who has been spending memorials. Thanks to those who plained, “and I was afraid he • * • a few weeks with her ailing par­ home. helped in so many ways during might forget to pull a punch or is June through August. Advice to the Bridegroom: The Jane attended grade school in ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sythe. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klasna were the illness and death of our be­ two.” Raymond Dotson accompanied Sidney callers Monday, taking • • • first time she asks you to wipe Sidney when the family lived Cartwright loved wife and mother and sister. the dishes, agree cheerfully . here. Shs is the daughter of. Mr. by Burton Torgerson and Pete Ernie back to school. They stop­ Also for the comforting service “Legend of the Lost,” an ad- but drop and break a number of and Mrs. Byron Ottwell of Kal- Casper made a business trip to Mrs. Wm. Scrlvnor ped at the Kenneth Klasna’s on and music at the church, as well venture-packer romance set in them. ispell and the granddaughter of Sheridan, Wyoming the first of their return home and were din­ as our thanks to the pallbearers. the Sahara desert and starring ! • • • Mr. and Mrs. John Cundiff Sr. last week. They visited at the Bill Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leens were ner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Lewis L. Maxon, Dorothy John Wayne, Sophia Loren and ; Bob’s Medical Advice: The best Rudolph home there. Bill was in dinner guests Sunday at the Per­ Carda and Jim were also dinner Williams and family, Mabel Rossano Brazzi, was filmed in1 . hing to take when you’re run charge of the oiling operation on ry Elletson home. Other recent guests. Farrell and family, Fred Technirama and Technicolor on down‘ is the license number. WOTM News- the highway west of Lambert visitors there were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Carda Cotterall and family. (P) location in Ghadames, Libya, N. | last summer. These same men Lester Varner and son of Terry, and Jim helped Mr. and Mrs. Africa. The picture will open The WOTM met Tuesday with and Lloyd Butz were to report Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Joe Frasca get things in running Tuesday at the Centre Theatre. CARD OF THANKS j 48 members present. It was chap­ for work at Broadus, Mont., the Brodhead of Fairview. order at their farm home Tues- ! On a desert, the most precious We would like to thank all who ter night for the Homemaking first of this week which they Mrs. Alice Nelson and son Bud day, as the Cardas are going to FRIGIDAIRE clement is, of coure water. Its helped to make our food sale a committee, Bessie Tibbets, chair­ did, but because of a delay in of Williston were in Fairview on move there for a few months. discovery means in difference success, both those who donated man, and she presented a very equipment transfer Ray Dotson business Thursday and on their Mrs. Kenneth Klasna was a j APPLIANCES between the community’s exlinc- an(j the public, for its splendid entertaining program. Janice Eb- was the only one taken on right return they visited at the Anton business caller in Sidney Tues­ tion and survival. patronage. All was greatly ap- ersole and a group of little girls now, the others returned home Klose home where they were gave us a demonstration of twirl­ day. For the water hole sequence in predated, on Monday to await further or­ luncheon guests. Lambert shoppers Tuesday were the picture Henry Hathaway pick­ Ebenezer Ladies Aid. (c) ing and we enjoyed watching the ders. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Faulkner Jr. future Majorettes. Then the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sheehan ed a site some few miles away i — Mrs. Kenneth Thornton enter­ visited Sunday at the Wm. and Rickie, and Joe Frasca, An­ Fuller Paints from the town and asked prop ! For Sale Kessamin and ) Homemaking committee members tained a number of little boys and Faulkner Sr.
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