Rare Books & Manuscripts, Edward G. Miner Library Papers of John Romano Additions to the papers of John Romano, 1993-1994. Container List: Boxes 184 to 202 (Chronological) Box One Hundred And Eighty Four Folder 1 - Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) - Committee on Medical Education - correspondence, 17 Jun 1946-19 Jun 1947 Folder 2 - GAP - Committee on Medical Education - Thomas Rennie correspondence, 1946 Folder 3 - GAP - Committee on Medical Education - Thomas Rennie correspondence, 1947 Folder 4 - GAP - clippings, 1946 Folder 5 - GAP - membership list (29 Jul 1950); indices, 1946-1949 Folder 6 - GAP - Circular letter #1 (11 Jun 1946)- #17 (6 Dec 1946) Folder 7 - GAP - Circular letter #18 (22 Jan 1947)- #34 (12 Jun 1947) Folder 8 - GAP - Circular letter #35 (16 Jul 1947)- #53 (27 Oct 1947) Folder 9 - GAP - Circular letter #54 (13 Nov 1947)- #70 (26 Dec 1947) Folder 10 - GAP - Circular letter #71 (5 Jan 1948)- #87 (26 Apr 1948) Folder 11 - GAP - Circular letter #[106] (Aug 1948) - "Bibliography" and D.G. Wright's "Guide for residents in psychiatry" Box One Hundred And Eighty Five Folder 1 - Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) - Circular letter #107 (9 Sep 1948) - #121 (10 dec 1948) Folder 2 - GAP - Circular letter #122 (12 Jan 1949)- #130 (31 Jan 1949) Folder 3 - GAP - Circular letter #131 (12 Feb 1949)- #146 (28 Jun 1949) Folder 4 - GAP - Circular letter #147 (1 Jul 1949)- #155 (16 Sep 1949) Folder 5 - GAP - Circular letter #156 (29 Sep 1949)- #167 (20 Dec 1949) Folder 6 - GAP - Circular letter #168 (6 Jan 1950)- #189 (31 Mar 1950) Folder 7 - GAP - Circular letter #190 (26 Apr 1950)- #208 (4 Dec 1950) Folder 8 - GAP - Circular letter #209 (12 Jan 1951)- #218 (19 Apr 1951) Folder 9 - GAP - Circular letter #219 (6 Jun 1951)- #225 (5 Oct 1951); #232 (17 Oct 1952)- #234 (26 Nov 1952) Box One Hundred And Eighty Six Folder 1 - Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) - Report #1 (15 Sep 1947)-# 20 (15 Jul 1951) Folder 2 - GAP - Report #21 (Jan 1952)-#32 (May 1955); #34 (Mar 1956); #36 (Feb 1957) Folder 3 - Stagecoach Club (Council of University Departments of Psychiatry), 1952-1953 Folder 4 - Stagecoach Club - Cleveland, 25-26 Jun 1954 Folder 5 - Stagecoach Club - Pittsburgh, 26-27 Jun 1955 Folder 6 - Stagecoach Club - Chapel Hill, 17-19 Apr 1956 Folder 7 - Stagecoach Club, 1956-1957 Folder 8 - Stagecoach Club, 1957-1958 Folder 9 - Stagecoach Club, 1958-1959 Folder 10 - Stagecoach Club - Rochester, N.Y., 28-29 Apr 1960 Folder 11 - Stagecoach Club - Rochester, N.Y., 28-29 Apr 1960 Folder 12 - Stagecoach Club, 1961-1962 Box One Hundred And Eighty Seven Folder 1 - Stagecoach Club - history (1962) Folder 2 - Stagecoach Club - Pittsburgh, 14-16 Feb 1963 Folder 3 - Stagecoach Club - Chapel Hill, 21-23 May 1964 Folder 4 - Stagecoach Club - Denver, 11-13 Mar 1965 Folder 5 - Stagecoach Club, 1986; 1992 Folder 6 - Professional Education Conference (1958) Folder 7 - Undergraduate Training Grant - USPHS 2M-5927-C8 (1959-60) Folder 8 - Undergraduate Training Grant - USPHS 2M-6519-C2 (1959-60) Folder 9 - Undergraduate Training Grant - USPHS 2M-5323-C10-EL (1959-60) Box One Hundred And Eighty Eight Folder 1 - Northeast Professors of Psychiatry, 31 Mar, 1-2 Apr 1966 Folder 2 - Northeast Professors of Psychiatry, 31 Mar, 1-2 Apr 1966 Folder 3 - Northeast Professors of Psychiatry, 1 Apr 1966 Folder 4 - Northeast Professors of Psychiatry, 2-4 Apr 1967 Folder 5 - Northeast Professors of Psychiatry, 13-15 Mar 1969 Folder 6 - Northeast Professors of Psychiatry, 22-24 Apr 1970 Folder 7 - Northeast Professors of Psychiatry, 14-16 Apr 1971 Folder 8 - New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) - Salmon Committee, 1970-72 Folder 9 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1972-73 Folder 10 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1974-75 Box One Hundred And Eighty Nine Folder 1 - New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) - Salmon Committee, 1976-77 Folder 2 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1978-80 Folder 3 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1982 Folder 4 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1984 Folder 5 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1985 Folder 6 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1986-87 Folder 7 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1988-89 Folder 8 - NYAM - Salmon Committee, 1990-93 Folder 9 - NYAM - Salmon Committee - Lecture programs Box One Hundred And Ninety Folder 1 - Soviet dissenters - mental hospitals (1971) Folder 2 - Merck manual - 14th edition, 1977-79 Folder 3 - Merck manual - 14th edition, 1980 Folder 4 - Merck manual - 14th edition, 1981-82 Folder 5 - Merck manual - 15th edition, 1983-84 Folder 6 - Merck manual - 15th edition, 1985 Folder 7 - Merck manual - 15th edition, Jan-Feb 1986 Folder 8 - Merck manual - 15th edition, Mar 1986 Folder 9 - Merck manual - 15th edition, May-Dec 1986 Box One Hundred And Ninety One Folder 1 - Merck manual - 16th edition, 1987 Folder 2 - Merck manual - 16th edition, 1988 Folder 3 - Merck manual - 16th edition, Jan-Jun 1989 Folder 4 - Merck manual - 16th edition, Jul-Dec 1989 Folder 5 - Merck manual - 16th edition, Jan-Feb 1990 Folder 6 - Merck manual - 16th edition, Mar-Jun 1990 Folder 7 - Merck manual - 16th edition, Jul-Sep 1990 Folder 8 - Merck manual - 16th edition, Nov-Dec 1990 Folder 9 - Merck manual - 16th edition, 1991-93 Folder 10 - Merck manual - 16th edition - photograph - 13-14 Jun 1992 Box One Hundred And Ninety Two Folder 1 - "Geriatrics," University of Rochester, 19 May 1977 Folder 2 - "Growing old: yesterday, today and tomorrow," Grand rounds, 4 Oct 1978 Folder 3 - National Academy of Sciences - Committee on Human Rights, 1982-86 Folder 4 - National Academy of Sciences - Committee on Human Rights, 1987-91 Folder 5 - John Romano Award, 1983 Folder 6 - John Romano Award, 1984 Folder 7 - John Romano Award, 1985 Folder 8 - John Romano Award, 1986 Folder 9 - John Romano Award, 1987 Folder 10 - John Romano Award, 1988 Folder 11 - John Romano Award, 1989 Box One Hundred And Ninety Three Folder 1 - John Romano Award, 1990 Folder 2 - John Romano Award, 1991 Folder 3 - John Romano Award, 1992 Folder 4 - John Romano Award, 1993 Folder 5 - John Romano Award, 1994 Folder 6 - "10th anniversary of the death of Sandor Feldman, 9 Apr 1983 Folder 7 - "One flew over the cuckoo's nest," Eastman Theatre, 28 Apr 1983 Folder 8 - Emile Coue lecture, 14 Jun 1983 Folder 9 - Emile Coue Folder 10 - Emile Coue - V.E. Neal Box One Hundred And Ninety Four Folder 1 - Emile Coue Folder 2 - "Medical school indebtedness and career choice," (1984) Folder 3 - Health Professions Advisory Committee (1984) Folder 4 - University of Rochester presidential inauguration, 1 Oct 1984 Folder 5 - "The future is not what it used to be," Whipple Auditorium, 1 Oct 1984 Folder 6 - Robert Joynt - Cosmos Club application, Nov 1984 Folder 7 - Salmon Award (New York Academy of Medicine), 6 Dec 1984 Folder 8 - Center on Aging, 1985 Folder 9 - Center on Aging, 1986 Folder 10 - Center on Aging, Jan-Jun 1987 Folder 11 - Center on Aging, Jul-Dec 1987 Folder 12 - Center on Aging, 1988 Box One Hundred And Ninety Five Folder 1 - Center on Aging, 1989-90 Folder 2 - Center on Aging - Center Stage, Jul 1987-Nov 1989 Folder 3 - Center on Aging - Center Stafe, Jan 1990-May 1991 Folder 4 - Physicians for Social Responsibility, 1985-92 Folder 5 - Health Professions Advisory Committee, 1983 Folder 6 - Health Professions Advisory Committee, 1985 Folder 7 - "Cell counts in cerebral cortex of an autistic patient," Journal of Autism, 1985 Folder 8 - "Social responsibilities of today's physician," Student Teaching Day, 5 Mar 1985 Folder 9 - Goals Task Force, Mar-Jun 1985 Folder 10 - "American psychiatry," Bond Chair Symposium, Case Western, 4 Oct 1985 Folder 11 - Casa italiana (Nazareth College) - Columbus Day Award, 11 Oct 1985 Box One Hundred And Ninety Six Folder 1 - Convalescent Hospital for Children - 100th anniversary, 24 Oct 1985 Folder 2 - William Cadbury, honorary degree, University of Rochester, 1986 Folder 3 - Health Professions Advisory Committee, 1986 Folder 4 - Book review: P. Barham, Schizophrenia and human value, IN: Contemp. psychol., 1986 Folder 5 - "Progress and peril: a psychiatrist's view of the state of medical ethics," Psych. ann., 1986 Folder 6 - Genesee Valley Psychiatric Association, 9 Jan 1986 Folder 7 - American Association for the History of Medicine, 59th annual meeting, Rochester, N.Y., 30 Apr-3 May 1986 Folder 8 - "On the emeriti," 17 Jun 1986 Folder 9 - National Institutes of Mental Health, 40th anniversary, Washington, DC, 26-27 Jun 1986 Folder 10 - Health Professions Advisory Committee, 1987 Folder 11 - Northeast Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, New York City, 1985 Folder 12 - Northeast Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, Baltimore, 1986 Folder 13 - "Critical review of psychoanalysis," Grand rounds, Oct-Nov 1986 Box One Hundred And Ninety Seven Folder 1 - "Critical review of psychoanalysis," Grand rounds, Oct-Nov 1986 Folder 2 - "Critical review of psychoanalysis," Grand rounds, Oct-Nov 1986 Folder 3 - "Critical review of psychoanalysis," Grand rounds, Oct-Nov 1986 Folder 4 - Kaufman, Sharon - The Healer's Tale, 1987-94 Folder 5 - Kaufman, Sharon - The Healer's Tale, 1987-94 Folder 6 - Kaufman, Sharon - The Healer's Tale, 1987-94 Folder 7 - Kaufman, Sharon - The Healer's Tale, 1987-94 Folder 8 - "The singualr affection of Gaspard Vieusseux," Corner Society, 1987 Folder 9 - "The singular affection of gaspard Vieusseux," Corner Society, 1987 Folder 10 - Heyneman, Alan - Medical School heraldry (1987) Folder 11 - "Marfan syndrome and schizophrenia," RPC grand Box One Hundred And Ninety Eight Folder 1 - "Man of the mind," article on JR in Times- Union, 1 Apr 1987 Folder 2 - "Aging: past, present, future," Grand rounds, 1 Apr 1987 Folder 3 - "Aging: past, present, future," Grand rounds, 1 Apr 1987 Folder 4 - "Normal aging," 1st year medical students, 27 Apr 1987 Folder 5 - Hart, William Truman - retirement, 26 Jun 1987 Folder 6 - Sullivan, Albert W.
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