CdndDldn FILm nEWS cost, that's all. Not to sound too elitist directors, and technical personnel will reap untold benefits. Given her vivacity Developments ) in demanding more, I would still submit C ~ajor that something more is needed. Not and enthusiasm and respect for John ----- necessarily from John Turner's depart­ Hirsch and Canadian talent, a gambler By the time you read this issue, twill be ment which has (probably correctly) would have a very secure bet that she'll the season to be jolly in full swing, but stated that film support is not the res­ make it. As head of the Casting Depart­ as I write, just two days after the ponsibility of the Finance department - ment, she has proposed a talent bank Liberal budget and Hugh Faulkner's, et but from the Secretary of State. Surely using the CBC computer, keeping ai, show of interest in campaign pledges, someone will say something sometime? names, addresses and current projects of the film industry, etc., things are Or is it better to appoint committees first actors, then the rest of the crew, obviously not all smiles and chuckles. and advisory groups and so on and so constantly at hand, up to date, and Back in July, during the time of on, leaving any committment to remain available to CBC personnel. It's a large Margaret's debut, Faulkner let slip at a non-existent? Use the money to pay for undertaking, and she knows what she's candidates meeting that, if re-elected, films instead of Air Canada tickets to up against. But she says, "I know the the tax write-off allowance for film Ottawa for committees to waste voice talent and I'd like it to be used. I've investment would be increased to 115 and time. If it sounds bitter and frus­ lived in the isolation of East and West. per ce nt. In other words, a few more trated, it is. I'm a missionary. I want to bring to the people would be encouraged to invest in Other developments have occurred directors' attention that the talent is Canadian features. since last issue, one from a revitalised there. And I believe in decentralisation; the difference between East and West is ' enormous." All these ideas and goals out of literally nothing, because the CBC has not had a casting department before. And since organising it, Sherrin has be- ' gun more modest programs, designed to improve information flow as well as gather it. She feels that variety and drama are interchangeable in Canadian actors' potential work area, as are TV, film and stage. Instead of waiting for you to visit, she's going out to see for her­ self, attending plays, films and so on. She hired Lynn Dickson specifically to travel and find out where information about talent exists, and bring it in, and she herself has just returned from a trip out West. "We have expanded the Toronto staff from three to ten, and it's still not enough. We get all the reviews, press releases. We see the shows and even go officially backstage - the actors are very pleased. We use Equity's com­ puter bank and Face to Face with Tal­ ent from ACTRA. But we need more. The CBC should have the biggest talent bank in the world. And Hirsch is ada­ mant about directors and producers knowing about everyone. He will ask for a list of those considered as well as those accepted. Our mandate is to bring the best quality, but you have to know where it is." Hugh Faulkner Two new programmes support her statements. One is to interview actors by people in the department, and Not that many more people ot CBC Drama department, another from a another is videotape auditions. Eight course, and especially with inflation union bastion, and a call for participa­ hours a week are devoted to the former, running at double figures. But maybe a tion in Jean Drapeau's latest construc­ and the latter takes place whenever few more. But all the Government has tion project. f~cilities beco.me available. Casting of­ done is juggle numbers. Before, it was Last September Muriel Sherrin joined fIcers are Claire Emery, Diane Polley, 60 per cent the first year and forty per the drama department of the CBC, and Dorothy Gardner and their assistants. cent the second year. Now it's 100 per if this ladycan achieve half the goals she They have met with managers and told cent the first year. A straight business has set, actors, and eventually writers, them to come in and read scripts. It's all 6 Cinema Canada Stephen Chesley part of a goal of training people to use tute's programs in distribution and ex­ quebecoise; $10,000 to La Cooperative assistance and opportunities properly. hibition and publication, making the In­ des cineastes independents; $30,000 to And to train people. "I want to bring stitute's study collection more widely the Pacific Cinematheque Pacifique and young people in as casting assistants to available on a regional basis and increas­ $7,000 to Le Conseil quebecoise pour la train them to know how to judge talent ing the amount of French material. diffusion du cinema; 4) Travel and and know talent. My job is not to cast, exchanges, including $500 to Bob On a more financially happy note, we it's to set up and run the department. 1 Elliott Productions for promotion of learned recently that the amount paid really believe in delegation and com­ Wolfpen Principle, $20,000 to Faroun for the Heroux brothers' co-production munica tion." Films for distribution of twenty films in of Jacques BreI is Alive and Well ... by South-east Asia , and $1 ,000 to New Cine­ In an effort to provide work for the American Film Theatre was one Canadian filmmakers, Jean Drapeau has ma Enterprises for Frank Vitale's travel million dollars, the largest amount in to promote Montreal Main. brought the 1976 Olympics to Mon­ Canadian filmdom's history. Ely Landau treal. Of course, in true Canadian has Film Theatre rights for one year and fashion, the official Olympic film was will then release the films commercially. almost made by foreigners. Enter (The CFDC turned down an original Jacques Bobet, NFB producer, who, on investment. ) the day the site of Montreal was an­ nounced, began to push for Canadians Another move to bring Canadian making the official Olympic film. Enter filmmaking to Canadian control has indifference and foreigners. "I spent the taken place in NABET, the National last four years blocking foreigners. And Association of Broadcast Engineers and I knew that we needed training films, Technicians. As the annual convention i.e. films to learn how to make the was held in Georgia this fall, Canadian Olympic film. I pushed for them and delegates attended. But at the conven­ got no reaction anywhere." tion, after much heated debate, a separ­ But eventually Good won out and ation of the American and Canadian Canada is to make the film. It is to be a contingents was agreed upon. Local ninety minute documentary with a bud­ autonomy no less. After this gathering get of $1.2 million. Three thousand there. is a separate executive and council events in seventeen days comprise the for each country, with a multinational Frank Vitale action. All information is to go through council advising, but not controlling the Bobet at the NFB, as they have imme­ two bodies. Each has its own constitu­ tion and amendment ability. Ronald Productions: Recent/Current/ diate knowledge of cameras, crews etc. Imminent _____ But about half of the project will be Pambrum of Winnipeg was elected Inter­ done by people hired outside the NFB. im President of the Canadian section What Bobet is looking for at this time is a until official elections are held in The feature industry is not exactly central idea, a new and different one. December. A small step only on the booming, but thanks in large part to D. He emphasises that time is running out, surface, since unless we control our own house, we won't have any bargaining John Turner, keeping a watchful eye on and in fact has set a deadline of Decem­ proceedings from his Ottawa heights, we ber (now) for the final decision on strength at home or when we want to can report a small bit of activity in approach. If you've got the answer, send visit elsewhere. English Canada, and a greater amount, it to him, copyrighting it on the way to The Canada Council has published a as usual, in Quebec. (See feature article protect yourself. The film must take brochure outlining aid to filmmakers in this issue. - ed.) into account that events are covered by and those who work in video. Called Currently editing are Murray TV and must display the Olympic spirit. appropriately Aid to Film and Video, it Markowitz' The Steven Truscott Story, Past Olympic films can be obtained at is available by writing to the council at Les Vautours by Jean Claude some NFB offices, and group showings P.O. Box 1047 Ottawa KIP 5V8. This Labrecque, Jos Carbone by Hughes can be arranged. program is only a year old, but already Tremblay, Leonard Yakir's The Mourn­ It has finally been determined that $663,000 of the $931,000 overall bud­ ing Suit, an NFB series of six one-hour film has a lasting value, according to our get for 1974 has been awarded. It went films under the title of Chronique de la federal government.
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