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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1976 NEWS POTPOURRI SPORTS Swine Flu-.•............... page 5 Film Series ... ·............. page 3 Philies or Reds? ........... pag-e.4 C.A.8·., S.G.F.8 ..· ......... -.·~page.7 :Rapelling .................. pages· .Ruggers Split 2 .... ~ ....... page·4 . / O'Cosi-nor ,sports complex opens; Corbetts present By GREG GOOLSBY Rev. Lee J. Bennish, S.J., associate community of X. U. and especially • NewelllffWrller professor of history, who delivered Frs. O'Connor and Mulligan. Mrs. the invocation. Corbett describe!! her association On May 16, 1928, the Saint Xavier Julie O'Donoghue, president of with X.U. as "one of pure joy." She College student newspaper quoted a the Student Senate, thanked the went on to say that "Xavier is really top faculty representative as saying, Corbetts for their generosity and blessed ... by Paul ·O'Connor, and ."the first priority for Saint Xavier is noted that the campus life in _the now doubly blessed by Bob Mul­ a swimming pool." Forty-s~ears future will be one of totality for X.U. ligan. He is leading X.U. in a con­ later, with the aid of Ralph and students. structive manner." . ·Patricia Corbett, the dream was Rev. Robert W. Mulligan, SJ., The Corbetts explained the realized. president of the university, delivered reasoning b~hind their $750,000 Approximately. 200 students, . a short speech in which he p_raised donation by noting ttiat too many in­ Steff. Pholo 11r RICK BIAGU faculty, and dignitaries turned out past president Fr. Paul O'Connor stitutions just don't have the proper Phi/an thropist. J. Ralph Corbett speaks at the dedication ceremonies· ·for the dedication and blessing of the for his conviction that "The good life equipment or facilities they need; of.the Ralph and Patricia Cofbett Physical Education Building. The new Father Paul O'Connor Sports· should be funny." It was Fr. O'Con­ The dedication was followed by a. Corbetts donated $750,000 to the University for the facilities. For Center, held last Wednesday on Cor- nor's inspiration which _in a large diving exhibition performed by a details, see adjacent article. · coran field. · part caused the new complex to be loC!ll Jewish Community Center The new Corbett building was erected. swim team, reception in the second seen as a blending of the "new with The Corbetts followed Fr. Mul­ flo'or all-purpose room for the the old ... to prepare forthe future" by ligan to the mike to thank the Jesuit guests. · En.rollment up this year; .. - ~· .. ,. .;:·iSA:J:'·:;~--s.co.re.s .... ~sh.o~t .incre.ase By MARGO NOBIS freshman norm was 22 compared to have been willing to talk to.. high· New1SllffWrll1r 21 in 1976. However. this seeming in- schooJ·stddents and the administra­ . This· year's freshman class at consistency is of minor import tion, too, has been vei:y co-operative .. Xavier, consisting of 300 men and because 30% more incoming Xavier He ·added that Xavier has a good 190 women, has higher SAT scores students chose· to take the SAT this recruiting atmosphere because there than the previous class even though year. is more personal attention given to ·the national average is down. As Numbering 490 (as of September the prospective student: people at stated in the academic profile dated I), this year's freshmen are the X.U. will go out of their way to be September I, 1976, the Class of 1979 largest ·class at X. U: the present helpful and informative. · entered Xavier with an average ver- sophomores enrolled as freshmen at Admissions standards are about Mai'tlal "Aris Exhibition~.. bal score of 476 while the average of . 420, the juniors at 389, and the the same as in the past. Ent.ranee to Members of Xavier:~ Kara~~- Club demoristraudhe f'(JUndh.ou.,se kick . the present freshmen. is 480. The seniors at 454. Xavier University is based on a com- and appropriate defensive stance in a Martial Arts demonstration held math score this yearis up from 517 to According to1Rene Durand, direc- bination of factors such as class ' 52 tor of admissions, the rise in enroll- rank, SAT scores, and G.P.A., but Wednesday,. September 29. ;.fhose interested in jo'ining the club ~igh school percentile class ranks ment is due to1 more concentrated no one factor will deny admission. should stop up it the workou.ts held every -Tuesday ·and Thursday- went up significantly from ·the me­ recruiting in tt.fe form of more ex- Xavier has general guidelines. but from 4~ p.m.· in the Kuhlman Hill sixth floor loun· · · dian of top 34% last year to·top 25% posure. For1 example, more .. doesn't have specific cut off points for Xavier's current freshmen. The emphasis was 1placed on mailings, - like same larger universities .. high school grade point average for new literature, and extra visits to Consequently, ifthe sameconcen­ this year is 2.85 which is slightly high schools, along with a stronger trated effort ·to accommodate the above last year's G.P.A. (the exact effort by the entfre Xavier comm uni- would-be Xavier student continues, figure is not avaiiable). · ty. even greater increases in enrollment . · One drop, however, is the ACT Durand also. said that students and academic standards can be ex­ composite score; in. 1975 the ha.ve given tours, faculty members pected in the future. N.ew faces seen· in fa~a~lty; Fo~tana chairs English dept. By PEG CONNELLY K. Wagner,, Ph.D., assistant complished. The undergraduate New• Sllff Writer professor of physics. · comprehensive exam "has been There are more new faces around That's only nine: the tenth is Rev. · simplified a_nd made more of a lear­ Xavier this year than those of the 500 Joseph T. Angililla, S.J., who was ning experience for the student," freshmen and new students. Ten new featured in the September 30 issue of Fontana says. faculty members have joined the the Xavier News. ln·addition to his crew, as of September l, 1976, new role as Dean of the College of Soon Fontana hopes to incor­ porate the theater program into the These new faculty members are: Arts and Sciences, Angilella is asrnciate pr.:..fessor of sociology. English department and establish an· · \. Alan N. Attaway, M.B.A., assistant EnglishjTheater major, as an option professor of accountfng, Vincent C. within the department. He's also ;l· Caruso, 1\1.B.A.; assistant professor Ernest Fontana, Ph~D., is not new working to initiate an intern of marketing, Rev. Terrence P. to Xavier; he's in his 11th year here, · program for English majors with the Charlton, S.J., M.A., instructor in but his appointment as chairman of i:areer placement office, to enable : l. -theology, Thomas R. Coates, Ph.D., the English department, belongs in students with 15 hours or more of" I t' assistant. professor· of modern an article about new faculty English creditto use the skills they've . languages, Linda R. Finke, Ph.D., members. Fontana replaces .Rev .. learned, primarily in writing pro-· ) .J assistant ·professor of· biology, Thomas Savage, S.J ., who died. last jects. He hopes. this program .will . Thomas J. Hayes,.M.B.A., instruc­ English i>epartme.nt ·chalnna~~.. s••" Pho•o br R1cK •EAGLE year, and Joseph Wessling, acting . become a reality. next year. tor in marketing, James C. King, chairman for the interim. Ernest Fontana~Ph; D. appointed chairinanoftheEnglish departn:ient · P.h.D~. associate professor of com­ In the future, Fontana will try to: last spring hopes to bring about many changes in the department. He m un ica tion arts,. Edward J. Fontana h:0pes to bring about encourage courses in the literature of•·. stated . that the undergraduate comprehensive exam. "has been Vanderbeck·; M.S., · assistant many ctianges in his department at the third world.nations and more ad- , _simplified and made more of a learning experience for the student." ·· professor of accounting, and Louis Xavier. One has already been, ac- vanced writing courses. · · · · ~:· ~;>:)~;\~'.~:~>~ - . .;~;. .::,·: "·;· : : .....··· . ,,. ''From my Corn,er stockings are tom. Her skirt allows for easy access. One gesture, one mo­ The myths .. of ;R.ape~ tion and she is humiliatingly ex­ By JOYCE SCHREIBER N•• 111n Wrtter posed. Her flimsy shoes have straps that break and heels that come loose. The Xavier University Band would like to thank all of the people By KATHY NIEDER "ASKING FOR IT." It makes no She cannot run. · · who attended theii concerts last year, and made it a 8Uccess. They hope New111enwr111r · difference what one wears. Rapjsts · In 70-90% ·of reported rapes, the this year will be an even greater success. Again this year, the band will have seized 90-year-old women. and assailant chooses a victim of the same This is the first in a st!_ries ofthree ar­ ' · be performing several mini-concerts throughout the liemester.The.first six-month-old babies.
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