THE FORMATION OF IRAQI NATIONALISM UNDER THE BRITISH MANDATE (1920- 1932) A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY PIRIL AKIN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE PROGRAM OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES DECEMBER 2009 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Ğ Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Ğ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur Head of Program This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Ğ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceylan Tokluoğlu (METU, SOC) ğ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur (METU, HIST) ğ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şen (METU, SOC) ğ I that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Pırıl Akın Signature : iii ABSTRACT THE FORMATION OF IRAQI NATIONALISM UNDER THE BRITISH MANDATE (1920- 1932) Akın, Pırıl MSc. Graduate Program of Middle East Studies Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Recep Boztemur December 2009, 125 pages This thesis examines the development of a national identity and the ideology of nationalism, and the formation of nation-state in Iraq under the British Mandate from 1920 to 1932. The study focuses on the influences of the early Arab nationalist movements during the last decades of the Ottoman Empire and under the British Mandate over Iraqi nationalism and nation-state process. The study specifically examines the Mosul question and its effects on the formation of the territorial unity of the state in Iraq. The study also explores the successive civil administration during Mandate period while making Iraq a “nation-state” by taking actions concerning the politics, social structure, the government, army and economy. The British Mandate period in Iraq witnessed many important developments such as the drawing of Iraq’s boundaries and the shaping of the foundations of the state structure. These developments continue to affect the country in a variety of ways even today. In the final part of the thesis, it is pointed out that understanding some of the policies and strategies implemented in Iraq by the British can help to make meaningful interpretations of current affairs in this country. Keywords: Iraq, nationalism, nation-state, British Mandate, Mosul question. iv ÖZ İNGİLİZ MANDASI DÖNEMİNDE IRAK MİLLİYETÇİLİĞİNİN OLUŞUMU (1920- 1932) Akın, Pırıl Yüksek Lisans, Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Tez Danışmanı: Doç. Dr. RecepBoztemur Aralık 2009, 125 sayfa Bu tez, 1920-1932 yılları arasındaki dönemde, İngiliz etkisi altındaki Irak’ta milliyetçilik ve ulus devletin oluşumu konularını incelemektedir. Çalışma, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde yaşanan Tanzimat reformlarının, İmparatorluğun Arap topraklarında ve Irak’ta erken dönem Arap milliyetçiliğini nasıl etkilediği ve daha sonra Irak’taki İngiliz Mandater yönetim döneminde Irak milliyetçiliği ve ulus devlet olma süreçleri üzerine odaklanmıştır. Tezde, ayrıca, Musul sorununun Irak milliyetçiliği ve yine ulus devlet olma süreci üzerindeki etkileri detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Tez, Manda döneminde politika, sosyal yapı, siyasi partiler, devlet yönetimi, ordu ve ekonomi konularında yapılan düzenlemelerle gerçekleştirilen ulus- devletleştirme sürecini incelemektedir. Irak’ta İngiliz Mandası dönemi, Irak’ın sınırlarının çizilmesi ve devlet yapısının oluşturulması gibi önemli gelişmelere sahne olmuştur. Bu gelişmeler ülkeyi günümüzde de hala çeşitli şekillerde etkilemektedir. Tezin son kısmında İngiliz Mandası tarafından uygulanan politika ve stratejileri anlamanın, ülkenin güncel gelişmelerini anlamada son derece yardımcı olacağı belirtilmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Irak, milliyetçilik, ulus devlet, İngiliz Mandası, Musul sorunu. v To My Lovely Parents vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are several people I would like to thank for helping me complete my thesis. In particular I would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur for not only being my advisor but also for being an extraordinary academic mentor and an active supporter of my work. During writing my thesis, I realized the importance of an academic advisor. Dr. Boztemur was not only an advisor and mentor, but also a friend and a colleague, a person who always taught me very useful things, listened patiently to my problems and helped me solve them. In this context, I would like to express my gratitude to him for trusting and encouraging me to complete my present work. As a result of his efforts, I also have received numerous grants and been able to participate in several foreign programs abroad which have influenced my academic studies and thesis profoundly. I know that without Dr. Boztemur, my thesis would never have been completed and in turn, I would have missed these valuable opportunities to work abroad, so thank you for all your help Professor. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceylan Tokluoğlu and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şen were also two fundamental influences during my studies at Middle East Technical University (METU). I would like to stress my gratitude for their constant availability and willingness to help me whenever I required their insight and assistance. I consider myself a very lucky person to have met them and studied from such respected and renowned academics in their field. I also feel indebted to Prof. Dr. Aykut Çelebi, who taught me the valuable lesson of examining issues from different frameworks and multiple perspectives. Without his encouragement and support, I would have lost hope for completing my studies. I recently joined the Council of Higher Education as an Expert in Bologna Process and this has been a challenging and immensely rewarding experience which has helped me acquire important professional skills, but it has not always been easy working on my thesis during this time. In this context, I would like to express my vii appreciation to my Director, Assist. Prof. Dr. Armağan Erdoğan, for helping and encouraging me to complete my thesis. I cannot finish this acknowledgment without expressing my deepest appreciation for the people that have constantly provided me love, support, and help throughout my life, particularly during my academic career. I consider myself very lucky to have a great brother, Doğa Akın and a great friend like Tuğçe Tolay, who made the taxing process of writing a thesis more bearable with their endless support and encouragement. Finally and most importantly, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my mother and father, Derya and Aydın Akın, because they have always supported me through my entire academic journey, even when I sometimes seemed to lose my way and sense of purpose. Words are insufficient to describe my gratefulness to them. Their love and support during my graduate education at METU was especially important because without them this thesis would not have been written. In conclusion, this thesis represents the culmination of years of study and collaboration with various professors, academic mentors, fellow students and family members, and I would like to thank them all for their contribution to this work and providing me the confidence to explore my ideas and interests in the field of education. Thank you for being there and for teaching me to be self-confident. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM ....................................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iv ÖZ ........................................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ix CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................1 2. THE EMERGENCE OF ARAB NATIONALISM ..............................................8 2.1. Tanzimat Era and Its Effects Over Arab Society ............................................12 2.2. Uprisings to the Western Intervention and Islamic Revivalism.......................16 2.2.1. Islamic Puritanist Movements ................................................................19 2.2.2. Islamic Reformist Movements ................................................................20 2.3. The Course of Arab Nationalism……………………………………………..22 2.3.1. Cultural Awakening………………………………………………….....23 2.3.2. Arab Nationalism During the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) Administration…………………………………………………..……..26 2.4. Arab Nationalist Societies and Politicization of Arab Nationalism Under the Second Constitutional Era……………………...……………………... ……...31 2.4.1. The First Arab Congress, 1913……………….………………………....35 2.4.2. The Great Revolt, 1916…………………………………………………38 ix 3. BRITISH MANDATE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF IRAQ DURING 1914-1932...............................................................................................48
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