MANCHESTER HERALD, tucwlay. Nov. 19, 1985 MANCUFSTr-R FOCUS L \ I K A WEATHFR LOOK FOR THE STARS ... * * * Data system adapts Hospital menu makes Product Show ’85: 11 Cloudy, cool tonight; to changing times. a tasty prescription a regional showcase 11 sunny, cool Thursday Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get ^ . ... page 31 ... page 15 ... supplement insiDel I ... page 2 better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a 'k difference it makes. Telephone 643-271 1, Monday-Friday, ^ 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4- KIT‘N’ CARLYLE <%y Lorry Wright I m lJ i APARTlIENTS Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1985 — Single copy: 25<t Rentals FOR RENT Four Room Apartment — Heat, appliances, one ta r FORKNT only. No pets. Security, ........ < .■■-..■.■it ■ lease, references.' $435. Both sides Gtnttomwi Only. Cantrol Call 6496340. location, kitctwn prlvo- lodgot. parkins avallablo, Two Bedroom Apartment Mcurltv and roforonooi — Appliances, carpeting, J m u . roqulrod«43-aM3. references, no pets. $450 plus deposit. 643-4072. drafting Lodlot Only— Nloo, aulot room for sonlor citlitn or workins oirl located on 2 but lint. R tftrtn c tt and Mcurlty. After S:30pm, Rockville — Six room opartment, second floor, statements call M4S3S3. oppllonces, heat, washer Pleotont room for ma­ and dryer hookups In­ ture. working sentleman. cluded. $460 plus security Kitchen prlvlleoet. park­ deposit. $71-0776. Two leaders keep ins. near but line, referen- kUi cet required. Call M7-9033. Monchester — Nice, mod­ ii-n ern four room apartment up private talks with appliances. $400 REMOVE GREASE and monthly plus utilities. 647- C ins by NBA. Me 0 met from outdoor metal 1113 after 6pm. I !!, >t.7 ’ . Comblnod Wire Services furniture the eotv way. Juet dip a cloth In turpen­ Three Rooms, one bed­ GENEVA — President Keagan and Soviet leader tine and rub the metal room, basement wolk-ln ' ' j . - ' j / " r* * • Mikhail Gorbachev called a temporary recess today until spots disappear. To a p a rtm e n t. $365 per U i Z ' t ' - CELEBRITY CIPHER in their superpower summit while experts on both sell Idle Items the easy month plus utilities. Need CaMutty OpM r cryptognnw a n crMtad rrom quoIMkm by tanMua sides review ^ the deliberations and debated way. use a low-cost ad In paopla. p u t and pnaant. Each lattar m tha dpbar alanda for own refrigerator. Imme­ a n o ttia r. ro d q y ’a d u a : E a g u a lf H, “ whether and classified. diate occupancy. 649-3069. how” to report by CONNIE WIENER on the historic Spacious Four Room Related stories, “MEFL LDGDUA SCDBLU session. APARTMENTS Apartment — Near bus pages 5 and 8 In the mean­ line. Adults. No pet$. One time, the two IFOR RENT cor. Security. References. ADB KFFVK XD VFSKBCF 649-1265. leaders re­ mained at the Manchester — Available BW, NX’K XNVF XD OEFOH Soviet mission, conferring informaiiy foiiowing two Immediately. One, two One Bedroom — Wall to fe. rounds of formal talks and lengthy private talks. Herald photo by Pinto and three bedroom apart­ wall, modern kltchen- ADBC A8CUKXNOH.” — GNPP ments. $425, $495, $525, /both, olr conditioning, “ We are discussing whether and how we will report heat and hot water In­ very nice. December 1st. the occurrences at the summit,” Larry Speakes, the Larry Fox, secretary-treasurer of the New England Health Care Crestfield-Fenwood nursing home. The plea prompted a letter cluded. J.D. Real Estate, After 6pm, 6466652. PFVPFA. White House spokesman said. “ There have been no Employees Union, District 1199, Tuesday asks the Board of from the mayor to the union and the owners of the nursing home 646-19S0. PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "A kitten is more amusing than decisions made on how we will report.” Directors for help in ending the 4'/:-week old strike at the on Vernon Street. Manchester — Very Nice half the people one is obliged to live with." — Lady An informed U.S. official said the talks were Like Private Home — V /t 6 room, 3 bedroom apart­ Sydney Morgan. “ positive” from an American standpoint and that room apartment. Base­ ment. No pets. Referen­ there would be "a tot to say” on results once a news ment, ofwllances. Work- ces. $450 monthly plus utilities. 6496003. blackout is lifted. The official, who demanded Ins single adult, married anonymity, said the blackout could be lifted tonight.. couple. No children, pets. Strikers’ plea spurs letter from mayor 643-2N0. Deluxe Four Room, two A Soviet spokesman also called the summit talks a N HOUSEHOLD t i “ very positive event.” bedroom apartment — iRlriHOUDAY/ I ICARS/TRUCKS I t TICARS/TRUCKS WANT ADS ore worth One Bedroom paneled fully oppllanced kitchen. ID! I SEASONAL GOODS L iU FOR SALE LijFO R SALE looking Into when you're Family SHppeis Speakes said U.S.-Soviet meetings had been held on By John F. Kirch attended the meeting after holding a drag out for one to three years in court. could not be reached for comment this apartment. Appliances, Includes heat and hot two levels: the formal talks involving the two leaders Herald Reporter candlelight vigil. The striking workers " I am angry,” nurse’s aide Paula morning, but in a letter to the Board of » looking for a place to carpeting, references. No water. $525 monthly. 649- Electrical hookup for and their aides, and privately between lower-level marched from Castleman and LaBrec told the directors. She said she Directors they said they had chosen to Head GK03 Skis — 73 1973 Lincoln — Green, 4 llye...whether It's a home, pets. $3t0.446G1«6. 4003. Inches. $50. Coll 643-5280 dryer circuit breaker box, on apartment or a mobile experts. This Indicated that U.S. and Soviet officials Mayor Barbara B, Weinberg said she Lessner’s law office on East Center alone cares for a child and wants to "exercise our legal right to have the door, good tires, replaced were working on drafts of summit statements. Street through downtown and up to certilicgUon (of the union) brought for otter 5pm.o dryer plug and 30 feet of transmission, excellent home. plans to. send a letter to the New return to work. Manchester — Two bed­ wiring. $20. 649-7050.O Lincoln Center. Outside Lincoln Center, review before the Second Circuit Court 1979 Red Honda Accord — running condition. Best Mark Palmer, a State Department expert on Soviet England Health Care Employees Un­ After the meeting, Fox said the union room apartment, 5 HOMES 4 door. Air, high mileage, affairs, and Oleg Sokolov, the charge at the Soviet the group sang “ We shall overcome” had received what it wanted from the of Appeals seated In New York.” rooms, second floor. Re- offer. 6490001. ion, District 1199, and the owners of the FOR RENT Hot Point Washing Ma­ runs well. $1,812 or best embassy in Washington, started work on drafts even Crestfield-Fenwood nursing home urg­ before they entered the hearing room to board and called the mayor's letter an The owners challenged District 1199'a frlserator, sos stave B chine — Like new. $99. Nmr FASHION 102 |l HOUSEHOLD offer. 633-2479 between 5- 1971 Lemons — 350, V 6. before the summit talks. ing both sides to make "every possible bring their case before the board. “ important step.” certifleation unsuccessfully before the sarose. No pets. Two Call 646-7276.0 7pm. months security. 6494314. OOOOS Excellent running condi­ The unexpected halt interrupted talks' that effort” to settle a 4‘/i-week-old strike at "W e need your help now," said Larry "Frankly,” he told union members on NLRB in Hartford and Washington, tion. New exhaust, Gorbachev described as “ very lively” and focusing on Fox. secretary-treasurer of District the steps of Lincoln Center, "that's D.C. The labor board certified District Moved — Must sell I Sofa Renault Le Car, 1979 — the home. Four rooms — West side, Used Refrigerators, loveseat, chair, Ethan brakes, snows, battery, "all the problems of concern to the Soviet and Although a copy of the letter will be 1199. "The community should not everything we could have asked them to 1199 as the legal bargaining agent for Must sell. Needs some $750. 647-9600. stove and refrlserator. Manchester — 7 room Washers, Ranges — Allen tea wagon, desk, GE American people.” sent to Gov. William A. O'Neill, it is not tolerate this type of lawlessness.” do.” nurse's aides, housekeeping and main­ work. Best offer. Coll Fox has said the owners are acting tenance employees early last month. $365 a month plus secur­ house, V /t baths, applian­ clean, guaranteed, parts refrigerator and oil point­ 659-0092, leoye message. Gorbachev arranged to hold a news conference here an appeal for the governor to help settle Town officials interviewed this morn­ ity. One year lease. No ces, centrally located. and service. Low prices. ings. 646-8261. Thursday, after the summit meetings end, and his the strike, Weinberg said this morning. illegally by refusing to negotiate a ing said the town could not support one Despite the NLRB’s complaint, the p ^ . $72-1709,9am-5pm. $695 plus utilities, two B .D ." Pearl & Son, 649 remarks are to be carried by television to the Sovidt "It's important for the governor to contract with District 1199. side over the other, but that a letter owners have still refused to negotiate months security. Call 646- 1975 Dodge Window Van Main Street, 643-2171. Brown Wall hugger Naug- people at home. This suggested he might have an know of the municipality’s concern,” The National Labor Relations Board urging the owners and the union to and the case could end up in federal Manchester— Rve room, 1021.
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