TI D-3909(Suppl.) BIOLCGY AND MEDICINE AN ATOMIC RADIATION BIBLIOGRAPHY A List of Reports Submitted to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (Supplement) Compiled by Alfred W. Klement, Jr. May 15, 1962 Fallout Studies Branch Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC Washington, D. C. I DOCUMENT SOURCE LlWrMCO Brrktly LIbOrItwy kchivoa and Rocordr Oleo I. ._ -- ~- 3 0 0 3 9 If 9 LEGAL NOTICE Thlr report was prepared DY an &ccoUnt of Oovommont DponMred work. NrIther the IJn114d Sutrm. nor tha Commlsrloii. nor any person actlng on heball nf the Commlarlon: A. Makos MY wsrrmty or represrnutlon, expreaaed or Implicd. 4th rosprct to tho accu- racy, completenems, or usalulnems of the tnlormatlon cnnullnr8l In lhls report. or that the use of my Information, apporalus. method. or proceiir dlaclorod 181 lhla report may not Infrlnge prlvately omdrlghts; or B. Asmumem any Ilabllltlea wlth respct to the uae of. or for damngem resulting from the use of any Inlormalton. apporalus, meibd. or process discloeed In thla report. As used In ths above, “permon acting on hehall of the Comnlsrlon” Include# my sm- ployee or contractor 01 the Commlsalon, or employee of such contractor, UI We extant Lbrt such employae or contractor 01 the Commlaslon, or employee of such COIItraClOr prepares. dlasemlnatea. or provldom accesm lo. any Inlormatlon pursuant to Ma employment or contract wlth the Commlsaloa. or hls employment 4th such contractor. This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Printed in USA. Price $0.75. Avatlablc from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. ... 3003950 RE2ORl5 ON AToMlC RADIATION S-D TO THE UNITED NATIONS SCIENTIFIC CObBlITTEE ON THE EFFECTS OF ATOMIC RADIATION (Supplement 1) Compiled by Alfred W. Klement, Jr. Fallout Studies Branch Mvision of Biology and Medicine U. 9. Atomic Energy Commiesion Washington 25, D. C. A list of reports submitted to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect8 of Atomic Radiation from member governments and certain international agencies and organizations was issued in TID-3909*, March 1, 1961, "An Atomic Energy Bibliography". Reports submitted since that time through April 2, 1962 are listed below. This list has been prepared from actual reports. Further supplements vi11 be issued as warranted. Reports listed should be obtained from normal sources, i.e., technical journals, authors, originating agencies, or indicated outlets. Reports are not available from the UN or the UNSCEAR. In a number of cases reports are available from authors and/or their organizations only, which is the case where informal draft or prelimlnary reports are indicated or where publication data are not shown. In these cases distribution and reproduction my be made by the- originator only. When deemed appropriate abstracts of many of the reports and their availability are included in NSA prepared by Mviaion of Technical Informatioh, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Consequently, many reports may be listed in NSA independently from their submiraion to the UNSCEAR and without reference to their UN number. NSA references and availability are shown in the list where they are available. *$1.75 OTS 1 U.K. AEA United Kingdon. Atomic Ener&y Authority. U.S. AEC U. S. Atomic Energy Commieelon. AECL Aton Znergy of Canads, Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario, Cane A. BIS Available for sale, British Infonnation Service, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York CEA France , Commissarlate a 1'Energie Atdque ( CEN-Centre d'Etude Nucleare Saclay). CNEA Argentina, Commission Nacional Energia Atomica. CNEN Mexlco, Comission Nacional Energia Nuclear. =P On deposit at AEC I)cgosltory Libraries. (Libraries listed in TID-4550 and issues of NSA). (F) Report in foreign language, all others are in English. FA0 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. FOA 2 Sweden, Forsvarete Forskulngsanstalt Avdelning 2 (ctc .) (etc.) Stockholm. GPO Available for sale, Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. HASL U. S. AEC Health and Safety Laboratory, New York, N. Y. HMSO Available for sale, Her MaJesty's Stationery Office, London, England. IDS International Document Service, Columbia University Press, 360 Broadway, New York 27, N. Y. mc Worocard available at Dep., where sbown, or on sale at Miorocrrd Editions, Accounting emd Shipping Department, We& Salem, Wiaconein. mf Microrilm available - m. NAS-NRC National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Washington, D. C. 2 3003952 LIST OF REPORTS U. N. Sumt t ed No. of Number by Title pages Serlee A/AC .&/G/L 559 IO-ICRU Ewosure of Man to Ionizing Radiation Arising from Medical Proceduree with Special Reference to Radiation Induced Diseases - An Enquiry into Methods of Evaluation, December 1960. (Informal report). 69 50 IO Meeting with Experts on Somatic and Genetic Radiation Effects, Munich 1959. (Informal report). 61 561 WHO Medical Superrlsion in Radiation Work, Second Report of the Expert Committee on Radiation, WHO Technical Report Series No. 196, Geneva, 1960. (**31m). 31 562 U.S.A. Fallout Program, Quarterly Summary Report, E. P. Hardy, Jr., J, Rivera, and R. Frankel, U. S. AEC, Health and Safety Laboratory, report HASL-105, January 9 1.961. (Dep.; $2.75 Ws). (NS 15-b). 182 563 U.S.A. Radiological Health Data, Monthly Report Vol. 1, No. 9, U. S. PIS, December 1960. ($1.00 OTS). 53 564 U.S.A. Fission Product Radioactivity in the Air along the &th Meridian (West) during 1959, L. B. Lockhart, Jr.. g., U. S. Naval Research Lab., Waebington, report NRL5528, August 15, 1960. 17 565 U.S.A. Atmospheric Radiosctivlty in South America Md Antarctica, L. B. ]Lockhart, Jr., U. S. Naval Research lab., Washi on, report NRL-5526, August 15, 196O.TSA 15-1617). (Also- J. Geophys. -Res. 65:3999-4005(1960)). 9 3 U.N. submittea Title NO. of Number OY Pages 566 Medical Survey of Rongelap People Five and Six Years after Exposure to Fallout (with an Addendum on Vegetation) R. A. Conara, et al., Brookhaven National Lab., U. S. AEC report BNL-609 (T-179), September 1960. 86 567 Effects of Inhaled Radioactive Particles, N&-NRC, 1961 (NSA 15-2'7399) 78 568 Long-Term Effects of Ionizing Radia- tion from External Sources, NAS-NRC, PubI.. 849, 1961. (NSA 15-274OO). 82 569 Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Hman Hemapoietic System, NAS-NRC, able 875, 1961. (NSA 15-2'7401)- 13 . 570 Cancer Research, J. J. Haggerty, U. S. AEC Division of Biology and Medicine, report TID-U132, Novem- ber 1960. (Dep., $2.25 CrrS) (NSA 15-10614). 94 571 Fate of Radioactive Contaminants in Water, Profless Report No. 2, Technical Report R60-2, May 1, 1948 to June 1959. U. S. Public Health Service, Cincinnati, 1960. 33 572 Radiological Health Data, Monthly Report, Vol. 11, No. 3, U. S. PHS, (PB 161371-12), March 1961. ($1.00 ms). 167 573 Radiological Health Data, Monthly Report, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1961. ($1.00 ms). ll1 574 Fall-out Program, Quarterly Suuunary Report, E. P. Hardy, Jr., et al., UI S. AEC report HASL-ll1, April 1, 1961. (Dep., $3.00 OTS) (NSA 15- 14537) 212 L 4 3 0 0 3 9 5 '4 u. N. Submitted Title NO. Of Number by Paaes 576 U. S. A. Radiation Research in the Life Sciences, Cm. on Government Operations, U. S. Senate , Washington , November 28 , 1960. ($0.55 GPO) (NSA 15-8470). 175 577 Germany The 90-Strontium Content of Hurnan Bones and Tissues in 1958, 1959 and 1960, D. Merten and 0. Pribim, Fed. Mln. Nuclear Energy and Water Economy, Bad Godesberg, January 2, 1961 (NSA 15-29532) 17 578 Sweden Advection over Sweden of Radioactive hrst from the First French Nuclear Test mlo8ionJ G. &dblOIDJ Forsvarets Forsningsanstalt, Stockholm, FOA 4 Rapport A 4155-4727 (Rev.) February 1961. 17 579 Sweden Studies on Plan Accumulation of Fis- sion Products under Swedish Conditions, L. Fredriksson and A. Eriksson, E., FOA 4 Rapport A 4187-4623 - Part I, hlarch 1961. 19 580 Sweden Studies on Plant Accumulation of Fis- sion Products under Swedish Conditions, L. Redriksson, et al. mid., FOA 4 Rapport A 41884E3: Part 11, WCh 1961. 30 581 Sweden Studies on Plant Accumulation of Fis- sion Products under Swedish Conditions, -Ib1d.J FOA 4 RappO~A 4189-4623 - Part IIIJ ~arCh1.961.. 12 582 Norway Fall-out in Norwegian MIU In 1959, Y. Bergh, a&, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Kjeller - Lillestrom, FFIS report S-03, Decem- ber 7, 1960. (NSA 15-15892). 11 5 J U.N. Submitted Title NO. of Number by Page 6 Norway Seasonal and latitudinal Varia- tions in Redloactive Fall-out, T. Hvlnden et al., Ibid., report F-412, January 1961.7~~.m~) (NDA 15-18331). 13 FA0 Dietary Levels of Sr-9 and CeSIU- 137, A SUDrmary of World Information, Rome, 1961. (NSA 15-29533). 56 Argentina (F) Genetically Significant Dose from Medical Radlodiagnosis, A. E. Placer, CNEA Informe No. 49, 1961. (NSA 15-31923 19 Norway Caesium 137 in Air, Precipitation, Drinking Water, Milk and Beef in Norway during 1959 and 1960, T. Hvinden and A. Lillegraven, Nor- wegian Defence Research Establish- ment, KJeller-Lillestrom, FFD? re- port F-0043, February ll, 1961. (NSA 15-26980) 6 U. K. Sr-go in Milk and Agricultural Materiale In the U. K., 1959 - 1960 Agricultural Research Council, Radiobiological Laboratory, report ARCRL-4, 1961. (5s HMSO). (Dep, m, $0.70 BIS). (NSA 15-18365). 81 France Measurements of Radioactive Con- tamination of the Food Chain, A. Chevallier and R . Schneider, Jan. 1958 - June 1960. Bull. In2 Nat'l.- Hygiene 16 (1-7-272. 66 India Sr-9 in Milk and Human Bone in India, K.
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