TUESDAY, DECEMBER *, 1940 TWELVS gttMttwg tCnraHt T€»day*8 Advertisements Abound in Christmas Suggestions and teams from ths local depart­ Manchester Orange will hold Its Company No. 8 of the South ment will participate In them, it regular meeting .In the M a s ^ c Manchester Local Police was stated. The makeup of the Avaraft Dalljr Circakthm The Weather Manchester fire department was ForecMt .of U. S. Weather Temple tomorrow evening. The teams will, be arfanged so that all For Dm Mm Ui a( NoyMnlwr, IM * : About Town called on a still alarm at 9 o’clock theme of the lecturer's program this morning. An automobile back- Date Book department members will have a will be “The March of Time.’ All Marksmen chalice to fire for the record. fJhNsdy, Hfht snow, mueh wnCm- fled when In front of 10 Orchard Thomas Maxwell will ahow motion er tonight: Thnredny Ughi mow Th* ■p*ci*l meeting of the i Tomorrow. Until recently there had been no 6,564 street and there was a slight blase. pictures and a discussion of cur­ In morning, elettrlng In nftem om, VMhlngton Social Club, which The trouble was all over when the Dec. 4 — Caledonian Market, proper facilities for the police to stsCMm A M lt rent evenU will Uke place. Every Member of De- w ar user. 1 to have been held tomorrow, flremen arrived. ! Center Church Fair. practice with, no range, and only ____ been poetponed until Thurs- a small amount of money available I af OIrMdaMMM This Week. i |iartment Now Qdalb ; day night at 7:30. A meeling of Rta Chapter of for ammunition. A t the present Manchester— A City of Village Charm A meeting of Qibbona Assembly Beta Sigma Phi will be held this Dec. 5—St. Mary’s Guild supper time the armory Indoor range Is CLC., will be held tonight In the evening at eight d'clock at the and Christmas sale. fieil Says Inslnirtor. The annual Poultry Show will Also- Baiaar and turkey supper being Used and the ammunition (TWENTY-SIX PAGES — IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE THREE CENTS be held at the Masonic Temple for K. of C.. home at 8:15. Mrs. Ray/ home of Miss Ursula Sefjerdahl of V0L.UL.N0.5S m Png# IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940 mond Davis, who was married 261 Spruce street. at South Methodist church, Manchester Is one of the Very supply Is sufficient. Some out­ a four-day period, December 1». Dec. 6 —Lecture by Dr. Allen standing scores have been fired by 20, 21 and 22. John “Dusty" May last week, has returned from her few towns Ir^ Connecticut having wedding trip and will preside. .Stockdale at South MclIi'xllHt loep' men. Including some perfects la general chairman for the event. The Ladles Society of the Zion a police department, every man tn and several of 90 out of 100 ,ln Lutheran church will meet tomor­ church, auspices of Kiwanis Club. Also, M. H. S.-Middletown bas­ the different positions and timings row' afternoon at 2:16. which, both regulars «nd super­ ketball game at State Armory. numeraries, is k quallfled pistol used. Dec. 7—Concert by High school f Britain Will Place The Kmblem club will have a shot. It was announced today by Greek Forces Press public dessert-bridge at the Elks bands of state at Manche.ster High A* We Close Af Noon Wednesday home in Rockville tomorrow after­ auditorium. Policeman Herman Muske. In­ (V>mlng E\-ents. The first two Wednesdays of this month IMnchurst will noon at two o’clock. Members on structor for the department, that the committee from Manchester Dec. 10-40th annual meeting of Data on Finances operntr on the regular Wednesday afternoon closing all policemen now have at least a are Mrs. Lena Crockett and Mrs. Chamber of (.’ommerce at .Masonic marksman’s bar, and that there schedule. IMease do your f»M»d shopping tomorrow morn­ Mary Custer. Temple with Roger Babson as are in the department four men TAXi Against Two Points; ing. .lust a reminder that we have a full supply of speaker. rated as experts and nine sharp­ The Ladies Aid society of the Dec. 11—Christmas baiaar and shooters. In the past few months Before Treasury Birds Eye F(M»ds. supper. North Methodist church. 1 Swedish Congregational church eight men, after taking Instruc­ D i a l Dec. 1.3 -- Christmas .sale-play- will hold a Christmaa sale at the tion, have raised their previous NEW RNr.LAND DINNER 1 church Friday evening at 7:45. tea. King's Daughters. Whiton vEr.ETAnU’:!* mfings as shots. 32.30 Cold enough to enjoy a good old- Library. Tomorrow will mark the final Clean, Uomtortabie UarSl ^Vllorgenthau Says Offi- Warm Water in Harbor I Clouds Hinder Raids Dec. 10. 20, 21. 22 -Annual rahiniicf* fashioned bolltHl dinner. We offer * A special meeting of Mons- match of the present series being Coorteons Service At All Tbnesl SlowH Traffic in Bouton] Corned Beef, lean cuts of briskets Vpres Post. BWV., will be held poultry Sliow at Maaonlc Temple. ^ I r eial BHnging Iditest In-1 ( ’hlror\ tomorrow night in their clubhouse, j — ------------------- held for teams by the New Eng­ ns middle ribs, for the first choice. Boston, Dec. 4.—(A5- A d lf-! Black Cat Under Hood Resistaure at Porto Edda Itiitian Kmllvr \ole ue have both new Green The meeting is called for 8 o’clock. land Police league and Manchester formation to United Birmingham, London ference of approximately 40 de- : Cabbage and regular Fall local will have two pistol teams firing CITY TAXI Causes Trouble in Auto States; Jones Sees Brit- j grees between water and air Share Brunt of Air At- And Argirorafftro !• VrIInu Tiiniijt'* rabitage to go with It. Stores Hours in this match. There are two DENNIS MURPHT, Prop. temperatures In Boston harbor ranrv sfilnarh I.A.MII STKW, lean luid well trim­ i more series of matches scheduled. ish Government ‘Good! tackfi; Bail Weather Tupelo. M1.S.S., Dec. 4\—lA’i-.r I Said to Be (>>llaptiing; today caused a dense, smoky , ThiH black cat won't cauae any UriKM'oll med as I’ lnehiirst sells It, with ten­ Depot S4|iiare M a r k e t der Golden Carrots appeals to Dial >626 Before Xnuis R is k * f o r L o an s vapor to rise from th^ water,' Creflitefl/ with Dull­ more bad luck. Capture ojf Both Qt- F A » Delivery! 6 Cu. Ft slowing traffic hill the fore-1 many. Dr. A. 2«r. Wilaon stopped hla ies Expected at Any n»)on sun warmed the air. Ther-. ing Striking Power of ■steaming autotnoblle. Peering SCOTCH H AM ' i lb. 2:ic Shoulder Size Washington, Dec. 4.— (/P) momet^rs registered 3 below at .SrliPtliilr AniiotinpptI by South ’ Mpthoflist | Luftwaffe and Limit- under the hood, he found a Time; Advance Unite Freshiv Chopped l,ainbUhop8. lb, . 29c FUNERAL — Treaaury Secretary Mor- the Navy Yard and 5 below at black cat. Ita head severed by ('aiiUH»*arr the fish pier, In contrast to a (illOl'M ) HEFF ....... lb. 27c (llianilipr Division for Aniiiiul i Wise old Sanu know* a bargsia when be genthau announced today iitg Damage anti Cas- the fan. The impact had stop­ Within Mile and Quar­ Butt Ends sect one! This year’s. General Electric water temperature of 36 de­ ped the fan and overheated the Calves’ I.iver. Deerfoot Sau­ 1'lip Shopping Season. I that Sir Frederick Philipa, grees. alties to Minimum. ter of .\lbaiiian Port. 1'n‘Hh of Ham. lb. ..... 25c ChrhtmM Speriaf’Refrigerator is a better buy engine. sage. Fowl. 2!lc Ih. Spare undersecretary of the British For the first time thla win- ■ PuM*al (Vifr> 119 than ever before. More styling, more features, Damages to the doctor’s car: Sirloin Steak. Wednesday afternoon closing of more storage spare, for less money than Treasury, was scheduled to ter, 2-itich skim ice formed in A cracked cylinder head and Athens. Dec. 4.— (JP)— I WhUe Celery Ribs. Christmas Fair I ^ Bulletin! (well trimmed). II*. lineal .vtores'will be .sn»|iendcd for any G-E Refrigerator ever offered. See it arrive in the United States parts of the harbor but It was br-jken radiator. Greek forces were reported I he ri',vt 'if tlii.v month because l>f , find NOW—and Itl't ulk ii oi trt broken up by tidal action and London, Dec, 4.— </P)— Air j tile ( •liriKlntaa. .sluipping season, it today “ to place the latest today to lie pressing hard Lamb Stew. the movement of vessels. raid sirens .screamed in Lon- j 25c WED. MORNING SALE was nnnimneed today by the Kx- available information (on don early this evening after a; against the Italian defenses 2 lbs.................... 25 c cciitive Cominittce of the Retail British finances) before the of Porto Edda and Argirocas- H ours IMNFAIM'UO .H’lCF.— iMcrchants Bureau of tlie Chamber Turkey Dinner GENERAL ^ ELECTRIC day of little activity over' of Comnierc* after a meeting this United States Treasury.” Britain May tro, Albania, where resistance 2 full size No. 2 eanx fo r ................. The speedup of production of warplanes for Britain brought thla array of bombers to Floyd Ben­ Britain. An east Anglian 1 liirge 17-oz. ciin fo r .. r . ~ ?. niorniiig. Starting Thursday eve­ DECEMHF.R 1910 Morgenthau’s statement con­ Stale Feels town was attacked twice by w as said to be collapsing with ning. T'ee. 19, storea will remain nett airport on Lz-ng I.sland.
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