LIGHTHOUSE The magazine of the Eddystone Users Group NDEX Issues 1-96 combined FULL INDEX Combination of Anthony Richards Indexes in searchable pdf format Alan Ainslie April 2009 INDEX TO EDDYSTONE MODELS issue page 31A 29 featured receiver JZ * 1 Q 11 manual L y 40A brief description J mains psu danger "25 narrow band filters, query as to 37 24 brief description ' z 160 services equivalent of ECR 21 9 214/215 brief description -24 9 3 g 25 358 advert, reprint (1942) 3 7 Australia, used in -29 29 condensers, paper 37 8 crystal, dud 39 20 dates when current 23 17 EB34 diode valves, replacement of with 1N914 diodes 42 20 electric shock 4 5 filters, crystal -42 20 Gulf War, monitoring of 8 1 mechanical problems 40 18 motorboating 7 5 Norway, in use, ex WW II trawler 8 16 r output valves 3 5 23 overhaul 10 17 10 22 H rescued from burial (Dave Langdon) 21 10 ! Royal Navy designation B34 42 10 S meter, sticking 12 14 m valves, ECC82 replacing EF39 25 15 I! vnrwkfVrkilc cons————————————————————————— _ ————— 14ih 7/ : _oi o ——————— —- - Z. 1 7 400 P brief description 18 10 ! 94. i o 9Q 11 -^ ——....— — ..—.——— ...........31 22 I valves, ECC82 replacing EF39 -25 15 440 brief description 12 24 -if. 7 r issue page 450 504 featured receiver -21 3 acquisition by member 16 3 advert (N.Z.) 18 5 a.f. gain, fault 10 14 alignment frequencies 4 3 a.v.c.,fault 10 14 brief description 29 11 drifting, curing 40 5 rejuvenation of- 32 14 3 9 \ 4 S meter, zeroing problems 42 17 valves, ECC82 replacing EF39 -25 15 cccra n c ii . ................. OH Q DjO/D p.S.U. ————————————————————————viu y 556 alignment frequencies 4 3 comparison with 504 15 1 640 •p£»oHirpH ppppiv/pi*...... ......................................................... /^ O CtUVClaH\/<»rt I ————————————————.... ............................................ .-—-. ... - ........... jj/^ |^10 07 70 Arnold & Wright, N.Z. 37 26 a.f. gain, increase causing howl 19 2 Ugl<,ofTp llt/lnrtf vA/nrlfWUlIVIIlg in ct.................................................... ——................. ... ..............................y (\ yO alignment rrequencies --••--——————--———————q j audio output, distorted 17 6 audio output, lack of 6 9 ..... ..—..—— —....... y y ........................................... .—.—..——.—_.—.._.._..... 11 1 bandspread, not working 12 2 bfo, rustling noise at zero beat 10 9 . .... — .......... —*Z7OO ITI / components, needing changing in most sets 10 13 crystal phasing, reversed to eliminate QRM 31 2 drifting 34 21 electrolytic condensers 3 2 1A n """"""*'""*JIT O faults, common 6 9 typical 33 19 frequency jumping 34 29 fuse, ht, fitting of -36 27 handles, chrome 34 20 hum 3 2 i.f. breakthrough -27 14 / in use (Peter Stein) 27 16 loudspeaker, fitting of 33 23 mixer valve 34 26 modifications, factory (early models) 31 8 motorboating 10 14 .25 16 issue page 640 cont'd noise limiter, non - operational 6 9 14 6 25 , . 5 5 overheating 8 2 12 14 pre-production models on trial 17 3 product detector, fitting of -29 19 QRP transmitter within 11 3 -~4 21 11 17 prices, new 11 l' rectifier, OZ40, use of -28 17 resistor upgrading -25 7 restoration from scrap (James Scott) 18 19 rf gain pot., use of correct type 36 . 2 RSGB show article 16 2 tuning dial, slippage -24 1 upgrading very early models 10 24 usage & repairs 18 7 valves, ECC82 replacing EF39 -25 15 valves, metal, shock warning 31 17 valves, minature, fitted -30 18 1948 station re-creation, use in -27 9 659 advert, factory 9 22 42 27 alignment frequencies 4 3 magic eye 16 1 not working 32 14 repair and cleaning 12 9 repair 20 10 resistor fault 14 11 switch, on/off, faulty 14 12 valve cap wiring 17 5 valves, ECC82 replacing EF39 -25 15 659/670 model, querying existence of -21 17 670 featured receiver 4 8 alignment frequencies 4 3 battery powered 41 25 W-fn -fit+incr ..............a.........-...—........... 1 *7 10 U1U, tilling ————————————— - - ——— i / iXi brief notes (Bert Swanley) 15 14 /"Ito I MtfYl'lf' TO1llll*O I*Of^^CI^^/j — — ___.....______■•_________■.______________—._..__ yO 1 Q Ul&I llglll idUUI V) 1 WjJw&Lwll ——••——••—————«•—•••• ••— «•«.—»«__ — -.——__«._...,^^ io r distortion, reduction of 29 13 drifting 16 5 dropper resistor corrosion 33 20 faults, common 17 6 frequency coverage, gap in 16 3 HIIMA —— -.« — __-•___—__ — ■. — — — -■—, — -■• — — — — •. — —— — » — — — — — — •««•• — MMMWMM ««M«M»M«»«»*MWVWW__. I X 1 /L I issue page 670 cont'd long wave coils fitted (Ken Quigg) 32 15 modifications, found on set -21 18 overhaul 10 21 rectifier, substitute 21 8 Seafarers Receiver -28 28 tuning, backlash 18 17 valves, substitutes 7 1 .22 18 670/1 MIMCO2232B 5 2 670/A MIMCO 2245A 9 7 670A featured receiver -33 5 avc, not working 9 12 dial lights, fitting of -22 5 lack of -23 20 early model acquired by member (Bill) 42 26 faults, common 6 9 ferritecore, loose -27 22 Gulf War, monitoring of 32 17 hum 4 4 mains voltage, using down to 80 volts -23 11 modifications 20 5 SW Magazine, described in 34 11 overheating 8 2 rebuilding 9 9 23 9 after transistor 'conversion' 15 11 sensitivity, low 6 3 selectivity, poor 5 3 thermistor 6 9 valve sockets, dirty 33 20 670C featured receiver -27 5 aerial input ohms 34 2 AC only conversion -27 7 follow - up comments 35 17 36 35 bfo, fitting of 27 7 faults, common 17 6 hum, curing 19 6 knobs, size of 16 15 originality, member's set 34 10 rf gain noisy 13 12 tape recorder output -26 18 680 featured receiver -29 3 advert for 14 18 alignment frequencies 4 3 bass, lack of 33 20 bfo, fault 33 8 'customised' version -24 18 differences between early and later models -25 12 .29 27 drift 12 14 issue page 680 cont'd history of one since new (Ellis Taylor) 14 18 New Zealand models 12 22 r variable bandwidth system -34 14 680X 1Q bfo, improving -28 19 crystal calibrator, fitting within -28 8 11 New Zealand, used for monitoring & later restored -37 23 noise limiter, fault 9 10 non - operational (faulty resistor) -22 6 SmAfpr fault—— —————————._-— — switches, toggle -29 9 (mains) 40 2 transformer, mains, burnout 24 16 variable bandwidth system 34 14 700 brief description -24 9 blueprint found ('Queens' model') 38 12 710 alignment frequencies 4 3 710B r see All World Six 720 audio response curve 39 15 1 brief description 34 26 discovered at factory .3 9 19 parts list obtained 39 1 Yachtsman variant .21 17 730 m featured receiver (730/4) 17 g I advert, reprint 4 11 1 crystal switch 17 3 faultfinding 40 28 m mains switch, failure & replacement 42 15 most prolific model 17 1 g noise limiter, incorrectly wired when new 30 24 m Radio Bygones, featured in .28 1 Short Wave Magazine, featured in -28 7 switches, replacing 42 15 m variable bandwidth system 34 14 variants of mode Is 17 2 2 730/1, revalving 10 1 g 730/4 calibrator, weak 8 19 m calibrator fault 22 18 faults, resistors 2 6 ht on/off switch 14 1 g ^ hum g 19 modifications, reversible 35 12 issue page 730 cont'd 730/4 oscillating at af stage 41 19 product detector (add-on) 18 18 _ 19 12 .29 19 rf amplifier mod 3 5 17 730/5 brief description 18 12 730/6, digital readout conversion 14 9 740 featured receiver 3 5 a.f. coupling fault -23 17 alignment frequencies 4 3 auxiliary supply plug 10 14 crystal calibrator, fitting of -27 10 Elbe barge, used in -21 13 emission, loss of 12 18 faults, common 6 10 H.T., lack of- 7 5 motorboating -26 2 octal plug on rear 12 13 .2 g 20 output, lack of- 32 14 overhaul 7 4 8 7 j 5 9 Q Fiver, use with -27 3 repairs & mods 33 17 transformer, mains, protection of -29 13 valves, blown 35 11 750 featured receiver 12 19 alignment frequencies 4 3 Buenos Aires owner 21 13 bfo, noisy 8 14 lack of 10 15 case renovation 9 11 circuit diagram incorrect 31 13 current feedback -26 14 date of launch 16 15 earth connection problem -22 18 faults, common 6 10 gain, low 12 14 hum, curing -42 21 instability, full volume 7 6 Marconi HR100, equivalent of 750/2 19 18 microphonic 12 14 output stage, description -28 29 overhaul 8 17 overheating 8 3 product detector, fitting of -29 19 rAQlirrntnont _ _ _ __ _ ___.__....__..__.._____««_««_«»•»«_«■•««_—«»mmmw* 1 5% Q Callglllllwlll"- ~~ A <* ^ Super model, query as to existence of 16 13 17 12 on 1 tape recording outlet -22 17 transformer, mains 8 2 tuning ratio 12 1 issue page 750 cont'd valve substitution, 6AQ5 to replace N78 -26 14 34 28 voltage stabiliser 10 16 750A, de luxe model, overhaul of 8 11 770M brief description -20 3 .24 9 770R featured receiver 9 19 advert, reprint 2 4 aerials ————————————————————7 ^ 5 JO " 8 Dressier active antenna 26 19 China & Brazil, supplied to 42 30 drive cord 6 9 foil itf* /"♦rtM'lTYl /^M __ _ — _____ __________________MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMn I II iauiis, cumniun ———————— — -u iu I.m.,f m faultIallll ——————————————————- — - ———^,uOf\ *+& /YMfM 1/^11/ ___ _ ______________________MM«M_M_MMMMMMMM_______. I A. I / gain, low ————•——-——-—-———---——---- - ~ -«—«^«f i£ . ...j ^ 13 MoD designation see also R213 below 22 NASA, used by 1 8 4 r 7 31 plug, correct type 21 R213 MoD designation 22 radio astronomy, used for (Jack Read) 33 14 S meter, fault -22 7 16 18 signals, reception of- 14 l o r solar noise, recording of 9 4 tuning indicator, faulty -22 2 turret tuner, reason for 14 10 valves replacement (V1, 2 & 3) -24 16 r versions 4 4 770R/9, used by Diplomatic Wireless Service 4 4 770S brief description 4 4 11 8 4 Air Ministry numbering 5 1 designer's comments 24 9 p output, lack of- -24 8 I signals, lack of 27 1 turret tuners .33 10 r valves, cost of- 30 17 30 24 issue page 770U ' advert, reprint 2 4 drive cord replacement & plan -37 3 faults, common 6 10 panadaptor, use
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