SW M W yfflMWMBsd H M i a v .'A w .v .&<w / v .v . ^ ^ , s i NUTTY PHOTO QUIZ ¡ i KviSt;tern K Seeing is bereaving N See P age 4 V olum e 40 N um ber 20 Wo-. 7-4116 Friday, December 2, I960 Published by Associated Students Barnes Speaks 4k ■* 1 ■ ■■ I 15677807 XMAS DANCE History Club and Phi Alpha Theta will host a major talk by the eminent historian - soci -. ologist, Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, who will speak COMING TONIGHT Wednesday evening, Dec. 7, at 8 P.M. on “Roosevelt and ' This evening, students wilLsociated Students Social Com- Pearl Harbor—The Revisionist have a chance to attend the mitfee. headed by Gay Wert, Belief.” annual Associated Students’ The theme selected is “Candy The talk will be given in the TfifiCEV GIVES SPECIAL TALK Christmas. Formal. Cane Christmas.” science building, auditorium: Candy Cane Decor The ball will take place at and will be preceded by a The event, one of the minor the Rockwood Women’s Club, five-ipinute resume of the MONDAY ON AFRICAN MUSIC social affairs of the semester, ’jn ■ Santa Barbara. Many stu- Japanese attack on the naval has been planned by the As- dents have attended previous base at Pearl Harbor by Hugh Travers Tracey, di- noted lecturer and author on dances there, and found it the ideal setting. Clark Reynolds, club presi­ -ector of the international li- this aspect of culture will AMERICAN HISTORY. dent. brary of African music andai give a special lecture in the TKTC.-rT'PTT'rT/''»XTC t -v k hji Well-Known Band Dr. Barnes wlil then give classroom building lecture INSTITUTIONS EXAM Dick Noe.l, originally first the revisionist interpretation hall, Monday at 4 P.M. The GIVEN NEXT MONTH trombonist with the Les public is invited to hear and of the sneak attack, namely Students wishing to satisfyj®fown band, and., his eight- fiudear Disarm see a lecture. illustrated with that the President and his the university requirement in P'ece band will provide the military commanders in authentic items of African American History and Insti- mus*c- Alsh on hand to pro- Washington were aware of the music. Admission is free. tutions by non-credit exam- vide entertainment for the impending attack two- weeks Dissussion Set The UCSB special lecturer ination may do so by passing evening will be Miss Lucy before it happened. A ques­ The International Relations .will talk about the wide var- EITHER of two examinations Ann Polk, a vocalist who for* tion-answer period will be fol­ Club and the American As- ;etY oi indigenous musics to which will be conducted on merally appeared with Mr. lowing; the public and all stu­ sociation for the United N a-|be found in central, eastern, Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1961, from Brown s band. dents are invited to attend. tions will present Mr. William-aIld southern Africa, presen- 3 to 5:30 P.M. The festive event will start H. Ferry in a talk on “The'ttng recorded examples of Two separate examinations at 9 P.M. and continue until SENIORS ESTABLISH Case for Unilateral Nuclear different styles of perform- will be given, one of which 1 A.M. Hours will be extended SCHOLARSHIP FUND Disarmament” ) tonight at 8 ancé- The humour and pathos will emphasize American his- to 2:30 A.M. to allow ample P.M. in the classroom audi-j0^ African folk and how they tory, and the other American time f°r returning -to campus. The senior class, in cooper­ torium. usé it for work, worship, and Tickets Available ation with UCSB Alumni government. Interested stu­ Mr. Ferry is a vice president P^aY will be illustrated, Tickets, at $2.00 per couple, Board, is establishing a sch­ dents must register on or be­ of the Fund for the Republic Through the years, Tracey are limited, but you can still olarship fund. The Regents and recorded fore Dec. 16 in the depart- and of the Center for the has collected mental office in which the get yours at the Graduate will match contributions the hjusic of over 150 tribes. Study of Democratic Institu- examination is to be taken: Manager’s ticket window. The from seniors. Awards will be hons. He will speak at a joint Born and educated in Eng­ handled by the Scholarship Political. Science—C-2310 for Associated Students Social meeting of the IRC and AAUN land, Tracey first took up the Committee and officers sin­ Cbmmittee. American Institutions. on the controversial question collection of African music cerely hope that all students ’Senior class members will History—C-1311 for Ameri­ of unilateral nuclear disar­ as a hobby. In 1931, he re­ can History. Reading lists will will enthusiastically , support receive telephone calls re­ ceived a Carnegie Fellowship mament for the United States. be posted. this event. questing contributions to this Experience in journalism and grant for a survey of folk fund. It is urged that they re-; n various government posts .music in Southern Rhodesia. spond, since many qualified; makes Mr. Ferry a competant He has served as regional students are now unable to 1 source of information on this director for the South African attend, due to lack of money. subject., Broadcasting Corporation for All students interested in 12 years and is founder of Rally Committee Holds this problem are invited to the African Music Society, 1 Special Meeting Dee. 6 come -and' bring their ïîtfhor of several 'books oh Students who .aie interested XMAS FORMAL Bandleader Dick Noel ahd Vocalist Lucy Ann Polk. tions. this . subject, Tracey has re in joining the Rally Commit­ corded several thousand tee should attend a special items 'of African music. He meeting of the committee to has lectured extensively to be held in the Student Union Ionesco, Chekhov Readings UPCOMING JOB INTERVIEWS the general public as well as Quad at 4:30 P.M. on Tues­ at major universities through­ day, Dec. 6. In the event of There have been a few changes in forthcoming inter­ out the, world. rain, the meeting will be held Continue in Little Theatre views. The list, with qualifications required by each com­ The special lecturer is on in the Huddle. pany; as follows: tour in the U.S. under the Jim Smith, Rally Committee A reading of two one-act sidered one of the foremost auspices of the Department chairman, stated the commit­ plays; “The Marriage Propos­ examples of the new ‘Absur­ Friday, Dec. 2—Calif. State Personnel. Any majors may of State. His talk locally is tee is definitely going to func­ al” , by Anton Chekhov, and dist’ school of playwriting. Al­ apply. Openings for junior right-of-way agent, em­ being sponsored by the UCSB tion throughout the basket­ “The Bald Soprano” by Eu­ though he uses only the bare ployment security trainee, group supervisor for youth department of arts and lec­ ball season, and is being re­ gene Ionesco, opened last outlines of a plot, Ionesco authority and parole agent work, state park ranger, tures. organize^ with this purpose night in the campus Little satirizes, in farcical terms, the administrative trainee in personnel and fiscal man­ in mind- Theatre. Presented by Mask English conventions and con­ agement research, etc. OWENS TO DISCUSS Students who originally and. Scroll, the comedies will versations. Thursday, Dec. 8—Central Intelligence Agency. Men with signed up for the committee continue their run tonight Under John Fox’s direction, 3.5 grade point average or better for junior officer RELIGION IN SOCIETY are encouraged to attend the ¡and tomorrow at 8:30. the cast includes Dome Ved trainee' program. Master's degree preferred. Econ­ meeting also. “The Bald Soprano” is con- der, Frederick Witt, Forbes omics and foreign language majors most desirable. An informal discussion on Hill, Barbara Hudson, Gene Women as clerk-typists and secretary-stenos for over­ “Religion in Society” will be Seamans, and Eleanor Hill. seas positions—after training in Washington, D.C. , “Marriage Proposal" led by Mr. Rogers Owens of Advancement opportunities for top-notch candidates the anthropology department GAUCHO NOTES “The Marriage Proposal” are very likely. Interesting, secretive work in the in­ acts as the perfect counter­ on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 7 telligence department with the opportunity to travel point for Ionesco’s burlesque P.M. in. the formal lounge of FORM FOR CHANGES • Service Offered and meet many interesting people. Ranked as the classic one- Santa Cruz Hall. All changes of name and/' Ditto and mimeographing act farce, the play examines Thursday, Dec. 8—International Business- Machines Corp. Students who are interested or address must be reported service is offered to all stu- the qustion as to whether a Interviews for those that have passed the I.B.M. Test are encouraged to attend this immediately by securing a dents and organizations at t h e ! is more important previously scheduled. Math, physics, economics or event in a series of seminars form at the information win­ than, a piece of land òr a on “Contemporary America” Associated Students’ Office in industrial management preferred. However, other ma­ dow in the registrar’s office hunting dog. Jors with one year of accounting can also be con being planned by Crown and and filling it out. This in­ tlie S.U. patio. Anyone need- The castCast includes Jack sidered. Positions in data processing sales and systems Scepter, the senior women’s formation will then be trans­ ing this service may use his Bannon as the father, Henry analyst. honorary. mitted to various offices on own master stencil or pur- Hill as the suitor, and Eliza- campus.
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