HISIMP The Newsletter of Histon & Impington Parish Council Number 11 - June 2015 NEWS TOO MANY CHILDREN! It's not a perfect solution but it has advan- AUSTERITY BITES ... AGAIN tages. It does mean that all young children can go to school in their own community. We got enough debate about austerity during And although the new classrooms are the election campaign and it seems it doesn't 'temporary' they are high specification and go away. Both our local councils are having to of the standard which parents would want live off severely reduced grants and this for their children's education. means that they are looking at ways to save money: doing what they have to do smarter Update after the meeting on 2nd June but sometimes not doing it at all. There was a good turnout at the open Most recently CCC has announced that it is meeting at the Junior School. After short withdrawing funding for buses from Milton to presentations from the County Council and IVC. It's said that it'll continue to run the bus Until recently forecasts of demand for the Trust a group of concerned parents made primary school places in Histon & Imping- a statement. An open forum allowed other ton were pretty stable, consistent and parents to express their views. There seemed within the capacities of our Infants and to be agreement that communication had not Junior Schools. Then last year we got the been as good as it should have been and that first signals of possible change when ap- the task of making the change in the time available was challenging. A small working plications for places at the Infants School group was set up to resolve the concerns. It exceeded 90 and resulted in several 5 was agreed that the minutes of the Trust year olds having to start their schooling meeting at which the decision was made away from their home villages. would be made public, and the school agreed This year there have been 105 applications to set up a bulletin board to enable activity but that students will in future have to pay. It for places at the Infants School for local chil- and progress to be posted in 'real time'. argues that, now that it has tidied up the dren and forecasts for future years have also David Jenkins footpath along Butt Lane by St Andrew's Way, increased. the walking route from Milton to IVC is now What's going on? There's the underlying birth safe and because it's less than 3 miles it is no rate of course and this may increase as the NEW DISTRICT COUNCILLOR longer obliged to pay for a bus. economy improves and people get more con- At the May Elections Christopher Parents are not happy. The regulations them- fident in their ability to finance a larger fam- Cross of 25 Rampton Road, Wil- selves seem inappropriate because students ily. There seem to be two other drivers. One lingham was the successful Con- will not walk the route, they will either cycle is the visible driver of new houses, we have servative candidate for South or be taken by car. Suddenly having to pay two small estates at Primrose Lane and Cambs District Council. He joins maybe £500 a year for a bus pass is a shock Merrington Place, and new estates do seem to Edd Stonham and Neil Davies as and if there's insufficient uptake of the paid attract families with younger children. The our third representative for His- for service it will be withdrawn and the extra other, maybe a particular Cambridge phe- ton & Impington and Orchard Park. car traffic will add to congestion at school nomenon, whereby young couples move to run time, both mornings and afternoons. Cambridge to live and then relocate to South District Council issues include housing, plan- Cambridgeshire to start a family. ning and environmental health and we are It's a difficult one. If CCC does not save fortunate that our elected representatives money this way where else can it save it? But The County Council and the trust which runs attend monthly Parish Council meetings to is this particular decision misguided when you the Junior and Infants Schools are looking at report on District matters and take questions. look at its unwanted consequences? longer term options and have developed a solution for the short term. That involves You can contact Christopher on 01954260790 Parents are taking the decision to appeal and or by email on [email protected] th building new temporary classrooms at the this is set for 30 June. Junior School and relocating the third year of Our thanks are due to the retiring District David Jenkins the Infants School to them. This enables the Councillor Jonathan Chatfield who has repre- Infants School to be expanded from three to sented our community well for many years, four forms of entry. and we wish him well for the future. Angela Young Histon & Impington Parish Council www.hisimp.net June 2015 Parish Office Contacts COPING WITH DIABETES am relatively fit, have enjoyed a healthy diet for years and never been overweight – but Open at the Recreation Ground Centre If you suffer from Type 2 dia- something hit my immune system, causing my Monday to Thursday 9.30 a.m.- 12.30 p.m. betes there is a new scheme pancreas to malfunction, and diabetes was Tuesday 2.00 p.m.- 4.00 p.m. to help you cope. The lead- diagnosed. ing diabetes charity, Diabe- Other times by appointment I found out by accident that I had it– my GP tes UK, has launched Type 2 took a blood test for a totally different rea- Parish Clerk: Angela Young Together which will connect son but found that I had developed diabetes. [email protected] you with other people near Admin/Planning: Chelsea Presland you who have diabetes. Diabetes results in your body not being able to process glucose properly. The danger is [email protected] The relaxed and informal sessions are led by that if your glucose levels drop too low or Telephone: 235906 trained volunteers who are helping to create soar too high you can end up in a coma. Recreation Manager: Lynda Marsh a network of information and support hubs in [email protected] local communities all across the UK, including Why should you be concerned about develop- Cambridgeshire. ing diabetes? Long and short term complica- Telephone: 232423 tions can impact on a wide variety of parts of What's in it for you? the body including eyes, heart, kidneys, · Share experiences and information nerves and feet. In extreme circumstances it · Learn more about Type 2 diabetes and liv- can lead to blindness or amputations. Parish Councillors ing with a lifelong condition If you notice you have any combination of the Chairman · Support each other and make new friends above symptoms, ask your GP for a simple David Jenkins - Pease Way 07739 758859 · Discover classes, support and activities in blood test. [email protected] your area. Bernard Stewart-Deane Vice Chairman If you’re interested in meeting other people Cedric Foster - Clay Street 234156 with diabetes and talking to people who [email protected] really understand, you can register your in- THE MEMORY Hooda Abdullah - South Road 235989 terest on-line and be kept up to date as Type Aga Cahn - Hereward Close 232186 2 Together gets started in your area. NOTES Marian Cleaver - High Street 232897 Come along to a session or volunteer. To find The weekly singing Marcus Dann - Cottenham Road 234060 out where your nearest Type 2 Together net- group The Memory Neil Davies - Dwyer Joyce Close 232514 work meets, call 0345 123 2399 or email Notes has now been John Dunn - Croft Close 232698 [email protected] to speak to running for 6 months Christine Hertoghe - New Road 514509 your local team. They will be happy to talk in Histon. We offer a Brian Ing - Woodcock Close 234291 through any questions you have about the warm welcome to peo- service. David Legge - Villa Road 233565 ple with memory loss challenges and early to mid stage dementia, Shaun Lindsay - Macfarlane Close 507732 Are You Sure You Haven’t Got Diabetes? and to their carers and supporters. Our excit- Derek Marston - Dwyer Joyce Close 236131 There are reckoned to be more than 40,000 ing news is that the group has grown so much Ruth Moulder - Winders Lane 573445 in Cambridgeshire living with diabetes – and that we’ve outgrown our base at The Stable Pene Nudds - Clay Close Lane 237155 throughout the UK there are thought to be Room, and have now moved into the St An- Denis Payne - Impington Lane 233577 3.8 million. drew’s Centre on School Hill for our Wednes- Edd Stonham - Normanton Way 564534 There are, however, many thousands of peo- day morning sessions. We meet at 11am for Josephine Teague - Milton Rd 235127 ple who have developed Type 2 diabetes refreshments, and sing from 11.30 -12.30. Nick Wood - Mill Road c/o 235906 without being aware of the fact. The main Sessions cost £5 per family group. All enquir- County Councillors: symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes include: ies to Sylvia Dannreuther, coordinator on David Jenkins - Pease Way 236232 01223 479343 or memorynotescam- · passing urine more often than usual, espe- [email protected] Mike Mason - Cottenham 01954 250391 cially at night District Councillors: Sylvia Dannreuther · increased thirst Christopher Cross - Willingham 01954 260790 · extreme tiredness Edd Stonham - Normanton Way 564534 Neil Davies - Dwyer Joyce Close 232514 · unexplained weight loss · genital itching or regular episodes of Parish Councillor mail addresses are thrush [email protected], or can be found at · slow healing of cuts and wounds Histon and Impington Village Society: Correction www.hisimp.net · blurred vision.
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