7 3(0 KENTOY. DEVONSHIRE. [KELLY S French :Mary ElizA (Miss), stationer & Lingwell Mary Ann (Mrs.), Devon I Searle Ambrose, shoe maker post office Arms inn I Soper Henry,farmer, Chiverston Barton Gribble William Hy. market gardener Mules .Anne (Mrs.), private ladies' asy· Taylor Elizabeth (Mrs.), market gar- GuscottCharlotte(Mrs.),lndrs.East twn lum, Court hall dener, Southtown Guscott Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker PaulRd.Goodridge,fl'mr.Oak frm.Lyson Toogood Albert T. parish clerk, perma- Guscott !<'rank, builder Pike John, farmer, Mowlish nent sec. Loyal Kenton lodge of Odd- Rambling Geo. Hy. sergeant of police Pitt Elizabeth Ann (Miss), draper fellows, No.3,879 M. U.I 0. & capt. of Heale Cephas, grocer & baker Pitt Thomas, grocer & ironmonger Fire brigade, East Town cottage Heard Emma (Mrs.), laund1ess Potter William, baker Toogood Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress & Hodges Alfred, gamekeeper toR. N. G. Sanders Josiah, veterinary surgeon mantle maker, East Town cottage Baker esq. Warborough Saunders Emanuel, farmer Webber George, Prudential agent Hutchings Richard, tailor, Southtown Starcross & Kenton Gas Light & Coke Wood.Arthr.Branston,nursry.&seedsmn Larkwurthy George, carpenter Co. Limited (Samuel Morgan Laskey Wood John James, market· gardener & Leach John, dairyman, Southtown Dobell, sec.; Wm. Hy.Coombe,mngr)' farmer, Stile farm XILMINGTON is a parish and village, on the western Cnllege, Cambridge; the Rev. Joseph Elias Owen B.A. of acclivity of the .Axe valley and on the Axminster and Jesus College, Oxford, has been curate in charge since 1888. Honiton road, 1i miles west-by-south from Axminster The tithe, amounting to £100, is appropriated to the pre­ station, 7~ south-east from Honiton and 23 from Exeter, in bendaries of Grindall and Warthill in York Cathedral. the Eastern division of the county, Axminster hundred, Here is a small Baptist chapel. A fair is held on the first petty sessional division, union and county court district, Wednesday in September for cattle. The mansion of rural deanery of Dunkeswell and Honiton and archdeaconry Coryton Park, built by Benedictus Marwood Tucker, A.D. and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Giles is an edifice 1756, and now the property of the Rev. Marwood Tucker of stone in the Early English style, rebuilt, with the excep- M.A. rector of Widworthy, is a handsome rectangular struc­ tion of the tower, in 1862, at a cost of [1,330, under the ture of brick, with stone dressings, in the Ionic style, and direction of Mr. Talbot Bury, architect, of London, and has a fine entrance porch surmounted by a pediment adorned consisting of chancel with side chapels, nave, south porch, with a shield of arms: the house stands in a well-wooded aisles and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, con- park of about 50 acres, and has been occupied for the last taining 5 bells, and a clock presented in 1883 by Marwood three years by W. George King esq. The Rev. Marwood Tucker esq. J.P.: the east window and six others are Tucker M.A. rector of Widworthy, who is lord of the manor, stained, two of these being memorials to the late William purchased from the Southcotts in 1802, Miss .Anning, the Anning esq. : in the church is a large marble monument to Rev. Henry Buller Heberden M.A. vicar of Oddington, Glou­ Thomas Southcott esq. of Dulcis, in this parish, ob. 31st cestershire, E. I. Scarbrough esq. and Marwood Tucker esq. December, 1715, erected in 1735 by George Sonthcott, of J.P. are chief landowners. The soil is mixed: the subsoil is Dulcis, his eldest son; the monument bears the arms of marl. 'fbe crops are wheat, barley, roots and pasture, with Southcott, Holway and Fry, and has a genealogical inscrip- some excellent dairy land. The area is 1,7So acres; rateable tion in Latin: in the south, or Coryton aisle, is a fine brass value, £3,615 ; the population in 1891 was 558. to Charles Tucker esq. of Coryton Park, who died at Mar- Parish Clerk, Elias Quick. lands, Exeter, on Christmas day, 1885, and in the chancel a PosT OFFICE.-Gideon Hayman, sub-postmaster. Letters brass to the late I<'rederick Swabey esq. long resident at arrive from Axminster at 6. 15 a.m. & ~, p.m.; dis- Coryton Park, d. 1885: the brass altar cross was presented patched at 8. p.m. ; sundays at 8. p.m. 35 The nearest in memory of Mrs. Bridges, of Heathfield, d. May 5, 1886: d 5& 1 h ffi · 5 A · 1 a. handsome alms dish and altar vases have also been given money or er te egrap o ce lS at xmmster. Posta by W. George King esq. and Mrs. King; the communion orders are issued here, but not paid plate, of silver ~ilt, was gh·en by members of the Tucker WALL LETTER Box, Kilmington hill, cleared at 6.45 p.m. family: there are 32osittings. The register dates from the week days only year 1723. The living is a parochial chapelry, annexed to National School (mixed), for 6o children; average attend- the vicarage of Axminster, net yearly value [240, and held ance, 15 boys, 18 girls & 22 infants; Miss Maria Louisa. :Since 1885 by the Rev. Arthur Newman M.A. of Trinity White, mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Adams William, builder, Hill place Parkhouse John, cattle dealer Bastable Rev. Richard [Baptist] Axe Vale Devon Dairy Supply Associa- Parsons Fras. Old inn, & coach builder :Houcher Charles J.P. Eaglemont tion Lim. (The) (Robert Snell, sec) Patterson William, farmer, Newtons Bridges Col. Charles, Heathfield house· Dare Fred,btchr.&frmr.TheGeorge frm Sanders Joseph, blacksmith Chown Joseph, Rose cottage Dare George, farmer, Old Coryton Seward Charles, farmer, Dulcis Dolling Mrs. Western cottage Dare Thomas, farmer, Ford hayes Simmonds William, tailor, Poplar cot King William George, Coryton park Da'l'e Waiter, farmer, Old Coryton Snell Ann (Mrs.) & William, farmers, Marsball Maj. Chas. Jas. The Cottage DollingJohn(Mrs.), farmer,Marsh frm Kilmington & Gammon Hill farms Owen Rev. Joseph Elias B.A. [curate in French Samuel, baker Snell Rt. farmer & auctnr.Summerleaze chargel, Parsonage Gosling J oseph, carpenter Studley Mary (Mrs.), New inn Parsons Mrs. East view Hayman James, blacksmith Trivett Eli, farmer, Mill green Parsons Mrs. Hillside cottage Hayman Gideon, haulier, Post office Trot.t Waiter & Matilda (Miss),farmers, 'Snell William Hurford Giles, farmer, South view Nower Symes John Turner, Springhead Hutchings William, baker & shopkeepr Trott William, farmer, Hills farm COMMERCIAL. Jtnigbt Richard, tailor Tucker Henry, grocer & draper Adams Job, confectioner Maxwell -, farmer, Whitehall White Thomas, farmer, Veolhayes .Adams Job, jun. farmer, Ruggs farm Moss Geo. boot & shoe ma. Brookvale Wright William, farmer, Studhayes KINGSBRIDGE AND DODBROOKE. KINGSBRIDOE is a small bnt important market town and I 200 to 500 tons burthen, and at the foot of the town there iS parish in the extreme south of Devon, and distant about 5 ample qmtyage for the import and export of merchandise of miles north from the sub-port and harbour of Salcombe and all descriptions. Shipbuilding is also carried on, and vessels from the English Channel; it is the head of a union and ranging front 200 to soo tons are built here and at Salcombe, .county court district, in the Southern division of the county, 1 and, until the growth of the steam shipping interest, were hundred of Stanboroogh, petty sessional division of Stan- employed in the green and dry iruit and Newfoundland fish borough and Coleridge, rnral deanery of Woodleigh, arch- trades, as well as in traffic with the East and West Indies deaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. The town, which and the Brazils. is the market centre of a large district, has now a railway The town( with Dodbrooke)ill governed by the" Kingsbridge station 20 miles east-south-east from Plymouth, 12 south- District" Local Board of 12 members, formed April24, 1893, south-west from Totnes, and 10 south from Kingsbridge and consists for the most part of a single street, about half a Road station on the South Devon section of the main line of mile in length and 6o feet wide, and is well paved, lighted with the Great Western railway and 231! miles from London. gas by a company and plentifully supplied with fresh water In 1888 an Act of Parliament for making the railway from from a spring rising at Combe Royal; the works, erected in South Brent to Kingsbridge and Salcombe, which had been 1793, are controlled by a Water Trust of 12 members. previously obtained by private promoters, was transferred The public property of the town, the value of which is to the Great Western railway, and this line is now (1893) considerable, is principally vested in feoffees, and the pro­ -open as far as Kingsbridge. It is proposed to extend the ceeds are distributed by " the chierest portion of the inhabit­ line to Gerston Kiln which is part way to Salcombe. The ants in vestry assembled ; " the present annual income "Station is in West Alvington parish, which adjoins Kings- amounts to about £soo, and on the expiration of existing bridge on the south west. leases will probably exceed £6oo. The town stands on rising ground at the extremity of a The church of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, standing long and irregular creek, broken up on either side by near the centre of the town, on the western side, is a cruci• numerous inlets; the is navigable for ships of from 1 form building of stone, erected previous to the year 1414, .
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