VEILING BOEKEN & PRENTEN VENTE PUBLIQUE LIVRES & ESTAMPES AUCTION BOOKS & PRINTS Vrijdag - Vendredi - Friday 14 . 06 . 2013 - 13 h/u - 1 p.m. Zaterdag - Samedi - Saturday 15 . 06 . 2013 - 13 h/u - 1 p.m. TENTOONSTELLING - EXPOSITION - VIEWING Vrijdag 07-06 van 10 u tot 18 u Vendredi 07-06 de 10 h à 18 h Friday 7 June Zaterdag 08-06 van 10 u tot 18 u Samedi 08-06 de 10 h à 18 h Saturday 8 June Maandag 10-06 van 10 u tot 20 u Lundi 10-06 de 10 h à 20 h Monday 10 June Dinsdag 11-06 van 10 u tot 18 u Mardi 11-06 de 10 h à 18 h Tuesday 11 June Woensdag 12-06 van 10 u tot 18 u Mercredi 12-06 de 10 h à 18 h Wednesday 12 June Donderdag 13-06 van 10 u tot 18 u Jeudi 13-06 de 10 h à 18 h Thursday 13 June of na afspraak - ou sur rendez-vous - or by appointment Aquaductstraat 40 Rue de l’Aqueduc BRUSSEL B - 1060 BRUXELLES TEL 32(0)2 544 10 55 FAX 32(0)2 544 10 57 [email protected] www.romanticagony.com 1 Vendredi 14 juin à 13 h Vrijdag 14 juni om 13u Dessins et gravures anciens 1 - 77 Oude tekeningen en gravures Arts graphiques XIXe-XXe s. 78 - 163 Grafiek 19de-20ste eeuw Photographies et cartes postales 164 - 167 Foto's en postkaarten Images populaires 168 - 187 Volksprenten Images pieuses 188 - 204 Devotieprenten Livres populaires 205 - 215 Volksboeken Archives 216 - 220 Archiefstukken Autographes XIXe-XXe s. 221 - 238 Autografen 19de-20ste eeuw Editions originales et illustrées 239 - 390 Originele en geïllustreerde uitgaven Littérature néerlandaise 391 - 435 Nederlandstalige literatuur Beaux-Arts et arts appliqués 436 - 468 Kunst en toegepaste kunsten Histoire, varia 469 - 497 Geschiedenis, varia Belgicana 498 - 507 Belgicana Books on books 508 - 612 Books on books Samedi 15 juin à 13 h Zaterdag 15 juni om 13u Topographie 613 - 691 Topografie Cartes manuscrites 692 - 715 Manuscript kaarten Atlas, livres topographiques et 716 - 760 Atlassen, topografische boeken en voyages reizen Sciences XVIIe-XIXe s. 761 - 796 Wetenschappen 17de-19de eeuw Médecine XVIIe-XiXe s. 797 - 806 Geneeskunde 17de-19de eeuw Manuscrits anciens 807 - 824 Oude manuscripten Incunabula 825 - 840 Incunabula Editions XVIe s. 841 - 914 16de-eeuwse drukken Emblemata 915 - 969 Emblemata Editions XVIIe s. 970 - 1070 17de-eeuwse drukken Editions XVIIIe s. 1071 - 1181 18de-eeuwse drukken Première vacation ~ Eerste sessie ~ First session 14 juin ~ 14 juni ~ 14 June Dessins et gravures anciens ~ Oude tekeningen en gravures 1 AMMAN, Jost - [Scenes of the life of Christ], 1585. Suite of 13 woodcut ill., from a book publ. Cologne, G. Calenium & Heirs J. Quentels, 1585, +/- 10,5 x 14 cm (German text around and on verso); engr. monogr. Stuck by upper corners under passe-partout. Brown., text pp. sometimes not complete or cut out and stuck together. € 100/150 (Part of ?) title p. with coat of arms of Rudolphus II and diff. scenes incl. some episodes of the Passion. 2 BARTSCH, Adam - Groupes d'animaux dessinés par Henri Roos gravés par A. Bartsch. Vienne, Bureau d'Arts et d'Industrie, [c. 1801], bradel demi-cuir chagriné brun XXe s. (dos lég. frotté), [7] pl. (lég. piq. & bruniss. marg.). Cfr. ill. € 400/600 Rare suite complète i.e. titre ill. et 6 pl. non num., +/- 24/25 x 31/31,5 cm (moyennes marges). Jolie suite animalière figurant des animaux domestiques (vaches, moutons, chèvres), d'après le peintre allemand Johann Heinrich Roos (1631-1685), influencé par les pastorales de Berchem. Cachet monogr. couronné sur le titre. Ex-libris Wolfgang Metzner. ~ Very rare impression on vellum ~ 3 BEHAM, Hans Sebald - Pacientia, 1540. Tool engr. printed on vellum, 10,5 x 7 cm (trimmed to the platemark); engr. name, title and date. Faint traces on verso. Very nice copy. Cfr. ill. € 500/600 Beautiful allegorical representation of "Patience" as a winged woman huging a lamb. Monogr. stamp Birmann & Söhne on verso (Lugt suppl. 414c). Ref. Bartsch VIII, 138. 4 [Bible scenes] - 9 engravings, s.d. Most with large margins. Stuck by upper corners or edge under passe-partout. Good general condition and impression. € 200/300 1-3 : Septennem antistes regem designat, after M. Van Heemskerck, 19 x 24,5 cm. Marg. dampstains & tears. - Muller, H.J. - Impia progeniem letho dat Athalia Regis, after M. Van Heemskerck, Visscher publ., 19 x 24 cm. - Protinus ungressus tunc est Sunamitidos edes, after M. De Vos, Visscher publ., 20,5 x 28 cm. All 3 pcs with ms. title in upper part and with separate Dutch explanatory ms. ff., each ill. with a nice col. orn. initial. 4-9, all after Maarten De Vos : De Bye, I. - Assumit Jesus Petrum et Iacobum..., Th. Galle publ., 18 x 22 cm. Ms. title in upper part. - Collaert, Johannes - Venit Iesus a Galilea in Iordanem, A. Collaert publ., 18 x 22 cm. - Barbe, J.B. - Ioseph consurgens accepit puerum, J. Galle publ., 18,2 x 22 cm. - Stans autem Zacheus dixit, Ph. Galle publ., 20 x 23 cm. A few marg. stains. - Cum venerit filius, Visscher publ., 21 x 24,5 cm. Remargined. - Sadeler, Raphael - Alma fides innixa, 20,5 x 14 cm. 5 [Bloemaert, Abraham, after] - 4 chiaroscuro engravings, s.d. Various margins. Stuck by upper corners or edge under passe-partout. € 150/200 [Virgin and child], after a drawing, Ploos van Amstel publ., 17 x 17 cm. Charming medallion picture surrounded by a garland of roses. Monogr. stamp Jan Pieters. Zoomer on recto (Lugt 1511) and mark C. Ploos van Amstel on verso (Lugt 2725). - [Bloemart, Frederik] - [Caritas], 19 x 15 cm. - [Woman with child], 20,5 x 17 cm. - [Three women], 19 x 15,5 cm, 3 pl. numb. 80, 95 & 137. 6 [Bloemaert, Abraham, after] - 4 engravings, s.d. Various margins. Stuck by upper corners or edge under passe-partout. € 150/200 Bloemaert, C. - In coelis assumpta sedet Christipara Virgo, C. Bloemaert publ., 18,3 x 11,5 cm. - De Passe, Cr. - Nunc dimitis servum tuum Domine, Cr. De Passe publ., 27,5 x 18,5 cm. Marg. tear repaired in right side. - Saenredam, J. - Horna fruge Cain, I. Houwenes publ., 27,7 x 20 cm. Remargined. - Swanevelt, H. - Iudas Iscarioth, Swanevelt publ., 27 x 17,5 cm. We join : Galle, Ph. - Sibylla Erythraea, after A. Blocklandt, 28 x 21 cm. - De Gheyn, J. - Milite captus ait (...) Manasses, after K. Van Mander, publ. M. Colyn, 20,5 x 14,5 cm. Monogr. stamp on verso. (6 pcs) 7 [Bloemaert, Abraham, after] - BLOEMAERT, Frederik - 46 etchings, 17th c. From 2 different suites, both publ. by Visscher (good margins). Bound in 1 vol., 8vo, 20,5 x 15,5 cm, contemp. vellum (stained), blind rules and central tool on covers, flat spine. Some marg. stains or traces of use, increasing marg. dampstain touching the last 6 pl., otherwise good copy.€ 300/500 1. The set of the beggars, 30 pl. + n. 30 in double, 12,5/13 x 8 cm; numb. 1-30. incl. engr. title "Nudus, inops, mutilus, vili revolutus arena (...) beata tibi". Complete set. 2. Set of 15 pl. from an unidentified suite, +/- 12,5 x 9,5 cm; engr. names on pl. 1, numb. 1-15. Pl. 1 pictures a young man wearing a hat, sitting on a rock, the other pl. represent various figures (pl. 4 : a woman fighting a snake, pl. 5 : an old man wearing a basket, etc.). Ref. Hollstein II, p. 87, 156-185 and ? 8 [Bloemart, Abraham, after] - BLOEMAERT, Frederik - The drawing-book of Abraham Bloemaert, s.d. Set of 97 etchings publ. by Visscher, most 18/20 x 14/16 cm (large margins). Kept in a modern box. Some mouldy traces, some stains, some marg. tears or defects, etc. € 2500/3000 Incomplete set of the 2nd ed. incl. numb. 1 (= "Première partie contenant les parties du visage et des têtes, Nicolaus Visscher excudit...", chiaroscuro pl., mouldy), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 49 (= "Seconde partie contenant des mains et des pieds..."), 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 69 (= "Troisieme partie, contenant des figures légèrement ombrées..."), 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79 (margins shorter), 82 (yellow stains), 85, 86, 90, 94 (+ duplicate in chiaroscuro), 95 (chiaroscuro pl.), 97, 98, 99, 100 (repaired central tear), 102 (yellow stains), 103, 108 (stained + duplicate in chiaroscuro), 109, 110, 111 (yellow stains), 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118 (yellow stains), 119 (= "Sixieme partie contenant des figures finies et quelques groupes..."), 121, 123, 124, 127 ("Winter"), 130, 133, 134, 137 (chiaroscuro pl., mouldy), 138, 139, 141, 142 (= "Septieme partie contenant des compositions ou sujets historiés"), 143, 145 (+ duplicate in chiaroscuro, mouldy), 146, 147 (margins dampst.), 148, 149, 153, 154 (yellow stains), 156, 157, 158, 159, 163, 165. The 1st ed. contained 120 pl., the 2nd and following 167. Ref. Cp. Hollstein II, p. 65, 94-213 & ibid, p. 86, 36-155 (both 120 pl.). 9 BOLSWERT, Schelte Adams - 22 engravings, s.d., +/- 12/13 x 9/9,5 cm (most large margins); engr. names and titles. Stuck by upper corners under passe-partout. Good general condition. € 150/200 Later (19th c.) impression of a set of pl. picturing saints : Agnes (3 different), Barbara, Catharina (3 diff.), Maria Magdalena (5 diff.), Dominicus, Franciscus Xaverius, Ignatius de Loyola, Jesus Dei filium (2 diff.), Ioannis, Joseph (2 diff.), Petrus poenitens & Rochus. 10 [Book devil] - Tytinillus, Germany, 17th c., engraving, c. 11,4 x 5,8 cm (sl.
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