Member of Audit Bureau of ClreulatioM Religion Is Most Effective Instrument for Peace Boulder Church Plans Drive to Pay Off Obligations Contenta Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Permission to Reprodace, Except on Articles Otherwue Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue All Must Aid Work Debt Cleared by St. Stephen's Of Church, Believes Parish in Glenweod Springs DENVER CATHaiC Fort Lupton Banker S t Stephen’s parish in Glen- liquidate the remainder within the a new rectory, father Kessler wood Springs cleared its remain­ coming year. ' was ordained in 1931 and served ing debt in the past year, and the The Rev. Clarence E. Kessler, as assistant at the Cathedral in Sacred Heart of JesUs parish in administrator of the Glenwood Denver until his transfer to Glen- Everyone Affected by World Gaiasirophe, He Boulder, having made a substan­ Springs parish, announced this wood Springs in 1935. tial reduction in its debt, plans to week that, with a final payment of REGISTER At a meeting held Monday eve­ Says, Backing Senlimenl by Surprise $2,200 made in December, the ning, Jan. 8, by the committee­ The Natfdnal Catholic Welfare Conference Newa Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We parish has expended a total of men of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service. Seven Smaller $36,000 in improvements and pay­ Gift Ic Calh^iic Priest Catholic Girl parish in Boulder, with the pastor, Set vices, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. ment of debt during the past three the Rev. Paul Fife, O.S.B., plans years. A new stone church was were made for a drive to liquidate Religion is the most effective instrument for peace and WAC Recruiter erected in the Western Slope par­ the entire remaining parish debt VOL. XL. No. 19. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 11, 1945. $1 PER YEAR should be supported by everyone. That is the belief voiced ish and dedicated April 15, 1943. during the coming year. A pay­ by S. J. (“Dusty” ) Rhode, president of the Fort Lupton The total cost of the church and ment of $9,000 during the .past furnishings was at that time re­ ^ J o A cto n'f CWioAiPY% rp Bishop, ihe Most Rev. Michael J. Ready of Columbus, bank. Proof that it is not empty sentiment lay in the un­ year reduced the debt to $16’,000. 1 UJ \ w /U C l* tC lsC C former NCWC general secretary, is being made in the picture For 2 States ported to be about $34,000, but This makes a total reduction in the expected gift of $200 s^nt to the Rev. Dr. Thomas A. Doran, it was worth $40,000 or more, the below by the Rev, Paul J. Glenn, Ph.D., S.T.D., professor of philosophy in St. Charles’ seminary, Colum debt during the past two and one- bus, and notary for the installation ceremonies. Seated next to Bishop Ready is the Rt. Rev, George administrator of St. William’s church. Fort Lupton, and in cost of construction having been half years of $19,000. gifts made to other religious works in the city. Part of If you should see a petite WAC kept at a minimum by the en­ Gressel, pastor of Holy Family Church, Columbus. The first reduction in the $35,- Mr. Rhode’s letter read: first lieutenant hurrying down thusiastic co-operation of parish­ ioners, who donated labor worth 000 debt was made through a “ Since the world is' facing its Arapahoe street early mornings or a great deal. A group of the men $6,000 legacy left the parish in severest crisis and in view of the about Denver late evenings, intent even gathered every week to the Shelton Brand estate in June, ruin and destruction in Europe, 3 Important and preoccupied, the chances are quarry stone for the chtfrch, and 1942, and during 1943 the debt all peoples on earth, regardless of it is Lt. Mildred Jacobucci, whose much painting, carpenter work, was reduced to $25,000 by a pay­ their location, are affected by this job is to recruit Colorado and and installation of the heating ment of $4,000. Thus $13,000 has catastrophe. All must do some­ Gifts Are Made plant were also donated. The beau­ been paid off since the Rev. Paul thing to restore peace. This is an tiful new stone structure replaced Fife, O.S’B., became pastor in obligation. Religion is the most ef­ a frame building that had served June, 1943. fective instrument for the future as a church in the parish for 67 Many improvements have also salvation of the world.” To St. Thomas’ years. been made in the parish plant Members of St. William’s par­ A drive in which more than since Father Paul Fife became ish plan to raise a substantial fund $2,400 was collected was con­ pastor. The church has been com­ for a new church. Father Doran St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, ducted in the month of December pletely redecorated, and the par­ hopes to begin work on the building has been the recipient of three im­ to make the final payment on the ish house has been painted and re­ this spring. portant gifts in recent weeks. An­ debt A sinking fund, now con- paired. The whole parish plant is Catnolics in St. N ichol^ par­ other stained-glass 'window is be­ 'taining $700, has been started for in good condition. ish, Platteville, of which ^Father Dor^n also is in charge, have con­ ing installed in the seminary chapel tributed $5,000 for the new church, through the generosity of Mrs. which is now under construc­ Jane McGuire of Chicago, III., who Home Front Prayers for tion. Part of the actual labor on is making the donation in memory the structure is being done by of her sister. Flora McKenzie, who men of the pprish. Donations of lived in the SL Rose Residence in money have reached the amazing Denver for many years. This do­ Soldiers, Chaplain’ s Plea total of $100 on an average for nation represents a gift of about each family. $1,000. Gradually the work of com­ pleting the scheme of the stained- A week’s mission for all the ents of all Catholic men making ^lass windows in the chapel is be­ Catholic men in the unit drew an the mission who asked him to do More Than 1,8G0,GGG ing executed. attendance of 4,020, it is reported so. He counsels the folks back by Chaplain John W. Scannell Altar Breads Sant Biology Study from a South Pacific district. Fa­ home not to worry but to continue Will Be Aided ther Scannell, formerly stationed prayers for perseverance in the Gut by 3 Gonvants — From a painting by Herndon Davit in Colorado Springs, described the splendid example given in the Another $1,000 gift, which will mission in a letter to Mrs. Robert regiment. Besides devotions for be used for a long-felt need in the Lt. Mildred Jacobucci More than 1,800,000 altar breads seminary, has been made by Mr. Meredith of Hugo, mother of Pfc. the soldier-son, he asks special were distributed during the year Melvin Schalk, who is in the prayers for one Catholic who has and Mrs. Wilfred G. Eyre, gener­ 'Wyoming women for the army’s 1944 by the three Denver con­ ous benefactors of the local insti­ various medical technician schools. priest’s regiment. given up the faith or growm lax vents that serve the parishes and in its practice. “ All I need is your tution, for the equipment in a new Catholic, of Italian descent, Statistics of the mission in­ religious houses of the surround­ biology laboratory. For a long time born and reared in Wheeling, W cluded 446 Confessions. 543 Com­ prayers,” he writes. “ I can’t ing territory, including some par­ eipphasize that too much.” the seminarians have pursued their Va., Lt. Jacobucci'has a record of munions, 18 Confirmations, seven ishes in Wyoming. More than - a biology course under the difficul­ “ Father Scannell, a captain, was devotion to duty that has brought to take instructions for Firat million and a half of these al^r ties of the lack of proper equip­ her high commendation from Irer Communion, and five to take in­ awarded the Silver Star for gal­ breads were small particles, indi ment, even some necessary equip­ military superiors since her enlist- structions in the faith. The chap' lantry in action on Guadalcanal eating that number of Communions ment. This situation will be reme­ (Tnm to Page S — Colum n S) lain promised to write to th^ par just two years ago, Jan. 12, 1943. received. The remainder were large died, but, o'wing to war-time short­ He has had numerous unusual ex­ altar breads used in the celebra ages, progress in the procuring of Ens. Read Was Server, Usher in Denver Church periences in the Pacific. For his Stock Show in Denver Prime Factor in tion of Mass and, after consecra­ scientific precision instruments has work with natives he gained the tion for Benediction. been slow. title of “ marrying padre.” At one The convents engaged in this Nine S'ervice Men From air base he obtained a fhapel for work and the number of altar Seminarians Do Catholic use and invented the title, Improving Quality of Western Cattle breads distributed by each is as “ Our Lady of the Skies,” to name follows: S t Rose Residence, 751,- Renovation Work it in honor‘of the Blessed Virgin.
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