Beadwork Index through February/March 2017 Issue abbreviations: D/J =December/January FM = February/March AM = April/May JJ = June/July AS=August/September ON=October/November This index covers Beadwork magazine, and special issues of Super Beadwork. To find an article, translate the issue/year/page abbreviations (for example, “Royal duchess cuff. D10/J11, 56-58” as Beadwork, December 2011/January 2012 issue, pages 56-58.) Website = www.interweave.com or beadingdaily.com Names: the index is being corrected over time to include first names instead of initials. These corrections will happen gradually as more records are corrected. Corrections often appear in later issues of Beadwork magazine, and the index indicates these. Many corrections, including the most up-to-date ones, are also found on the website. 15th Anniversary Beaded Bead Contest Bead five: dewdrop beaded bead. Beadwork: ON12, 24-26 Bead four: treasure trove beaded bead. Beadwork: AS12, 22-24 Bead one: seeing stars. Beadwork: FM12, 18-19 Bead three: stargazer beaded bead. Beadwork: JJ12, 20-22 Bead two: cluster beaded bead. Beadwork: AM12, 20-23 Beaded bead contest winners. Beadwork: FM13, 23-25 1800s-era jewelry Georgian jewels necklace. Beadwork: D14/J15, 80-81 1900s-era jewelry Bramble necklace. Beadwork: AS13, 24-27 Royal duchess cuff. Beadwork: D10/J11, 56-58 1920s-era jewelry Art Deco bracelet. Beadwork: D13/J14, 34-37 Modern flapper necklace. Beadwork: AS16, 70-72 1950s-era jewelry Aurelia necklace. Beadwork: D10/J11, 44-47 2-hole beads. See two-hole beads 21st century designs 21st century jewelry: the best of the 500 series. Beadwork: AM12, 18 3-D block motifs Cosmo cuff. Beadwork: AM13, 60-62 Tumbling blocks. Beadwork: JJ11, 62-63 3-D shaped beadwork Bead quilling. Beadwork: JJ16, 22-23 Shaped beadwork and beyond. Beadwork: AS14, 17 A abacuses A modern abacus. Beadwork: W99, 50-52 Abdu, B. Klew! Making a business with her art. Beadwork: JA00, 19-21 Abe, M. Rose garden brooch. Beadwork: D10/J11, 60-62 Abel, Sandie Butterfly pin. Beadwork: AM02, 52-54 Stained glass screen beading. Beadwork: JA00, 30-32 Abney, Marcie Arabic motifs cuff. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork AS11, Q+E 16-18 Beadwork's pattern play challenge. Beadwork: D09/J10, 104 Chelsea's gift necklace. Beadwork: D11/J12, 58-60 Color swirls. Beadwork: JJ10, 20-21 Moroccan charm. Beadwork: AM12, 52-53 Nesting bracelet. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork ON11, Q+E 10-12 Winter solstice. Beadwork: D10/J11, 18-20 accordion stitch Accordion stitch and asymmetrical beads. Beadwork: FM17, 11 Acker-Missall, Marcia The challenge. Beadwork: D10/J11, 10-12 Acland, H. A modern abacus. Beadwork: W99, 50-52 acorns Acorn bracelet. Beadwork: JJ07, 54-55 Golden oak. Beadwork: AS09, 38-41 Adams, C. D. Strawberry treats. Beadwork: JJ06, 78-79 Adams, Dan Dan Adams & Cynthia Toops. Beadwork: AM10, 96 Adularia, Alysse Mossy ruffle. Beadwork: AS05, 72-73 adventures Bead journeys. Beadwork: JJ05, 74-75 afghans Beaded doll afghan. Beadwork: ON01, 54-55 African beadwork Africa. Beadwork: FM01, 26-27 African odyssey. Beadwork: JJ05, 44-45 The beautiful Berber beads. Beadwork: ON02, 22-24 Global silver. Beadwork: JJ10, 6 An indigenous stitch. Beadwork: W98, 10-11 King Protea pin. Beadwork: AM03, 25 The language of beads. Beadwork: AM02, 32-35 Lavender lace bracelet. Beadwork: AM07, 74-76 Oldest known ornament found in S. Africa. Beadwork: AS04, 39 A South African Beadventure. Beadwork: AM03, 22-24 South-African double-faced stitches. Beadwork: Su98, 22-26 African helix stitch African helix. Beadwork: FM13, 14-15 African helix tube Omega connector. Beadwork: ON02, 25-27 Polygon plaid necklace. Beadwork: D02/J03, 42-43 African wedding beads African wedding beads. Beadwork: W99, 45 African-American art Gee's Bend bag. Beadwork: JJ05, 42-43 agate beads Agate slice pins. Beadwork: JJ02, 34-35 Agnew, M. Hubbell beads. Beadwork: JA00, 54 Shannon Mayfield: porcelain artist. Beadwork: SO00, 38-39 Aguilar, Linda Linda Aguilar, contrary bead weaver. Beadwork: JJ02, 46-49 Ahlstrom, H. Bead dreams. Beadwork: F96, 4-5 Aiko beads Aiko beads. Beadwork: FM05, 42-43 Aimone, Katherine Duncan The beaded home. Beadwork: FM02, 90 Airs, Jennifer Evening sky collar. Beadwork: AS10, 64-66 Ten of diamonds. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork JJ11, Q+E 10-11 Aksoy, Derya Cluster of riches. Beadwork: AS06, 26-27 Spring-into-summer necklace. Beadwork: JJ06, 64-65 Aladdin's lamps Beadwork VI: the beaded book. Beadwork: JJ09, 32-35 Albion stitch Albertine necklace. Beadwork: AS11, 46-50 Albuquerque Shuffle Triple Bypass stitch Ethics in beadland. Beadwork: ON07, 66-68 Alden, J. Contemporary American Indian beadwork: the exquisite art. Beadwork: JA00, 54 Alice in Wonderland Huib Petersen. Beadwork: D12/J13, 96 Alice necklace Huib Petersen. Beadwork: D12/J13, 96 aliens Bead an extraterrestrial. Beadwork: FM04, 92 Alkimova, Tatiana Bead star 2014 winners. Beadwork: ON14, 21-27 Allard, J. The bead tree necklace. Beadwork: SO00, 34-35 Cherry blossom necklace. Beadwork: AM06, 58-59 Flower garland necklace. Beadwork: FM02, 38-40 X marks the spot necklace. Beadwork: FM04, 36-37 Zigzag zenana. Beadwork: AM02, 24-26 Allen, W. L. Beadazzled: where beads & inspiration meet. Beadwork: D06/J07, 19 Allison, Kat Moon shapes. Beadwork: AM03, 50-53 Allison, Tamara The challenge. Beadwork: D15/J16, 12-13 Double helix. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork AS11, Q+E 44-46 altar hangings Sacred embellishment: a look at medieval German bead art. Beadwork: AS04, 54-56 Alyse, A. The challenge. Beadwork: JJ11, 12-13 Alyxander, T. Alyx Bromeliad ring. Beadwork: FM15, 68-71 Amazeen, Sandy Swirly twirly earrings. Beadwork: FM01, 16-17 amber beads Amber. Beadwork: Su98, 37 American Cancer Society Turtles of hope. Beadwork: AM08, 104 American Heart Association Charitable jewelry auction. Beadwork: FM09, 96 Amerman, Marcus Bead spectacular. Beadwork: FM10, 6 Marcus Amerman. Beadwork: MA00, 20-23 amethyst Royal amethyst collar. Beadwork: FM09, 60-61 Royal amethyst earrings. Beadwork: ON08, 80-81 ammonites Clockwork. Beadwork: ON11, 30-32 Amorose, C. Sparkling talent. Beadwork: AS10, 6 amphora motifs Parthenope earrings. Beadwork: FM13, 32-35 amulet bags Amulet bags. Beadwork: F96, 6-7 Amulet purse. Beadwork: Su98, 26 Beached amulet bag. Beadwork: AS01, 30-32 The beaded bag: Beadwork V. Beadwork: JJ07, 66-71 Blackberry amulet purse. Beadwork: JJ01, 47-49 Her majesty's amulet bag. Beadwork: ON05, 77-79 Hip-hop amulet bag. Beadwork: FM01, 46-48 Keepsake keepers: beaded containers for your special somethings. Beadwork: FM07, 32-39 A luminous darkness. Beadwork: W99, 28-30 Sparkle plenty cell-phone amulet bag. Beadwork: AS02, 34-37 Tapestry crochet amulet bag. Beadwork: AS02, 29-31 Telling with beads. Beadwork: F96, 48-49 Trio of amulet bags in peyote stitch. Beadwork: F97, 46-51 amulets Beaded blessings. Beadwork: AS01, 16-17 Bedouin amulet. Beadwork: ON12, 36-39 anchors Anchors aweigh. Beadwork: AM10, 26-30 Ancker, Svetlana Barely there necklace. Beadwork: AM05, 32-33 Gorgeous geometry. Beadwork: FM06, 50-51 Anderson, Christi Christi Anderson. Beadwork: FM08, 94-95 Anderson, D. Beaded toggle. Beadwork: FM01, 30-31 Eye of the beholder: a beaded kaleidoscope. Beadwork: ON01, 40-41 Fairy cascade. Beadwork: MA00, 50-52 Let's face it. Beadwork: JA00, 64 A luminous darkness. Beadwork: W99, 28-30 Pearl blossom bracelet. Beadwork: AM05, 28-29 Anderson, J. Beadworks: a new exhibition. Beadwork: F97, 7-9 Anderson, L. Join the Bead Soup party. Beadwork: JJ11, 8 Anderson, M. Artsy angles. Beadwork: FM08, 74-75 Shimmering tapestry. Beadwork: D07/J08, 72-73 Anderson-Swiderek, D. Birds of a feather lariat. Beadwork: ON04, 28-30 Filigree wrist corsage. Beadwork: FM05, 84-86 Andrews, Laura Capulets' treasure. Beadwork: ON14, 42-44 Carousel bracelet. Beadwork: JJ14, 28-31 Mountain laurel bracelet. Beadwork: D14/J15, 34-37 Painterly petals bracelet. Beadwork: AS14, 36-38 Skyscraper necklace. Beadwork: AM14, 30-32 Spiky dangles. Beadwork: FM14, 34-36 Androcles and the cat Betsy Youngquist. Beadwork: JJ11, 96 angel motifs The challenge. Beadwork: FM14, 12-13 Angel, N. Sparkly wheels. Beadwork: JJ10, 26-27 Angel, Nikia Easy crystal stitching. Beadwork: AM13, 20 Angeley, Kelly Beadwork VII Challenge: the beaded earth. Beadwork: AS11, 22-25 Explorations in beadweaving. Beadwork: AM14, 17 Happy-go-lucky cuff. Beadwork: AM10, 74-76 animals Hang on, Tabby! Beadwork: ON05, 32-35 Nothing is hard to a willing mind. Beadwork: D03/J04, 68-69 Silly critters. Beadwork: AM03, 62-63 Anstaett, Julie Beaded bead contest winners. Beadwork: FM13, 23-25 The challenge. Beadwork: ON11, 14-15 Crystal scepter earrings. Beadwork: ON13, 64-66 antique beads Confessions of a vintage bead & button collector. Beadwork: D06/J07, 50-53 antitarnish strips 14 jewelry and crafting tips and tricks. Beadwork: D16/J17, 24-25 Antonucci, Julie Gilded ribbon necklace. Beadwork: D11/J12, 74-76 Antos, Korry Tiger Henderson and Korry Antos. Beadwork: AS05, 85 Apache leaf stitch Turning an old leaf. Beadwork: D02/J03, 39-41 app reviews Kumihimo bead designer. Beadwork: FM16, 14 apples Red delicious. Beadwork: ON08, 15 appliqué stitch Appliqué stitch. Beadwork: AM02, 15 Beaded book cover in appliqué stitch. Beadwork: W98, 44-45 Beading the spirits: the Native American beadwork of Liz Bear. Beadwork: AS05, 64-66 Beadwork and the large project. Beadwork: ON04, 24-25 Shiloh Lillith: bead artist. Beadwork: AM02, 58-60 Tsotawe Billings. Beadwork: Su99, 48-50 Arabesque designs Arabic motifs cuff. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork AS11, Q+E 16-18 Arapaho beading Teri Greeves. Beadwork: ON12, 96 Arbor Terrace garden Cloudy with crystals. Beadwork: D12/J13, 93 arc motifs Twists and turns. Beadwork: JJ11, 76-78 archaeology Ancient beads traded between Northern Europe and Egypt. Beadwork: AS16, 9 Bead bounty. Beadwork: ON09, 96 Bead like an Egyptian. Beadwork: D13/J14, 87 Beading antiquity. Beadwork: ON08, 24-25 Oldest known ornament found in S. Africa. Beadwork: AS04, 39 architecture.
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