Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 2/21 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 16.-31. Januar Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Netanyahu auf Stimmenfang bei der arabischen Minderheit ...................................................................................... 1 2. Wachsender Unmut gegen Israels Ultraorthodoxe ...................................................................................................... 3 3. Maulkorb für Menschenrechtsaktivisten ....................................................................................................................... 6 4. Medienquerschnitt ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 1. Netanyahu auf Stimmenfang bei der will vote for him after the incitement campaigns he arabischen Minderheit has led against them? (…) But all the people criticiz- Ausgerechnet bei den arabischen Landsleuten geht ing Netanyahu are missing the point. All the feelings Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu auf that his actions provoke in them are part of his politi- Stimmenfang für die im März anstehende Parla- cal magic. Remember that magic is intended mainly mentswahl. Kaum eine Gelegenheit ließ der streitba- for entertainment. The surprise, confusion, revul- re Likud-Chef im Verlauf seiner langjährigen Regie- sion, shock and anger – the feeling that you want to rungszeit aus, um gegen die Minderheit im Land tear your hair out in frustration because he’s once Stimmung zu machen. Die neue Kampagne signali- again pulling one over on us – are all part of the siert Verzweiflung beim Ministerpräsidenten, der pleasure Netanyahu offers his audience. (…) The sich innerhalb von nur zwei Jahren nun zum vierten truth is, it doesn’t make any difference what his Mal zur Wiederwahl stellen muss. Die Vereinte motive is. (…) if the wall of the delegitimizing of Arab Liste, Bündnis dreier arabischer und einer arabisch- votes is cracked, that would be enough. If, following jüdischen Partei, ist auch über die Frage, ob der Netanyahu, other parties begin wooing Arabs and Likud Partner für die arabischen Politiker_innen sein reserving spots for them on their tickets (see Mer- kann, heftig zerstritten. Bei den letzten Wahlen etz), that would be enough. If this results in new erreichte die Vereinte Liste mit 15 der insgesamt alliances, commitments to more funding, improved 120 Knesset-Mandate ihre bisherige Höchstleitung. infrastructure, investment in education, support for a Sollte sich das Bündnis auflösen, drohen die einzel- plan to end violence, improved status for the Arabic nen Parteien an der Sperrklausel zu scheitern. Auch language, or a battle to repeal the nation-state law in Israels links-liberalem Lager könnten Alleingänge and progress toward equality, that would be enough. das zumindest vorläufige Aus einzelner Parteien (…) sein, darunter auch Israels legendäre Arbeitspartei. Carolina Landsmann, HAA, 17.01.21 Netanyahu’s wooing of Arab voters unwittingly The increasingly divided Joint Arab List sets an important precedent Although the Joint Arab List is still operating as a It’s hard to believe that anyone takes anything Ben- united faction in the Knesset, it seems a bitter war is jamin Netanyahu says or does at face value. And raging between two of its members: the Hadash regarding his change of attitude toward the Arab party and the Ra'am party representing the Islamic community, it’s clear to everyone that he’s not acting Movement's Southern Branch. (…) Every political in good faith. (…) What does he think – that Arabs party wants to embarrass its rivals. Hadash mem- 1 bers have attacked the Islamic Movement and its needs to be full of substance with candidates ad- representative MK Mansour Abbas for negotiating dressing these issues and laying out their plans and with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the vision of Israel. “Anyone but Bibi” just doesn’t cut it Likud in recent months. Indeed, Abbas and his party anymore, not after three elections that have pushed are paying a high price for the move. On the other the country to the brink of disaster. Let us know what hand, members of the Islamic Movement's Southern you stand for and how you’re going to make Israel a Front are reminding voters how Hadash's repre- better country for its citizens. Then, maybe, a strong, sentatives voted in support of a law banning gay working coalition might begin to emerge. conversion therapy, accusing them of excessive Editorial, JPO, 28.01.21 support for the LGBT community, a phenomenon deemed unacceptable among more conservative Three reasons Yair Lapid will lead Israel's cen- members of Arab Israeli society. (…) The disconnect ter-left between the Islamic lawmakers and the rest of their (…) in this election round, Lapid will head the bloc. Joint Arab List colleagues is also getting worse by Yesh Atid is riding high in the polls, slowly approach- the day. (…) Nevertheless, the Arab parties will need ing the 19 seats with which it burst on the scene in to work a lot harder than they have in the past to 2013. The departure of Ofer Shelah didn’t fluster earn the Arab vote when they are busy quarreling Yesh Atid supporters, who have a hard time identify- among themselves. They will also need to explain ing the candidates beyond the party’s founder and why Arab voters should not believe the campaign sole ruler. Lapid deserves to lead the bloc because promises of the Right, and the Likud and Prime of three correct decisions he made. The first was his Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in particular, as it tries vote against the nation-state law. It’s true that he to earn the Arab sector's trust and its vote for the never reached out to Arab voters, and he’ll never first time in decades. live down his derogatory "Zoabis" comment about Jalal Bala, IHY, 20.01.21 Arab lawmakers. But at the moment of truth, when Israel had to decide if it was an egalitarian state with Israel Elections: 'Anyone but Bibi' not enough equality between all its citizens or a state of Jewish anymore supremacy, Lapid’s finger pressed the right button. (…) Most of the parties and politicians running for His second right decision was to agree to be number election are either hyper-focused on the corona- two on the Kahol Lavan slate, under Benny Gantz – virus, how to contain the virus while getting the not because he thought Gantz was more suitable to country’s economy back on its feet, or on doing lead the party, but to set aside ego and honorifics for anything possible to ensure that Netanyahu isn’t the goal of winning more Knesset seats. Then came able to head another government. However, the the moment of truth, when Gantz betrayed his voters pandemic will one day be over, and Israel, as well as and stole their votes to join Benjamin Netanyahu’s the rest of the world, will manage to get back on its governing coalition. Lapid remained outside the feet, with perhaps some temporary or permanent government. This was his most worthy decision, one variations from the life to which we have grown that made him the bloc’s leader. (…) Lapid (…) did accustomed. The issues that we considered “life or show impressive political skills by maintaining his death” matters before anyone ever heard of COVID- party’s base and clearly expressing his revulsion for 19 are still very much out there, but nobody seems corruption and corrupt politicians. Because of his to be talking about them. (…) Israeli politicians, as skills, the party didn’t collapse like other centrist well as most of the populace, have forgotten that parties. (…) his resolute stance against Netanyahu there’s still an ongoing dispute with the Palestinians. gives new hope to his voters. If he bolsters his di- (…) Domestically, young Israelis, irrespective of plomacy wing with Tzipi Livni, the two will present a corona-inspired unemployment, have been leaving team that could work well with the Biden administra- the country in search of a life where they can earn a tion. (…) decent wage and buy an apartment that is actually Aluf Benn, HAA, 28.01.21 affordable. Another issue driving away secular Israe- lis is that Israel still does not have a civil marriage Not just Ron Huldai: More Israeli political up- option. (…) The to-do list goes on and on. It’s time starts will fade for our MKs to focus on the issues that Israelis cope (…) Ron Huldai launched his new party with a de- with on a day-to-day basis. (…) The upcoming cam- cent acquisition – Avi Nissenkorn, the justice minis- paign season leading up to the March elections ter who separated himself from Kahol Lavan’s fail- 2 ures and remained popular due to his reasonably begonnen haben. Als Besatzungsmacht trage Israel tough approach to Benjamin Netanyahu. The polls die Verantwortung, so urteilte u.a. Amnesty Interna- gave the party eight or nine Knesset seats. (…) tional. Huldai apparently didn’t imagine that within a month the question would be whether he’d be willing to be Israel has no obligation to give the Palestinians the No. 2 of new Labor Party chief Merav Michaeli. vaccines Michaeli is now the hottest name on the center-left As was to be expected (…) the favorable interna- stock exchange, though it’s a bit heartbreaking that tional attention being devoted to Israel’s successes “a hot name” in Labor means winning just enough in acquiring vaccines and in vaccinating its popula- votes for the party to make it into the Knesset. Mich- tion against COVID-19 is being offset by a parallel aeli kept her oppositional spirit while her party co- and concerted wave of international criticism and horts Amir Peretz and Itzik Shmuli entered the cabi- hostility against Israel among states, organizations net. When she was elected Labor leader she de- and the international media. This criticism emanates manded that they leave the government and made from a number of flawed and misplaced assump- Peretz quit the party. Putting a feminist at the helm tions, or deliberately misleading claims, that Israel is infuses the party with a sense of new life.
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