Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie – Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology – Andrologie • Embryologie & Biologie • Endokrinologie • Ethik & Recht • Genetik Gynäkologie • Kontrazeption • Psychosomatik • Reproduktionsmedizin • Urologie Andrology 2020 12th International/11th European/ 32nd German Congress of Andrology 5–9 December 2020 DIGITAL Abstracts J. Reproduktionsmed. Endokrinol 2020; 17 (Supplementum 1), 5-85 www.kup.at/repromedizin Online-Datenbank mit Autoren- und Stichwortsuche Offizielles Organ: AGRBM, BRZ, DVR, DGA, DGGEF, DGRM, D·I·R, EFA, OEGRM, SRBM/DGE Indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica/Scopus Krause & Pachernegg GmbH, Verlag für Medizin und Wirtschaft, A-3003 Gablitz FERRING-Symposium digitaler DVR 2021 Mission possible – personalisierte Medizin in der Reproduktionsmedizin Was kann die personalisierte Kinderwunschbehandlung in der Praxis leisten? Freuen Sie sich auf eine spannende Diskussion auf Basis aktueller Studiendaten. SAVE THE DATE 02.10.2021 Programm 12.30 – 13.20Uhr Chair: Prof. Dr. med. univ. Georg Griesinger, M.Sc. 12:30 Begrüßung Prof. Dr. med. univ. Georg Griesinger, M.Sc. & Dr. Thomas Leiers 12:35 Sind Sie bereit für die nächste Generation rFSH? Im Gespräch Prof. Dr. med. univ. Georg Griesinger, Dr. med. David S. Sauer, Dr. med. Annette Bachmann 13:05 Die smarte Erfolgsformel: Value Based Healthcare Bianca Koens 13:15 Verleihung Frederik Paulsen Preis 2021 Wir freuen uns auf Sie! For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of Krause & Pachernegg GmbH. Andrology 2020 12th International/11th European/ 32nd German Congress of Andrology 5–9 December 2020 DIGITAL Abstracts* DGA-Abstracts Vorträge geladener Redner Saturday, 5 December 2020 check-list has to be answered to fulfill the cri- Some andrological diseases can be treated teria for payment. There are still some major causally such as hypogonadotropic hypo- 10:00–10:45 h deficits in the present regulations, e.g. how gonadism, hyperprolactinemia, infections or to deal with the prepubertal boys with only ejaculatory disorders. Kryokonservierung von Sper­ experimental treatment options available: in It seems to be logical, to treat male immuno- mien – Relevantes und Neues prepubertal boys, immature testicular tissue SEINE TESTOSTERON- logical infertility with glucocorticosteroids; samples offer the chance for cryopreservation however, doubtless proof of evidence is still Cryopreservation of germ cells of spermatogonial stem cells. The later use missing. in German law and guidelines – of these cells may include methods such as THERAPIE SOLLTE the right to preserve fertility? grafting or in-vitro maturation of spermato- In some cases the cause of male infertility is known (non-obstructive azoospermia due to S. Kliesch zoa. Therefore, several networking European AZF gene deletions) without causal therapy Center of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology Centers offer this kind of fertility preserva- GENAU SO SEIN WIE ER: available. (CeRA), Department of Clinical and Surgical Androlo- tion to boys by now. In Germany the network Androprotect cares for the boy, while the gy, WHO collaboration center for research in male A significant percentage of male infertility girls get help by the network FertiProtekt. reproduction, Training Center of the European Aca- is still considered idiopathic and a variety demy of Andrology (EAA), University Clinic Münster Although further discussion of unresolved of empiric therapies has been used in these INDIVIDUELL (UKM), Germany questions is needed, the present regulatory cases, even if active principle and effective- guideline offers an important progress and ness are not proven. Fertility preservation in males and females advantage for patients suffering from an ill- facing a potentially gonadotoxic treatment ness which by itself or by the necessary treat- Antiestrogens such as tamoxifen an clomifen is highly relevant with a high impact on pa- ment will threat their reproductive capacity. have an exceptional position in andrological tients´ quality of life. In adolescence after therapy. Although treatment of infertile males spermarche and adults in their reproductive is an off lable use, their pharmacological ef- age, fertility preservation should be routinely 16:00–16:30 h fects are known (inhibition of hypothalamic performed by cryopreservation of ejaculated Therapie der Infertilität – End­ and pituitary estrogen receptors and stimula- or testicular sperm (after surgical sperm ex- punkt Schwangerschaft tion of testosterone production and spermato- traction, TESE, in case of azoospermia or genesis by increase of LH and FSH). anejaculation). In Germany, the costs of these Medikamentöse Therapieoptionen Apart from drugs or factors related to life- procedures have to be paid by the patients und „life style“ Veränderungen – style such as alcohol and tobacco smoke, var- themselves. However, in May 2019 a new Wie kann man den Patienten be­ ious environmental and occupational agents, law was set up and cryopreservation will be raten? both chemical and physical, may impair male covered by the health insurances from now reproductive functions. Reproductive toxici- on. The detailed regulations for refunding of F.-M. Köhn ty may evolve at the hypothalamic-pituitary, 1 fertility preservation measures are nearly set Andrologicum Munich, Germany testicular, or post-testicular level; endpoints • Individuell dosierbar up by now, but still under discussion. In its Andrological therapy should improve male comprise deterioration of spermatogenesis essentials, all patients with diseases and treat- 1 fertility and – if necessary – ability for sexual and sperm function as well as endocrine dis- ments leading to the loss of gonads or to a • Geringe Gelmenge intercourse. orders and sexual dysfunction. With regard to potential failure of gonadal function will have the complex regulation of the male reproduc- access to the refunding of fertility preserva- The first intention is pregnancy achieved by 1 tive system, the available information con- tion by their health insurances. This is not natural way; however, optimization of semen • Einfache Anwendung cerning single exogenous factors and their restricted to oncological diseases only. How- quality may also be worthwhile in order to mechanisms of action in humans is limited. ever, prior to cryopreservation a consultation perform less invasive assisted reproductive This is also due to the fact, that extrapolation by the specialized doctor treating the disease technologies (intrauterine insemination in- Referenzen: stead of in vitro fertilization). of results obtained from experimental animal ® and an expert in the reproductive field (for 1. Aktuelle Fachinformation Testogel Dosiergel 16,2 mg/g Gel, Stand: Januar 2020. or in-vitro studies remains difficult. females a gynecologist trained in reproduc- Basis of the andrological workup is the cor- tive medicine and for males a doctor trained rect diagnosis and the estimation of the suc- Considering these aspects history-taking is an DR. KADE / BESINS Pharma GmbH, Berlin. Testogel® Dosiergel 16,2 mg/g Gel Wirkstoff : Testosteron. Verschreibungspfl ichtig. Zus.: 1 g Gel enthält 16,2 mg Testosteron. Eine Betätigung der Dosierpumpe in andrology) is mandatory and a kind of cess of therpeutical strategies. important basis of andrological diagnosis. liefert 1,25 g Gel, das 20,25 mg Testosteron enthält. Sonst. Bestandt.: Carbomer 980, Isopropylmyristat (Ph. Eur.), Ethanol 96 %, Natriumhydroxid, gereinigtes Wasser. Anw.: Testosteronersatztherapie bei männlichem Hypogonadismus, wenn der Testosteronmangel klinisch und labormedizinisch bestätigt wurde. Gegenanz.: Prostata- od. Brustkarzinom bzw. Verdacht auf diese Erkrankungen; Überempfi nd- lichkeit gg. den Wirkstoff od. einen der sonst. Bestandteile. Nebenw.: Emotionale Symptome (Stimmungsschwank., aff ektive Störung, Wut, Aggression, Ungeduld, Schlafl osigkeit, abnorme Träume, gestei- gerte Libido), Hautreaktionen (Akne, Alopezie, trockene Haut, Hautläsionen, Kontaktdermatitis, veränderte Haarfarbe, Hautausschlag, Überempfi ndlichkeit an der Applikationsstelle, Juckreiz an der Appli- kationsstelle), erhöhte PSA-, Hämatokrit-, Hämoglobin-Werte, maligne Hypertonie, Hitzewallungen, Venenentzünd., Durchfall, Blähungen, Schmerzen im Mund, Gynäkomastie, Brustwarzenbeschwerden, Hodenschmerzen, häufi gere Erektionen, eindrückbares Ödem. Weitere Nebenwirkungen aus Spontanbe- *Begutachtet und zusammengestellt vom wissenschaftlichen Komitee. Ein Verzeichnis der präsentierenden Autoren finden Sie auf Seite 86 f, alphabetisch richten mit Testogel bzw. von anderen testosteronhalt. Produkten gemeldete Nebenwirkungen: Polyzythämie, Anämie, Depression, Angst, Kopfschmerzen, geordnet nach Erstautoren. Mit Genehmigung von Wiley Doppelpublikation der Abstracts in „Andrology“ und „JRE“ Schwindel, Parästhesien, Vasodilatation (Hitzewallungen), tiefe Venenthrombose, Dyspnoe, Übelkeit, Schwitzen, Hypertrichose, Schmerzen des Bewe- gungsapparates, Probleme beim Wasserlassen, Hodenerkrankungen, Prostatavergrößerung, Oligospermie, benigne Prostatahyperplasie, Asthenie, Ödeme, Unwohlsein, Gewichtszunahme. Warnhinw.: Enthält Ethanol. Packungsbeilage beachten. Weit. Hinw. s. Fach- u. Gebrauchsinfo. Stand: 01/2020 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2020; 17 (Supplementum 1) 5 TED 061 Rocker_210x297mm_3mm.indd 1 25.11.20 10:58 Andrology 2020 – Abstracts 16:30–17:00 h Sunday, 6 December 2020 tion (micro-TESE-ICSI) treatment that used Therapie der Infertilität – End­ fresh or cryopreserved sperm in patients
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