For The Bulletin Of In another example of hyperbole, Jesus October 6, 2019 responds by saying that if their faith was the size of a mustard seed (about the size of a sesame seed) they would be able to move trees. Now, nobody, not even Jesus moved trees. Significantly, there are other gospels where the claim is that they could with faith the size of a mustard seed move mountains! But apparently Luke thought that was hyperbole taken too far. For in this gospel the extent of faith is moving only trees. Mountains are not mentioned. Nevertheless, the point is simply that they have little faith, not even the size of a mustard seed. Jesus continues His lesson with a demonstration of the proper attitude of a servant who does what he is told expecting nothing, not even gratitude, in return. That attitude, striking for us today, is proper for discipleship. THE 27TH SUNDAY IN AUTUMN’S So, the disciples’ query about increasing ORDINARY TIME their faith brings a mild rebuke from Jesus, stating that their faith is smaller than the size of a mustard seed. Even so, they should From Father Robert simply carry out their mission without Philosophers and thinkers debate the expecting even a thank you. meaning of justice and charity: Justice is often considered the doing or giving what is This “tough love” approach to discipleship owed to another, for example, money, labor, may seem at odds with the Jesus that has or some other arrangement. On the other been portrayed in much of the gospel. It’s hand, charity is the gift one gives expecting as though He is sure to put the disciples in nothing in return. A philosophical parlor their place so they turn their attention away game centers around the definition of from their own wants, desires, and requests, charity. Can an act be considered charity if and on to carrying out the mission of Jesus. the doer expects a thank you? Or, does the This is the true call of discipleship, to serve expectation of an expression of gratitude the master rather than oneself. And upon annul the act of charity, which is given offering and competing that service, to have expecting nothing in return? no expectations at all, not even a thank you. The disciples have a simple request of Jesus This is a tall order. How many of us, upon today: “Increase our faith.” How many of performing an act of kindness, no matter us have made the same request? But what how small, appreciate a word of gratitude. did the disciples mean by it? And what In fact, many of us likely expect that. But would we mean by it? Further, what is the the story we have today presents a different point of the request? standard. It would be good for us to 1 re-evaluate our role in this relationship. We are mere servants, carrying out the wishes of In Psalm 95, we are given the image of our the Lord. When complete, we are happy relationship with God as that of a shepherd simply to have done His bidding. and sheep. Sheep recognize and follow their shepherd by listening to his or her voice. How do you cultivate deep listening to the voice of the Good Shepherd? St. Paul urges Timothy, “Stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. What are the spiritual practices that help you to keep the flame of faith alive? Living The Paschal Mystery The disciples implore Jesus, “Increase our Today’s gospel reminds us of the place faith!” If faith is “the realization of what is disciples have before the Lord. Jesus uses hoped for and evidence of things not seen,” an image from the ancient world about what is it that you are hoping for? What servants and a master. Such an image can unseen realities are you convinced of being be problematic today, but it reflects the true? worldview of antiquity. We, as disciples, are advised to do what we are told, follow directions, and carry out what we are obliged to do. Such an image does not leave much room for self-agency, or self- determination, other than to align oneself with the Lord. And this is why the image has some challenges as we bring it to the modern world. And yet, doing the will of the Father is precisely the role of the disciple, the follower. Our task is to discern that will in our world and to carry it out, The Floral Arrangement beneath the expecting nothing in return. We die to our Crucifix today is placed to the Glory of God own wants, needs, and desires, noble as they and In Loving Memory of Georgene might be, such as an increase in faith. Duarte from her mother, Betty, brother, Instead, we follow the direction for us, using Gary, and nephew, Andrew. our gifts, talents, and abilities in such a way that there is not even the expectation of a thank you. The prophet Habakkuk, living in a time of violence and injustice, cries out to God, “How long, O Lord? I cry for help but you do not listen!” In the world today, what are the dire situations that cause you to cry out to God? 2 Sunday of the month, Commitment Weekend, everyone will be invited to come out of the pews in a great procession to the Altar where there will be two baskets: one for your Sunday Tithe/Offering, and one for your personal Commitment Form, indicating your intention to “connect, grow, and serve” or how you will give back to God a portion of your time, your talent, and your financial resources in order to help us build the Kingdom of God here at St. Ignatius of Antioch. Please watch your mail to receive a personal letter from me that will include this year’s Commitment Form. Prayerfully reflect upon it and then complete it in time to participate in Commitment Weekend at Blessing of Animals Today each liturgy on Saturday, October 26th and Come and join your fellow parishioners as Sunday, October 27th. we gather this afternoon in the church at 4:00 p.m. for a simple service in the Spirit of St. Francis of Assisi and then move to the Gathering Plaza for treats. Please be sure to leash or cage your pets where appropriate. Our Director of Music-Organist-Artist-in Residence, Don Pearson, has created a beautiful service and program for this annual observance. All Ministers of Pastoral Care are invited to a gathering on Monday evening, October 28th, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Ministers of Pastoral Care are those who go regularly to our local hospitals, convalescent hospitals, assisted living facilities, care homes, and the home- bound to bring Holy Communion, to pray with our sisters and brothers, bring them the bulletin, and provide spiritual and pastoral care for those who are ill or infirm. In Each year we dedicate the Sundays of addition to Deacon Gary, who coordinates October to a consideration of our Christian Pastoral Care, the Chaplains from both Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure, Sutter-Delta and Kaiser Deer Valley or, “Connecting, Growing, and Serving.” hospitals will be present, along with myself. Beginning today and continuing through the The evening will provide an update on next three weeks, parishioners in various protocols, good practices, a time for ministries will be sharing their experience of questions, and concluding with fellowship. “Connecting, Growing, and Serving” within You will be receiving a Letter of Invitation our faith community. Then, on the last 3 from Deacon Gary and you are asked to …to our counting teams who are here RSVP in order to facilitate our planning. every week to count the weekly collections. …to our volunteers who assisted in the parish office last week: Frances Rojek, Mel Costanza, Maryann Peddicord, Estrella Rusk, Alicia Perez, Bev Iacona, Joe Fanfa and Paul Riofski. …to our St. Vincent de Paul volunteer who transported last week’s donations: Frank Zamora. …to our faithful weekly bulletin assembly team: Beth Enea, Richard Enea, Kathy Augusta, Vince Augusta, and Sherry On behalf of all of us, thank you to the Webb. following who do so much each week to …to our wonderful Parking Lot Security help us with the various needs of the parish: who keeps watch over our vehicles during those who arrive early each Saturday the weekend Liturgies: Don Benson, Steve morning to clean and prepare the church and Rojek and Jose Perez. parish hall for the weekend: Alfred Madoshi, Adaugo Nnaji, Jun Bajet, Carole Miller, Mency Osborne, Jean Rogers, Al Cosce, Angela Bueno, and Rose Salamanca. …to the wonderful team of volunteers who came this last Wednesday to help with our recent mailer, a big thank you: Bernice Campbell, Clem Bushman, Rowena Cayaban, Claudia Gumina, Bobbie Ocang, Vangie Parrilla, Anne Peck, Nancy Newton, Patricia Britton, Lori Last Saturday, the YMI of East Contra Costa Tapia, Jane Enos, Lorraine Lohmeier and County held their Annual Woman of the Lupe Castillo. Year Event. We gathered in the Cafeteria of …those who clean and maintain the our adopted parochial school of St. Peter bathrooms in both the church and parish Martyr in Pittsburg for a lovely luncheon hall: Steve Rojek, Mary Ewing, Patricia and then the program in which the Woman Britton, and Fr. Robert. of the Year Recognition was given. This ...to Dilcia Aparicio who does such an year’s recipient is from our parish! She has excellent job of washing, ironing, and caring raised thousands of dollars for Cancer for the Sacred Linens.
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