The Lightning Bolt “Bringing the Thunder to Chancellor since 1988” Chancellor High School 6300 Harrision Road, Fredericksburg VA 22407 Volume 28 January Issue 4 2016 1 January 2016 The golden ticket chancellor winners mixing it up On the last week of school Chancellor’s annual in the year 2015, The Mix-It-Up Week was Lightning Bolt held a week another great success. of giveaways for anyone Students gathered in the who found The Golden foyer by the cafeteria to Ticket. The winners were celebrate each others Jordan Martens (top differences and having fun right), Khang Nguyen (left while doing so. Mr. middle), Jamie Ericson Clifford runs Mix-It-Up (right middle), John Dover Week along with some (left bottom), and Arianna student volunteers. Parker (right bottom) January 2016 2 News in the school year! pushing it off until I know I Editorial Along with the excitement for have barely enough time to Follow us on the new year though, often there complete it. Being in the middle is a slump for the students. And of the school year, this is not a instagram there is one word that we are good habit to have. So take your Mrs. Gattie dreading coming into January- biggest vice and turn it around Adviser @CHHS_TLB_ midterms. Not only are we not at this year, make it a priority. By Jordan Pearson all excited about them, but our If you want to see what's go- Editor-in-Chief brains haven't fully returned ing on around the school, keep Jordan Pearson Finally, after 12 long months, to school mode since break. We reading this issue of The Light- Editor-in-Chief 2016 is here, and as long as want sleep, food, and fun. Mid- ning Bolt. There are many excit- we can remember to write the terms… well that's not exactly ing things we have to feature in correct year on our papers, all on many students’ list of favor- this issue including upcoming Kaitlyn o’gorman should be well and good this ite things. movies in the News section, vis- Senior News Editor year. I can speak from my per- Whether you are a fan of New it Sports for the Winter Updates, spective and say with great Year's resolutions or not, it's al- the return of Digging Deep in ashley ragonese ways a good idea to improve on the Op-ed section, and Chastain confidence that the seniors are Junior News Editor elated about the new year, grad- something, anything. I know Chronicles in Features. Let's uation year! As for everyone personally that I need to work start this New Year strong! En- else, just remember that this on not procrastinating. I tend joy reading! matthew sanders month marks our halfway point to do everything last minute, Senior Sports Editor Contents emma haus News Junior Sports Editor February Movie Lineup .............................................................................. pg 5 josef jazvic Sports Senior Features Editor Winter Sports Updates ............................................................................... pg 6 Raelyn slaughter Op-Ed Junior Features Editor Digging Deep ................................................................................................. pg 10 Features Rachel thompson Senior Op-Ed Editor Chastain Chronicles CYOA ...................................................................... pg 15 Myah hidalgo Junior Op-Ed Editor laura sullivan on the cover Social Media Find Rodney The students have Rodney is hidden somewhere in this newspaper! If you spoken! B101.5 held The Journalism students at Chancellor High School publish The Light- find him, circle him, then cut out that page and this slip ning Bolt, the only official newspaper on campus. The purpose of the newspaper is to factually inform and entertain its readers. As an estab- it’s very well known lished open forum for the student body, truth will be the staff’s major with your information on it. Lastly, turn the sheet in to the goal. It is the responsibility of each staffer to adhere to the journalism code of ethics as set by the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma “Bolt Box” in the library to be entered to Teacher of the Month Delta Chi. The code states that a journalist can not accept gifts, favors or privileges that could compromise their integrity. All material published will be the result of brainstorm sessions by the staff. Subjects stimulat- win an awesome prize! award, and ing to the majority of the student body will be used. The editorial board, which is comprised of all newspaper staff members will determine the priority of the stories and the overall design of publication. The advi- Chancellor students sor serves to give students a better understanding of the functions and ethics of a free press. The advisor does not serve as a censure. Student Name:___________________________ editors will decide the material to be published. In accordance with com- munity standards, profanity will not appear in the publication. Students voted Mr. Armentrout, are free to express an opinion on matters of public interests under the, “fair comment rule.” Under this rule, the student has the right to intel- ligently criticize the school and its policies. Editorials reflect the opinion the drama teacher, as of The Lightning Bolt. Opinion stories reflect the opinion of the writer A4 Class: ________________________ and do not represent the opinion of the faculty and administration of Chancellor High School. Controversial issues will be covered from both the favorite! This points of view. School news, as well as local, national and international events will also be covered. Letters to the editor are welcomed. All let- ters must be signed and be between 200- 300 words long. They may be Grade:_________ picture was taken by submitted to A113 or by e-mailing [email protected]. The Lightning Bolt retains the right to edit letters to comply with journalistic standards. Anonymous letters will not be published. This is your school, Mr. Gebhardt. help improve it through your opinions, praises, and constructive criti- cisms. If voiced aloud and in large enough numbers, we can bring about change. Our ultimate goal is to print the truth and with your help we Bolt Design by Natalie Wilson Natalie by Bolt Design can reach this goal. News 3 January 2016 news section The Week Of Festivity By Alex Keisling were Candy Cane day on Mon- Staff Reporter day, Tasteful Flannel Tues- December 14-18, the week be- day, Wacky Holiday Sweater fore Christmas break was a big Wednesday, Holiday Character week at Chancellor for both the Thursday, and Holiday PJ’s Fri- students and the staff. Not only day. is it the last school week before Even though the parade was break, but it’s also one of the limited to only the first floor, spirit weeks for Chancellor, and there were a lot of different on Friday the Christmas parade little events from many differ- was held throughout the school. ent clubs. The Band marched “For the holidays I think you through the halls playing Christ- should focus on your family and mas songs, while also lead- the community, but also focus ing the athletes carrying their on any schoolwork you may sports banners. Other big events need to do,” stated Mrs. Cooper. were the Red Box performing, The spirit days and the parade the Jazz Band performing some were both run by Cooper, spon- Christmas songs, and clubs such sor of the SCA. as the French Club giving out Photo by Newspaper Staff The spirit days are different candy and other foods. Jayln Relvas and Alexa Rivas who participated in the spirit week pose for each year, and this year they a picture. Celebrity Spotlight By Ashley Ragonese Junior News Section Editors However, not only is he multi- mith. end of the tunnel.” Steven Tyler is an American talented, Tyler has a warm heart The fund will be used to not Hopefully the charity will singer-songwriter who also is for helping those in need. Ty- only raise money to aid the achieve its goal of giving hope a multi-instrumentalist. He is ler just launched his new char- trauma that childhood abuse to girls who have experienced most commonly recognized ity which will be called Janie’s and neglect can cause, but it abuse or are experiencing abuse from being the lead singer of the Fund. will raise awareness, and as Ty- while raising money to help aid rock band Aerosmith and from Janie’s Fund will be used to ler stated in People Magazine, in the trauma that could have judging the popular musical help neglected and abused girls. “… we CAN let these girls know been introduced to girls through competition show “American Tyler announced this news on they are loved, get them the help neglect and abuse. Idol”. the 26th anniversary of the song they need, and assure them that “Janie’s Got A Gun” by Aeros- there is MUCH LIGHT at the January 2016 4 Bonjo-in French Club The Superintendent’s Award By Lilly Chruch Staff-Reporter have taken French, and Sny- der is even the President of the "So far this year, French Club French National Honor Society. has had a French food and mov- Having these students lead the ie day after school,” says Secre- club shows how open the club is tary Haley Snyder of the French to all students. Club about activities they have The French Club has already hosted this year. “We made mini been very active this year. How- Bûche de Noëls, we adopted ever, there is no time for slack- an angel for Key Club's holiday ing, and they have plenty more hope, and we made sabots for events in store. the holiday parade." "We are planning on having The French Club opened itself another movie day this year, a up to all students this year, re- French lunch, and we are trying gardless of whether or not they to get a class in France that we have been enrolled in French, can Skype.
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