For All Department* Call RED BANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 VOLUME LXXVH, NO. 32 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 3, 1955 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO No Rise Seen in Rumson Tax Rate; Marshall Lilly Gets Picture of Derby Winner PTA to Hold ; Protests Stall $50,000 Road Job; Square Dame Local Purpose Tax Totals $218,021 Thft Kail* Haven Pareni -Teat tier ; Votes Bonds for Equipment association will hold a square fiance j 1 Saturday ru^ht at MeGuiiv's KVOVP • COLT'S XlOf'K KMIM nppo.sj- U worn nut nn<I t. n^".\' or.n could RUMSON— This year's borough on highway 3!> in Jlidrllrtnwn town- 1 1 tax rate is expected to be the same ship. Proceeds will he usr.il In tlii:i liv tii i"' ' i'f HifIPJ:ts !i;is nius<-d krrp lucal ro^d*:; us ^ood condition. Evelyn Leavens* Hi'' Albii' or slightly lower than last year's finance an educational Held trip in ic township cinniniUec tn (.*oinnjitt'r:nriii D^'iroot AU'V! that rate, Councilman Peter Cartincll, Exhibit at Carlton the aprinK for members of t he >'"!. ;i;;i<|r, (or furtlwr d'-batr Keb. "because of the gf'i.ckr we arc able finance committee chairman, said eighth tfradr.s at both Willow -•!, llir lin.'H readme and possible to briny t.hi- rortt) figure down frcmi at the meeting of the mayor and Street and Knollwood schools, a'irtjit ion nf an ordinanff to float 5M.00O tu $0(1,000, Mr. Johnson said An art exhibit b(v Miss Evelyn a $n."jf)t) bond issue ty Hi'1 fiur- it would be a niist^ko to make council last Thursday night when Leavens of Alston ct. will he held Mrs. David Barry, chairman, re- the 1955 municipal budget was faeniK of several .street.'. • such diro'l u.•'•:: ('( t ho surplus. at the Carlton theater Wednesday ported plans for the event at t h" introduced. exeeulive board inpetin;,' Tiu'scbiy nl. 'DIP roniMj ittn\ however, unani- Mayor William Miles .said that It The budget shows a tolal of (luring tile showing of "The Hol- Knoll wood school. Kl an ley Mr In- : mously voted \n;;[ Thursday ni^ht w;is c.st.iin;]t<"'d it would C03t be- S218,021,90 to be raised by taxation ly anil thi! Ivy," a British film tosb. will cull thn K;imr:';. Mrs. 1.<> .inane'- - bv boml<; and rash down tween $100 and $300 just to put the for local government purposes. Thai Barry1.-, assistants include .Mr. and, !>:.;,• ments the purchase of n t;f*vv old £Tadrr b;irk in temporary con- presented in conjunction with the dition, i [*:• al.sn told of tho plan figure is an increase of $16,517.48 "Curtain at 8:10" series. Mv3. .John Staple and iM r. Harry. \ plct-f of fin- apparatus lor $17,000 over the amount raised iast year Because of the school 'ijunrd elec- j and a n'pw rond grader for Sl^.THO. to u:-;e th(» new grader for a lot for local purposes. Tho exhibit, to be held on the turn next Tuesday, 1he regular 1 "m> • \vl Uif- jiro- of Uifiil work, rather than contract- The tax ra.tc for local pui' poses, mezr.nnme lloor, will feature oil FVT.A. meeting will b«> he fa Mon- KIN i in UT'IT' .1. M Hiv.it! rs-l 'l!K o;id jobs, and that, in time, according to an explanatory stair paintings, cartoons on ceramic day Mi^ht at the Willow :;-HMM. \ sin :ial 1 1 thn or would pay for itself. Mr. Johnson said that if surplus ment contained in the budget, is tiles, and charcoal portraits of .school. Thn <• Ixunl nf cdurat ion ' rial ji U ill. of the | estimated at $2.78 per $100 of as- candidates Frank Leslie, w fiu in ! ;ui!li- To\\lu;lMp T;t.\ payers ;i;;.- Q- I inonry should hn U'-^d up thpro dogs. would tie nofif; to U;;n to r,asc thfl sessed valuation, an increase of 16 seeking ri'-eicrt inn, and Stan lev ! linn; Walter C. Xiniiii^t'M'. rh.'lir- Dalilgiea and Kainnan Ulack, run- budget and tho loral tax rate would 'cents per $100 over last year's rate H (,r the lnwn.-hip doiinl nf inl- •A<> up. of $2.62. However, the amount to ning fur their iiiM teinr;. will ' jUMmriil, MIIII I! IM I in -T r. be raised by taxation in the pro- Board Answers penli. Several r.-pre:,ental lves of j or t u n ihi]j planning y.v. nit nun* i^r trrl that thfl t he new Mrjrani/iil ion, 1 >;<<ls f (!•• , fomnii! fpf t h: ii'.vr JL; plan to posed school budget to be submitted board. ; to voters in the Feb. 8 school elec- will discus:; ilnii- priijecl:; and in- j luiy ;i ni'W \>\ of a|ij»<'ii" Uu3 for Vole I'uf Off i tion is down $12,237 over I lie Budget Queries nire plans. tlH' romp: , IU :!'iif! it might amount ruiscu by taxation for tiic nm fM: Waid W. (r to | up ;in .'Kiiiu.'il yp- current budget. Final determination ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS— Mrs. (; 'I Mr. pro i li> :iril of the 1955 tax rate will be made William. Is. Gaskill of 21 (Jrand il! ;i.i ;ill "r\|ifi ! uf uvr atln thnn hi j - urk utright. when the exact amounts to be col- nvc. was the sole resident of this c \]H' i\r ]K c in Ullin ii'l \>;i Auchincloss Gains Ask Help lected by the borough for county borough tu question board of edu- -•iii'i, ;ii-t i'lL; (iii h !.•• objpii i to put off ;i vut i' on I lie and local school taxes have been cation members last week about the Thomas J. Brogan, chairman of the New Jersey State Racing commission, presents A •ii; I! determined. 1055-5G school budget for $230,960. Help on Shore Bill Util )l I IIP nniiii! Hire's n' ,•)••. ner'drd now. picture of Regret, the only filly to win the Kentucky derby, to Marshall Lilly at a testimonial , I-Yi . ltt d (*hif f ("j.irrrtt The appropriations for j955 op- Mrs. (jaskiil's queries were made WASHINGTON p at public hearing of the schedule. ; <\ ;it I In- township ii;ill. Tii vo'tc \)vr:> of }\ia staff rrating expenses shows an increase dinner for Mr. Lilly Thursday night at the Mo'ly Pitcher hotel. The picture was a gift from AurhinrlMSH ill .'id J)iM.) l;i:;t Voters will act on the budget and eek ricd. of $22,150, from $234,150 last year ni<'l will, alxjul 8D. <'uiu:rc uiru elect three members of the school Mrs. James Rowe, Jr., of Montclair. Mr. Lilly, who was long associated with James Rowc, HI' lie Mi-. i inoiuntpd Mr. to $256,470. The increase is due Cioni co.'isl.'il jintl CrrM. l LTI'.'irl board next Tuesday. kes' primarily to putting members of Sr., and James Rowe, Jr., famous trainers, helped train Regret, which was born and raised at stntc.-i. ;m<l, in ;i I.ilk, explain luwnsluj) w ill fin )iis t.llill iflc police department on a -10-hour Mrs. (Jaskill's first question was Inll !u extend fedrin! erosion ds and pay a $11 OMH id to linl.- Rill*-1 work wecli, hiring three new po- whether tho proposed increase in Brookdale farm, Lincroft. Left to right, Mrs. William W. Vaughan of Oak Glen farm, Com- pnvute a:; well ;i.s public !;md n paynicnt. the. number of students, set at five, 1 ri : 5177,1 Mr. licemen, an increase- of $4,600 in missioner Brogan, Mr. Lilly, Mrs. Lilly and Edward J. Brennan, general manager of tvionmouth the shore. hn pre.- 1 look into consideration the possible Julm.-on .••lid tii ( pension payments, raises to em- IJMICI-, Mr, Auchincloss 1 in ;i ! • uf JO.SOJJII .1. .Seaman, boruuj;]) closing of the St. Agnes school kin- Park. 1 local ployees totaling $2,100 and an ap- shihMm.'nl that "them w;is tin-. Hit id the plan w;i:i for Hn dergarten. Mrs. Robert McTaguc, jiuinii- S propriation of $2,500 to start the ty a in on g rrprcsr.ilal ivc:; iship wit h it ••; pivs' n! ca.;]] board president, assured Mrs. Ona- M'CM'nt I work of the recently appointed in support of thr pruposr- lu-; nV $K'j i 1tT i would, il.ii'If. kill that up to 25 additional chil- fKisla- • •fil! local nding recreation commission. linn." llj> I In1 new Imvnship limid.: dren can be absorbed into the kin- Red Cross Quota Set at $108,006; huv a bit hi- than The increase, according to th? McCarthy Named In J'act, ho said, 1W\\. Aiinn J, • ;md. yv.w \\\>y year, pay itself bar!;, dergarten here. w budget explanatory statement, has Korantl <i_>,-Rl.i "staird that ho i wi'il Ihi inten-sl. .Should quick inonfy : 1 Mr. jjitn'iar v wi'il tin' bonding been partially offset by savings in An explanation of the rise in for any pur pus* be, uerded, the MeKini, Chairman, Cites Free Services would introduce an identical bill be- pm^rniii ;I.H a "wild :ip"urlin>; spree" other municipal operations and by costs of elections and instruction Sales Manager township could sell out part or all cause hie thoroughly believed in it.s and A:\U\ it, would juish taxes high- an increase in borough ratablcs of over the 1951-55 budget was re- of il.s bond holdings to an invest- NEW YORK CITY—Vincent Mc- 4- objectives and felt if.
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