liKJP ** m ¥5SS?lf mmkl uurrenT iTwmi A new address has Juet been re- ceived for Ron Clark as follows: Ronald H. Clark 8A 461-21-61, Oa> Estabiif htd June, 1893 LOWELL, MICH.. THuksDAY, MAY 22,1952 Number 4 ley 409 USNTC, Great Lakes, ITL N«w houata under construction Clark Parsons, son of Mr. and In Lowell vicinity art Don Bcachum F. F. A. Members Earn U. P. Trip and Project Awards Mrs. Glen Parsons of South Boston on Beaohum St., Leonard Kerr, Jr., Ptans Underway UMxpcertdly FtWoy Higher Rates who haa been confined to Base BaJJay Dr.. and Orie Oroenenboom, Hospital the past eight weeks suf- Jr., tn Vergennct townahlp. Leo A. Denny. 81, parsed away fering from pneumonia and compli- * * it For Observing Friday, May 18, verjr tffcexpectedly Forjinancing cations, was released last week. HI* Another attractive window dis- after a brief illoass at his heme at new address Is: Clark R. Parsons play along our Main etreet this 804 East Main StreeL A3-c Air Force 16402689 Graduate Brks 1351, Lackland, AFP, San An- week ia that of Avery Jewelers Decoration Day Mr Denny waa born in Grand Improvements r.'hlch ie centered with a large tonio, Texas. Rapids July 28, 1890 and has lived The special committee set up compoeite picture o! the Class of Lowell and surrounding com- the past 88 years in Lowell. Until William Foster, son of Mr. and 'S3 of Lowell High School, around muniUes are getting plans wall by the council to bring in plans for recently he has been itt the employ financing extensions of sewers and Mrs. Floyd Foster of R-2, Lowell, which ii grouped gift suggestions underway for the annual observ- now haa an overseas address as fol- of the C. H. Runclman Co. water mains in the village of Low- for the graduate. The picture ia ance of Decoration Day, which lows: William B. Foster FN Navy large enough so that each member falls this year on Friday, May 80. Surviving are his wife, Evelyn; ell proposed to the council on Mon- one son, Robert Denny, of Low- • ^ 115 Box 61, c. o. FPO, New York, of the class may easily be identified The American Legion. Veterans 7 f t day night that these improvements ell; two daughters, Mrj. Janice N. Y. His father came to the of- from the window. of Foreign Wsrs, their Auxiliaries, be paid for by revenue bonds which fice last week and ordered the Led- Marlnaro of Metuchen, N. J., and * * • also Blue Star Mothers, and Wom- would be spread over an extended ger sent to him. Sylvia at home; also three grand- Lowell's week for clean-up, paint- an's Relief Corps are cooperating period and paid by an increase in children. A son, Raymond, pre- up haa made a big Improvement in in arranging ceremonies for the village water rates and a sewer Charles Kelley completed his ceded his father In death. all parte of the village. Rubbiah day, with Babe Wingeier, Louis tax. The committee told tha coun- basic training at Lackland AFB, has been hauled away, amall re- Kingsley and Lawrence Armstrong Funeral services were held Mon- cil that if the residents want im- Texas May 4, and Is now stationed modeling and repair jobe in many representing the American Legion day morning at St. Mary's church provements they must be willing at Sheppard AFB, Texas, where hs of the homes add to the attractive- and interment was in Oak wood to pay for them. is studj^ng airplane mechanics. He and Gordon Hill, the V.F.W. act- * Jl'V % ness in residential areas. ing as committee In charge. cemetery. W. A. Roth ft Sons were The council took this under con- writes he is continuing as Bar- The village haa the streets all in charge. racks Chief. His new address Is Any other organization or group sideration and authorized the spec- marked off for safety rones, park- A-3c Charles E. Kelley, AF164036f0^ interested in assisUng with this ial committee of Elmer Schaefer, ing care, for reserved and no park- W. A. Roth and Thomas Moore to 3769 Student Barracks 862, Shep- ing places. patriotic observance is asked to Softball Season proceed and employ an engineer to pard AFB, Texas. The white and yellow painted contact any member of Uie com- prepare plans add specifications linea really show up. mittee. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Willard have Opens in Lowell for the first proposed sewer and * * * received the address for their son water extension on E. Main street The petunia tuba will be placed who has been tent to Korea We The annual meeUng and program Monday Night to the village limits. along our Main St. during the next pass it on for the benefit of friends of the South Boston Cemetery As- The council also authorized the week, before Memorial Day and who wish to write to him. Pvt sociation will be held at South The Lowell Moose Softball taant committee to prepare pians to will be cared for conaistently with Richard C. Willard US 27028448 Boston Grange hall on May 80th. will pry the lid off their 1982 divorce the water department from the hope that they will be in their 560th MP Co. APO 89 c. o. Poet- The program will start at 9:10 schedule at Recreation Park Mon- the Light and Power utility and full glory for Showboat Days, the mnster. San Francisco. Calif. committee haa announced. with the Rev. Glenn McCarty of thly, May 28, at 8:80 p.m. Opening set the sewer and water depart- Those acting oa tbe tub commit- Saranac giving tbe address. -- ceremonies will be carried on in ment up as a separate utility. A-C 1st class James W. Fonger tee are Mrs. Errol Osborne, chair- real big league style. At 8:18 the returned Thursday to Selfridga Fire Protection for Keene naa; Mrs. Albert Dalstra, Mrs. L High School band will parade from Field to finish his enlistment. W. McFall, Mrs. Liale Watteraon The Caledonia American Legion the school to the ball park tor tha Edwin Thompson, supervisor of will hold their memorial services at traditional flag raising. Front Row—Mr. Rlchrcdnd, Hareld ^filler, Harvey Stark, Don Bergy, Ken Preston, Doug Antonldes, Mr. Keene Township was present at Word has been received from and Mrs. A. E. Ward. the Alaska cemetery on Friday * * * the meeting to ask the village Bob Kline, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. morning. May 80, at 10:48. Follow- The opponents for the Moose Hagen. Second Row—Harold Seese. Don Richardson, Jack Smith, Leonard Hoag, Dave Miller, Duane Knapp. council to enter Into an agreement L. Kline, who enlisted in the Mar- Part of the Ledger staff was in ing the services there will be a pro- will be the Grand Rapida Team- Bob Condon, Lewis Condon. with Keene Township for fire pro- ines with Bill Kinyon, son of Mr. our nc!5hborlng city of Holland gram and the Cemetery Association sters Union. The sponsors for this Hover, Dick Bancroft, Charlea Transue, Clyde Francisco, Glen Rosen- tection for the residents In the and Mrs. Earl Kinyon. Bob gives Saturday and enjoyed a full day meeting. team are spending over a thousand Third Row—Bob Onan, Richasd of the hospitality of the Tulip City. dollars in equipment, uniforms, berger, lioyd Miller. western part of the township with us his address as follows: Pvt. The quaint Dutch costumes and Msnfman Cemetetry at 2:N etc. The Moose, too, will be Fourth Row—John PsUioe. Don Dchroeder, Tom Canfleld, Carlan Anderson, George Anderson, Bob Lowell telephones. The council Robert J. Kilns, lt27W7-8l7-C-Oo. danotag gWa, the parade of bands Memorial Day services will be flashing typical Yankee uniforms HIcok, Bob Smlt. agreed to accept the Keene board's 4th Recruit Trng. Btn., MC.R.D., In which some 44 outatate bands held at Merriman cemetery on Sun- of pearl grey set off by dark caps Fifth Row—David Krebs, B B Condon. Paul Richardson, Val Bennett, Ken Houlihan, Gordon Alberts offer of $50 a call for each fire run SanDeigo 40, Calif. As yet no from high schools and patriotic or- day, May 38th at 2:80 p. m. and socks. Lee Norton. Into the township. \ permanent address has been re- ganlxations took part, the gorgeous For the opening ceremonies Vil- In the rear, holdlag the b Lare Arnie Staal, left *nd Dick Lumbert, right. This Is In line with payments the ceived from Bill. floats intermingled throughout the township has made to the Saranac Twtfvt WM Racaivt lage President Peter Speerstra will The 15 boys who have earned the Ronald Collins entered the ser* parade, the beautiful drive through fire department of 1900 for ten BSpcS UsJlf I^ASMRAIlltSAN pitch the first ball to Jack Fonger, trip to the Uupper Peninsula this vice May 14th. Several Lowell peo- the tulip lanes and the acres of col- CORRESPONDENTS! years protection and $1,500 pay- president of the Lowell Board of year are Arnith Stahl, 1.818 points; ple heard him broadcast over WJR orful blooms on the tulip farms is Trade. C. H. Runclman will servo Kindergartnecs ment to the Beldlng fire depart- a most wonderful eight. At St. Movy's Church For the bsnsfrt of our adver. Harold MllUr, 1,968; Donald Bergy. Thursday afternoon on a program aa umpire in calling the pitch. titers and patrons the Ledger 1,167; Charles Transue, 1.161* Rus- ment for like term of fire protec- Our "Ledgerettes" commented Next Sunday, May 28, at eight of interviewing new recruits.
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